Download - Media work

  1. 1. Question 2: How does your media product represent social groups? In our media product, all the individuals featured have similarities and differences. Both characters are of the same age, both are white British heterosexual males and although both don't have job titles, they both come under the same social class of BC1. The two characters have the same physical abilities. These two characters represent social groups, within this day and age this type of social group wouldnt be associated with the level of violence within the film opening. However it is common within young adult males to be a little violent but not as much as in the media product, this is stereotypical of males but not so much of females, however there are the odd females who are violent, we do not feature this in our media product. Because this is an action genre film, it puts these young adults into a stereotypical/ non-stereotypical situation, its a bit of both worlds because the fighting has been accentuated. The location in which the film is set doesn't match up with the attitude and representation of Benedict (Chaser). Young adult males wearing tracksuit bottoms and hoodies would be associated with an urban area not a rural area. However the shotgun would be associated with a more rural environment. The gender of both characters is male. Stereotypically in our society males are more dominant than females. Within the males of our society there are two types, very dominant males with strong character, and less dominant males. The very dominant male always over rides the lesser dominant male. In our film opening we feature both of these different types of male, with Benedict being the dominant strong character male and Daniel as the less dominant male. Benedict being the dominant male over rides the lesser dominant male Daniel. In our film opening we do not feature females, gay people and older people. The reason we do not feature females in our film opening is because they aren't part of our main story line, and in our film opening we wanted to really capitalise on these two males. Older people also are not represented in our film opening because we wanted to represent the younger generation. And finally gay people, we as a nation and as world see gay people as inferior, and not as strong. Gay males are stereotypically seen as very different to stereotypical straight males, gay males aren't as strong as straight males physically and mentally, and this isn't what you want in an action film. In an action film you want strong men who can save the damsel in distress and who can stand up for themselves and for the males to be stereotypical males.