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Q4 – Who would be the audience for your media product?


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During this presentation I will be showing who our audience would be I will use micro-elements to show what we have represented in our films opening1. Mise-En-Scene 2. Editing 3. Camera4. Sound

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The mise-en-scene used in our movie signifies what type of audience our opening is targeted to, we have connoted this through the use of our costumes. Our actor Vince wears casual clothes from the start to the end of the opening. Casual clothes represents that the actor within the movie is not related with an upper or lower class and is more represented towards working/middle class. This is connoted by wearing clothes which are considered to be modern, where students are seen wearing these types of clothes. The clothing that our actor, Vince wears shows that within the movie he is a confident character with a positive body language.

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The use of editing signifies what type of genre our movie is. Our movie consist of many different aspects of editing. Quick cuts were included within our movie, signifying the intense of a particular scene or situation within the scene. Quick cuts are visible during the chase scene, switching between Vince and the two agents. This connotes that the situation is intense and that the agents are pretty close in terms of catching Vince

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We have used panning during the chase scene. We used this to emulate the audience and the characters giving out a feel that the the situation is tensed. As you see the panning take place, it’s visible that the footages blurs throughout the panning. This connotes and makes the audience feel the realism as to how and what type of situation it is, quick and fast. This represents that our audience is young and through the use of fast panning, this shows that our young audience are known to more enthusiastic and hyper, this is represented when our audience are in a group such as with their friends or at a party.

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We have used non-diegetic sound within in our opening. We have included a background music as well a voice over, both of theses cannot be heard on set, so therefor it is a non-diegetic sound. Our background music represents the suspense which builds up for the audience as well as saying that the background music gets the young audience’s adrenaline running. The voiceover is kept at the beginning, with a peaceful music, again to build up the suspense and then the music kicks off in style to release the suspense.

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Character Introduction & Audience Recognition

Protagonist – VinceIntroduction:• Vince is introduced from the

voice over, although his name isn't said or heard.

• He is known as an ex army member (”had me court marshalled”)

• Voiceover tells the audience that he is a protagonist/good guy.

• Wants to seek revenge for a positive effect.

Antagonists – Agent Smith & ConnerIntroduction:• Agents are not introduced during

opening.• Foreshadows their characters

through the voice over.• “been moving place to place”

shows that he was continually being hunted down.

• Agents are first seen after voiceover is finished.

• Shows clearly that they are the antagonists.

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Character Introduction - CostumesProtagonist – Vince

Audience Recognition: • Connotes he is a normal

character. • Doesn't seem to be an

enemy/antagonist in any way.• Casual clothing, no type of

gangster clothing.

Antagonists – Agent Smith & ConnerAudience Recognition:• Suits represent, spies , agents,

CIA officers • Suits can connote protagonist and

antagonist, leaving suspense, until further character development

• Straight away, it shows they are the antagonist.

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Character Introduction - SettingProtagonist – Vince

Recognition through setting: • Character seems calm, due to

peaceful type surroundings.• Reflecting though something, as

he is sitting opposite the river, shows him being harmless.

Antagonists – Agent Smith & ConnerRecognition through setting: • Not any introduction through

setting.• When first seen they seem

determined to catch Vince.• Came over to only hunt down


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Dialogue/Voiceover Protagonist – Vince

Dialogue/Voiceover:• Voiceover connotes his feelings

towards the CIA and military.• Expresses his emotions.• Reflects back to his army days. • What happened to him during

the army.• His determination/commitment

to protect the USA president. • His plans as to what he will do

further on.

Antagonists – Agent Smith & ConnerDialogue: • Nothing is said by the two agents. • We wanted to represent their

character through their action. • Easily recognizable as to what

role they play. • Represents that the CIA and the

military are powerful.

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We have focused on five areas of representation focusing on demographics and psychographics and they are:1. Age2. Class3. Gender4. Education 5. Race

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Age & Class

Age• 15-25Why…• Story more understandable by

the young.• Young actors used.

Class• Working/Middle ClassWhy…• Story does not use posh buildings

or houses.• Clothing is not posh. • Attitude and behavior is not posh.

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Gender & Education

Gender• Males (Teenagers, Young Adults)

Why…• Our opening mostly consists of

males.• Action is more of a male movie


Education • Students (University, College, 6th Form)

Why…• Young actors used. • Modern storyline.• Modern clothing, casual. • Relatable to the young.

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Primary Race• British • AmericanWhy…• British born actors used.• Famous part of UK used, Central

Lodnon• American, due to Universal Studios

distributing.• America has a mass audience. • Universal within the big six

production company.• Universal, guaranteed about good

marketing and advertising.

Secondary Audience All other race’s• Asian, • Muslim• European etc.

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From this presentation I have explained as to how we have targeted different areas and how we have used areas to target our audience. So from this, our primary targeted social group goes towards the white minority in particular within the UK and USA. This is because we have established our opening with the use of UK as our first location which is visible. The reason as to why we did this is because our distribution company appears first and from this any particular audience would know that film has got a mass audience in America due to Universal distributing the film.