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My evaluation

By Craig Maskell

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My magazine was a indie rock magazine I used examples from magazines such as Karrang & NME to help get ideas for things such as colours and idea for pictures.

I then used a poll on my blog to get an idea of my target audience interests there hobbies and how they may spend there lifes. From there I put all this information and tried my best to make a magazine that would best represent my audience.

I also had a friend of mine who was in my audience to help give me advice to things such as bands to use to make my magazine seem more appealing to the audience. He also used a helped on things like color and font as well was a one of my models so I also got a lot on the picture front so when I came to listen to my target audience I think I done well.

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Heading is bigThat is also behind the main picture this is show the person as very powerful

The person isn't looking into the camera to give the impression that they are seeing something you are not.

The main artist is in the biggest and most standout font.

The background is in 2 Different colours to make the main picture stand out

A banner to show the different the magazines credentials.

Shows different articles in the magazine to draw the reader in

The colours are the same or similar these colours will be seen in many indie mags

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A band index so its easer for people to pick what u want to read

Pictures to show the main articles so you know what the major issues are

A simple and easy to read contents for the reader to understand

Contrasting title and background to make things easyer to read

The headings have short and interesting titles to draw the reader in

The background is a solid color as not to distract the reader

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The main image takes over one page and gives the impression of domination over the magazine it self

The subject in the image is very active and it seems like even though its a still image its still moving.

The font and colour are the same as this is often the colours associated to the people in the target audience

The articles are in a column easy to read format that also is easy to `squeeze and flatten and it will keep its flow.

There's a quote is in a different fontTo make it stand out

Specific and easy to see color schema for returning customers to feel familiarity

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The font I chose for this was because I felt it best reflected its subject.

The colours for this background changed I ended up with this as when I asked the target audience they said it best represented them

The banner is to drawThe reader in as it shoes our credentials at there best

I chose this sort of thing for the BIG as I think it stands out on the magazine stands

I cropped the back ground out and but in this as I felt that the original background didn't fit into this genre of music

I had a choice of several titles and out of them this was the one I felt best represented my target audience

I used the background with the sort of shine to make it seem like

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The images are to make the articles that I believe most important for people to read

The contents was to give the page a design and also a way to layout the page with everything sorted into its own section

The band index was an idea I got from the NME magazine I put it in as I felt that it would make it easer for people to read what they want to

I put in the next issue so it might be possible to add more readers for next issue

I chose these 2 colours as they first contrast the background and they also contrast them self so each different text is organized so its easer to differentiate the different texts

I chose the background colour as I asked a member the target audience and out of all the colours they said that this would work best.

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I added this as I saw that no other magazine did this and I though that it was a good new idea and make it easer to sum up articles

I added 2 quotes draw in people who might just skip over it and they might be drawn in and find a new band they might like

The picture and quote were to give the band some sort of different signature from other bands

This torn effect I got from a karrang article I used it as I thought that it would reflect the band as kinda of rebels (also it looks cool)

This grey is a continuation from the contents as it was a colour that I would keep though out

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Overall I feel like although I was happy with the end result I feel like I could have improved on several aspects such as a variety of fonts and colors mostly with the front cover and the double page, I think that if I had more time to do more drafts as well had a bigger focus group I could have made a more polished project.

However there are many aspects I like such as the overall contents on the bottom of the double page as its new and something you don't see often in the music magazine. If I done it again I would have used my time more wisely and focusing more on some one the little things that don't seem important that affected my end project such as the models and maybe looking at a more variety of magazines to get inspiration.

End Comments

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The End

By Craig Maskell