Download - MDE Today - August , 2013

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What an amazing end to an even more amazing summer. In this issue I wanted to remind you of the $10,000 Giveaway! Let me give you a little of the backstory.

A little over 18 months ago, I was thinking what was my purpose? What did I love to do? And Could I make money at it? And then I set a HUGE goal, - and the goal was:

My Goal is to Help 1,000,000 business owners build $1million businesses.

That’s when I got serious about writing The Million Dollar Equation. It had been sitting in my notebook for years…. But never close to being finished. BUT, then, I pulled the trigger once my goal, was bigger than me. (great lesson about creating goals)

Once again, this summer I asked myself, am I doing everything I can to reach this big goal? And, that’s where the $10,000 Giveaway idea came to my head.

If you know anyone who is interested in building a million dollar business, can you please send them my way? Invite them to my MDE Summer School #2 – How to Grow Faster. I would love to help them!

Be sure to read the relevant blog posts in this issue, I am sure that it will open your mind to what is next in your business. AND, the segment I get the most feedback about – MDE Implementer of the Month. Meet Dawn Cook – she is doing an AMAZING job, implementing while traveling out of the country with her husband. WOW – business growth (check), ultimate lifestyle (check) . Don’t miss this part.

The MDE Emerald Training this month, as previewed last month – How to Build A Simple Campaign – from introduction to money in the bank. Great training, with a simple technique EVERY business can use.

The Deal of the Month: My #1 Selling MDE Training – Referrals, Referrals, Referrals – The Ultimate Referral Blueprint. If you have never experienced this training, go grab it now. Make the investment, and generate more referrals!

And Last, Wait I am not finished…. Are you Planted or Buried? A question for you!

Have an amazing month – there are only about 60 days before I get to see you again! So freakin’’ excited!!!

-Keep Implementing Richelle



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AUGUST 21, 2013

MDE Summer School#2 How to Grow Faster With the 4 Building Blocks

SEPTEMBER 25, 2013

MDE Summer School #3 7 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make Preventing them from Building a Million Dollar Business

OCTOBER 3, 2013 - 10th Anniversary Multiply Your Money Conference

OCTOBER 17 - 19, 2013MDE Live: Accelerate The MomentumHilton Garden Inn, Las Vegas/Henderson1340 W. Warm Springs Rd, Henderson NV 89014

Welcome Welcome to DIAMOND Level: Beth Heilman

Welcome New Emerald Member:Jill Harrington

Happy Birthday to Frantonia Pollins and Devin Clark


To Your Million Dollar Business!

When you start with this foundation, the business grows organically.

This training shows you:

Which system to build first

The 4 ways to create your sales process

(3) Examples of MDE Members implementing the processes and MORE

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If you do nothing else, you have to have a plan for generating referrals. I like to ask how do you currently get

existing clients or customers to talk about you?

Please do not say – customer service!You are not allowed to say customer service if ….

1 Your customers have not sent you love notes, gifts or gifts for your children or animals just because!

2 Your existing customers have not doubled by each customer bringing in another customer

3 If you are not giving outrageous gifts creating once in a lifetime events or going beyond the call of duty

more than once per week – you are not allowed to say customer service.

Sparking word of mouth and generating referrals comes down to a system.

What is yours?Don’t have one – then Steal MINE!

Are you ready to take ACTION?What is included in the

$77 Ultimate Referral BLUEPRINT? 2.5 hours of PURE Training and REAL Life Examples of how to generate referrals : NO fluff – no generalizations, but this training details exactly how to get customers to talk about you to others Included:How to create a referral contest and have customers competing to send you referrals

How to create a referral contest for referral partners and have other businesses competing to send you referralsHow to create a magnetic atmosphere in your business so that people are talking about you

Ideas for adapting my FRESHSTART Dynamic in your

own business and how a Weight loss clinic used the same structure to generate referrals

The script to handle the MOMENT of TRUTH – when someone says that they love your product or service, how to get them to the next step and that is not just to tell you but to tell OTHERS!!!!!

PLUS I am adding in there a “practice” run of the REFERRALS training – you know how when you listen to something a second time and you notice something that you did not hear the first time? Well this is even better – When you check this one out – first I was on vacation, I was sick so pardon the clearing of my throat, but I gave different examples…. Partly because I did not have my whole office at my disposal – but still KILLER CONTENT! – All INCLUDED! The TOOLS included:The Powerpoint presentation so that you can take notes during the presentation

The “homework” that I issued to my Diamond Level Clients with all of the scripts and the seven steps detailed

PLUS – the 54 page transcript ready to highlight and make notes

PLUS – The examples shown in the training to swipe, edit and

USE Immediately

Everything you need to start generating referrals tomorrow –GRAB the DEAL! COMPLETE YOUR INFO – HURRY




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::: check out her blog at :::

ARE YOU SLEEPING IN YOUR BUSINESS?Yes, this is real to celebrate national napping day because of the return to Daylight saving time and losing that one hour. One year I visited the Los Angeles Business Expo… In true expo fashion, I saw a woman was actually sleeping. Sleeping? Why invest $750+ in an expo and then fall asleep? Is this happening in your business too? At least figuratively? One of my private clients was telling me that they hate having to take payments from their clients. You know Richelle, it just continues to interrupt our day. So, they hired a customer service rep to handle all payments.................................................................................................................................MARCH 7TH NATIONAL BE HEARD DAYI love marketing and I love building businesses. My favorite thing to do is help businesses with advanced strategies to help them reach million dollar status, but unfortunately, what happens, is that most businesses need help with the basics. Today, I was at a luncheon with 17 other business owners who each received 2 minutes to introduce themselves…. YAWN…. What a bore!!???

..............................................................................................................................MARCH 5TH, NATIONAL UNIQUE NAME DAYOf course RICHELLE is not as unique, but just enough that most people screw it up. I learned to answer to anything close, so that I didn’t embarrass people. It was normally either my friends or my employees who would get annoyed if people messed up my name. How I help people get it right, is I say, it is like Michelle but with an R or It is RICH girl ( elle) in French is girl. Get it?? Visit for the full article.



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DAWN COOK__________________________________

1What does your company do?

As a Registered Nurse, I get contracted to write reports for Personal Injury attorneys about people who were injured in accidents or as a result of medical malpractice. Sometimes I testify as an Expert Witness in court. Two years ago I decided to stop working at the hospital and start my own business. I researched about jobs I could do and I interviewed a few nurses who were doing their own businesses. I spent a lot of time on the internet. I took a few classes and got special certifications. I cost me about $5000 to get qualified for this new work and I added another certification in 2013 which cost about $3000. I need to attend national conventions every year, costing about $2000 including travel and hotels. I have about $1000 year in memberships etc.

2What is your favorite marketing tool/


I have tried writing nice letters to get business, attend boring attorney classes, exhibit at boring attorney conferences and I have sent hundreds of postcards. I think that in the past year I have sent about 8,535 things on the mail to over

1000 people in my target market and I have gotten about 5 jobs from them. I also have 5 jobs from repeat customers and I have about 3 jobs from email. Now I am getting about 2 calls a week as a result of my email, which are going out to 3000 people now. So my favorite implementation, Express Email Marketing from Go Daddy .com. You can start at $9.99 a month and send unlimited amounts of emails for up to 500 addresses. I pay $19.99 for my subscription list and I send emails every week on Tuesday or Wednesday. They have tons of templates and it is not too hard to learn to do. My target market usually only need someone like me once every year or two. I think that if I don’t keep in contact very regularly, they will forget me and hire someone else

3 What is your favorite part of The Million

Dollar Equation – Emerald Training?

I think I would have to say that I really like the one-on-one conversations with Richelle. She can hone in on the particular difficulties of my business. When I read the MDE, I realized that on many levels, all businesses are alike. But when you have done most of the things in the book, there is fine tuning for your particular business. For example, I am not selling products and my target group is very specific and hard to reach because they don’t let you in their offices and they hang out in exclusive groups. So when I wanted to make more money than I was making last year, (about half of what I made as a hospital nurse), I needed the specific encouragement of someone who could really brainstorm for me. She knew about consultants and could tell the things that I was trying that probably wouldn’t be effective and things that my decrease my credibility to my target customer. On the other hand, I like attending MDE classes because I really get energized by people trying to do the same thing as me. I like to give and get ideas! My competitors won’t tell me how they market, so I have to learn from people in all sorts of fields.

4Where do you see your business in


In the first quarter of 2013 I made next to nothing.... In the second quarter I made about the same as the first 6 months of my business.. We are only in the first 6 weeks of the third quarter but I have earned almost as much as I did in the first two quarter together, already. Is this a coincidence that the success started since I took the MDE class at the Texas Station in June? I think NOT! Specifically, I had my one-on-one with Richelle June 25th, and adjusted the way I marketed with my Express Email Marketing. Since then, I am almost busy as I wanted to be, about 20 hours a week, but some days too busy. 2014? I hope to double my business so I can be working and billing for about 30-40 hours per week. I can’t hire staff to do my reports so I can only earn as much as I can personally do, but if I work 30-40 hours a week, I will be successful beyond my wildest


5Any specific results due to the


The down side for me: I miss my co-workers at the hospital, relationships with them is not the same as when I worked shoulder to shoulder with them. But at this time in my life, I want off the 12 hours shifts and the on-call at night. The good side for me: My husband and I travel a lot, and now we go for about a month in our motor home, me typing on the kitchen table and him driving down the road. When we get tired of it or when I need to see clients in Las Vegas, we come home. This is something I could never do before. Plan for marketing: I need to keep implementing, because if I don’t keep my name out there, business will dry out. I hope to have my business to the point that I just need to send email marketing and decrease the more expensive paper mail and attending conventions as an exhibitor. I will continue sending notes about every 6 months with a Starbucks card. I also send a gift basket when I get the retainer for a job, to show my thanks for hiring me.


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Join Dawn in the MDE Emerald Training Program by clicking here:


I met Dawn after speaking at a local NAWBO meeting in Las Vegas. It was a whim that I was even speaking there, but after, she asked to purchase my book. At the last minute, she decided to join me for MDE Live in May, but she was busy so she could only attend for Saturday only.

At that event, she committed to changing her business over the next 100 days.

First – when she arrived at her One-on-One consultation, she came with 6 pages of notes, for me to review. She had already made some decisions. She had tried many things. I gave her very specific tweaks to her existing business:

1. Create fun headlines instead of week 3 newsletter. She did!2. Tweak her sales process

And, she asked me not to share all of our secrets but let me tell you the results:

Dawn Cook wrote:August 6 at 8:33pm“It’s my one year anniversary since I got my first customer.

This past month I was billing about 25 hours a week, so things are really looking good, calls every week from new customers or even better, old customers wanting me again!

I just got my first out of state consulting job, if you don’t count California as another state...”

August 15 at 4:39pm“Just heading to a conference with my target market in Lake Tahoe. Wish me luck! Many great contacts at the conference in San Francisco and I positioned myself as a specialist in a obscure but lucrative market. I’ve been invited to be a speaker next year! Dawn”

July 25 at 12:23pm I just checked my numbers. I have been sending weekly emails to my list of 2250 people in my target group. I have been having a respectable 10 percent open rate. After my one on one with Richelle, I have used just ONE of her tips, and my open rate jumped to fourteen percent, two weeks in a row!!Better listen to Richelle! And the updates just keep coming!

Congrats to Dawn for consistently implementing. Can’t wait to hear about everything during MDE Live Accelerate the Momentum!

Overview for IMPLEMENTER

of the month

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RICHELLE SHAWRTS PUBLISHING, LLC | 1237 Granados Avenue, Henderson, NV 89014 | (702) 706-MDE7 (6337)

Business Mistakes ThatFEEL

Like Kryptonite

Kryptonite #1 Doing things by habit because you have always done it that way

Take a quick look at your business and take an honest inventory to justify why you are doing the things you are doing.

Such as: Why are you closed on Fridays? When I asked one of my Doctor private client’s this, he said, ummm, because all doctor’s offices were closed on Fridays. I told him, I understand that, however, you have patients who want to schedule an appt on Friday and, you are currently strapped for cash. Why would you get rid of 20% of your available time? It is OK to close but realize what you might be giving up.

Another example: For years, I would not allow people to pay their telephone bills over the phone. I cherished my merchant account and did not want to get charge-backs because of fraudulent cards. I realized that I was losing thousands of dollars requiring customers to have to come to my office to pay. I decided to try it for 30 days and then access the results. Turns out nothing happened but I made more money.

Kryptonite #2Doing things because everyone else is doing it

Yep, this can be a HUGE mistake. If everyone else is doing it, and you do it, then you will be the majority. If the majority was always right, then, everyone would own successful businesses.

Quick story: I read a great article about blogging for millions. Sounded like it would be right up my alley right? Well, I read all of the information, made a checklist of what to do to make my blog successful and jumped right in. And then, I decided to listen to a video training that the author of the blog recorded. AND, SUDDENLY, a brick hit me in my head. She was blogging in order to get writing gigs. She was extremely excited about becoming a “brand ambassador” where companies paid her to blog for them. The brand ambassador lead her to a contract where she could live tweet during shows for networks… sigh… Ummm, that is not my goal. That sounds like a job??!!

My goal is to convert my visitors into customers. Sheeeeeesh…. SO, I refocused her training, now I do some of her techniques but by all means, with different efforts.

At the end, I know much easier ways to build a million dollar business! (by the way, have you read my book, writing is not my forte – I am an entrepreneur – period. I wrote the book, this article in order to connect with my members only)

Kryptonite #3 Doing things because it conforms to industry norms or professional standards

There are a lot of tax preparers that are shaking their heads thinking, I don’t know how those guys were even in business. If you read my first book – How to Build a Million Dollar Business in Las Vegas – Without the Casinos, you read the story about how I learned entrepreneurship from my crazy boss at the tax firm. Remember, the kryptonite keeps you from growing quickly. In order to grow quickly you cannot do things because it conforms to industry norms or professional standards. If you have not read my book, the company was called My Tax Man and my boss created the very first telephone tax preparation company back in 1986. The company is no longer there, but the results were astounding. Not only did we prepare taxes over the phone, but we delivered the taxes to the client. We even processed “quick refunds” for clients within 24 hours of filing, all without them leaving their home or office. I can’t describe the growth for us. Just thinking about it makes me cringe about all of the money we left on the table every night. I could not hire tax preparers fast enough to handle all of the demand. Ahhh, what a problem to have!

Kryptonite #4 Doing things because of fear, criticism, disapproval or ridicule

Well, Really? I am going to skip this one, and give you one piece of advice. As entrepreneurs we must have a thick skin. We can’t care what people think about us. If you do, you might as well get a job now and save yourself lots of misery. If you still want to have this conversation, can I please enjoy an adult beverage so that I can tell you what I really think?

Kryptonite #5 Creating your pricing strategies based on others

Your price must be determined, based on your results and your numbers. What others charge can not determine how you charge. I had the highest rates for basic phone service in Nevada, however, that was the only way that I was able to make money. I watch how entrepreneurs look to see what their competitors are selling products or services for and then try to be less, thinking that people buy based on price. People buy because of the value – it is up to you to show the value properly. Make sure that before you set your prices, that you have enough to pay yourself.

Here is the biggest mistake you can make while reading these examples…. Drum roll please… Your biggest mistake, thinking these things don’t go on in your business today. Take an in depth look at your business and eliminate the kryptonite.