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Phone: 360-809-3058

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P.O. Box C

Lawrence, KS 66044

Tel: 360-809-3058

Behind the Blue Line— Law Enforcement Whistleblowers

Medical Whistleblowers come from all walks of life and many pro-

fessional disciplines. Anyone with access to information related to

medical fraud, abuse and neglect can be a Medical Whistleblower.

Medical Whistleblower supports those who have already made that

choice and those still considering their future path. There is no

cost to request support from Medical Whistleblower. Medical

Whistleblower is not a counseling service and does not provide

legal representation or advice. We are an advocate for change and

provide meaningful information related to the Medical Whistle-

blower’s experience and networking contacts for further support.

Medical Whistleblowers can be Doctors, Pharmacists, Researchers,

Police Officers, Federal Law Enforcement Agents, Nurses, Medical

Technicians, Certified Public Accountants, Attorneys, Judges,

Therapists, Prosecutors, Hospital CEO’s, Academic Medical In-

structors, Veterans, Emergency Medical Technicians, and even

Patients and their families. Medical Whistleblowers are a great

untapped resource of dedicated and highly trained professionals –

many with medical degrees and even Advanced Medical Board

Certifications, who are willing to communicate with and assist

National Security efforts. Medical Whistleblowers wish to actively

participate in problem solving activities with National Security

agencies to help to expose fraud within the system and to prevent

abuse of citizens and neglect of those most vulnerable. Medical

Whistleblowers have capabilities that can enhance efforts to en-

hance security, provide threat assessment, investigate criminal

activity and prevent terrorism. Medical Whistleblowers can iden-

tify patterns of terrorist activity as well as gaps and deficiencies in

National Security that would otherwise not be revealed. Medical

Whistleblowers are competent and capable professionals who

courageously risk their livelihoods when they come forward in the

name of transparency and openness, to reveal dangerous activity.

It is a sad fact that currently the National Security system often

repays their advocacy by retaliating against them and they often

lose their cherished right to privacy & suffer severe personal loss.

Who are Medical Whistleblowers?

Medical Whistleblower

Supporting the Emotional Health of All Whistleblowers and their Friends, Supporters and


Medical Whistleblower

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Law enforcement

officers actually

look forward and

relish a day filled

with what most

civilians would

think was stressful. Officers choose to have a

career in law enforcement and are very adept at

handling stress of the job. They deal daily with

crime, criminal suspects, and the vulgarities of

the imperfect court system.

The real most common stressors in police work

are 1) The Boss (this is the first and most impor-

tant) 2) Marital Conflicts 3) Other Family Prob-

lems 4) Finances and lastly 5) The stress of the

job itself. Being a Whistleblower behind the Blue

Line exposes Police Officers to an increase in

stress in all 5 of these areas.

Law Enforcement Officers like Medical Doctors

become hardened to the trauma they see every

day. Both Medical Professionals and Law En-

forcement Officers have gained experience and

have learned many strategies to deal with

stress. Persons who choose these professions

do so knowing that they will be exposed to

stressful situations and difficult choices often of

life or death. Law enforcement officers are hu-

man and subject in their own somewhat unique

perils of unrelenting and unresolved stress,

sometimes bottled up over a period of years.

Law Enforcement


Whistleblower Retaliation Stress

But the kind of stress that they may experience as

a result of a critical incident, is small compared to

the complex chronic stress brought on by Whistle-

blower Retaliation and Bullying in the workplace.

Because being a Whistleblower behind the Blue

Line is a truly emotionally stressful experience, as

anyone who has watched the movie Serpico

knows. It is necessary to understand the long

term chronic stress of

being a Whistleblower

behind the Blue Line

which can cause Post

Traumatic Stress Disor-

der. The problems fac-

ing the Officer Whistle-

blower are unique as

the institutional ways of

stress intervention are

often not effective in

the Whistleblowing

situation. The reason

for this is that critical incident debriefing as it is

commonly done will not happen because it may be

your supervisors or co-workers that you are anony-

mously reporting. When whistleblowing within the

law enforcement community, trust becomes a ma-

jor issue and workplace safety is a very constant

concern. Whistleblowing officers often feel be-

trayed or abandoned by their bosses and hung out

to dry.

Social Networks vs. Therapy

It is important to provide a meaningful social net-

work of emotional and spiritual support to Whistle-

blowing officers and their families. Strengthening

the officer’s social support network may avert the

need for more inten-

sive and invasive

actions into the offi-

cers life. Because

of the nature of po-

lice supervision, the

act of blowing the

whistle may initiate a fitness for duty investigation

into the officer’s personal and private life. This can

create conflict when the commanding officer or su-

pervisors are involved in the activity the Whistle-

blower is exposing. A hostile fitness for duty psychi-

atric examination may be in retaliation for his Whis-

tleblowing activity and may place the officer’s job

and badge in jeopardy. Officer’s should be informed

that the fitness for duty exam should never be done

by the treating therapist. Finding a therapist the

officer will trust may be difficult as most therapists

are not familiar with the stresses and dangers

within policing work or Whistleblower Retaliation

Trauma. It is essential that when the officer

chooses a therapist that he/she feels secure that

the treatment is confidential. Honesty and trust are

necessary for a good therapeutic relationship. Most

officers will instead “stuff it” and continue to act as

if nothing is bothering them. This is the “real men

don’t cry” act. It is common first for anger to

emerge, but depression usually lurks just below the

surface. Officers will hide their symptoms from

co-workers, supervisors, family and friends, and

may use alcohol to hide their feelings. The justi-

fied outrage and resentment against an unrespon-

sive system can mask the underlying depression

and even lead to feelings of helplessness and

hopelessness which can even lead to suicide.

More officers die each year from suicide than

from homicide. We must respond quickly to any

whistleblowing officer requesting assistance as

there is no real thing as minor stress in police
