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Interviews differ from other conversations in that


a) are held for a very specific reason; b) aim at a particular outcome; c) are usually recorded. d) all of the above

types of interview include :

a) Job interview

b) appraisal

c) delegation

d) all of the above .

Interview Structure include :

a) coaching .

b) counseling

c) closing .

d) delegation .

Interview structure include discussion that is for :

a) make people nervous.

b) to break the ICE .

c) ensure that you communicate essential information

aboute yourself .

d) ask you question before you leave .

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Before the interview , you must :

a) Record your impression .

b) Send thankful letter .

c) Avoid starting with complains .

d) Research the new employer .

After interview :

a) Record your impression.

b) Send thankful letter to the interviewer .

c) If the interview is a screening one , expect a call for

another one .

d) All of the above .

General guidelines in interviews include :

a) Ask about your benefits before the offer .

b) Criticize your current or old employers.

c) Be honest and negative about yourself .

d) Answer the unsaid questions.

At receiving an offer :

a) Reply immediately .

b) Reply within the deadline , either yes or no .

c) Don't ask about benefits .

d) Make self assessment .

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Making a presentation

To become more effective, you need to take control of :

a) the material.

b) the audience.

c) Yourself .

d) All of the above .

we get nervous because of hormone :

a) formalin

b) albumin

c) adrenalin

d) serotonin

adrinalin cause :

a) stimulate concentration.

b) Increase body weight .

c) Stimulate heart .

d) a + c

a demophobia :

a) a fear of people .

b) a fear of speaking.

c) a fear of death .

d) a fear of heights .

a laliophobia :

a) a fear of people .

b) a fear of speaking.

c) a fear of death .

d) a fear of heights .

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a katagelophobia :

a) a fear of speaking.

b) a fear of death .

c) a fear of heights .

d) a fear of ridicule.

Which of this is NOT of adrenalin symptoms :

a) Blurred vision .

b) Slow pulse .

c) Sweaty palms .

d) Dilated pupils .

In presentations, details :

a) Make things more complicated .

b) Keep it simple.

c) Make things clearer .

d) Are important .

Which of the following sentences NOT true about defining

your objective :

a) Your task is to bring your ideas alive with your own

feelings, your own commitment, your own passion.

b) your objective must be to inspire your audience.

c) If you act as if you believe in what you are saying, the

audience won’t believe it either.

d) Non of the following .

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write your objective down in one sentence , helps you to :

a) clear your mind.

b) Select material to fit.

c) Check at the end of planning that you still addressing a

single clear issue .

d) All of the above .

Which of the following is NOT true about Analysing your

audience :

a) Your presentation will be failed if the audience feels

that you have spoken directly to them.

b) If you can demonstrate that you have tailored your material to their needs, the audience will be more inclined to accept it .

c) Take in mind How many will there be . d) Think, too, about the audience’s expectations of the

presentation. The message should stick in the mind of audience, so

message must: a) Not express your objective. b) have no more than 15 words. c) contain a lot of ideas . d) doesn't grab your audience’s attention.

SPQR means : a) Situation ,Problem ,Questions ,Response b) Situation ,Program ,Questions ,Response c) Situation ,Problem , queue ,Response d) Situation ,Problem ,Questions ,Respect .

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All the following are must included in the opening of

presentation EXCEPT : a) introducing yourself . b) clear statement of your objective. c) Timetable. d) Age of audience .

the most memorable moment of presentation is :

a) the opening of the presentation . b) the closing of the presentation . c) the structure of the presentation . d) non of the above .

Ideas that are put on the card include :

a) what you must say. b) what you should say to support the main idea. c) what you could say if you have time . d) all of the above .

the most item of spice in presentation you must careful

about it is : a) Jokes . b) Pictures. c) Analogies . d) Examples .

Avoid information overload. This means:

a) use just a few visuals . b) display only one idea on each. c) All of the above . d) Non of the above .

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A style guide for visual aids include :

a) Add a corporate logo. b) Select only the data that supports your argument. c) Contrasting colours look most effective. d) All of the above .

Which of the following is NOT true about Rehersal :

a) Rehearsal is the reality check. b) Rehearsal is not a time check. c) It can seem to stop, to drag and – more often than not

– to race away . d) Be aware that it will probably take longer than you

anticipate: maybe 50 per cent longer. Controlling the audience include :

a) Eye contact. b) Your face . c) Gestures . d) All of the above .

guidelines can help with the question session NOT true :

a) Decide when to take questions. b) Answer concisely. c) Answer honestly. d) If you don’t know, let the question .

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Seven ways to improve your conversations

Which of the following strategies help you to improve your conversations : a) waste your time. b) Never summarise . c) Don't use visuals. d) Clarify your objective.

Objectives roughly divide into ……… categories:

a) Two . b) Three . c) Five . d) One hundred .

Exploring a problem is a part of :

a) Structure your thinking. b) Manage your time. c) Clarify your objective. d) Move beyond argument.

Why people ignore first stage thinking :

a) Perhaps because problems are frightening . b) To stay with a problem – to explore it, to try to

understand it further, to confront it and live with it for a few moments – is too uncomfortable.

c) a + b d) none of the above.

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Skilled conversation holders can steer the conversation by linking the following: a) The past and the present . b) The problem and the solution. c) Requests and answers . d) All of the above .

WASP means :

a) welcome; acquire; supply; part . b) welcome; answer; supply; part . c) welcome; acquire; support; part . d) welcome; acquire; supply; past .

which of the following about Acquire is NOT true :

a) This part of the conversation should be dominated by


b) For both of you, listening is vital. You are acquiring

knowledge from each other.

c) The last step is information gathering. Concentrate on

finding out as much as possible about the matter, from

as many angles as you can.

d) None of the above . A similar four stage model for conversation include :

a) Relationship and possibility.

b) Opportunity and action.

c) Only b . d) a+b .

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A conversation for relationship "welcome" is to : a) create or develop the relationship . b) end the relationship . c) think about problem . d) get rid of the problem .

A conversation for possibility "acquire" is about :

a) whether to do something. b) what to do . c) find new ways of looking at the problem . d) none of the above .

which of the following is NOT of the key question :

a) what's the problem? . b) is this a problem?. c) Who are you ? . d) What are we trying to do ? .

thinking Structure include :

a) Manage this conversation with care.

b) Take care not to judge or criticize.

c) Manage the emotional content of this conversation

with care.

d) All of the above .

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A conversation for opportunity "supply" include all of the

following EXCEPT :

a) A conversation for opportunity takes us into second-

stage thinking.

b) This is fundamentally a conversation about planning.

c) Many good ideas never become reality because people

are map out paths of opportunity.

d) A conversation for opportunity is designed to construct

such a path. You are choosing what to do.

Managing time for the conversation include :

a) Don’t just assume that there is no time.

b) Not to Be realistic.

c) If necessary, make an appointment at another time to

hold the conversation.

d) Only a+c .

Conversations can go too fast because:

a) we become solution-oriented .

b) we’re enjoying ourselves too much.

c) people stop asking questions.

d) All of the above .

A conversation is slowing down when :

a) when one person starts to dominate the conversation .

b) When questions dry up .

c) a+b

d) none of the above .

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when you feel that the conversation is speeding up, try

the following:

a) Reflect what the other person says rather than replying

directly to it.

b) Ask questions that are answered by ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

c) a+b.

d) only a .

which of the following is NOT of acceptance non verbal

behavior :

a) nodding.

b) Smiling.

c) folding the arms.

d) leaning forward.

Opinions might include:

a) stories.

b) explanations .

c) jokes .

d) a + b .

To summarize means :

a) to reinterpret the other person’s ideas in your own


b) To asking questions

c) To answer questions

d) None of the above .

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It’s said that people remember :

a) What they hear more than what they see .

b) What they see more than what they hear .

c) What they see as well as what they hear .

d) None of the above .

Which of the following is NOT of the mind-map making


a) Put a visual image of your subject in the corner of a

plain piece of paper .

b) details will radiate towards the edge.

c) Every line must connect to at least one other line.

d) Use visual display: colour, pattern, highlights.

Which of the following is true :

a) Metaphors are images of ideas in concrete form.

The word means ‘transferring’ or ‘carrying over’.

b) A metaphor carries your meaning from one thing to


c) It enables your listener to see something in a new

way, by picturing it as something else.

d) All of the above .

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Giving and receiving criticism

recommendations that can be done to successfully

deliver critical comment:

a) Tactful and Assertive .

b) Aggressive.

c) Dwell on the Past.

d) personalize the Message .

to Be tactful :

a) Dignity and respect should be avoided at all the

times .

b) always subject people to public embarrassment by

confronting them in the presence of others.

c) never avoid you-based messages when delivering

critical comment.

d) Use Assertive, Not Aggressive, Communication.

Critical comment must always be positioned between

positive statements :

a) True

b) False

c) None of the above .

d) Another answer .

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Which of the following is NOT included in identify the

Positive :

a) Critical comment must always be positioned

between positive statements.

b) use a shortage of time as an excuse for delivering

negative- only messages.

c) Giving positive comments is difficult sometimes if

you think a lot about the critical part.

d) Concluding with positive observations and optimistic

statements helps to neutralize any negative

emotional impact and discourages .

Which of the following is NOT true about Depersonalize

the Message :

a) assess your own emotional control at the moment

before delivering a critical message .

b) Avoid any comments that may be received as


c) Fix problems, do not assign blame.

d) Focus on what happened and on who did it.

It does not take a lot of talent to be a problem identifier;

it is much more helpful to be a problem solver:

a) True .

b) False .

c) None of the above.

d) Another answer .

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At Receiving critical comments ,Learn to manage yourself

and allow others to exercise control over you by making it

easy for them to push your buttons:

a) True.

b) False.

c) None of the above .

d) Another answer .

Which of the following is NOT included in Ask for

feedback on seven areas :

a) The overall quality of your work .

b) Your ability to consistently meet deadlines .

c) the quality of your decision making .

d) none of the above .

to improving your ability to process criticism :

a) Give Others Permission to Disagree with You .

b) Lower the Stakes.

c) Seek Solutions.

d) All of the above .

The steps that you can take to process critical comments


a) Clarify and Acknowledge .

b) Identify and Establish criteria .

c) a + b .

d) Only a .

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1) Communication is the act of ……………….. a) Transmitting and receiving information.

b) Receiving information.

c) Transmitting information.

d) None of them

2) There is a paradox in communicating because ……………….. a) I cannot expect that you will understand everything I tell you.

b) I cannot expect that you will understand only what I tell you.

c) Both (a & b).

d) We can’t understand each other.

3) Communication is …………… a) Continuous.

b) Complicated.

c) Contextual.

d) All of the above.

4) Communication is affected by …………….. Context. a) Psychological

b) Environmental

c) Cultural

d) All of the above

5) Communication is the process of ………………….. a) Creating shared understanding.

b) Speaking & listening.

c) Understanding the opponent ideas.

d) Making yourself clear.

6) The first and most important reason for communicating is …………… a) To build relationships with other people.

b) To deliver a message.

c) To understand the opponent ideas.

d) To create shared understanding.

7) You are a student and you didn’t understand what the teacher just said but you

didn’t ask. So the conversation failed because ………. a) You don’t like the teacher.

b) You made assumptions before you ask.

c) It was a wrong time to ask.

d) Conversation never happened.

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8) Our relationship defines the ………….. of our conversation. a) Limits

b) Type

c) Time

d) Ease

9) Relationships are …………….. a) Dynamic

b) Permanent

c) Complex

d) (a & c)

10) If we feel low in status relative to the other person, we may ………….. a) Ignore them.

b) Disrespect them.

c) Agree to any thing they say.

d) Put them down.

11) Our status is always at risk because ………….. a) It is created entirely through the other person’s perceptions.

b) It is created entirely through the other person’s feelings.

c) It is created entirely through the other person’s beliefs.

d) None of the above.

12) You have power over someone, so you can ………………. a) Ignore them.

b) Punish them.

c) End the conversation.

d) None the above.

13) Conversations can fail because ………. a) We dislike each other.

b) We like each other a lot.

c) We don’t know each other.

d) (a & b).

14) A successful conversation seeks out ………… a) The shared territory (common ground).

b) The objective of the conversation.

c) Speaking & listening to the other person.

d) All of the above

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15) Conversations are supposed to be ………….. a) Living.

b) Rigid.

c) (a & b).

d) None of the above.

16) When asked about something, the structure of a conversation is …………... a) We translate reality into language then give a conclusion.

b) We answer then think about what we said.

c) Both (a & b) are convenient

d) Something else.

17) ……………. will sometimes say things to the other person that we don’t

intend them to know. a) Thoughts

b) Verbal communication

c) Non-verbal communication

d) Feelings

18) Non-verbal messages are …………. a) Ambiguous.

b) Continuous.

c) Multi-channel.

d) All of the above.

19) When you are judging someone’s behavior, you …………… a) Don’t consider past experience.

b) Don’t look for clusters.

c) Check the context.

d) All of the above.


20) The four-stage model of conversation is …………….. a) Welcome; acquire; supply; part.

b) Welcome; part; acquire; supply

c) Welcome; acquire; part; supply

d) Welcome; supply; acquire; part

21) A conversation for opportunity represents the …………… stage in WASP

model of conversation. a) Welcome

b) Acquire

c) Supply

d) Part

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22) A conversation for ……………… seeks to find new ways of looking at the

problem. a) Relationship

b) Possibility

c) Opportunity

d) Action

23) Conversations can go too fast because ……………… a) We become solution-oriented.

b) Too much analysis is going on.

c) The conversation becomes problem-centered.

d) All of the above.

24) To slow down a conversation, you ………………… a) Reflect what the other person says.

b) Summarize and close one stage of the conversation.

c) Ask for new ideas and offer some new ones of your own.

d) All of the above.

25) Conversations become adversarial when ………………. a) People search out common ground between them.

b) People hold their own corner and treat every move by the other person as an attack.

c) People listen more than talk.

d) None of the above.

26) When you use the ladder of conversation, you can ……………. a) Move beyond argument.

b) Slow down your thinking.

c) Have more choices about where to go in a conversation.

d) All of the above.

27) To ………….. means to reinterpret the other person’s ideas in your own

language. a) Speak

b) Summarize

c) Translate

d) None of the above.


28) Recognizing what someone says means that you ………….. a) Agree with it.

b) Have taken the point into account.

c) Respect it.

d) Something else

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29) Appreciating the other person’s feelings on the matter means that you

………………. a) Feel the same way.

b) Respect those feelings.

c) Sympathetic with him.

d) None of the above.

30) Understanding the beliefs of someone means that you ………….. a) Share it.

b) Consider it important.

c) Agree with it.

d) None of the above.

31) It’s said that people remember about 20 per cent of what they hear, and

over 80 per cent of what they see. Visual aids include …………… a) Gestures.

b) Facial expressions.

c) Flip chart.

d) All of the above.

32) ………………… are powerful first-stage thinking tools. a) Mind maps

b) Flip charts

c) Metaphors

d) All of the above.

33) ……………….. enables your listener to see something in a new way, by

picturing it as something else. a) Mind maps

b) Flip charts

c) Metaphors

d) None of the above.

34) In a company meeting, the high board members are talking about the

company management system, the accountant tries to explain his point of

view, but he was ignored. The conversation failed because …………. a) The accountant has a low rank.

b) The high board members have high power upon him.

c) The accountant was labeled to a specified role.

d) All answers are wrong.

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35) When an expert holds a conversation with an amateur, the conversation

may probably fail because …………….. a) Completely different ranks.

b) Absence of clear objective.

c) The high power of one of the members affects the conversation.

d) Both (a & c).

36) In a conversation between you and your boss you express your opinion of

"worker's rights" in the factory, the conversation may probably fail because

………………… a) Wrong time selection.

b) The coercive power of your boss upon you.

c) Wrong consideration of relationship (territory).

d) None of the above.

37) “what links us?" could be a good key question to start a conversation of

……………… a) Possibility.

b) Relationship.

c) Opportunity.

d) Action.

38) In a conversation with a friend about improving education, the conversation

is too slow, so you …………….. to speed up the conversation. a) Try ending this boring conversation.

b) Ask (yes, no) questions about the education.

c) Ask for new ideas and offer ideas of your own.

d) Both (a & c).


39) Transmission model for human communication was not accurate because

………………… a) Our state of mind during the conversation affects our understanding.

b) We do not communicate what we really intend.

c) The model neglect the active effect of a human receiver.

d) All of them.

40) You start a relationship conversation with someone you meet the first time,

so you ……………… a) Introduce yourself in detail

b) Ask him about his name and age

c) Tell him a joke to break the ice

d) All answers are wrong

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41) The skills of enquiry are mainly ……………… a) Speaking skills.

b) Listening skills.

c) Creating and sharing ideas.

d) All of the above.

42) The main difference between a conversation & an interview is …………… a) Interview is called and led by one person.

b) Interview should have a specific reason.

c) Conversation is always informal.

d) Both (a & c).

43) Using visuals in your conversation means to ……………. a) Use images and picture to explain your idea.

b) Use your facial expressions and body language.

c) Write notes of your ideas and show them.

d) Both (a & b).

44) You are talking with someone, and he starts scratching his chin this means

……………….. a) He is bored.

b) He is lying.

c) He doesn't believe what you says.

d) He is very interested.

45) During a conversation with a friend about the evaluation system of exams,

you started to discount what he says, that's probably because …………….. a) You put him in a low rank.

b) You don't know the objective of the conversation.

c) You have high power upon him.

d) All of the above.

46) Referent power means …………. a) Power offered by laws.

b) The ability to punish.

c) Charisma.

d) Power of knowledge and skills.

47) The ability to bring the right people together is called …........ power. a) Expert

b) Coercive

c) Reward

d) Convening

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48) ………........ is the set of behaviors people expect of us. a) Assumptions

b) Role

c) Relationship

d) (a & b)

49) …………......... is the solution for rush & mess conversations. a) Setting structure

b) Defining a context

c) Writing notes

d) Using visuals

50) In a first stage thinking, we ……………… a) Draw mind maps for the conversation.

b) Translate language into results.

c) Translate reality into language.

d) All answers are wrong.

51) ………............ is a formal exchange of views. a) Conversation

b) Interview

c) Presentation

d) Proposal

52) During preparing for a presentation ……............. must be considered. a) Material, Place, Time and Audience

b) Material, Yourself, Place and Time

c) Material, Yourself and Audience

d) Material only

53) “You are always completely wrong!" ............. is/are the main error(s) in

this expression of criticism. a) Aggressive language

b) Missing the positive

c) Personalizing

d) (a & b)

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1) a

2) c

3) d

4) d

5) a

6) a

7) d

8) a

9) d

10) c

11) a

12) b

13) d

14) a

15) a

16) a

17) c

18) d

19) d

20) a

21) c

22) b

23) a

24) a

25) b

26) d

27) b

28) b

29) b

30) b

31) d

32) a

33) c

34) c

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35) d

36) b

37) b

38) c

39) d

40) d

41) b

42) a

43) d

44) c

45) a

46) c

47) d

48) b

49) a

50) c

51) b

52) c

53) d

Done by: Ahmed El-Saied Al-Badrawy

Nora Ibrahim Basha

Page 27: Mcq questions for communication skills course

1- Statistically, we remember what percentage of what is spoken?

A) 20 percent

B) 30 percent

C) 70 percent

D) 80 percent

Answer is : B

2- Exchange of ideas between two or more persons is

A) Understanding

B) Telling

C) communication

D) listening

Answer is : C

3- Which is not the type of communication channel

A) Speaking, listening

B) Writing, reading

C) Visualizing, observing

D) Thinking, acting

Answer is : D

4- Communication without words is called

A) Non- verbal communication

B) Verbal communication

C) Oral communication

D) Written communication

Answer is : A

5- Effective communication is that in which

A) sender sends a complete message

B) Receiver understands the message of sender

C) Communication is oral

D) communicaton is in writing

Answer is : B

I hope it is good :D

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6- Always avoid _____ when delivering critical comment.

A) listening

B) speaking

C) we-based messages

D) you-based messages

Answer is : D

7- _____ is an active process ; whereas _____ is a passive process

A) Listening ; hearing

B) Hearing ; listening

C) Reading ; writing

D) Writing ; reading

Answer is : A

8- The advantage of oral communication is

A) Immediate response is possible

B) There is no waste of time

C) The listeners reaction can not be observed by the speaker

D) There is no disadvantages

Answer is : A

9- Identify the disadvantages of oral communication

A) Immediate response is possible

B) Listeners reaction is observed

C) A considerable amount of time and mony is spent

D) Both A and B

Answer is : C

10- Gathering only facts, without trying to understand the content, while listening is

A) Strategy of effective oral communication

B) Barrier to effective oral communication

C) Strategy of effective listening skills

D) Barrier to effective listening skills

Answer is : D

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[1] a common method for making decisions

a) Listening b) writing c) meeting d) speaking

[2] Many conversations fail because one or both of us ignore......

a) Context b) relationship c) structure d) behavior

[3] The most important thing to manage behavior is......

a) hand contact b) body movement c) eye contact d) b and c

[4] First stage thinking is thinking about a...........

a) Understanding b) problem c) solution d) exploring

[5] People remember about ....... percent of what they hear in conversation

a) 0 b) 20 c) 80 d) 100

[6] Specific steps you can take to process critical comments constructively are......

a) Clarify b) acknowledge c) identify d) all of them

[7]...........mean dignity and respect should be maintained at all the times

a) Be tactful b) be assertive c) identify the positive d) not of them

[8] To become more effective you need to take control of.........

a) Material b) audience c) yourself d) all of them

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[9] Controlling the audience include ....... contact.

a) Hand b) leg c) eye d) ear

[10] ....... from types of interview

a) Appraisal b) delegation c) coaching d) all of them

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1. One day just before your exam, your friend tried to talk to you about "global warming”, and this conversation fails because he didn't care about: a- Context (time& objectives) b- Relationship (role) c- Relationship (territory) d- a &b

2. In a conversation with your father, and he was so angry because your bad marks in this term, you accepts all his words because ……………….Power a- Legitimate b- Referent c- Expert d- Coercive

3. In the bus station you met someone for the first time, he asked about your address and you didn't answer, this conversation fails because: a- Context(objective) b- Relationship(territory) c- Relationship(role) d- Relationship (liking)

Page 33: Mcq questions for communication skills course

1) The quality of conversation depends more on ......... (a) the quality of the listening than the quality of the speaking, (b) the quality of the speaking than the quality of listening. (c) The quality of understanding the speakers of each other. (d) The time of the conversation. 2) The ability to punish others is :- (a) Reward Power. (b) Coercive Power. (c) Referent Power. (d) Expert Power. 3) When you make a presentation, you should ......... (a) Define you objective. (b) Construct a message. (c) Put it on Cards. (d) All of the above. (4) The rank we grant to another person in relation to us is........ (a) Power. (b) Role. (c) Status. (d) Liking. (5)When you are in a conversation with someone, you should ....... (a) Search for the area of common understanding. (b) Show yourself. (c) Interrupt the speaker. (d) Not show interest to the speaker words. Answers 1) (a). 2) (b). 3) (d). 4) (c). 5) (a).