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  • 7/28/2019 Med-Math _Henke_s - Language o


    1. 3 times


    three times per week

    DO NOT USE - tiw or t.i.w.

    2. ac before meals

    3. at


    at bedtime, hour of sleep

    DO NOT USE - hs or h.s.

    4. bid twice a day

    5. biw twice per week

    6. cc cubic centimeter

    7. daily every day, daily

    DO NOT USE - q.d. or qd

    8. dram abreviated dr,

    this is a liquid measure slightly smaller than a

    household teaspoon.1dr = 4mL

    9. g (gm,



    10. HHN hand-held nebulizer

    11. IM intramuscular

    12. IV intravenously

    13. IVP intravenous push

    14. IVPB intravenous piggyback

    15. kg (Kg) Kilogram

    16. L Liter

    17. mcg Microgram

    18. MDI metered-dose inhaler

    19. mEq milliequivalent

    no equivalent necessary. Drugs are prepared and

    ordered in this weight measure.

    20. mg milligram

    21. minim abbreviated m,

    it is about the size of one drop.

    22. ml (ml) milliliter

    23. MUST

    write out

    Right ear

    left ear

    each ear

    In the right eye

    In the left eye

    In both eyes

    24. NEB nebulizer

    25. NGT (ng) nasogastric tube

    26. pc after meals

    27. po (PO) by mouth

    28. pr (PR) in the rectum

    29. prn as needed

    30. q2h or


    every 2 hours

    31. q4h or


    every 4 hours

    32. q6h or


    every 6 hours

    33. q8h or


    every 8 hours

    34. q12h or


    every 12 hours

    35. qh every hour

    36. qid four times a day

    37. qn every night

    38. S & S swish and swallow

    39. SL sublingual, under the tongue

    40. stat immediately

    41. sub-Q or

    Sub Q


    42. tid three times a day

    43. unit Unit

    This is a measure of biologic activity. Nurses do

    not calculate the measure.

    Med-math (Henke's) - Language of prescriptionsStudy online at