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MC 17 C - 21SECTION - I (40 marks)

Compulsory : Attempt all questions from this section.Question 1.

(a) Name the following:(i) A metallic chloride soluble in ammonium hydroxide.(ii) Acid obtained when sulphur trioxide dissolves in sulphuric acid.(iii) A paraffin with three carbon atoms.(iv) A metal which does not react with dilute acid but can react with concentrated

sulphuric acid.(v) The oxidizing electrode.

(b) Write balanced equations for.(i) Ammonia gas passed over heated copper oxide.(ii) Manganese(iv) oxide reacts with concentrated hydrochloric acid.(iii) Carbon is oxidized by concentrated sulphuric acid.(iv) Lead(II) nitrate is heated.(v) Prepare ethanal from ethane.

(c) Give reasons.(i) Oxidising power of the elements increases across the period.(ii) Graphite anode should be used during the electrolysis of molten lead bromide.(iii) Ferric chloride should be stored in air tight bottles.(iv) Ethyne is more reactive than ethane.(v) Cryolite and fluorspar are added to the electrolyte during the extraction of


(d) State the IUPAC names for.(i) CH3CH2COCH2CH2CH3





(e) (i) Draw the structure for the formation of hydronium ion.

(ii) Define lone pair of electrons.

(f) (i) Calculate the volume of oxygen required when 10ml of carbon monoxideand 22.4ml of methane are oxidized.

(ii) A compound consists of 4.8% carbon and 95.2% bromine by mass.Determine the empirical formula and molecular formula if the vapourdensity is 252[Br=80, C=12]









MC 17 C - 21

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MT EDUCARE LTD. X - ICSE (Chemistry)


(g) Write observations for.(i) Ammonium hydroxide is added to lead nitrate solution in excess.(ii) Ethene is bubbled through bromine solution.(iii) Lead bromide is electrolyzed.(iv) Copper is added to concentrated nitric acid.(v) Barium chloride is added to ferrous sulphate solution.

(h) Choose the right option.(i) Lead sulphate is prepared by.

a) synthesis b) neutralizationc) precipitation d) displacement

(ii) A compound having two lone lone pair of electrons.a) methane b) waterc) ammonia d) hydrogen sulphide

iii) Element with the largest atomic size in period three.a) potassium b) sodiumc) chlorine d) fluorine

(iv) A carbonate that does not evolve carbon dioxide on heatinga) ZnCO3 b) PbCO3c) Na2CO3 d) CaCO3

(v) A compound which evolves nitrogen on heating.a) Ammonium nitrate b) Ammonium nitritec) Ammonium chloride d) Urea

Section BQuestion 2.

(a) Calculate the percentage of water of crystallization in the green vitriol[Ferrous sulphate hepta hydrate] [Fe=56, S=32, O=16, H=1]

(b) Calculate the volume occupied by 6.4g of sulphur dioxide.

(c) Mass of 100 cc of carbon dioxide. [C=12]

(d) Write equation for obtaining.(i) Methanol from Chloromethane.(ii) Ethyne from dibromoethane(iii) Ethane from sodium propionate

(e) By two tests distinguish between ethane, ethene and ethyne.

Question 3(a) Write the reaction at the cathode and the anode during the electrolysis of

acidified water.

(b) Differentiate between Ionization and Dissociation.

(c) Name the particles present in strong electrolyte and non electrolyte.











MC 17 C - 21

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(d) Write equations for the following conversation. A B CMgMgCl2Mg(OH)2MgO

(e) Explain why?(i) Hydrochloric acid cannot be concentrated by boiling.(ii) Hydrogen chloride gas fumes in air.

Question 4(a) For the large scale preparation of ammonia.(i) Name the process.(ii) Write a balanced equation for the preparation.

(b) For the laboratory preparation of ammonia.(i) Why is ammonium nitrate not used in the preparation.(ii) Write a equation for the laboratory preparation of ammonia from ammonium

chloride.(iii) Name the drying agent used.(iv) State the method of collecting the gas.

(c) Using zinc distinguish between dilute and concentrated sulphuric acid.Write equation for zinc reacting with conc. sulphuric acid.

(d) Give balanced equation for.(i) Oxidation reaction in the contact process.(ii) Dehydration of cane sugar by conc. sulphuric acid.(iii) Acidic property of dilute sulphuric acid.

Question 5.(a) For the extraction of aluminium.(i) What does the electrolyte comprise of?(ii) Why is the anode changed from time to time?

(b) Give the composition and one use of1. Brass 2. Duralumin

(c) (i) Name the acid used to perform the flame test.(ii) Colour of the flame when flame test of calcium is carried out.(iii) Hydroxide soluble in sodium hydroxide but not in ammonium hydroxide.

(d) By one chemical test distinguish between(i) Sodium chloride and sodium nitrate.(ii) Sulphur dioxide and carbon dioxide

Question 6.(a) (i) Define : Ionization potential

(ii) What happens to Ionization Potential across the period.

(b) Give reasons:(i) Chlorine gas is a strong oxidizing agent.(ii) Sulphur ion has larger size than sulphur atom.













MC 17 C - 21

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MT EDUCARE LTD. X - ICSE (Chemistry)

315All the Best

(c) Define : Electron affinity.

(d) Draw the electron dot diagram for the formation of the following compound.(i) Mg[Z=12] Cl[Z=17](ii) C[Z=6] O[Z=8]

(e) An element Y has atomic number 16.i) Will it has oxidizing or reducing property?ii) What type of oxide will it from?

Question 7(a) Define esterification. Write an equation for esterification.

(b) What happens when nitric acid is kept in light? Write an equation for theobservation.

(c) For the laboratory preparation of nitric acid.(i) All glass apparatus is used for the laboratory preparation of nitric acid.(ii) Dilute nitric acid behaves differently from other acids when it reacts with

metals. Explain.

(d) Write equations for the preparation of the following salts.(i) Ferric chloride(ii) Copper sulphate(iii) Zinc sulphate(iv) Lead chloride








MC 17 C - 21