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  • 3/30/2015 Oxford University Press | Online Resource Centre | Chapter 01 1/3

    Gilmore & Williams: Human Resource Management 2e

    Chapter 01

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    Question 1

    In which decade did HRM originate?

    You did not answer the question.

    Correct answer:

    c) 1980s


    1980s - the term originated in the USA in the early 1980s and offers the promise that the people management function, where it exists, can meet

    the challenges faced by contemporary organizations and occupy a heightened strategic role if its philosophies and practices are used.

    Page reference: 7

    Question 2

    What are the ideas underpinning 'soft', 'commitment', or 'high-road' HRM practices?

    You did not answer the question.

    Correct answer:

    a) Labour needs to be treated as an asset to be invested in


    These approaches stress the mutuality existing between employer and employee; see labour as an asset to be invested in rather than treated

    as a cost, and view commitment to and investment in human capital activities as central to competitive advantage.

    Page reference: 10

    Question 3

    Which consulting company is associated with the concept of talent management?

    You did not answer the question.

    Correct answer:

    d) McKinsey


    McKinsey and their 'War for Talent' reports are associated with this concept; arguing that the 'knowledge economy' was placing a premium on

    talented employees.

    Page reference: 10

    Question 4


  • 3/30/2015 Oxford University Press | Online Resource Centre | Chapter 01 2/3

    Why are employers interested in employee engagement?

    You did not answer the question.

    Correct answer:

    c) Because engaged employees are more motivated and prepared to give of their best to make the firm succeed


    Engaged employees are argued to have a sense of personal attachment to their work and the company; they are prepared to give of their best

    for the organization, and if the employer delivers on their commitments to staff, the psychological contract is enhanced between both parties;

    enhancing mutual trust and the employee's sense of fairness.

    Page reference: 11

    Question 5

    Which of the following is a key HR role as defined by Ulrich et al (2009)?

    You did not answer the question.

    Correct answer:

    b) Business ally


    Ulrich and his colleagues developed six key roles for HR practitioners, arguing that fulfilling them will lead to added value for the function and for

    the organization. They are: credible activist, culture and change steward, talent manager/organizational designer, strategy architect, operational

    executor, and business ally.

    Page reference: 16-17

    Question 6

    The term 'emotional labour' is associated with which author?

    You did not answer the question.

    Correct answer:

    a) Arlie Hochschild


    Emotional labour, and engaging in aspects of it, is increasingly seen as being a crucial component of the service encounter, whether that occurs

    virtually or on a face to face basis. The term and the concept is associated with the ground-breaking work of Hoschshild and her (1983) book,

    The Managed Heart.

    Page reference: 13

    Question 7

    What does the term 'financialization' refer to?

    You did not answer the question.

    Correct answer:

    a) A process whereby financial markets and institutions gain greater influence over economic policy, economic outcomes and the elevation of

    the financial sector over others.


    It is a term used to describe the dominance of profit-making mechanisms that rely on financial transactions in the global finance markets rather

    than trading and commodity/service production.

    Page reference: 12

  • 3/30/2015 Oxford University Press | Online Resource Centre | Chapter 01 3/3

    Question 8

    Why do some commentators claim that it is unlikely that the UK economy will become a knowledge economy?

    You did not answer the question.

    Correct answer:

    c) Historically low levels of company investment into research and development.


    Some commentators claim that due to low levels of company investment into research and development it is unlikely that the UK economy will

    become a knowledge economy. Indeed, a low-skill strategy is arguably more important, and more likely in many sectors.

    Page reference: 13-14

    Question 9

    What measures are typically involved in the rationalizing of businesses?

    You did not answer the question.

    Correct answer:

    c) Downsizing and Delayering


    'Rationalizing' a business typically involves organizations reducing the number of staff it employs (because employment costs are often the

    most substantial areas of outlay for a company), and also reducing the layers of management hierarchy. This also reduces employment costs -

    and managers are often a more expensive staff resource - whilst also facilitating communication between management layers of the


    Page reference: 15

    Question 10

    What kinds of practices outlined below are typically associated with non-standard working and flexibility?

    You did not answer the question.

    Correct answer:

    b) The reduction in distinctions between standard and unsocial hours or standard and extra hours


    Non-standard working and flexibility are typically associated with the blurring between standard working hours (often described as '9-5') and

    additional hours (sometimes for no additional moneys) or unsocial hours such as Sunday working, evening hours, or working on bank holidays.

    Page reference: 14

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