Download - Media handover

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SS15 Media Strategy and Deliveries

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Media Partners

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International Translations

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International Media Distributions

Over the last 3 weeks the media team has translated and sent press releases to over 6 regions worldwide

which are represented above. All regions covered include:

Asia Pacific, India, Europe, UK, South America, USA and Canada.

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International Press Distribution through 6 accounts

Gmail maxes out at 1000

recipients so the

international media team

created multiple accounts

in order to send out the

translated press releases

to various corners across

the world. Distributions of

over 5000 contacts.

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Social Media Platforms

568 followers 5,611 followers 7,738 followers 21,692 followers

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Engagement was high in the

beginning of the week with the

opening gala. It then lagged in the

middle and picked up towards the

end with the use of tagging all

models in photos for further reach.

The #selfiesforvfw activation was

very popular on Instagram, this

was the most successful channel

for this activity. We are now

crossing the platforms by posting

all of the best selfies into an album

on facebook including selfies with

the designers themselves.

Net post likes and unlikes is the

same figure on day 1- this strikes

me as a clerical error. Dislikes

dropped and likes increased by the

end of the week.

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Top 6 Instagram posts

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Interest peaked pre show and in the beginning of the

week with the build-up of activity in the weeks prior. It

appears social reach dropped from 13,375 on the

first day to 6049 on the last, however “post clicks”

grew meaning instead of users simply seeing the

posts they were clicking and liking them, meaning

there was more engagement illustrated in the “net

post likes”.

Popular content includes the use of backstage

images, additional likes accumulate through tagging

the models and linking the designer pages.

Negative feedback includes the influence of PETA

who staged a protest on day 4 which carried over

into social in the following days.

Total reach for the week was 79,430 views

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With limited room for text twitter was a bit of a challenge. Neither does this platform work great for images.

This platforms strength was in our sponsor and provider plugs. We did utilize it to generate traffic to the live

stream by posting backstage images just prior to the shows, however the engagement rate is lower than the

other platforms. The best use in the future will be to retweet from the designers and sponsors as well as

tweeting plugs and tagging high reach individuals

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By posting selected images from each show pinterest doubled in followers over the week. Each image was

saved by designer or collection name with links to the designer site if they had one.

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Pinterest became a

real hero for

presenting images

from each show to

populate the SS15

folder. This is a

great visual platform

as well as a way to


numerous images

from each collectoin

and further link to

the designers


Pinterest is a

brilliant engine for

emerging designers

where one image

really I worth a 1000


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Throughout the following weeks a series of shorts will be released by VFW. Novus TV, Shaw

TV and CBC were all present for the event. CTV captured footage and broadcast it on Lisa

Perry’s style file and VFW is currently speaking to Fashion One to broadcast interviews and

live streaming to their global audiences across Asia Pacific, South America and USA.

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Campaign Activation

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#selfiesforVFW This activation continues to gain momentum. Uniting the

online community is a part of VFW’s digital strategy. All staff

and model handles have been recorded, the continued use of

tagging will further generate reach and engagement for the

VFW facebook page.

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The VFWme activation aims to unite the staff and

volunteers from the event increasing the page

following and engagement. With press and

designer profiles being populated on to facebook,

this campaign aims to connect users from across

each of VFW’s social platforms, generating traffic

to facebook, increasing likes and ultimately

shares of the upcoming press and designer

profiles push.

In a sense, this campaign makes each and every

one of the 300+ staff from the event advocates of

the VFW page and community.


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HR Catwalk Images

“Daily Distribution”

High Resolution Catwalk Images captured by a media photographer in the pit, uploaded hourly then sent out to global media through daily files categorized by designer. Any branded imagery you see online relating to your collections and VFW, has been accessed through these folders and captured by a media photographer in the pit. This file will be further populated with designer profiles within each designer’s profile and accessible to worldwide media.

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Designer Profile Document

A week ago [email protected] requested that each designer send through a breakdown of

your brand. Specific details that buyers and international press will want access to in order to promote

and possibly buy your collection.

This was to include the textile and composition of materials, special techniques used to create your

pieces, a breakdown of your stockists, distribution or agents, wholesale strategy as well as specific

strategic details including price points and audience that pertain to the development, segmentation, and

strategy for your label.

Buyers will want to know what your positioning is to make sure they are aligning themselves with a brand

that will appeal to their consumer. If you have not sent these details through this document has been

populated with your bio from the website and also includes a link to your website or contact page.

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Press Generated

• Press clippings by designer • Refer to Media File