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Evaluation Q3: What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

Evaluation Q3: What have you learnt from your audience feedback?


From my audience feedback that I received from the first drafts of my music video production and my two ancillary texts. Firstly, in my production, one of the main problems that I had was that some of the shots were too shaky, even though these specific shots were meant to be POV Shots and the slight shakiness was meant to represent Joseys perspective, the fact that the camera was too shaky instead made the shots look almost unprofessional instead of effective.

Certain POV shots, such as this one were meant to immerse the audience more into the narrative; instead, the fact that the camera was too shaky, in a way could ruin the experience for the audience as it makes the video look slightly messy.

Another problem that I had with my first production draft was that some of my shots within my graveyard scenes were quite long which caused them to drag on too long and possibly seem boring to my audience. To resolve this issue, when I re-filmed this scene, I still filmed quite long shots but during editing I cut the long shots so that they would appear in sections throughout my production which, for my audience, may smoothen the editing and make it possibly seem more fluent and professional, almost like an actual music video.

Shot like this were, at first, quite long shots that seemed to drag too long and possibly make it seem boring to the audience as the length of the shot doesnt necessarily add anything more to the narrative.

One of the other main problems with the first draft of my production is that there werent a great variety of scenes. Despite this, I had not had the chance to film any completely new scenes as of yet due to the fact that throughout my newer drafts I have been busy updating and improving the scenes that already featured within my first draft. Overall, with my production, I feel like that there has been a significant improvement in terms of camera work, such as my POV shots which, in my first draft appeared too shaky and messy and I improved these shot by replacing them with still shots of the graveyard instead which may make it appear more sophisticated to my audience. Although I still feel like that there is room for improvement with the inclusion of other different scenes which will possibly help establish a clearer narrative to my target demographic.

The original scenes from the first draft of my production. As I am still redrafting my production, some of these scenes have been edited and updated.

This next slide shows the drinking scene and the graveyard scene, which I have updated and changed, mostly to improve my camera work and shots.

In terms of my two ancillary texts, they both needed, from feedback, improving (ancillary one more than ancillary two). For my ancillary one, my website, the main problems were that in the different posts I put a description of what it was for, therefore, ruining the realistic notion of it appearing as an actual music website. To improve this, I removed the text in order to make the website look more realistic to an audience, almost as if they are looking at an actual music website. At first, one of the main issues with my website was the text.

In my first draft, instead of having realistic descriptions (like the one in the picture) that made my website look real, my original post descriptions indicated that the website was not real.

Firstly, the text overall looked unprofessional for a music website as well as the fact that the text didnt match the simplistic theme that I was trying to create throughout all three of my products, not only that, but the text didnt match with my specific genre (acoustic pop) which is seen as quite a modest genre. The text also didnt match the text within my ancillary two, which meant that I wasnt able to create a sense of branding which my demographic would clearly recognise. To improve this, at first, I only changed the text on my website, but eventually, I changed the whole theme of my website, giving it a more sophisticated and tidy layout which will possibly impress my audience. It also helped because the text that was default to that website was much more simple and tidy and matched the text within my ancillary two, again, helping to create a specific sense of branding for my products.

In the latest drafts for my ancillary one and two, I have matched the white text in both, creating a small, but noticeable sense of branding.

This is the latest version of my Ancillary Text One, which includes most of the major changes that I needed to do to my website, although there some small aspects that I still need to improve, this newer version of my Ancillary One is a significant improvement to my first draft.

With my ancillary two, there werent as many aspects that needed to be improved. Although at first, the reviews on my advert were too small and the small text made it harder for my audience to distinguish it and read it. In order to improve this, I made the reviews slightly bigger so that it would be easier for my demographic to read them when they look at my advert but not make it too big so that each review doesnt overpower the poster and take my audiences attention from the main aspect of my poster. The only other main problem with my ancillary two was that the main picture in my poster (The close-up of the ripped picture of Josey and the mystery person) was not very distinguishable against my background picture of the graveyard.

In the first draft of my ancillary two, I used a fade effect on Photoshop in order to make the ripped picture slightly less distinguishable to the audience in order to create a sense of enigma, however, I overused to fade effect on the picture and instead of creating a sense of enigma for my audience, it instead got lost in my background picture and wasnt very distinguishable at all to my audience. Overall, with both my ancillaries, I feel like I have made significant improvements to both of them by making them both look more professional and real while also creating quite a simplistic theme across both my ancillaries and my production while also being mindful to create a sense of branding across my ancillaries and my production as well.

This is the adjuster which I used to change the fill of the secondary image, this affected how well my audience could see the picture. I decided to do this because it creates a sense of anchorage between my poster and my production as the fact that the picture is slightly unnoticeable appears to anchor to the reflective mood and narrative of my production, as the faded effect on the picture appears to suggest to my audience that the picture is showing something that was in the past.

The poster shown on this slide was the first draft of my ancillary two, where there is a clear, noticeable difference in the quality when compared to my finished draft. There is also a screenshot from the online editing software PicMonkey, which is what I originally tried to use to create my Ancillary Two.