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Meet Ambition Insights

Sales Enhancement that Self-Reports ROI

Last month, we unveiled Ambition Triggers -- targeted, micro-level business intelligence on employee performance. Today, we present to you our newest feature: Ambition Insights.

This is your macro-level business intelligence, fully customizable & instantly accessible.

Pictured: Access the Ambition Insights dashboard by hovering over the pie icon in the upper right corner and clicking "Dashboard."

Business Intelligence Made Simple

Spearheaded by our Front-End Engineering Lead, Jeff McRiffey, and newest Data Scientist NASA technologist and MIT Systems Analyst Rob deCarvalho -- Ambition Insights arms your business intelligence to the teeth.

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Ambition Insights guarantees your organization two things:

● Simple, straightforward insights on big-picture employee performance.

● A sales acceleration platform that self-reports its ROI.

The focus is on daily averages -- what is being accomplished in your organization on a day-to-day basis. The Ambition Insights dashboard shows you those daily trends on both a company-wide scale and at an individual level.

In essence, we equip your management with a tool to quickly and easily perform three core functions:

1. Track aggregate performance across different metrics, account types, management teams & departments.

2. Visualize trends in performance over the past week, month, 3 months, or year.

3. Spotlight individuals and discover meaningful exceptions in performance trends.

Pictured: Mr. Marlow's outbound email production suffered a significant dip during September, an exception in his performance trend.

Swiftness & Agility

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The most effective business intelligence tools give you the power to make fast, informed decisions on-the-fly. Logically, the true value of a data analytics tool derives from its capacity to optimize two of your most valuable resources:

1. Time.

2. Insight.

As an organizational leader, you operate in a perpetual state when you need more of both. The Ambition Insights dashboard is where you swiftly acquire the intelligence you need to make strategic decisions.

Reporting at Warp-Speed

A Vice-President of Sales presides over a team of 450 sales reps. He wants to see graphs charting his personnel's revenue performance over the past year. In the Ambition Insights dashboard, the V.P. of Sales will receive those graphs in 1 to 3 seconds. That's how long they take to process.

This is as fast as report generating gets For a 100-plus person team, our reporting generation occurs at 1000x the speed of a typical Local Management Entity software. It can occur anywhere at 10-100x the speed of Salesforce, depending on the data at hand.

There's no waiting in the Insights dashboard. It's built with horsepower that can compete with the most advanced Business Intelligence tools on the market.

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Pictured: The Ambition Insights Dashboard.

Clear and Essential Insights

When you're evaluating business intelligence software for your Sales Force, you'll come across a bevy of products that throw what seem like every conceivable graph, chart and table onto their dashboard, all at once.

We designed Ambition Insights to be different. This is B.I. that subscribes to the value of simplicity, not complexity, which is why we opted to craft a lean, intuitive dashboard.

Information overload is the ally of analysis paralysis, and the enemy of efficiency. Ambition Insights is designed for optimal efficiency, giving you the essential insights you need while letting you customize the information that you receive.

Pictured: The Ambition Insights Dashboard, used by a Logistics company.

Use-Case Scenario: Checking on the East Coast Sales Office

Let's say you want to get a Bird's Eye view of Sales Office performance in your New York office from the last quarter. More specifically, you want to know how many deals their Account Executives have been closing.

With five clicks, you can instantly see:

● Mean and median individual performance.

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● Trends in aggregate office performance.

● Benchmark attainment for that particular metric.

You can delve deeper into individual performance by clicking on each bar in the bottom graph, and see that Jeremy, Blake & George have been your Rock Stars.

You can also specify that the Reporting only apply to certain days of the week by clicking on each day's abbreviation.

If it's unlikely that your Sales Reps will be spending their weekends closing deals (Pro-Tip: It is), then simply click on the "S" letters signifying Saturday and Sunday, and those days will not factor into the report.

Note: This company designated its New York Sales Reps as "East Coast Ambition League."

How to Stop Worrying and Love ROI

Our engineering team may not be mad scientists, but they do have backgrounds at places like Google, NASA & the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. They're brilliant developers and data scientists, and they're here to transfer that level of intellect to your business intelligence.

As we reported in our State of the American Workplace post, 87% of Fortune 1000 Executives surveyed by MIT-Sloan are ramping up their business analytics. At the same time, CEB has found that a staggering 48 percent of organizations do not use talent metrics to prove ROI or inform business decisions.

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We're here to change that latter statistic. That kind of willful ignorance has no place in our high-tech modern times.

Which brings us to our final point: Solid business intelligence is all about achieving one thing: Clarity.

Everything about our latest feature -- from dashboard layout to ROI Self-Reporting -- goes back to achieving clarity.

And Ambition Insights does just that. See it for yourself in our Product Touror contact us directly at [email protected] to schedule a live product demo with a member of our Team.

We're the guys you want in your War Room.

Pictured: Dr. Strangelove, a diabolical genius not unlike our engineers. Except we prefer to create sustainable revenue growth, not nuclear winter.

For more insight on how Ambition impacts Sales Forces, visit our Academy page and check out our free, downloadable White Paper, e-Book & Case Study.