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  • Vol. 107 No. 3 March 2009

    MEDICAL MANAGEMENT AND PHARMACOLOGY UPDATEEditors: F. John Firriolo and Nelson I. Rhodus

    Advances in hematologic stem cell transplant: An update fororal health care providers

    Joel B. Epstein, DMD, MSD, FRCD(C), FCDS(BC), FDS RCS(Edin),a,b

    Judith E. Raber-Drulacher, DDS, PhD,c Affi Wilkins, DDS,b Maria-Gabriella Chavarria, DDS,a


    Oral supportive care is critical in the management of patients receiving hematopoietic cell transplantation(HCT). Advances in HCT, such as the use of stem cells isolated from peripheral blood instead of bone marrow, haveresulted in more rapid engraftment and thus a shorter duration of pancytopenia. Reduced-intensity conditioningregimens, associated with less toxicity, make HCT available to older patients and patients with comorbidities. Thesenew developments have led to increased transplant rates and an altered spectrum of therapy-related complications,such as mucositis, and to shifts in the prevalence and pattern of occurrence of infections and graft-versus-host disease.The purpose of this paper is to review the main principles of HCT and to update dental providers on new technologiesbeing applied to transplantation that may influence oral complications and oral care. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral

    Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2009;107:301-312)

    Originally a treatment of last resort, hematopoietic celltransplantation (HCT) is now widely used as a poten-tially curative procedure for hematologic malignanciesas well as a number of other diseases. HCT can serve asa rescue procedure to reconstitute the hematopoieticsystem when damaged by high-dose chemo/radiother-apy for treatment of malignancy, because hematopoi-etic stem cells possess the capacity for self-renewal aswell as differentiation into all blood cell lineages (Fig.1). In addition, allogeneic stem cells or their progenycan be used to deliver anticancer immunotherapy. The

    aProfessor, Department of Oral Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences,University of Illinois.bAdvocate, Illinois Masonic Hospital.cLeiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands.dDirector, Hematology Malignancies and Blood and Marrow Trans-plant Program, University of Colorado Health Science Center.Received for publication Jul 2, 2008; returned for revision Oct 30,2008; accepted for publication Dec 2, 2008.1079-2104/$ - see front matter 2009 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.


    number of HCTs now performed is estimated to be50,000-60,000 annually worldwide (Fig. 2). About20,000 of these are allogeneic HCTs (in which blood-forming stem cells are derived from a related or unre-lated donor), nearly one-half, are to treat acute leuke-mia. Approximately 35,000 are autologous HCTs (inwhich a patient is his or her own donor) and are mostfrequently used for multiple myeloma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. HCT is also used in the treatmentof selected solid tumors and can serve as replacementtherapy in patients with congenital immunodeficiencyand inborn errors of metabolism or to reset the im-munologic system in patients with autoimmune disor-ders.

    Oral care is critical in the management of patientsreceiving HCT. In this article, we provide backgroundinformation about HCT for the treatment of malignan-cies, focusing on recent progress, aimed to inform oralcare providers. In addition, we explore the potentialeffect of new developments on oral health and oral careregimens and will identify areas in which more research

    in this area of oral supportive care is needed.


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    HISTORY OF HCTAfter the Second World War, fear of subsequent

    nuclear warfare stimulated increased interest in theeffects of ionizing radiation. Bone marrow was recog-nized as an organ that is sensitive to the effects ofradiation, and much effort was directed in developingstrategies to treat exposure. Through a series of discov-eries in the middle of the 20th century, bone marrowcells were used for the recovery of the human hemato-

    Fig. 1. Hematopoietic stem cell differentiation into differentblood cells. CLP, Common lymphoid precursor cell; CMP,common myeloid precursor cell; GMP, common granulocyte/macrophage precursor cell; MEP, megakaryocyte-erythrocyteprogenitors.

    Fig. 2. Annual number of hematopoietic stem cell transplantsbetween 1970 and 2006 worldwide (by courtesy of Center forInternational Blood and Marrow Transplant Research). Thereare an estimated 50,000-60,000 hematopoietic stem cell trans-plants performed annually worldwide. This figure reflectsseveral notable events over the past decade, including theinitial enthusiasm and later disappointment about the use ofautologous HCT for breast cancer, the availability of targetednontransplant therapy for chronic myelogenous leukemia (aleading indication for allogeneic HCT), and the increasing useof autologous and allogeneic HCT in older patients.

    poietic system. In 1949, it was observed that mice could

    survive total body irradiation (TBI) at sublethal doseswhen autologous or syngeneic (derived from a geneti-cally identical twin sibling) marrow cells were trans-planted, and that survival was related to hematologiccell recovery.1 At the same time, it was discovered thatradiation could be used to treat leukemia, though itcaused irreversible damage to bone marrow cells. In thelate 1950s, the first transplants were undertaken.Thomas et al. reported that a patient with end-stageleukemia treated with TBI followed by infusion of heridentical twins marrow had a 3-month remission.2 Aspredicted from animal studies, patients who were trans-planted with marrow from allogeneic donors developedsecondary disease, now known as graft-versus-hostdisease (GVHD). Conversely, patients who underwentsyngeneic transplantation did not develop significantGVHD, but they died more often from progressiveleukemia.3 From animal studies, it became clear thatallogeneic HCT may function as immunotherapy by itsgraft-versus-leukemia (GVL) effect.4

    In the early 1960s, the first human leukocyte antigens(HLA) were discovered and the relevance of theseantigens in the development of GVHD was estab-lished.5,6 These observations led to the successful clin-ical application of allogeneic HCT.7 Since then, greatprogress has been made in improving the successof HCT. Current indications for HCT are shown inTable I.

    TYPES OF HCTHCT can be categorized by the source of stem cells

    used, by the donor of the stem cells, and by the condi-tioning regimen used to prepare the recipient for HCT.

    Sources of hematopoietic stem cellsIn the past, HCT has been called bone marrow trans-

    plantation (BMT), because hematopoietic stem cellswere exclusively taken from the bone marrow. Thisprocedure requires aspiration from the posterior iliaccrest while the donor is under anesthesia. Peripheralblood is now the preferred source for harvesting stemcells in adults. Normally very few stem cells are presentin the blood circulation, but there is a dramatic increasein early hematopoietic cells after administration ofgranulocyte colonystimulating growth factor.8,9 In-creased numbers of these cells, identified by expressionof the surface marker CD34, also appear in the periph-eral circulation after recovery from myelosuppressivechemotherapy. Peripheral blood stem cell transplant(PBSCT) has been shown to produce earlier engraft-ment and recovery of granulocytes and platelets com-pared with BMT,10,11 and it is accompanied with re-duced early infection and shorter hospitalization.12

    However, allogeneic PBSCT may be associated with a

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    higher incidence of chronic GVHD (cGVHD) and in-fection with cytomegalovirus (CMV) compared withBMT.13 Umbilical cord blood (UCB) is an acceptedsource of stem cells for pediatric transplantation andoffers several advantages, such as ease of retrieval withminimal risk to the donor, less stringent HLA-matchingcriteria without increasing the risk of GVHD, and lowerrisk of transfer of viruses.14 However, UCB has been

    Table I. Current indications for stem-cell transplanta-tion (SCT) (modified from Westbrook et al.70)





    LeukemiaAcute myelogenous Acute lymphocytic Chronic myelogenous Chronic lymphocytic

    LymphomasNon-Hodgkin Hodgkin disease

    Plasma cell dyscrasia ()a

    Multiple myeloma Amyloid

    Solid tumors b

    Breast cancer Ovarian cancer Testicular cancer ()a

    Renal cell cancer Brain tumorsNeuroblastoma ()a Ewing sarcoma b

    Acquired bone marrowdisorders

    Severe aplastic anemia Myelodysplastic



    Congenital disorders ()a Sickle cell anemia Thalassemia Fanconi anemia White cell disorders Severe combined




    Osteopetrosis Storage diseases b

    Autoimmune diseases Systemic scleroderma Rheumatoid arthritis Systemic lupus


    Multiple sclerosis ()a

    aTentative indication.bStudies are still in initial stage of clinical trials.

    linked to slower engraftment and increased graft fail-

    ure,15 and a limited number of cells that can be obtainedfrom a single umbilical cord hampers the extension ofUBC in adults. Recently, pooling UCB from 2 donorswhose HLA is closely matched to the recipient hasresulted in more rapid engraftment in adults whereunrelated donors are unavailable.16 Despite the diffi-culties presented, blood sources appear to be a bettersource of stem cells. Therefore, current practice hasmoved from using bone marrow to using blood sourcesto obtain stem cells for transplantation.

    Autologous and allogeneic HCTAutologous hematopoietic stem cells in principle are

    available for every patient; however, transplantation inthis setting is provided for marrow reconstitution, andtreatment of the cancer is derived entirely from thehigh-dose conditioning regimen. Furthermore, there isa risk of contamination of the graft with residual ma-lignant cells, which are reinfused into the patient.

    Autologous HCT is widely used as curative treat-ment of chemosensitive malignancies such as non-Hodgkin lymphoma and Hodgkin disease. The currentstrategy for multiple myeloma is tandem HCT (a com-bined autologous HCT followed by nonmyeloablativeallogeneic HCT). Significant improvements in support-ive care, particularly effective management of infec-tion, have improved the safety of autologous HCT.Therefore, strategies to further improve its outcome areconcentrated on optimizing techniques to eliminate ma-lignant stem cells from both the patient and the stemcell graft.

    In leukemia, allogeneic HCT is the preferred treat-ment because cancer outcome is derived from high-dose chemotherapy and is accompanied by GVL, animmunologic response against chemo/radiotherapy-re-sistant malignant cells.17 Allogeneic stem cell donorsmay be related (usually a sibling) or unrelated andshould have a matching HLA type. Matching is per-formed on the basis of variability at 3 or more loci ofthe major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genesthat encode for HLA polypeptides. In humans, theterms MHC and HLA are often used interchangeably.The MHC genes are closely linked on chromosome 6and are inherited as haplotypes (i.e., inherited as a unit).The MHC forms the basis for the ability of the adaptiveimmune system to distinguish between self and nonselfand is involved in initiating immune responses. Basedon their structure and function, there are 2 classes ofHLA antigens, termed class I and class II. HLA class Iantigens include HLA-A, -B, and -C and are found onnearly all cells of the body, whereas class II HLA-DR,-DQ and -DP antigens are typically found on cells ofthe immune system. The availability of an identical

    twin (syngeneic) donor is less than 1%, and siblings

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    have a 25% chance of being genotypically HLAidentical (i.e., inheriting the same paternal and maternalMHC genes: a 2-haplotype match). It may also bepossible to identify individuals within families (e.g., aparent, uncle, aunt, cousin) who share only 1 haplotypewhich is identical by descent and are phenotypicallymatched for the nonshared haplotype. The lack ofHLA-identical related donors has stimulated the devel-opment of large data banks of volunteer unrelated do-nors. Great progress has been made in HLA-typingtechnology and, whenever possible, unrelated donorsare completely phenotypically matched for criticalHLA class I and II antigens. This level of matchingdoes not necessarily mean that the donor and the recip-ient are matched for all epitopes on these molecules norfor the numerous other polymorphic genes within theMHC. In addition, even in closely related donors, mis-matched minor histocompatibility antigens (mHags),encoded by genes outside the MHC in the recipient,that are recognized as antigens by donor T cells mayinduce immune responses resulting in graft rejectionand GVHD.18 For this reason, immunosuppressive reg-imens are required in allogeneic HCT even when graftsare derived from donors that are genotypically HLAidentical.

    Conditioning regimensThe objective of myeloablative preparation before

    transplantation is both to eradicate malignant cells and,in allogeneic transplantation, to induce immunosup-pression that permits engraftment. TBI combined withcyclophosphamide has been the standard preparativeregimen since the 1980s, but the toxicity of TBI, par-ticularly in children, has resulted in the development ofradiation-free regimens. Myeloablative HCT is associ-ated with considerable toxicity to mucosal barriers andinduces profound myelosuppression which puts the pa-tient at risk for serious infectious complications untilengraftment. In the late 1990s, a better understanding ofGVL biology led to preparative regimens that involveless intensive conditioning radio/chemotherapy and arethus less toxic than myeloablative regimens. Unliketraditional conditioning, these new regimens are pri-marily immunosuppressive to enable engraftment ofthe transplanted donor cells, and depend on the graft toeradicate cancer. These regimens have been dividedinto truly nonmyeloablative regimens (in which thebone marrow will recover even without HCT) andreduced-intensity conditioning regimens (RIC) inwhich chemotherapeutic drugs are used that are lesscytotoxic than myeloablative regimens but are used inhigher doses than in a nontransplant setting.19,20 Forreasons of simplicity we will use the term RIC in this

    article (Table II). RIC transplants are associated with

    less morbidity and mortality compared with myeloab-lative regimens in the first 3 months after transplant, butmore patients may develop complications thereafter.RIC transplants can be conducted in patients previouslynot eligible for myeloablative protocols because of theirage or medical condition.21,22

    DONOR LYMPHOCYTE INFUSIONThe concept of donor lymphocyte infusion (DLI)

    contributed to a paradigm shift in which myeloablativeconditioning is no longer deemed to be necessary forthe eradication of tumor cells. In early studies, DLIalone was shown to induce transient remission in pa-tients with relapsed chronic myeloid leukemia (CML),even without previous HCT.23 Today, DLI may be usedto induce durable remission in patients with early-stagerelapsed CML after allogeneic HCT. DLI is only mod-erately effective for relapse of acute myeloid leukemia,with 15%-40% of patients achieving complete remis-sion, and is rarely successful in patients with relapsedacute lymphoblastic leukemia. Multiple myeloma pa-tients have response rates to DLI of 40%-45%, suggest-ing a benefit in relapsed disease. Complications of DLIinclude acute and chronic GVHD, though GVHD afterDLI may be easier to control than HCT-inducedGVHD. In contrast to myeloablative transplant, RICpreserves the recipients hematopoietic system to vari-ous degrees, and transplanted stem cells coexist withresidual host lymphocytes and marrow cells (mixedchimerism). This situation may cause graft rejection(Table III). DLI can successfully convert chimerism tofull donor type. Although DLI remains the mainstay ofadoptive immunotherapy after HCT,24 new approachesare being developed, allowing more targeted treatmentof relapsed or persistent leukemias by using leukemia-specific cytotoxic T-cells.25,26 Epstein-Barr virusspe-cific cytotoxic T cells are being used to treat post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders, and likewise,CMV-specific T cells are being used to treat viruses

    Table II. Impact of advances in hematologic trans-plants

    Nonmyeloablative transplants (minitransplants)

    Hematopoietic growth factorsAdvances in antimicrobial prophylaxisReduced prevalence/severity of oral mucositisChange in spectrum of infection:

    Increased fungal infection, reduced Candida albicansReduced Herpes simplex infection, increased cytomegalovirus

    infectionIncreased graft versus host disease

    that affect patients after HCT.

  • OOOOEVolume 107, Number 3 Epstein et al. 305


    Mucositis is induced by radiation therapy and/orchemotherapy and is characterized by mucosal damageranging from mild inflammation to extensive ulcer-ation, which may affect the oral cavity and other partsof the alimentary tract. In patients treated with myeloa-blative HCT, oral mucositis (OM) most frequently af-fects nonkeratinized mucosal surfaces, such as ventraland lateral tongue, floor of mouth, soft palate, buccalmucosa, and inner side of the lips. Typically, OM peaksbetween post-transplant days 6 and 12 and begins toresolve by day 14-18. OM is one of the most debilitat-ing acute complications of myeloablative HCT from thepatients perspective, because it accompanied with painand dysphagia and affects food and oral medicationintake.27 Ulcerative mucositis is associated with poten-tially life threatening infection and leads to an increaseddemand on health care resources.28,29

    Mucosal damage is also considered to be associatedwith the development of acute GHVD. The incidenceof OM has been estimated to range from 75% to 100%after myeloablative conditioning regimens,30 and thepreparative regimen is an independent risk factor forthe severity and the pattern of OM.31 Robien et al.found TBI-containing conditioning regimens, beingoverweight, and a genetic polymorphism associatedwith increased methotrexate toxicity to be risk factorsfor OM in patients receiving allogeneic HCT for my-eloid leukemia.32 Methotrexate as prophylaxis forGVHD has also been associated with a significantlyhigher severity and duration of OM compared withother immunosuppressive drugs.33

    Little information is available on the prevalence andseverity of OM after RIC regimens, although the inci-dence and severity of OM is expected to be lower.Vela-Ojeda et al. reported in a study comparing my-eloablative versus RIC regimens for allogeneic HCT inpatients with leukemia that severe mucositis developedin 32% and 7% of those patients, respectively.34 Pro-

    Table III. Reduced-intensity (RI) conditioning regi-mens and their risks of graft-versus-host disease(GVHD) and treatment-related morbidity and mortality(TRM) (modified from National Cancer Institute69)

    RI conditioning regimen Risk of GVHD Risk of TRM

    Busulfan FLU ATG 34 15Thiotepa cyclophosphamide 25 14TBI 200 cGY 50 15Melphalan FLU CAMPATH 0 16

    spective clinical studies with OM as a primary end

    point are needed to clarify the prevalence and severityof OM associated with different RIC regimens. In suchstudies, effort must be taken to distinguish between OMand oral herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection, becauseHSV reactivation may frequently occur after potentimmunosuppressive RIC regimens unless antiviral pro-phylaxis is provided.

    InfectionInfections, including those from oral sources, are a

    frequent complication of HCT. Risk factors include theunderlying malignant disease, the medical condition ofthe patient, the presence of chronic or latent infections,the type of transplant, the source of stem cells, the useof antimicrobials, mucosal barrier loss, and the devel-opment of GVHD. There are 2 main mechanisms thatplay a role in the risk for infection. One depends onnonspecific defenses such as the integrity of surfacebarriers, which may be damaged by intensive condi-tioning regimens. In addition, the use of indwellingvenous catheters contributes to the infection risk. Theother major defence against infections is the immunesystem, which has a nonspecific and a specific compo-nent. Nonspecific protection results from activity ofgranulocytes, monocytes, macrophages, natural killer(NK) cells, T cells, and complement. The specific im-mune system cannot operate independently from thenonspecific immune system, because cells from thenonspecific immune system are required to presentantigen in the context of HLA before a specific immuneresponse can be mounted.35 Virtually all components ofthe immune system are deficient after HCT.

    Uncomplicated recovery starts with healing of themucosal tissues and recovery of granulocytes and NKcells about 2 weeks after myeloablative conditioning.T-Cell and B-cell immune responses against viral, bac-terial, and fungal organisms may be suppressed for aprolonged period of time, particularly if GVHD devel-ops after allogeneic HCT. There is evidence that theoral microflora is a major source of systemic infectionparticularly in the setting of OM.36-39 Disease, drugs,and hospitalization affect the composition of the mi-crobial flora and defence mechanisms of oral mucosaltissues, including decreased salivary production defi-cient in immune proteins (see subsequent section). Insuch an environment, it is extremely important to treatpreexistent clinical oral infection, reduce the oral mi-crobial load by interventions in the pretreatment phase,and avoid accumulation of dental plaque by maintain-ing good oral hygiene after HCT. OM is acknowledgedto be the principal risk factor for bacteremia due toviridans streptococci40 and coagulase-negative staphy-lococci.41 In addition, oral mucosal infections may be

    associated with a wide variety of other microorganisms,

  • OOOOE306 Epstein et al. March 2009

    including anaerobic bacteria, fungi, and viruses, virtu-ally all of which may give rise to systemic infectiouscomplications. Current management for Candida infec-tions has reduced systemic candidiasis, although oro-pharyngeal and esophageal infection remains a com-mon complication of treatment with potentially seriousconsequences. Aspergillosis and other fungal patho-gens have become of increasing concern. Late infectionwith CMV is also seen more frequently. The time ofoccurrence and appearance of the lesions, includingsize, distribution, and color, may contribute to the dif-ferential diagnosis.42 However, it is typically difficultto diagnose infections based on clinical presentationalone, and coexistent oral conditions such as mucositisand GVHD increase the difficulty of diagnosis.

    In addition to infections related to the oral mucosa,chronic infections associated with the dentition maygive rise to complications during myelosuppression.These infections typically involve the dental pulp/peri-apical area, impacted teeth, and the periodontium. Peri-odontal infections, in particular, may represent a sourceof systemic infection in neutropenic patients.43 Never-theless, the contribution of chronic periodontitis to sys-temic infections is probably underestimated, becausethese infections can be easily overlooked, particularlyduring neutropenia when local signs and symptoms ofinfection are reduced.

    Oral bleedingOral bleeding may occur during profound thrombo-

    cytopenia either due to active disease in patients withacute leukemia at diagnosis or secondary to chemother-apy-induced myelosuppression. When the plateletcount is 40,000/L, clinically significant bleeding israre, whereas at counts 10,000/L, the risk of spon-taneous oral hemorrhage increases significantly.44 Al-though bleeding does not appear to be directly associ-ated with OM, it is plausible that ulcerative lesionsincrease the tendency to bleed when submucosal bloodvessels are exposed to trauma. In addition, HSV infec-tion can significantly increase the bleeding risk. Simi-larly, gingival inflammation contributes to the risk ofgingival bleeding. Although profound thrombocytope-nia is the most common reason for oral hemorrhage,other mechanisms including disseminated intravascularcoagulation may contribute to oral bleeding.

    Graft-versus-host diseaseDespite advances in HCT and immunosuppressive

    therapy, GVHD remains a major cause of morbidityand mortality in allogeneic HCT recipients.45 GVHD iscaused by reaction of donor-derived immunocompetentcells against the recipients tissues. Severity relates to

    differences in histocompatibility (e.g., HLA and

    mHag), the number of donor T cells infused, and use ofimmunosuppressant medications. Traditionally, acuteGVHD (aGVHD) and cGVHD were distinguished bythe time of onset; 100 days after stem cell infusionwas considered to be acute and 100 days chronic.However, a clear distinction between aGVHD andcGVHD based on its time of occurrence is no longervalid in the era of RIC transplantation. Observations inpatients transplanted with RIC regimens or in patientsreceiving DLI at various time intervals after transplan-tation indicate that manifestations of aGVHD may ap-pear several months after HCT. Furthermore, clinicalcharacteristics of cGVHD can occur as early as 50 daysafter transplantation.46 Therefore the current consensusis to define GVHD, whether acute or chronic, based onits clinical presentation rather than the timing of devel-opment.47 Acute GVHD is characterized by apoptosisand necrosis affecting the skin, gastrointestinal tract,and liver. Clinically, this may present as skin rashes,diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and jaundice. In the oralcavity, lesions are often painful, erythematous, ulcer-ative, and desquamative.48

    The pathophysiology of aGvHD is considered to bea 3-step process in which the innate and the adaptiveimmune systems interact: 1) GVHD is initiated whendonor T cells are activated by host antigens expressedin tissue damaged by conditioning regimens, or activa-tion may be mediated by lipopolysaccharide present onthe cell surface of gram-negative bacteria that havetranslocated through damaged mucosa; 2) inflamma-tory cytokines produced by donor T cells induce pro-liferation and differentiation of various effector cells,including antihost helper and cytotoxic T cells, macro-phages, and NK cells; and 3) in the effector phase, thesecells cause damage to target tissues.49 Alloreactive Tcells are thought to drive the manifestations of cGVHD;however, the exact role of specific T-cell subsets andthe interaction with B cells remain under investigation.

    About one-half of allogeneic HCT recipients developcGVHD, which may affect a broad range of tissues,including the skin, gastrointestinal tract, eyes, lungs,female genital tract, and liver. Chronic GVHD repre-sents an inflammatory and fibrotic process which hasfeatures reminiscent of various autoimmune/immuno-logic disorders. Chronic GVHD may be preceded byaGvHD.50 Oral involvement was found in about 70% ofPBSCT recipients and in 53% of BMT recipients withcGVHD,51-53 whereas Flowers et al.13 reported themouth to be the most frequently affected site in BMTrecipients and the second most affected site after PB-SCT. It typically presents as lichenoid changes withvarying degrees of erythema, white striations andplaques, painful ulceration, hyposalivation, mucoceles,

    gingival atrophy, hypersensitivity of teeth and oral mu-

  • OOOOEVolume 107, Number 3 Epstein et al. 307

    cosa, and sclerosis resulting in limited mobility of oraltissues, all of which contribute to an effect on oralfunction and oral care.54 The combination of difficultywith oral hygiene and dry mouth may create a potentcycle increasing infection risk, including candidiasisand caries. In addition, cGVHD and its treatment in-duce immunosuppression which increases infectionrisk.

    It was hoped that RIC regimens would lead to lesssevere GVHD, because these regimens induce less mu-cosal toxicity and may be associated with a reducedproduction of proinflammatory cytokines (cytokinestorm). However, there are no data indicating that RICtransplant reduces the risk for GVHD.55,56 An impor-tant confounding factor may be the increased age ofpatients treated with these regimens, because increasedage is associated with more frequent and more severeGVHD. In a pilot study, Elad et al. found the incidenceof oral aGVHD after RIC transplant to be significantlylower than after myeloablative conditioning, at least inthe first 100 days after transplant.57

    Salivary changes and dry mouthDiminished salivary flow and xerostomia (the sub-

    jective feeling of a dry mouth) is common after HCT.Patients report oral dryness as the second most distress-ing symptom at discharge for transplant and at 1 yearafter HCT.58 Saliva contains many components of thenonspecific and specific immune response, includingproteins with antimicrobial, immunomodulatory, andantiinflammatory activity, which are crucial for localhost defences.59,60 In addition, saliva is a reservoir forions that facilitate remineralization of the teeth. In arecent study, salivary samples from patients undergoingallogeneic HCT with myeloablative conditioning aswell as RIC, secretory IgA was found to be decreased1 month after transplant and returned to pretransplantlevels after 6 months in both conditioning regimens.The IgA levels remained low in patients withaGVHD.61

    Taste alterationsPatients receiving myeloablative as well as RIC pre-

    parative regimens often experience distressing alter-ations in taste (dysgeusia) or a reduction in taste sen-sation (hypogeusia, ageusia). In addition, cyclosporineand tacrolimus may induce taste changes that may be ametallic, salty, sweet, sour, or bitter taste or no taste atall. Taste dysfunction can last from days to months butusually recovers.62 Oral GVHD has also been associ-ated with taste dysfunction.65 The exact etiology fortaste alterations in cancer patients is unknown but maybe associated with several factors, including the tumor

    itself, direct toxicity of cytotoxic agents to replicating

    taste buds, neurotoxicity, hyposalivation, infection, im-mune-related GVHD damage directed against taste re-ceptors, and psychologic changes, including condi-tioned food aversions. Taste dysfunction can result inemesis, reduced food intake, and weight loss and cansignificantly affect quality of life.

    Second malignanciesWith increased numbers of patients surviving long

    term, late effects of HCT have become of increasingclinical importance. Among these late effects, secondmalignancies have been recognized.63 Previous expo-sure to chemo/radiotherapy, alterations in immunefunction, GVHD, and GVHD therapy collectively con-tribute to risk for second malignancy. Second malig-nancies after HCT include lymphoproliferative disor-ders, hematologic malignancies, and solid tumors.Hematologic malignancies and lymphoproliferativedisorders are most frequently observed early in thepost-transplant period.64 Solid tumors may developmany years after HCT. In the vast majority of cases,oral tumors are squamous cell carcinomas (SCC). Sev-eral authors have described cases of SCC at oral andskin sites previously affected by cGVHD-related in-flammatory processes, suggesting that cGVHD is a riskfactor.65,66 In addition, prolonged immunosuppressivetherapy may contribute to the risk of developing SSC.Long-term follow-up of HCT patients is recommendedto detect cancers at an early stage, and patients shouldbe informed of cancer risk and educated to avoid lifestyles, such as cigarette smoking, that can potentiate therisk of developing oral SCC.

    Osteoporosis and bone necrosisConditioning regimens, particularly those including

    irradiation, may induce endocrine function abnormali-ties that may affect oral health. Long-term corticoste-roid therapy may contribute to the loss of bone density,which may affect the alveolar bone and temporoman-dibular joints and may be associated with an increasedrisk of avascular necrosis of bone, particularly weight-bearing bone.67 HCT recipients may have receivedbisphosphonates for various indications, which maylead to musculoskeletal pain and increased risk of os-teonecrosis of the jaw.68

    ORAL SUPPORTIVE CAREProviding oral supportive care to HCT patients is

    part of good clinical practice. The main goals of theoral/dental management are to prevent infections dur-ing periods of neutropenia and to reduce oral sideeffects associated with HCT. Key elements of reachingthese goals include reducing the oral microbial load bytreating preexistent oral/dental infections, maintaining

    good oral hygiene, and reducing trauma.

  • OOOOE308 Epstein et al. March 2009

    Oral supportive care for HCT recipients can be di-vided into different phases: preconditioning, early post-transplant, late post-transplant, and long-term fol-low-up phases (Table IV). Oral care during thesephases should be monitored and provided by informedand experienced dental practitioners that are in closecommunication with the oncology team. All membersof the health care team should understand the nature ofthe medical condition and planned treatment and needsfor oral/dental care. Close consultation is needed toperform appropriate oral and dental care in a timelyfashion in relation to cancer therapy, blood counts, andsystemic medications at all phases, i.e., before, during,and after transplant. It is important to realize that allo-geneic HCT recipients may be immunocompromisedfor prolonged periods and that invasive dental proce-dures may put these patients at risk and outcomes of theprocedures may be compromised. There are excellentpublications for health care professionals and patientsthat provide detailed information about the rationale

    Table IV. Oral supportive care during the different phcooperation between multiple disciplines is mandatoryPreconditioning phase Oral/dental eval

    Reduce oral bac Eliminate foci o Eliminate source Educate patient Consider cryoth Consider prophy

    Early post-HCT: neutropenic phase/engraftment Perform good oand managemen

    Keep oral tissue Avoid trauma (h

    orthodontic appl Assess severity Assess oral cavi Consider an age

    neutropenic feve Assess oral cavi Consider sugarle

    drynessLate post-HCT: immune reconstitution phase Assess oral cavi

    Assess oral cavi See patients wit Reinforce oral h Perform invasiv Consider sugarle

    remineralization Be aware of ora

    Long-term follow-up Monitor oral cavperiodontal risk,

    Be aware of ora Be aware of jaw Assess for denta

    GVHD, Graft-versus-host disease.

    and practical issues of the prevention and treatment of

    oral complications during the different phases ofHCT.69-71

    During treatment, the patient often experiencesmorbidity due to mucositis, oral infection, oralbleeding, dry mouth, and infection may increase riskof mortality. The patients oral hygiene regimenshould be encouraged and reinforced throughout thecancer therapy.72 Advances in the understanding ofthe pathobiology of mucositis will lead to the exten-sion of the therapeutic arsenal, and presently prom-ising agents are under experimental and clinicalstudy. Clinical guidelines on the management ofmucositis were recently updated.73,74 Cryotherapyand human keratinocyte growth factor may be con-sidered for the prevention of OM in the setting ofmyeloablative HCT (Tables IIIV).

    Patients should minimize wearing dentures, to re-duce tissue trauma and because oral prostheses arecolonized with microbial pathogens.75 Clinical diagno-sis of OM, candidiasis, or other fungal infections and

    f hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HCT); closeg all of these phasesclinical and radiographic)adionumaily (importance of oral care, dietary counseling)

    nd Palifermin in myeloablative HCTr streptococcal, viral and fungal infectionene measures; chlorhexidine may be indicated for plaque reductiongal infectionding lips, moistt, or spicy food, wearing of dentures, partial prostheses, or

    ositis and pain, and provide adequate pain managementnfection, and culture suspect lesionsanaerobe activity when a patient with periodontitis develops

    leedinging gum, salivary substitutes, or sialogogues in patients with oral

    nfection, and culture suspect lesionsVHD in allogeneic HCT recipients

    ic GVHD regularly; consider local therapies

    l procedures after consultation with the hematologisting gum, sialogogues, salivary substitutes, fluorides, and

    ts in dentate patients with oral drynesss associated with tumor relapseoral complications (GVHD, hyposalivation, infections, caries andmalignancies)

    s associated with tumor relapseecrosis risk in patients treated with bisphosphonatesraniofacial growth disturbances in pediatric HCT recipients

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    viral reactivation is critical. Researchers have investi-

  • OOOOEVolume 107, Number 3 Epstein et al. 309

    gated the oral colonization of Candida spp. in the HCTpatient and the impact of systemic antifungals. Sys-temic antifungal prophylaxes were administered to allpatients in addition to routine chlorhexidine oral rinses,and Candida colonization was seen in 31% of patients.Topical polyenes reduced oral colonization in patientson systemic fluconazole prophylaxis during trans-plant.76 In another HCT trial, chlorhexidine alone re-sulted in significantly decreased Candida colonizationcompared with patients using chlorhexidine and nysta-tin, a result thought to be due to interaction betweenthese 2 agents.77 Oropharyngeal colonization by Can-dida albicans occurred despite the use of systemic andtopical antifungals.78 Increasing numbers of infectionswith nonalbicans Candida spp., including aspergillus,mucor, and fusarium infections are developing in im-munocompromised HCT patients. Therefore microbio-logic documentation is mandatory, and systemic ther-apy must be instituted promptly owing to high risk formorbidity and mortality.79 The prevalence of oral HSVlesions has been considerably reduced with the use ofprophylactic acyclovir and, more recently, valacyclovirregimens. Topical therapy alone is generally not effi-cacious in the immunocompromised patient. The risk ofHSV reactivation remains high until immune reconsti-tution occurs. Furthermore, viral cultures are essentialto accurate diagnosis but may not distinguish betweenclinical infection and viral shedding. Assays that pro-duce more rapid results, including direct immunofluo-rescence, shell vial testing, and specific immunoassayfor HSV antigen and/or biopsy, may be useful.

    Varicella zoster virus (VZV) spreads via dermatomedistribution, although in immunocompromised patientsmultiple dermatomes or a more widespread distributionof lesions can be seen. Orofacial VZV lesions aretypically observed several weeks or months after ces-sation of chemotherapy. This is in contrast to HSV,which often occurs during chemotherapy and within2-3 weeks after chemotherapy is discontinued. For rea-sons that are not entirely clear, the period of increasedrisk for reactivation of VZV essentially extends from3-12 months after transplant, with allogeneic trans-plant recipients being at highest risk. Acyclovir, vala-cyclovir, and famciclovir are currently the primarydrugs used for treatment. Infections caused by nonhe-rpes viruses are also relatively common in HCT recip-ients, with the risk of infection apparently increasingwith the degree and duration of immunosuppression.Oral lesions caused by adenovirus and human papil-loma virus (HPV) may develop. Patients with cutane-ous HPV lesions may demonstrate oral lesions. Theselesions can present as hyperkeratotic verrucoid lesionsor as flat acuminata-like lesions. Restoration of immune

    function may result in a disappearance of the oral

    mucosal lesions, but laser surgery or cryotherapy aretypically used to remove oral HPV lesions when med-ically or cosmetically necessary. Intralesional injec-tions of interferon-alpha may prove to be effective forrecurrent lesions.69

    Oropharyngeal pain due to mucositis is of consider-able concern for patients and is the primary reason HCTpatients receive opioid analgesics during treatment.Pain management, including use of topical therapy aswell as systemic analgesics, and adjuvant medicationsand approaches are needed for effective pain manage-ment.80

    Many of the recommendations followed during theearly post-HCT phase should be followed also in sub-sequent phases (Table I). Management of GVHD typ-ically consists of cyclosporine or tacrolimus with cor-ticosteroids. Because these regimens have a high failurerate, alternative options for prevention and treatment(e.g., graft manipulation, antithymocyte globulin,monoclonal antibodies, growth factors, extracorporalphotopheresis, mycophenolate mofetil, low-dose meth-otrexate, sirolimus) are sought. In oral cGVHD, sys-temic therapies may be combined with topicalagents.50,54 Local measures, including the applicationof immunosuppressive agents (e.g., steroids, tacroli-mus, cyclosporine, azathioprine) may be sufficient forcontrol of oral involvement. It is not uncommon fororal symptoms to persist or to be the only site ofinvolvement, but well designed controlled studies areclearly needed to assess treatment outcomes. Potentialdrug interactions may occur in patients on tacrolimus orsirolimus, and familiarity with transplant protocols andclose communication between the oncologist and thedental professional is essential. It is advisable to seepatients with oral cGVHD regularly to detect oral com-plications early and to implement and maintain an oralcare plan, including the maintenance of good oral hy-giene, according to their individual needs.

    Reduced saliva production increases the risk of den-tal demineralization, caries, oral mucosal injury, andmucosal infection (candidiasis) and affects taste. Rec-ommended treatment for hyposalivation includes sys-temic sialogogues (pilocarpine hydrochloride, bethane-chol, Evoxac).81 Nonpharmacologic treatments includesugarless gum or candies, popsicles, frequent watersipping, bland nonalcohol-based mouthwashes, andwater- or aloe-based lip balm. To prevent dental cariesand demineralization, patients should receive nutri-tional counseling, use daily fluoride gel in custom traysor brush-on high-potency fluoride applications duringand after cancer therapy, remineralizing products, and,for patients with high-risk cariogenic flora, chlorhexi-

    dine-containing products.

  • OOOOE310 Epstein et al. March 2009

    CONCLUSIONThe field of HCT is developing rapidly. New treat-

    ment strategies warrant continuous adaptation of oralcare regimens to the changing scope of oral complica-tions. Studies on the pathogenesis of acute and chronicoral complications are key elements of prevention andtreatment. A better insight should be obtained in theepidemiology of these complications and in its riskfactors. Clinical research specifically directed at adultand pediatric HCT recipients and including significantnumbers of patients should be performed to developevidence-based recommendations and form a solid basefor the recognition of the medical necessity of oral anddental supportive care. Providing oral supportive carein these patients requires an understanding of HCTprocedures and complications and close cooperationbetween multiple disciplines.

    Advances in HCT technology, including RIC proto-cols, have led to a shift in the pattern of complicationsand made HCT available to older patients. Whereasearly transplant complications, such as the severity andduration of OM, as well as the risk of infection, may bedecreased after RIC regimens compared with after my-eloablative conditioning, this does not mean that oral/dental care before and during transplant is superfluousin these patients. On the contrary, eliminating oralinfection before HCT remains important. Infection mayexacerbate GVHD, and invasive dental procedures maybe contraindicated for an extended period of time aftertransplant. If GVHD develops after transplant and/orDLI, there is a clear need for input from dental profes-sionals in the diagnosis and management of oral GVHDand its sequelae.

    The number of long-term HCT survivors is in-creasing. This is associated with a need for monitor-ing late oral complications, such as second malig-nancies, osteonecrosis of the jaw, and complicationsthat are specific to HCT performed during childhood,such as disturbances of craniofacial growth and toothdevelopment.82-84

    There is a trend to perform RIC transplants in out-patient settings, which underscores the need for thegeneral dental practitioner to be cognizant of pretrans-plant dental management needs, preventative strategies,complications that may develop, and indications andcontraindications for dental treatment. Education in ba-sic aspects of oncology-specific oral care should be partof the curriculum of all health care providers who mayencounter cancer patients in their clinical practice. Den-tists must continue to inform themselves of their role inthe care of these patients.

    The authors thank Dana Villines, MA, Senior Research

    Specialist, Department of Oral Medicine and Diagnostic

    Sciences, University of Illinois, Chicago, for editorialassistance.

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    Reprint requests:

    Dr. Joel B. EpsteinDepartment of Oral Medicine and Diagnostic SciencesCollege of DentistryUniversity of Illinois801 South Paulina StreetChicago, IL 60612

    [email protected][email protected]

    Advances in hematologic stem cell transplant: An update for oral health care providersHISTORY OF HCTTYPES OF HCTSources of hematopoietic stem cellsAutologous and allogeneic HCTConditioning regimens

    DONOR LYMPHOCYTE INFUSIONSELECTED COMPLICATIONS AFFECTING THE ORAL CAVITYMucositisInfectionOral bleedingGraft-versus-host diseaseSalivary changes and dry mouthTaste alterationsSecond malignanciesOsteoporosis and bone necrosis