Download - M+C Brochure

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°of healthcare understandingbringing together unrivalled media and communications expertise in the Irish medical setting

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360° of specialisation

Optimally communicating key messages usually involves accessing a suite of very different

marketing services.

In healthcare terms, customers can be targeted by advertising campaigns, detailing tools,

public relations plans, direct mail initiatives, specialist meetings, digital media and much,

much more.

Customer insight is the key determinant of success. Regardless of whether your target

audience is healthcare professionals or consumers, the best outcomes will be reliant on

an understanding of what best motivates their actions and optimally influences their


The M+C Group is home to unrivalled knowledge of the Irish healthcare setting.

Our employees – spread across a series of often intersecting divisions – have been

developing award-winning medical marketing solutions for more than three decades.

Combined, we offer 360° of healthcare understanding.

Whatever angle you approach your medical marketing challenges from, you can rest

assured that the M+C Group has the experience, analytical skill and creativity to help deliver

the best possible outcomes.

Innovation = economic value added. Harvard Business School

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°of healthcare understandingbringing together unrivalled media and communications expertise in the Irish medical setting

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mission statementThe M+C Group is committed to harnessing specialist knowledge and outstanding creativity to deliver innovative solutions characterised by excellence and value.

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Our decision to amalgamate the services of six specialist agencies into a single offering

represents a direct response to the increasingly refined needs of Irish healthcare companies.

The move creates an agency resource of unprecedented knowledge and expertise within

the Irish medical setting, harnessed to a unique reservoir of creative skills.

The various divisions that comprise the M+C Group have been responsible for consistently

providing their clients with pioneering, award-winning healthcare marketing and

communications solutions across three decades.

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Healthcare’s move to specialisation

The successful media and communications solutions delivered by our staff against a

backdrop of constant medical sector change have been wide in scope.

You will see from the case studies contained in this brochure that we have pioneered

imaginative event and meeting solutions, formulated pitch-perfect PR campaigns and

created attention-grabbing visuals.

The provision and delivery of healthcare in the Irish setting is continuing to change at a

rapid pace. Services are being reorganised amid increasing specialisation and regulation.

In this new environment, the value of experienced, knowledgeable and creative specialist

support services has never been more crucial to the success of medical marketing plans.

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customer engagementThe only source of knowledge is experience.Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

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Why it’s time for new thinking on customer engagement

A variety of factors have combined to ensure that medical sales and marketing is an

increasingly challenging undertaking. The task of engaging customers with your key

messages has never been more problematic.

• Customers are increasingly time-poor

• Access to key decision makers – often now smaller in number – can be problematic

• Doctors and patient groups are increasingly sceptical of product claims and industry


• New codes and regulations have restricted the scope of traditional marketing activities

• The marketplace has never been busier nor the competition fiercer

Against such a challenging backdrop, agencies who have genuine specialist insight and

personal contacts within the healthcare arena can deliver more for their clients. The

combined experience of the M+C Group’s specialist divisions offers the opportunity to

leverage a variety of competitive advantages and imaginative access opportunities, the

benefits of which can be tracked all the way to the bottom line.

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Exciting and effective product support vehicles

Many of the projects we have undertaken have won national accolades and set industry

standards for excellence. Most notably in recent years, the M+C Group has been responsible

for the most accomplished media relations campaign in Ireland (Public Relations Institute of

Ireland Awards for Excellence) and best Irish medical meeting (Irish Healthcare Awards).

Our specialist consultants have garnered almost a dozen other accolades for excellence in

a variety of other settings including:

• Online media solutions and digital marketing

• Disease awareness campaigns across TV, print and radio

• Outstanding advertisement and promotional materials

• Medical writing

• Product launches

• Patient support group liaison and co-promotions

• Medical education initiatives (both online and in traditional settings)

• Top Ten Advertising Recall Award for five consecutive years

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unique serviceInnovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. Steve Jobs

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Services offered by the specialist divisions within the M+C Group include:

• Medical meetings

• Health services liaison

• Key customer access solutions

• Value-for-money media buying

• Crisis and issues management

• Market research at micro and macro levels

• Round-table meeting organisation and focus group co-ordination

• Internal communications consultancy

• International event organisation

• Outreach initiatives with charities and local communities

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talk to us

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Get in touch

If you are interested in developing new opportunities for your brand, breaking the mould or

formulating imaginative engagement tools for doctors, consumers and other stakeholders

– please do get in touch.

You will be struck not just by our experience and knowledge, but by our determination to

deliver specialist strategies that can help your product reach its fullest potential.

M+C Group

5-7 Clanwilliam Tce, Dublin 2

t +353 (0)1 665 0300 f +353 (0)1 662 8041

The Loft, Old Avenue, Glanmire, Co. Cork

t +353 (0)21 482 0800 f +353 (0)21 482 0788

e [email protected] w

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public relationsA message reported in the news is eight times more likely to be trusted than an advertisement.Chair of the Guild of Health Writers, quoted in the British Medical Journal

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First Medical Communications

FMC is a specialist public relations agency founded in 2002. Our formation represented a

direct response to a growing demand from within the healthcare sector for authoritative

healthcare communications knowledge backed up by experience of marketing within

this environment.

Our staff’s professional skill sets include comprehensive knowledge and experience of

public relations activities across public affairs, fast-moving consumer goods, business and

digital media sectors. However, from the outset, we have consciously recruited staff from

within the healthcare industry whose previous roles offered additional insight into medical

marketing strategies.

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Specialisation: We remain the sole medical-only PR

agency in Ireland. This has allowed us to build up a peerless

knowledge base in terms of the science and structure of

the Irish healthcare market across more than 30 different

therapeutic areas.

Experience: Because our entire business for the past eight

years has been concentrated on health, our grasp of how

such issues are reported in print, online and by radio and

television broadcast media is unrivalled.

Knowledge: We are familiar not only with the science of

healthcare in Ireland, but also the socio-political issues

surrounding therapeutic intervention. Our clients are reassured

by the fact that we have previous experience of negotiating

the often complex relationships that exist between different

stakeholder audiences whether clinician, healthcare manager

or funder.

Employees: We are the only agency in Ireland whose staff

includes industry marketers, former medical editors and

award-winning health reporters. As a direct consequence,

our contact base within the medical community in Ireland

is unmatched.

Creativity: FMC has remained the country’s leading specialist

agency for almost a decade because we value the importance

of closely monitoring the evolution of healthcare provision

in Ireland and further afield. Our imaginative and innovative

campaigns don’t just anticipate and overcome the barriers

to success caused by change. Significantly, our proposals

frequently leverage the new opportunities that are also

a consequence of change processes such as the recent

emergence of new media, technology and social networking


Reputation: Specialisation also benefits us in terms of the

unique profile it has won us within media circles. Because

we only contact them in terms of healthcare, FMC is widely

regarded by both lay and consumer journalists as the specialist

agency in Ireland. Our contacts book and relationships with

journalists reflect the advantages of this categorisation.

International affiliation

Chandler Chicco Agency (CCA) - the world’s largest independent

healthcare public relations agency, signed an exclusive

Irish affiliate agreement with FMC in 2007. With 20 global

partners, CCA has offices in New York, London, Washington,

Los Angeles, Paris and elsewhere. The group was recently

voted PR Week’s Agency of the Year and The Holmes Report’s

Healthcare and Specialist Agency of the Year.

Why FMC?

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• Strategic consultation and planning

• Media and stakeholder relations

• Disease awareness campaigns

• Public affairs

• Patient advocacy and communications

• Corporate reputation and issues management

• Consumer campaigns

• Round-table/advisory board meetings

• Meeting report writing and management

• Photography

• Crisis/issue management

• Internal communications

• Media monitoring (broadcast, online and print)

• Company and product launches

• Event management integrating multimedia tools

• Medical writing

• Copywriting and scriptwriting

• Medical education programmes for healthcare


• Patient information leaflets

• Online communications and strategy


• Best charity/not-for-profit national PR campaign,

Public Relations Institute of Ireland

• B2B Innovation, Digital Media Awards

• Consumer Healthcare, Public Relations

Institute of Ireland

• GSK Medical Media Awards Winner

• Public Relations Institute of Ireland,

Best Media Relations

• Allianz Business to Arts Award

• Best Consumer Healthcare and General Practice/

Pharmacy Campaign, Irish Healthcare Awards

What specialist services do we offer?

FMC is now Ireland’s largest specialist medical and consumer healthcare public relations and communications agency. Some 13 of the top 15 healthcare companies worldwide are based in Ireland and, since our inception, we have worked successfully with all ten of the largest stakeholders in the Irish market.

Many of our campaigns have won global accolades and have provided a template for best practice for other international affiliates.

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“The clear choice of our judges… this was an innovative

offering, with only a modest budget to support it. But it

clearly demonstrates just what the term media relations

can mean.”

Public Relations Institute of Ireland judges’ citation,

Best Irish Media Relations Campaign

“The Pain in Europe Survey is the news this morning. The Irish

scored a major success with coverage in two of the main Irish

Sunday newspapers (and we expect further TV and radio

coverage there today) – this clearly set the tone and the UK

broadcast media has grabbed the story with both hands.”

Rob Cohen, Director of Communications,

Mundipharma Europe

“We get lots of promotional bits and pieces sent our way all

the time - some are good, some aren’t so good and some

are downright awful. But some are fantastic and this is one

of those things. It’s a blatant plug and I just love the idea…

It’s one of those moments where you acknowledge the fact

that these people sat down and said ‘how are we going to

promote this – here is a great way of doing it’.”

Marty Whelan, RTÉ (This promotion was also

name-checked by five other radio presenters)

“We got 60-plus media stories which included the biggest

names like RTÉ News, Irish Times and 2FM. If you look at what

we spent on this campaign, it’s an incredible achievement.”

Donal Murphy, Neuroscience Brand Operations

Manager, Pfizer

Patient group partnership

Arthritis Ireland - RA Work a Day

FMC raised national awareness of rheumatoid arthritis, by

recruiting star celebrities John Rocha, Louis Mulcahy and

George Hook, among others. Twelve patients with rheumatoid

arthritis were selected to experience Ireland’s most exciting,

distinctive careers in Arthritis Ireland’s annual calendar, which

featured monthly photos with the patients and celebrities,

and focused on the theme of overcoming the challenge of

working with rheumatoid arthritis.

Disease awareness

Novartis – World Hypertension Day

Novartis asked FMC to create a consumer health awareness

campaign to highlight the risks associated with hypertension

and outline preventative measures. As part of that effort, FMC

organised several blood-pressure monitoring stations in the

busiest shopping hubs of Dublin city, and in the lead-up to the

event managed to secure a photocall with Taoiseach Brian

Cowen, drawing national interest. The health spokespersons

of all the main Irish political parties also backed the initiative

and attended the photo shoot.

Testimonials Some of our case studies

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Award-winning healthcare film by Oscar nominee

Pfizer – Reeling in the Pain

This initiative educated clinicians and consumers on

neuropathic pain, a problem that’s difficult to explain and

diagnose. Six-times Oscar-nominated director Jim Sheridan

oversaw a national competition. Five personal stories

formed the basis for three short films: The Knife, Keeping

the Beast at Bay and Heat. The campaign featured on RTÉ

Six One News and generated more than 70 other pieces of

coverage, resulting in 5.5 million opportunities to see. The

Knife was honoured in the Best Short Documentary category

at the Galway Film Fleadh 2009 and also took a 2009 Irish

Healthcare award.

FMCG and healthcare

Danone Activia – World Digestive Health Day (WDHD)

Collaboration between Danone, the World Gastroenterology

Organisation and nutritionist, Paula Mee, helped FMC to

generate unprecedented coverage for Ireland’s WDHD. This

consumer product campaign focused on the key messages

regarding the importance of probiotics and a balanced

lifestyle in maintaining a healthy digestive system.

The perfect RX product launch

Tyverb – GlaxoSmithKline

Maximising the impact of this new offering involved

engaging the oncology community and general Irish public

in its therapeutic potential and Irish heritage. A press

conference at GSK’s plant in Cork marked the official launch.

Speakers included Minister for Labour Affairs, Billy Kelleher

and Medical Oncologist, Prof John Crown. Ms Caroline

Dwyer offered the media a compelling patient perspective.

The event produced 22 print articles, 11 radio broadcasts

and three TV segments on RTÉ’s flagship Six One and Nine

O’Clock news shows. It also appeared on TV3’s evening news.

Activity significantly enhanced awareness of GSK’s presence

in oncology as an innovative company.

Sporting legends destigmatise embarrassing medical issue

Lilly – Don’t Live Life on the Sidelines

Fifty per cent of men over 40 experience erectile dysfunction

(ED) at some stage in their lives but research has shown

that it’s not something they like to share with their peers.

FMC recruited some of Ireland’s biggest sports stars to help

remove the stigma associated with this common condition.

The Lilly ‘Don’t Spend Life on the Sidelines’ campaign was

launched and backed by former Republic of Ireland and

Liverpool soccer legend Ronnie Whelan, Kerry GAA star

Páidí Ó Sé and Irish rugby ace Shane Byrne. Extensive press,

broadcast and online coverage of the campaign encouraged

men who encounter ED to visit and make

a GP appointment.

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digital mediaIt is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.Charles Darwin (1809-1882)

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M+C Digital

Marketing in the pharmaceutical sector is rapidly changing. Budget constraints, healthcare

professional access issues and the changing media preferences of consumers and time-

poor physicians, are forcing marketers to evolve in order to compete in a competitive


Pharmaceutical companies are now challenged to develop new strategies to forge new paths

to healthcare professionals and consumers.

Your target audience is now online. The average physician now spends a full work day (eight

hours) per week using the Internet for professional reasons – rising from only 2.5 hours

in 2002. According to a recent IMB report, one in four Irish consumers now turns to the

Internet as an information source on medicines.

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M+C Digital understands your concerns as regards implementing

new media strategies – internal challenges, complex approval

processes, questions as regards guidelines, concerns regarding

adverse event reporting.

We can help you to coordinate your online and offline tactics,

developing engaging digital strategies in line with your

business objectives.


• Digital strategy development

• Online brand monitoring

• Website development

• Website analytics

• Social media strategy

• Advice on blogging and blog creation

• Electronic newsletters

• Email marketing

• E-surveys

• Development of mobile applications e.g. iPhone apps

• Online syndication of PR materials

• Digital campaign evaluation

• Online advertising

• Google AdWords campaigns

• Creation of bespoke digital services

Why M+C Digital?

The Internet influences the choice of treatment for almost half of those who use the Internet (49%).

IMB, Consumer Views on Sourcing Information on Medicines, April 2010

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A digital solution to a paper problem for Irish GPs

CMEdiary (

This online innovation gives registered GPs access to a free,

user-friendly, online diary where they can view a calendar

of upcoming events accredited with Continuous Medical

Education (CME) points, claim CME points for events attended,

record internal practice-based educational activities including

personal reading and studying and track the number of CME

points accumulated in any given time period.

As part of the ground-breaking multi-media service, sponsored

by Pfizer, GPs receive a smart card which can be used to

automatically record attendance and CME points gained at

many medical conferences and events. The swipe cards interact

with touch-screen kiosks and scanners and automatically

register points to the GP’s CMEdiary. A text facility also

exists. The initiative has been extremely well received by Irish

GPs with almost 25% signing up, a figure that continues to

increase. The website’s dynamic event calendar is updated

weekly and details over 1,000 CME-accredited activities. The

project received a medal at the Digital Media Awards in the

“B2B Innovation” category.

“The ability to supply such information will soon become

a compulsory requirement and the CMEdiary service is a

welcome development in that regard. It saves time by providing

family doctors with a quick and easy way to register their

CME points on an ongoing basis across a range of internal

and external activity. The benefit of having everything online

at the click of their mouse is immediately recognisable – it is

efficient and certainly beats having to search for paperwork

that might go back five years.”

Dublin-based GP, Dr Michael O’Brien

Some of our case studies

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Revamping a consumer campaign

Sculptra – Looking Good For Summer

A digital strategy was central to the success of this campaign,

in support of a cosmetic filler, which involved invigorating

awareness and use of the Sculptra product one year on from

its launch. It involved both physician and consumer-directed

activities during key summer months and was primarily

leveraged through non-medical outlets.

A dynamic website,, appealing to the

target female audience, was developed. Featuring a range

of beauty and lifestyle tips, along with product information

and a list of clinics providing the treatment, the website was

the hub of communications activity.

A PR campaign featuring newly secured product endorser,

Irish charity worker and socialite Jackie Rafter, was developed

and channelled traffic to the campaign website. Advertorials

in carefully selected publications leveraged this celebrity

endorsement and also directed readers to the site.

This cost-effective campaign was extremely successful,

delivering almost three million opportunities to see. A high-

impact TV segment and numerous complementary editorial

product references across a range of print outlets generated

thousands of website hits with an average visit lasting more

than five minutes. Doctors also saw a huge increase in Sculptra

awareness and sales increased in multiple terms.

“We saw a huge increase – 10 to 12 calls per week. The only

calls they would have received prior to the launch were from


Medical Director, Galway-based clinic

Some of our case studies

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Email marketing to open doors and add value

Pfizer – Vector e-newsletter

Although digital platforms are transforming the delivery of

information, commentators universally insist that content

remains king. M+C Digital is ideally placed to help advise

clients on medical editorial and educational initiatives

through electronic media.

We have developed and managed a series of electronic

newsletters for clients including Vector, the official newsletter

of the Irish Society of Clinical Microbiologists.

Supported by Pfizer Anti-Infectives, the nationwide newsletter

is delivered to microbiologists and consultants in infectious

disease. It offers the latest updates on news and research from

Ireland and overseas, direct to the inbox of Irish doctors.

Social media broadens the appeal of a

78-year-old brand

Alka-Seltzer – Let’s Get Fizzical Oxegen Challenge

M+C Digital developed a cost-effective, integrated campaign

combining social media tools and traditional print advertising

to highlight the product’s heritage whilst broadening its

appeal to a younger audience. An engaging competition to

win a VIP trip to the Oxegen music festival was launched

via advertorials in college publications. A branded YouTube

channel and Facebook group were set up to act as focal

points for the campaign. The campaign served to reach

more than 44,000 college students and staff, attracted

over 1,500 voters and 6,000 video views on YouTube and

increased traffic to the brand’s website. The campaign was

widely referenced on a number of other websites, including

band homepages and web news services. On a number of

occasions, Let’s get Fizzical featured in the top 50 YouTube

sites visited by Irish Internet users.

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M+C Events

Our company is the only event service provider catering exclusively for the pharmaceutical

and healthcare industry. This specialisation delivers a level of know-how that has enabled

us to consistently organise groundbreaking, award-winning events for a range of different

clients since the early 1990s.

Our knowledge of facilitating meetings for doctors and other healthcare stakeholders in

Ireland will deliver benefits which can be leveraged to your company’s and your product’s


We know how doctors think. And we have shown time and time again that we can come up

with a concept guaranteed to grab their attention and persuade them to leave their busy

clinics and surgeries.

The gatherings we have brainstormed, planned and delivered successfully have ranged in

size. The Doctor Awards are the biggest annual event on the medical calendar attracting a

who’s who of medicine right up to the Minister for Health. But we also regularly organise

smaller events including product launches, industry sales conferences and round-table focus

groups of specialists, GPs and pharmacists.

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Imagination, creativity and results

The imaginative approach adopted by M+C Events to all

our meetings – based on our peerless understanding of the

healthcare arena – is what has helped our agency become

market leaders.

Many of the groundbreaking concepts pioneered by M+C

Events over the years – multi-venue road shows, associating

well-known personalities with medical education initiatives

and bringing remarkable medical individuals to Ireland –

have subsequently been adopted by industry peers and


But coming up with a compelling hook to tempt your target

audience to leave their busy clinics and surgeries is just the

first step on the path to a successful meeting.

Our keen knowledge of the respective likes and dislikes of

healthcare professionals may also influence your choice of

date, the selection of venue, your preferred speakers and

your event chairperson.

In some instances we may contact your target audience

personally by telephone or appointment. For larger events,

we are likely to maximise the opportunities offered by

medical media. This might involve designing up and placing

eye-catching advertisements or posting attention-grabbing

direct mail.

Positioning, partnerships and profile

M+C Events can also assist you to bring a wide range of meeting

stakeholders on board from across the medical spectrum. We

can identify partners in various medical specialities in both

primary and secondary care. These might be leading Irish

key opinion leaders or their international counterparts.

Successive Ministers for Health and other cabinet members

with responsibility for portfolios including trade, enterprise

and social justice have attended our keynote meetings.

We are the agency of choice for the Irish medical community

when they wish to organise their own medical gatherings

and have liaised with the Irish Society for Rheumatology, the

Irish Menopause Society, and the Royal College of Surgeons

among others.

M+C Events also has a long track record of partnership with

the country’s leading patient organisations such as the Asthma

Society of Ireland, the Irish Thoracic Society, the Diabetes

Federation of Ireland, and the Irish Cancer Society.

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Coming up with the hook: Our experienced team will help

develop bespoke event concepts and meeting proposals with

the potential to help you achieve your objectives and make a

positive, impactful impression on your target audience. This

may be a genuinely remarkable speaker or a cutting-edge

take on issues that interest doctors.

Leveraging the key message: We can help ensure that

the speakers you select will share information with your

audience that will be of benefit to your product. This can

then be leveraged to a wider public through meeting reports,

podcasts, and public relations activity.

Identifying the perfect venue: We are fully cognisant of

industry regulations and can help you source a location that

ideally matches the needs of your customers.

Filling the seats: The secret to delivering good attendance

involves a series of factors and is ever-changing. It’s more

than just a good hook. Our suite of promotional materials will

optimally communicate the event’s attractiveness and may

include advertisements, direct mail, and complementary PR

activity designed to ensure your attendance is as strong as

possible. CME points are becoming increasingly important for

doctors and we can liaise with accrediting bodies to ensure

these are in place.

Looking after attendees: We will never forget how important

your customers are to your company’s continuing success

and we are familiar with their likes and dislikes. We will always

be professional and informed when dealing with the needs

of your customers, whether that involves making speaker

travel arrangements or delivering seamless state-of-the-art

AV support.

What specialist event services do we offer?

• Product launches

• Regional meetings, including multi-venue road shows

• Round-table focus groups

• Overseas events and international medical meetings

and congresses

• Public education events, in partnership with patient

groups if required

• Large national medical conferences for companies who

desire a profile as thought leaders within their market

• Onsite hospital-based events

• Corporate social responsibility initiatives

• Sales meetings, including sourcing venues and

motivational speakers whose messages will resonate

• International events

• Company/local community outreach events

• Pre-launch advisory panels

Why M+C Events?

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Diabetes in Crisis – A Multidisciplinary Approach to

the Treatment of Diabetes

Attracting more than 300 delegates, this two-day event was

the largest conference of its kind ever held in Ireland. It was

organised by M+C Events with the support of a number of

industry sponsors. Seventeen of the world’s leading authorities

addressed attendees at seminars and workshops and the

conference was accredited for 9 external CME credits. The

Minister for Health officially launched proceedings, which

delivered comprehensive television, radio and newspaper

coverage. A conference summary meeting report was

produced and distributed to healthcare professionals in

clinics, hospitals and surgeries around Ireland. The project

subsequently won the Medical Event of the Year accolade

at the annual Irish Healthcare Awards.

Fresi Steady Cook

(Dublin, Belfast, London, Manchester)

These events helped promote a nutritional sip feed for use

amongst malnourished patients. The title echoed the popular

‘Ready Steady Cook’ TV programme and highlighted the

company’s ‘Fresubin’ product. Celebrity chefs Paul Rankin,

Richard Corrigan and Derry Clarke were invited to showcase

menus particularly suitable for those facing nutritional

problems. Medical speakers then discussed the issue of

malnutrition, and potential solutions. A marketing campaign

targeted GPs, dieticians, nursing home managers and others.

After the phenomenal success of the Irish meetings – which

attracted more than 250 attendees each - the event was

brought to the UK where Noel Edmonds was master of

ceremonies. The initiative was responsible for a 20% surge

in product sales in the month following the event.

Some of our case studies

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Tackling a Cardiac Product Hospital Launch

This event was designed to support the launch of a medicine

for a cardiac complaint known as atrial fibrillation (AF). The

target audience was cardiologists and general physicians,

a particularly busy group of doctors. M+C Events identified

former Irish rugby international Simon Best, who recently

retired from professional sport as a consequence of being

diagnosed with AF, as the key event speaker. Given the

traditional popularity of rugby amongst the medical community,

he offered a uniquely interesting patient perspective. Irish

and international medical specialists also spoke on AF and its

treatment. More than 70 specialists attended the event.

The Irish Journal of Medical Science Doctor Awards

Organised by M+C Events for the Royal Academy of Medical

Science, the Doctor Awards have been a highlight of the

Irish medical calendar for more than a decade. The event

supports the medical research achievements of Irish doctors

and those who have had scientific papers published in key

journals worldwide are eligible to enter. The awards ceremony

is attended by a who’s who of the Irish medical community,

with the Minister for Health a regular guest of honour.

Faculty of Pain Medicine: Annual Scientific Meetings

M+C Events helped launch this inaugural annual symposium in

partnership with the Faculty of Pain Medicine at the College of

Anaesthetists. Pain in the 21st Century was a hugely successful

event, which was attended by more than 250 delegates and

attracted widespread industry support. It was subsequently

decided to expand the meeting symposium in its second year.

The Pain in Women event linked in with the National Maternity

Hospital’s annual Charter Day celebrations and was held over

two days. It featured a series of internationally renowned

speakers including Prof James Eisenach, Editor-in-Chief of

the celebrated Anesthesiology clinical journal. More than

250 healthcare professionals attended the event, which

generated major media coverage including a report on RTÉ

Six One News, interviews on Radio 1, and extensive editorial

and pictorial coverage in the specialist medical media.


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media buying

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Why consider a media agency?

Media is changing: tighter promotional budgets, increasing regulatory pressure, pharma

company mergers and the growth of digital mean that the days of ad hoc buying of ‘white

space’ are a thing of the past.

The healthcare professional marketplace is changing too: HCP titles are closing,

specialist journals are changing hands, and new or rebranded titles are emerging at an

unprecedented rate.

Many of these market entrants embrace a digital dimension or claim access to specialist

practitioners as companies focus on increasingly targeted audiences.

hme+Kanvas is an agency that offers clients operating in this environment access to a

proven heritage of professional healthcare media expertise both online and in print. We

can guide you through the maze of readership claims, and reduce your reliance on opaque

and biased rate cards, saving you time and effort, and adding value for your media spend

in terms of rates, exposure and placement.

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What is a media agent?

• A professional with specialist media experience

• An expert negotiator and buyer, skilled

in getting the most from your budget

• Someone who can get exclusive

placements and offerings

• A strategic partner and a valuable

ally who can offer a critical edge

• Someone in the best position to represent a

client’s broader interests to the media owners

• Someone who can free up a client’s time

for other key tasks

What could a media buyer achieve for you?

You and your marketing teams know your brands and set a

budget to achieve your objectives. Our area of specialisation

is the media market. We place millions of euro worth of

advertisements annually.

hme+Kanvas will bring these economies of scale to bear

on your behalf. We will also leverage our solid relationships

with key media owners in Ireland, delivering improvements

in terms of optimum rate and placement.

Our service offering is continually benchmarked by our clients

and we consistently deliver savings on rates previously paid

by clients. We guarantee strong positional packages and aim

to deliver a 70:30 ratio of first to second half ad space.

Positions are confirmed at time of booking (start of

campaign) to ensure premium positions and regularly

monitored – there is positional reporting back to clients

on all brands. We are also fully cognisant of evolving

regulatory requirements.

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Our service commitment

• Creation and sharing of media planning

• Drive, consistency and quality in terms of

our service levels (best in class, best practice)

• Provision of competitor data – volume of pages booked

and rate card spend on a monthly basis, or as required

• Account reviews, results appraisal and

recommendations (monthly and quarterly,

a minimum of two per year)

• Training in both media and

compliance – media workshops

• Productivity tracking vs targets

(€ spend and quality), monthly vs plan

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Kanvas Creative is a full service creative consultancy working within a range of client

sectors in the local, national and international marketplace. We have offices located in

both Cork and Dublin.

With creative designers, project managers, PRII-recognised consultants, copywriters and

editorial services all working together, Kanvas Creative offers an innovative and focused

approach to meeting creative communication needs, and delivers bespoke and results-driven

marketing solutions to clients across a range of business sectors, including pharmaceutical

and healthcare, public sectors and the arts.

Our strength lies in helping organisations communicate clearly and effectively with

stakeholders, guiding them as they work to change behaviour, to enhance perceptions and

deliver success.

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With good communication at the centre of all that we do,

Kanvas Creative is more than aware of the hurdles and

complications which arise when faced with the need to

design a brochure, develop advertising concepts or present

an annual report at short notice.

With a team comprising highly-experienced graphic

designers, copywriters, web designers and programmers,

Kanvas Creative offers a complete range of services to

include design for print, web and multimedia.

In addition to the design of printed pieces, Kanvas

Creative offers services for the design, development and

management of websites, corporate and instructional

films, e-learning, extranets, intranets, e-newsletters, online

applications and television broadcast media.

Kanvas Creative also offers print management services,

working with a selection of Ireland’s best print houses to

deliver high quality results, expertly finished. Should you

wish to manage this process yourself, we are happy to

prepare your artwork to the required specification and

have it sent directly to you.

Kanvas Creative services include:

Graphic Design

• Advertising

• Brand/identity development

• Exhibition materials

• Photography

• Print management

• Stationery

Web and Multimedia

• Web design and development

(public websites/corporate intranets)

• Audio-visual services

• Multimedia presentations

• Filming and editing

• CD/DVD production

• Banner advertisements

• Social media marketing

• Animations

• Bespoke web application development/CMS

Communicating creatively for success

We guarantee you our best advice, attentive customer service and the delivery of your assignment on time and within budget.

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In an increasingly volatile pharmaceutical landscape, clear and

concise communication with your audiences and target groups

is vital. Relaying your message to healthcare professionals,

patient support groups, colleagues or healthcare organisations

is increasingly difficult, with each market segment bombarded

by a range of messages from a host of media.

Kanvas Creative recognises this challenge and, to this end,

offers the services and support of a dedicated pharmaceutical

marketing team to help you engage your audiences, drive

profits and get the results you need. With an in-depth

knowledge of the pharma and health markets in Ireland

and a solid understanding of the need to generate results

with diminished marketing budgets, our team is focused on

working with you to develop innovative and novel marketing

solutions to meet your challenges.

Familiar with current regulatory restrictions on pharmaceutical

promotion, online approval systems and on the limits of

working within current legislative requirements, we are ready

to discuss your challenge with you today.

Our key services in this area include:

• Creative communications strategy and planning

• Marketing plan development

• Conceptual development of

pharmaceutical marketing campaigns

• Localisation of global campaigns

• Sales aids and presentations

• Patient support programmes

• Healthcare information pieces – reports, public

information and patient advocacy campaigns

• Medical education

• Public awareness campaigns

• Integrated marketing communications

• Scripting and production of advertising across all media

Should you require additional services, our medical

journalists, copywriters and award-winning design team

work in tandem with our media division to ensure clever,

creative copy for your product.

Pharmaceutical and healthcare creative services

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At Kanvas Creative, providing a first-class service to every

client is our priority. To this end, we assign a dedicated

project manager to every project, no matter how small. We

consider it hugely important that we establish a positive,

trust-based working relationship with you.

Kanvas Creative operates a team-based structure which

utilises the best skills and talents to meet the needs of our

clients. Our project management approach is designed

to support two main and often conflicting standards: the

effectiveness of the final solutions and delivery on time

and within budget.

Kanvas Creative guarantees one-to-one service to every

client for every project. Following an initial meeting, you

will be assigned a project manager, who is responsible for

all day-to-day activities on the project, is your first point of

contact at all times and will help and advise you through

every stage of your project from start to finish.

Your project manager will become your sounding board,

working directly with the design team on the conceptual

development and presentation of the initial ideas, ensuring

that work flows smoothly and efficiently between you and

Kanvas Creative, while ensuring that all deadlines and

milestones are achieved.

At Kanvas Creative our five ‘Principles of Service’ are as


• Every client is served with courtesy and professionalism

• Our project managers are available at all times to

assist and respond to the needs of their clients

• Attention to detail is paramount, across

every item designed and presented by us

• All work is delivered to meet the agreed deadlines

• Feedback helps us grow – we welcome

your thoughts on what we do

What our clients say about us

“The professional and personal approach employed by the

team at Kanvas really made the production of our autumn

brochure a rewarding experience. Early face-to-face meetings

to structure the project and brainstorm ideas, clear timelines,

speedy work and excellent, timely advice throughout made

the process one of the smoothest I have experienced. The end

result was great feedback and pick-up, on our brochure!”

Marketing Manager

Performance venue

“I have found Kanvas to be extremely flexible and

accommodating. In corporate business, things can change

rapidly, from business programmes to visit schedules.

I would have no hesitation in recommending Kanvas to

any business.”

Process Excellence Manager


Our service promise

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“In 2007 Kanvas was approached to tender for our upcoming

season campaign and we were immediately impressed, their

professionalism was evident in their pitch and continued

throughout the entire association. The designers are very

talented and creative and both management and public were

delighted with the new look created for our brand.

The team at Kanvas are extremely easy to work with, patient

(a necessity when working with clients in the arts industry!)

and offer great support. We were also delighted with their PR

services, our 2007 summer season was outsourced to Kanvas

with great results. We will certainly be using the services of

Kanvas in the future and would highly recommend them for

communication and design.”

Marketing Manager

Performance venue

Why Kanvas Creative?


• Kanvas Creative is a multi award-winning, full-service

creative agency (design, marketing, communications,

training, project management, web and multimedia)

Range of experience

• We work within the wide-ranging disciplines of Human

Resource management, marketing and design to

provide you with bespoke, results-driven solutions

• Our professional team currently works with some

of Ireland’s leading employers on a range of human

resource practices, from recruitment to learning,

from compliance to HR policy, and from motivation to

change management

Focused on business

• Our client list covers a range of business sectors

including the Irish public sector and the arts and our

area of specialisation is the Irish pharmaceutical and

healthcare marketplace


• Ours is a multi-skilled team, of national and

international experience including: in-house creative,

communications, HR and media specialists

• Need to add more? We offer a range of add-on services

including copywriting, editorial and multimedia


Client driven

• Our account and project managers are focused on

you. You will be assigned one ‘point of contact’ for the

duration of your engagement with us

• We listen carefully to you, our clients. With our flexible

and proactive approach to all briefs, we establish

your communication requirements concisely. In turn,

we apply imagination, ingenuity and inventiveness

to convey your messages using the full range of

traditional, technological and innovative visual media

“It has been a pleasure working with Kanvas. They effortlessly interpreted our specification requirements in a creative and innovative way whilst being open to our suggestions. The process from initial consultation to final deliverables was handled very competently and professionally by the Kanvas team and we would welcome the opportunity to work with them in the future.” Healthcare Provider

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internal communications

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Effective internal communication is critical to delivering strategy, change, securing

employee commitment and ultimately gaining a competitive advantage.

Kanvas Internal Communications blends the disciplines of human resource

management, marketing, communications and creativity to offer dedicated human

resource communications.

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Understanding Internal Communications

Internal Communications is a term for all communications

that an organisation undertakes with its internal stakeholders.

In an ideal world, every company would have an internal

communications strategy, which emerges from and is guided

by the organisation’s strategic plan. In simple terms however,

this is often not the case and help is sought to deal with

internal communications issues on an ad hoc basis, such

as an emerging crisis, a change management transition

or to release specific details relating to the future of the


For whichever purpose it is required, Kanvas Internal

Communications is positioned to help you develop and

implement a bespoke plan, working in tandem with you

and your team. It is our belief that effective internal

communications is critical to delivering strategy, securing

employee commitment and ultimately gaining a competitive


It also works effectively to:

• Inform employees and encourage

their engagement with the organisation

• Highlight the direction and performance of

the organisation for the foreseeable future

• Clarify all expectations

• Quell the grapevine!

Tell • Sell • Consult • Involve

Our team works with some of Ireland’s leading employers

on a range of human resource management projects from

recruitment to learning, from compliance to HR policy, and

from motivation to change management.

We work with our clients to establish what the communication

needs to achieve, and apply imagination, ingenuity and

inventiveness to convey messages using traditional,

technological and innovative visual media.



Creativity HRM

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Why do we need Internal Communications?

Internal Communications is about two-way dialogue,

encouraging positive engagement across all levels of your

organisation and cherishing good communications as one

part of your company ethos.

Working with the Kanvas Internal Communications team to

find the most appropriate communications plan for your

team, you will rapidly see the benefits for your organisation

as you

• Build trust and engagement with the plan and its

implementation for the future

• Demonstrate management commitment to staff and

encourage staff engagement with management

• Place the spotlight on company values and objectives

• Increase productivity and thereby gain competitive


Kanvas Internal Communications consultancy services


• Strategy, objective setting and recommendations

• Communications initiatives on values, motivation

and change

• Sales team training for marketing campaigns

• Feedback and evaluation mechanisms

• Communication focus groups, surveys and audits

• Employer branding and internal marketing

(develop and apply)

• Recruitment advertising

• Roll-out of strategic plans to internal audiences

• Communication initiatives and events (values,

motivation, change)

• Internal employee magazines and newsletters

• Reports and handbooks (EHS, annual reports, etc.)

• Training design (courses, materials, induction packs)

• Online multimedia communication and learning

(e.g. intranets, online training modules)

• Intranets, portals and bespoke web applications

• Compliance and core value programmes

• Online multimedia campaigns

• Human resource communication programmes

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At Kanvas Internal Communications, providing a first-class

service to every client is our priority. To this end, we assign a

dedicated project manager to every project, no matter how

small. We consider it hugely important that we establish a

positive, trust-based working relationship with you.

Kanvas Internal Communications operates a team-based

structure which utilises the best skills and talents to meet the

needs of our clients. Our project management approach is

designed to support two main and often conflicting standards;

the effectiveness of the final solutions and delivery on time

and within budget.

Kanvas Internal Communications guarantees one-to-one

service to every client for every project. Following an initial

meeting, you will be assigned a project manager, who is

responsible for all day-to-day activities on the project, is

your first point of contact at all times and will help and

advise you through every stage of your project from start

to finish.

Your project manager will become your sounding board,

working directly with the design team on the conceptual

development and presentation of the initial ideas, ensuring

that work flows smoothly and efficiently between you and

Kanvas Internal Communications, while ensuring that all

deadlines and milestones are achieved.

At Kanvas Internal Communications our five ‘Principles of

Service’ are as follows:

• Every client is served with courtesy and professionalism

• Our project managers are available at all times to assist

and respond to the needs of their clients

• Attention to detail is paramount, across every item

designed and presented by us

• All work is delivered to meet the agreed deadlines

• Feedback helps us grow – we welcome your thoughts on

what we do

Our service promise

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“In April 2008, my site was presented with an opportunity to

present at a global meeting. We wanted to create a presentation

that was vibrant, innovative and fast moving which not only

presented the work we would do to hit the final stretch but

also some of the excellent work already done.

The end result surpassed my expectations and the feedback

from the top managers in our company regarding not only the

presentation but the results we had achieved was extremely


It was a pleasure working with Kanvas on this project and

we will certainly be using their expertise again in the near


Managing Director


“Our goal was to create a positive, motivating culture

of compliance around our values and standards. Kanvas

creatively attacked the radical changes required by our legal

situation to author materials which influenced our workforce

and positively reflected the ‘tone’ that we needed to create.

Kanvas has kept the ball rolling with a continuing themed

set of materials that have continued to capture the attention

of our employees and from my viewpoint the accolades of

my bosses.”

Ethics and Compliance Director


“Kanvas provided a really well-structured approach to

focus our ideas and I think it really showed in the ideas that

transpired in the afternoon… I’m very confident that some

very good, practical ideas came out of the day and feel I

definitely benefited from a wealth of different ideas which I

am excited about using in the future.”

Sales Representative


“The first project that Kanvas completed for me was a values

workshop to support the introduction of our new values and

company branding. Their approach was both energetic and

creative, and provided us with an array of possibilities. Their

previous experience on similar projects enabled us to really

focus our resources towards our objectives.”

Learning and Development Manager


What our clients say about us

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°of healthcare understandingbringing together unrivalled media and communications expertise in the Irish medical setting

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medical and stakeholder


Robert Love

t: +353 (0)1 665 0300

m: +353 (0)87 812 8770

e: [email protected]

contact us

digital media

Julie O’Donnell

t: +353 (0)1 665 0300

m: +353 (0)87 121 4913

e: [email protected]

meetings and events

Carol Manweiler

t: +353 (0)1 665 0300

m: +353 (0)86 832 6965

e: [email protected]

public relations and marketing

Andrew Shaw

t: +353 (0)1 665 0300

m: +353 (0)87 752 5445

e: [email protected]

media planning

Jacqui McNamara

t: +353 (0)1 665 0300

m: +353 (0)86 837 4530

e: [email protected]

creative and internal communications

Yvonne Farrar

t: +353 (0)21 482 0800

m: +353 (0)86 825 1633

e: [email protected]