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  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    GIFT Business School

    The trend of the health care industry shows a rapid growth with the rate of '&1 per 

    annum, with showing the cyclic pattern of seasonal diseases. It is obser"ed that the pea# 

    season of diseases is summer. It has been seen that /cute :espiratory is the disease with

    the highest percentage followed by 6iarrhea with ;.)1. Fe"er 79linical 5alaria8 with


    2e are into niche mar#eting, with a focused business strategy. 3ur target is to ser"e the

    child care segment of the health care industry. 2e are pro"iding our customer with the

     best and dedicated ser"ices that is to be ser"ed as a competiti"e edge. 3ur mar#eting mi

    is a blend of 0$4s that is designed after conducting a thorough mar#eting research.

    The operational plan is designed in a way that no patient would wait for more than is a professionally managed unit, e?uipped with a team of s#illed and

    dedicated doctors and paramedical staff. /ll the staff members would ha"e 9HI=6

    9/:>, B/6G>S that would ha"e their names, their position and blood group. . 2e

    select all the staff through select test and inter"iews. 2e ma#e H: policies for the chec# 

    and balance of our ser"ices 2e de"elop training and de"elopment program for the sa#e

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    GIFT Business School

    “ To be well recognized as a leading child health

    care centre in Punjab that takes into account the

    wellness of the whole community and

    continuously innovate to nd the ways to delight

    the whole community”.

    Vision Statement

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    GIFT Business School

      Mission Statement

      We pro"ide you with the best and reliable ser"ices accommodated with

     personal care and by paying unrelenting attention to clinical ecellence

    with our dedicated staff committed to assure the best healthcare for those

    we ser"e. 2e maintain a high standard and continue to wor# for 

    impro"ement by recruiting and retaining the unsurpassed staff,

     physicians and "olunteers.

      To wor# and ser"e with the latest and updated surgical e?uipments that

    will help us to ser"e our customers more efficiently and effecti"ely

    leading to more sound results.

      We would li#e to grow as an entity, which would continuously stri"e to

     pro"ide the best child treatment in order to gi"e a rise to a healthy

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    GIFT Business School

    @alue Statement

    People: 9are for people is our first and the foremost priority. 2e respect each person as a member of the hospital community. Safeguarded by recogni-ing

    e"ery life as a gift from God, so each indi"idual is inherently "alued.

    Service Excellence: 9ommitment to our standards of ser"ice ecellence is our 

     belief and we are dedicated to eceed the epectations to those we ser"e.

    Responsiility: 2e accept personal accountability for the wor# we do and are

    continuously stri"ing to o"ercome where there is a room for impro"ement.

    !uality: 2e consistently stri"e to pro"ide the highest ?uality, safe patient carethrough our total ?uality management.

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    GIFT Business School


    Britannica >ncyclopedia 7*++%8 defines a hospital as an institution for diagnosis and

    treatment of sic# and in!ured, pro"iding housing during treatment, eamining patients and

    managing child birth. Hospital may be public C pri"ate. The public hospital

    7Go"ernment3wned8 means a hospital which is owned and controlled by the

    Go"ernment. / pri"ate hospital is any other hospital besides Go"ernment hospital.

    “Hospital”  is the idea that highlights the importance of health. It is the place where

    human beings can get solution of their body compleities. The core ob!ecti"e of such

    institution is primarily to ser"e human #ind. In the modern days, the importance of 

    hospital has been increased due to many new factors. $ublic sector hospitals areconfronted with o"er whelming pressure due to lac# of sufficient infra structure and

    increase in number of patients. Therefore this leads to an increase in demand for pri"ate

    hospitals. The popularity of the pri"ate hospitals is increasing because of the factors li#e

    the introduction of the latest technology, hygienic en"ironment and professional staff 

    attitude thereby these factors has made a highly constructi"e contribution in the pri"ate

    sector hospitals. :elying on the factors li#e constrained public sector health system,

    growing population, introduction of new and modern medical facilities technologies and

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    GIFT Business School

    'usiness Mo%el

    'ran% (ame:  P)(*+' ",#-. "+RE

    'ran% -ogo:


    The logo of our hospital “$un!ab 9hild 9are” is a "ery creati"e image that embodies the

    in sync of two souls that is a mother and a child. 3ne single image portrays the reflection

    of a child and a mother when "iewed from two different angles. This shows that a child

    solely is not eistent without a mother. So our hospital is a caring unit that really

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    GIFT Business School

    'ran% .escription:

    The selected brand name is “$un!ab 9hild 9are”. The brand name is carefully selected on

    the following criteria.

    • Meaning0ulness 

    It con"eys out a certain meaning that is "ery rele"ant and meaningful. /s we are

    located in $un!ab and we desire to be on of the most caring hospital for the children

    so we selected a name that gi"es out a true and apparent meaning to what were are

    aim for. Thus the name itself is self eplanatory.

    • Memorale

    /s the name of the hospital is "ery easy and simple thus it is "ery easy to remember.


    • -ieaility 

    The name of the hospital has high li#eability because it implies as a caring unit that

    ultimately gi"es out an impression of indi"iduali-ed child care which people can

    associate it with better treatment.

    • +%aptale

    It i hi hl d t bl b f it i li it d t b d / th

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


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    >pportunity Rationale

    The health condition of $a#istan is generally poor. But with the passage of time C Go"t.

    sympathetic "iews ga"e it strength and there are many impro"ements ta#e place from last

    * decades. /ccording to EI$S report the population of $a#istan is almost '.; billion in

    *++;. For this huge population there are only '

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    GIFT Business School

    The decline in the morality, immuni-ations diseases and maternal rate shows there is still

    need to establish such hospitals so that there is further decline in the morality, maternal

    and immuni-ation diseases.

    $a#istan is at the top of infant mortality and mortality under the age of &years in the

    region of South /sia. $athetic situation for $a#istan, because the economy of $a#istan is

    far better than most of the countries li#e Bangladesh, Eepal and etc. 0+ infants out of 

    '+++ infants die e"ery year, and )) #ids out of '+++ die e"ery year. 7 Pakistan Millennium

    Development Goal 2005).

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  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    GIFT Business School

    /ccording to  earue o tatistics Plannin an" Development Department$

    Government o Pun/a,$ :a!ore (200')$ $opulation of the Gu!ranwala is '.01 of the

    whole population of $a#istan, we4ll di"ide the mortality of the $un!ab with the '.01 to

    obtain contribution of the Gu!ranwala. The total child mortality in the Gu!ranwala in the

    year *++% is *+,%&& #ids. Such a big opportunity for the child speciali-e hospital.

    If still *+,%&& #ids will die in the year of *++%, it means there is a huge gap into the

    demand and supply in the child care industry. This is due to the lac# of child care

    hospitals into the Gu!ranwala, although there are many of clinics, and other general

    hospitals which are wor#ing for child care but there is another fact which is these

    hospitals are in a cluster in the Gu!ranwala, /ccessibility is another issue for the people

    of Gu!ranwala. There is not any child speciali-e hospital in the northern region of 


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    GIFT Business School

    #n%ustry +nalysis

    / comprehensi"e analysis of hospital industry has done. 5any of the management

    models are applied to determine specific #ind of industry trends that would help us in the

    formulation of our business strategies. The industry analysis is comprised of $>ST

    analysis, $orter 6iamond 5odel, @alue 9hain /nalysis, $orter Fi"e Forces /nalysis, and

    9ompetitors /nalysis.

    PES; +nalysis

    Political "on%itions:

    $olitical condition of $a#istan always remains unstable. In e"ery era it seems "ery

    comple due to dishonesty, corruption and instability. $a#istan is still facing a lot of 

     problems with respect to politics. It is true that e"ery Go"t. during its time set best

     policies, regulations and subsidies for e"ery sector especially to health. /nd from '))+ to

    onwards ma!or changes ta#e place in health sector. >"ery Go"ernment is fully aware of 

    the challenges of communicable "s noncommunicable diseases and other structural

     problem in the health sector. The 5inistry of Health and the pro"incial departments are

    already engaged in bringing impro"ements in health sector through better pro"ision of 

    health facilities, impro"ement in infrastructure and human resource, and implementation

    f i h l h B ill h l h di i ll H li i l

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


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    • Health ependiture during F+0 increased by conomic Sur"ey of $a#istan, *++0+%8

    • The 5inistry of Health has been implementing a Health 5anagement Information

    System 7H5IS8. The ob!ecti"es of the H5IS are to impro"e co"erage and ?uality

    of care for priority health inter"entions

    • $a#istan has an etensi"e public health infrastructure, which consist of a networ# 

    of more than '* +++ first le"el heath care facilities and a range of disease specific

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


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    o The Eational Eutrition $rogram

     Eewly launched program in the public sector 7*++&+%8

    o  Eational Eeonatal, 5aternal and 9hild Health $rogram

    o The Eational $rogram for $re"ention and 9ontrol of Blindness

    o  Eational $rogram for the $re"ention and 9ontrol of Hepatitis

    7>conomic Sur"ey of $a#istan, *++0+%8

    Economic con%ition o0 Paistan:

    $a#istan has been in the grip of economic crisis since its creation. 2ith eemption of a

    few prosperous years, the general economic condition of the people remained pressed

    all through the last &+ years. It is a bitter reality that the country4s does not seem to

    comprehend the economic problem, what to tal# of sol"ing it. The situation is that of 

    total stagnation and recession. Howe"er, an o"er"iew of $a#istan4s economy is gi"en below that the shows the economic condition of health.

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  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


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    • $ublic ependitures in General Hospitals and 9linics subsector of health are

    regressi"e in most of the regions in $a#istan.

    • The share of lower participation in term of amounts 7rupees8 in the Hospitals

    and 9linics ependitures is only 0 percent while it is

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    • This important function of health implies that ine?ualities in health often translate

    into ine?ualities in other dimensions of welfare.

    • The Go"ernment health strategy focuses on young children and their mothers,

     particularly in rural areas.

    • 3ne of the most critical needs addressed by Go"ernment is to impro"e women4s

    access to go"ernment health care. The Go"ernment4s strategy for primary health


    o Impro"ing the efficiency and utili-ation of basic health care ser"ices, both

     pre"enti"e and curati"e

    o Impro"ing programs design by paying more attention to ?uality

    o Increasing access to health care by constructing more facilities

    7$S=5 :eport, *++0+%8

    • ;'.*1 of $a#istanis are illiterate 7$a#istan Social C li"ing 5easurement Sur"ey

    :eport, *++0+%8. =iteracy and primary school enrolment rates in $a#istan ha"e

    shown impro"ement during last fi"e years but they are still low compared with

    the countries of the region. 7$S=5 :eport, *++0+%8

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  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    GIFT Business School

    .iamon% Mo%el

    6iamond model shows the industry structure its attracti"eness, ri"alry, supporting, factors

    and strength in economy. It also shows the nation4s competiti"eness in global world.

    Hospital industry in $a#istan shows the growing aspect. From e"ery year there is an

    increment in number of doctors, hospitals, paramedical staff, nurses, laboratories, and

    clinics but there is still need to perform better in health field 7>conomic sur"ey *++;+08.

    .eman% "on%ition:

    The demand for hospital in $a#istan is still increasing. There are many reasons for it li#e

    Go"t. spending in health sector, grant from health EG3s and in"estment in health sector 

    from pri"ate in"estors. The need of hospitals in all o"er $a#istan is high because

    mortality rate under age of fi"e is )) out of e"ery thousand, /lso infant mortality rate is

    more than 0+ out of e"ery '+++ 7Human 6e"elopment :eport, *++%8. /ccording to

    $a#istan 5illennium 6e"elopment Goals :eport *++; one of the ma!or challenges faced

     by Go"t. is to reduce the 9hild mortality rate.

    The immuni-ation of children against ; diseases 7tuberculosis, diphtheria, whooping

    cough, tetanus, polio and measles8 is most cost effecti"e and health inter"ention reduce

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    SrA ,ealt



    9ases nder &9ases &

    C 3"er 


    )n%er 1 164 ;otal D $



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    F o0 



    1@1 6iarrhea '%++;*

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    GIFT Business School

    11= Scabies

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


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    cases are '

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    GIFT Business School

    Health 9are centers were )+< and population per bed was ',&'0 in *++0 while they were

    (,0'*, )+; and '&+% in *++; 75inistry of Health, Eational 5edical and Health


    Go"t. offers its ser"ices li#e it offers '*+++ first care heath facilities and range of 

    diseases specific "ertical health programs. Some programs were malaria control scheme,

    noncommunicable diseases, HI@/I6S and hepatitis

    Hospital is a capital intensi"e pro!ect, once the re?uired infrastructure is de"eloped the

    management focus should shift to maintain its repute, pro"ide ?uality ser"ices and

    engaged reputed consultants to attract patients. The in"ol"ement of huge in"estment is

    also considered as the entry barrier in hospital industry, once the technology is purchased

    then there is a maintenance cost as well and to co"er all the costs we need less number of 

    customers with high purchasing power or "ice "ersa.

    The formation of the pri"ate hospital type and public hospital type "aries, as for the

    establishment of a pri"ate hospital comprises of the in"estment usually from a group of 

    doctors and the in"ol"ement of the third party is normally lac#ing. /s seen for the public

    sector hospital the in"estment primarily comes from the go"ernment spending.

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    GIFT Business School

    Parmaceutical companies:

    Following are pharmaceutical companies that are operated in $a#istan. This ga"e strength

    to our nation in attaining competiti"e ad"antage. In"estment from multinational

    companies in medicine sector also helpful for hospital industry because medicine and

    hospital essential for each other.

    '. /mson @accines C $harma 7$"t8 =imited.

    *. Bryon $harmaceuticals 7$"t8 =T6. 

    fro-e 9hemical Industries 7$"t.8 =td. 

    (. /bbott =aboratories $a#istan 

    &. Fero-sons =aboratories 

    ;. Glao Smith Jline $a#istan 

    0. HIGHK $H/:5/9>TI9/=S Highnoon =aboratories 

    %. 3tsu#a $a#istan 

    ). Sanofi/"entis $a#istan 

    '+. Searle $a#istan 

    ''. 2yeth $a#istan 

    '*. Stiefel $a#istan 


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  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    GIFT Business School

    5irmGs Structure Rivalry Strategy:

    The firm structure is distincti"e in both the categories of the hospital. /s for the public

    sector hospital the structure is more inclined towards the bureaucratic element in their 

    wor#ings that leads to some problems. The problems could be seen asA

    • 6octors arri"ing late than the prescribed timings.

    • The patients face long waiting hours.

    • $eople use negati"e means to attain the desired response as the administration is

     poorly managed and "ery wea# in nature.

    • @ery gloomy and poor ambiance.

    • The una"ailability of the staff to guide the patients through the lengthy procedures

    of the hospital.

    /s for the pri"ate hospital the structure is somehow a blend of both, mechanistic and

    organic approach according to the re?uirements and nature of the operations. The

    administration and management should follow rigid rules and regulations in order to

    streamline the processes and procedures that will aid in the smoothness of the operations,

    otherwise serious problems can occur that will lead towards customer dissatisfaction. So

    to #eep all the processes and procedures in flow specific rules are to be followed.

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    GIFT Business School

    Value "ain +nalysis

    @alue chain analysis is used to analy-e the specific acti"ities through which a firm creates

    its competiti"e ad"antage. It is also helpful to model the entire firm as chain of "alue

    creating acti"ities. The concept of "alue chain analysis was gi"en by  Michael E. Porter 

    in his article of "ompetitive +%vantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior 


    2ith the use of this model we can identify our core acti"ities, and those operations as

    which can be outsourced to increase the profitability of our hospital. The "alue chain

    analysis contains primary acti"ities and secondary acti"ities.

    Primary Value "ain +ctivities

    #noun% -ogistics:

    The input for any hospital is ultimately the patients foreseeing the treatment. The patients

    are being treated distincti"ely in a pri"ate sector hospital than in a public sector hospital.

    The patients ha"e to wait more at public hospital than at a pri"ate one, as they charge less

    in a public hospital than in a pri"ate hospital so a high number of people pour in for the


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    $atients enter a hospital for treatment therefore operations act as a ma!or element in any

    hospital. But the operations differ in both the sectors. /s in the $ublic sector hospital the

     patient is attended and is treated according to the disease but the surgical e?uipment is not

    much updated. 2hereas in a $ri"ate sector hospital there is a high range of updated

    surgical e?uipments and the patients are attended with more care and commitment. The

     patients are leading further for chec# ups until the proper cure is achie"ed.

    >utoun% -ogistics:

    The patients are admitted till the cure is achie"ed or till the completion of the treatment as

    the paramedical staff in a hospital properly loo#s after them. Then they are free to be

    discharged from the hospital after the desired state has been achie"ed. It has been

    obser"ed that in pri"ate hospital the patients are discharged according to under or o"er 

    utili-ation of beds. 2hen these hospitals are underutili-ed they tend to discharge the

     patients as late as possible and "ice "ersa.

    Mareting an% Sales:

    The image of mar#eting and sales acti"ities are !ust for profit ma#ing purpose, and image

    of hospitals are social, it arises many issues when we tal#ing about mar#eting of a pri"ate

    hospital 5ost of people normally thin# that they are

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  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    GIFT Business School

    ,uman Resource Management:

    Kualified and eperienced staff is the real asset of an organi-ation especially in a hospital

    almost e"ery thing is based on doctors and their performance. So by a formal human

    resource department hospitals are getting not only eperienced doctors but also following

    the training procedure they ma#e them more efficient toward their ser"ices which

    hospitals are pro"iding

    5irm in0rastructure

    The pri"ate sector hospitals thus fall low in the infrastructure than a public sector hospital

    as the pri"ate sector has relati"ely less finance a"ailable, with less capital being in"ested

    and less resources being employed than in a public sector hospital. /s go"ernment

    spending is always high when a pro!ect is being under ta#en with rich resources and high

    finance is a"ailable.

    TK5 7Total Kuality 5anagement8 is thus a main concern for a pri"ate sector hospital as

     pri"ate sector hospital cannot sur"i"e and compete with a public sector hospital without

    continuous impro"ement. /s the charges are relati"ely high in a pri"ate sector hospital,

    thus in order to tempt the patients it becomes necessary to ma#e the best use of the

    a"ailable resources and to remain in the best condition so that people can outweigh the

    b fi h h h i i

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    GIFT Business School

    PorterGs $ 5orces Mo%el

    $orter proposes that some industries are inherently more profitable than others. e.g.

     pharmaceutical company is more profitable than hospital industry. But a company can

    still earn a lot of profits firm a dull industry. The #ey is to eploit a competiti"e

    ad"antage. In any industry, fi"e forces dictate the rule of competition. Together, these

    forces determine industry profitability because they directly influence the prices

    indi"idual firms can charge, their cost structure and capital in"estment re?uirements.

    To create and sustain long term profitable relation within industry, a company needs to

    create a niche or used porter4s “focus” strategy, where cost of capital, in"estment and

    structure is less as compared to profit. 9reation of niche helps in strong brand recognition

    in the mind of customers and also for strong, profitable and long term relations with

    customers. By #eeping all abo"e discussion in mind, we are focusing towards child care

    hospital by limiting age '+ years maimum. Because this niche fulfill all our re?uire


    (e< Entrants:

    • In this section, to create a uni?ue C future establish brand there is re?uirement of 

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    • Incumbents in mar#et ha"e more cost but they are facing less ?uality ad"antage.

    • High demand side for ?uality ser"ices.

    • Bring new capacity by gaining of mar#et share by putting pressure on eisting


    /lthough there are many barriers but still there is re?uirement to fulfill the needs of 

    general public. There is hope in dar#ness and success is there and all this happens if we

    are following the 5illennium Goals 6e"elopments strategies of $a#istan.


    In this case suppliers are in big eperience li#e

    • Sial#ot Surgical 9lutter 

    • $harmaceuticals companies located in =ahore and Jarachi

    • Strong supply chain management for deli"ery of medicines

    •  Eew and inno"ati"e drugs

    • /"ailability of hospital furniture firms

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    • /lthough Ser"ices$roducts are standardi-e but due to hospital or doctors brand

    loyalty or belie"e there is less switching cost on buyer4s part.

    • 3n the basis of ?uality ser"ices buyers ha"e high switching cost.

    • In this niche, buyers are generally less prices sensiti"e but high ?uality sensiti"e.

    ;reat o0 Sustitute:

    In substitutes there is a"ailability of Homeopathic, Herbal medicines, local clinics and

     pharmacy stores.

    Threat of substitute is moderate because of following reasons

    • They offer less price performances.

    • Buyer4s cost of switching is low.


    • There is high competition among hospitals that lay down their profit margin.

    • Intense competition leads towards slow industry growth in Gu!ranwala region.

    • >it barriers are high due to high in"estment in this field.

    • =ow switching cost bears by buyers due to identical ser"ices ser"ed by hospitals

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    >ur 'usiness Strategies

    /lthough, ri"alry in intense but there are many chances to grow. There are many ways to

     !ump into the pond. For this purpose we offering or using following strategies

    Positive Sum Strategy:

    The main ob!ecti"e of this strategy is to change the nature of ri"alry in the mar#et.

     Eow a day mar#et is using Oero Sum Strategy, /ll hospitals are fulfilling same

    needs with same means. But our hospital offers different ways or means to ser"e


    5ocus Strategy:

    2ith the help of focus strategy we are going to offer our ser"ices to “maimum

    '+ years old #ids”. 2ith the help of this niche we ma#e positi"e repute in the

    mar#et soon.

    Pysical Evi%ence:

    2ith the help of ser"ice mar#eting4s 0 $s, physical e"idence, promote our hospital

     brand. 2e are offering better clean and clear en"ironment to our patients that they

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


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    Maret Researc Report

    Step ' Identify


    Step * 6issect

    • Study on Health Ser"ice $ro"ider to


    • Study on Health Insurance


    • 5aternity and 9hild 9are $roblems.

    • /ttitude of $eoples towards Health


    • Study of Go"t. $olicies and subsidies

    to health sector. 


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    2e are constructing our final pro!ect which relates to Business $lan of 9hild 9are

    Hospital. For this purpose we conduct secondary data but for the completion of this

    research many problems or difficulties in our way. To eliminate these difficulties we plan

    for a primary research. In this research we target many ?uestions li#e what are the

     preferences of people regarding hospital features, what are their paying power, what is

    the beha"ior of people when there is any delay in turn, how much they spend to chec# 

    from a child specialist doctor and will they ready to pay for any prompt ser"ice etc.

    2e are conducting this research in Gu!ranwala region because we are planning to build a

    hospital in this city which is speciali-ed in treatment of children diseases maimum age

    of ten years. To conduct this primary research we use ?uestionnaire methodology. The

    sample si-e which we select is calculated as “margin of error is ;1, confidence le"el is)(1, population si-e is '&0%;++ and distribution response is &+1 by doing so we recei"e

    a sample si-e of *(;”. The result and analysis of this research is calculated with the help

    of S$SS software. =imitations and significance of study is also gi"en in this report.

    Prolem Statement:

    “To find out people4s paying capacity, waiting capacity, treatment criteria, beha"ior 

    towards hospital4s tenure and facilities re?uired by people in hospitals that are a"ailable

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    • /"ailability and accessibility of hospitals in their region for children4s care

    • Satisfaction with respect to ser"ices regarding that hospital

    • If person is not satisfied with the treatment than what heshe done for their child

    • Spending on illness in hospital and chec#ing from a speciali-e doctor 

    • Time waiting for their turn and spending for urgent treatment in less time

    • >ffected media and little bit personal information li#e marital status, age, gender 

    and income le"el.

    Signi0icance o0 te stu%y:

    /s e"ery study has its pros and cons so does our study has a great importance and

    significance that can be further seen from the following points. / study without any

    significance is meaningless and is not worth going ahead but the study that we ha"e

    conducted has high significance so that made us go ahead till its completion with high

    confidence le"el.

    The study has a lot of influence for any reader because it can also be used for further

    study. It includes all things on reality basis.

    This study aids us on the following issuesA

    • :eal population of Gu!ranwala and disease forecasting.

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  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    GIFT Business School

    -iterature Revie

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    GIFT Business School


    This ?uestionnaire is di"ided into < sections. 1


     Section deals with obtaining the generalinformation regarding the hospital4s re?uirements. 2n% Section deals with the currentscenario of the customer4s preferences towards the child treatment. 3r% Section deals with

    the demographic features of the respondent.

    Section ) *

    $lease rate the following factors in order of their importance on scale of ' to &, with

    respect to a children4s speciali-ed hospital.


    5 4 3 2 1 0


    $mportant 'verage,ess


    nt&o %pinion

    116 ,ospital 5eatures:

    '. 6octor NNN

    *. 2aiting :oom NNN  

    mergency facilities NNN  

    ;. /mbulance NNN  

    0. Telephone >change NNN  

    %. Security Guards NNN  

    ). 3peration 6epartment NNN 

    '+. $ar#ing NNN  

    ''. 2ater 6ispenser NNN  

    '*. Blood Ban# NNN  

    '&. Hospital 9afQ NNN  

    ';. Hospital I.T System NNN  

    '0. 5os?ue NNN  

    '%. Surgical C>?uipments Store NNN 

    '). Family $lanning 9enter NNN  

    *+. 5edical Store NNN  

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    GIFT Business School

    236 Hic ospital you visit 0or te cil%Gs treatmentI (Specify the name of the Hospital)


    246 +re you satis0ie%

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    GIFT Business School

    2116 Hic a%vertising me%ium in0luence you te mostI

     Eews $apers

    T.@ 9ommercials

    Bill Boards

    2ord of mouth

    Sales $eople

    Section )

    316 .emograpics o0 Respon%ent:







    #ncome -evel BRupeesC: 

    =ess than '+,+++

    '+ ++' *+ +++

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    .ata processing:

    In order to con"ert the data into meaningful information, we need data processing as the

    medium, so for this purpose we use S$SS software "ery famous data processing software

    widely used in the research wor#s across the globe, S$SS stands from statistical pac#age

    for social sciences.

    .ata e%iting:

    2e ha"e filled all that data which was missed by the respondents. In this regard we ha"e

    supposed oursel"es as we were the respondents. It means we ha"e filled the data by

     putting oursel"es at the place of our respondents.

    Reliaility Statistics:

    9ronbachRs /lpha E of Items


  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    table who consider that there are sufficient hospitals

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


      $ercent 9umulati"e $ercent


  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    are paying to gain maimum ;+ minutes and their percentage is *(.(. /t the end '(.'

     percent for those who are not willing to pay any single rupee for the patient4s treatment.

    Hic me%ium or cannel as more impacts on you

      $ercent 9umulati"e $ercent

    @alid Eewspaper '

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    "ase Processing Summary


    9ross Tabs between


    @alid 5issing Total

     E $ercent E $ercent E $ercent

    Income =e"el To chec#up your child from a specialist how

    much you pay for it '

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    "ross taulation


    To chec#up your child from a specialist how much you

     pay for it

    *++ or less *+' to

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital



    :s. 0& for 

    *+ mint

    :s &+ for *'

    to (+ mint

    :s *& for ('

    to ;+ mint

     Eothing for ;'

    or more mint

    Income =e"el '+,+++ or less *' & 0 0  '+,++' to *+,+++ '% 0 '; %

      *+,++' to

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital



    2hich medium or mode or channel

    has more impacts on you

     Eewspaper T@ Billboard

    2ord of 


    /ny thing


    3ccupation Business

    $erson'' ; & *; +

      Student * '+ * ') '

      Lob ' ; + & +  3ther ) '+ & '0 +

    This cross tab is between channels impacts and its important with respect to occupation.

    =i#e business person pays more attention to word of mouth so it is *; percent in that

    range, than comes T@ which is ; percent, '' percent to news papers and & percent to

     billboards. Students are also pays more attention to word of mouth so in student column it

    is ') percent, newspaper are * percent, T@ are '+ percent and billboards are * percent

    while ' percent in the hand of any thing else which may include radio, internet etc, Lob

     persons also ran# ' percent to newspaper, ; percent to T@, + to billboards and & percent to

    word of mouth, 3ther are includes any other person doing some thing else than abo"e

    mention occupations so that '0 percent pointed to word of mouth, & percent to billboards,

    '+ percent to T@ and ) percent to newspaper.

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    "ompetitor Pro0ile Matrix


    "61 "62 "63 "64 "6$ "6&

    Rating ;otal Rating ;otal Rating ;otal Rating ;otal Rating ;otal Rating ;otal

    Repute o0 te ,ospital +.*& & '.*& ( ' ( ' < +.0& < +.0& * +.&

    !uality o0 Service +.* < +.; < +.; < +.; < +.; < +.; ( +.%

    Environment o0

    ,ospital+.* < +.; < +.; < +.; < +.; < +.; ( +.;

    #n0rastructure +.* < +.; * +.( ( +.% < +.; < +.; ( +.%

    PR +ctivities +.'& < +.(& < +.(& * +.< * +.< < +.(& ( +.;

    ;otal Points

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    SH>; +nalysis


    $rompt Ser"ice 6eli"ery in less time.

    Spacious $ar#ing =ot.

     Eo child specialist hospital in the area where we are located.

    Friendly, cooperati"e C clean en"ironment.

    Hospital =ocation is on G.T :oad so this will cut down the ad"ertising cost.

    6octors would be facilitated with the pro"ident fund.

    Focus and $ositi"e Sum Strategy

    >asily accessible and approachable location for the people li"ing in the "icinities

    of G:2.


    =ow profits and high fied costs in the initial years

    =ow brand awareness @s >isting brands in 5ar#et

    >it barriers are high due to high in"estment in this field.


  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    Mareting Plan

    5ar#eting plan includes its ob!ecti"es, ST$, 04$s, and Sales Forecast.

    Mareting >ectives:

    • To penetrate into the eisting health care industry.

    • To focus on the customers demand and customi-e our ser"ices according to their


    • To capture mar#et share, and also to capture the mind and heart share of 


    • To be recogni-e as a respectable brand in hospital industry regarding 9hild Health



    "il% "are:

    “Eurturance and management of the daytoday re?uirements to sustain the successful

    de"elopment of children, /lthough the term can apply to any acti"ity in which a

    youngster4s needs are pro"ided for by a parent or guardian, it is specifically applied to

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


     International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics , Volume 100 , Issue 2 , Pages 188 -

    189 V . +alis , J . Stepan Jr. M . Horak , A . Roztocil , M . Kralickova , Z . Rokyta


    It is the study and treatment of heart disorders.

    Journal of the American College of Cardiology

    June 1999 (Vol. ! "ssue 7! Pages #$9##197&


    / polygenic disease characteri-ed by abnormally high glucose le"els in the blood any of 

    se"eral metabolic disorders mar#ed by ecessi"e urination and persistent thirst. There are

    two #inds of diabetes depending on whether there is a need of insulin or not.

    They are called Type ' diabetes 7insulindependent diabetes8 RType ' diabetesR and Type *

    diabetes 7noninsulin dependent diabetes8. This latter type is more common in older 

     people and o"erweight people and can sometimes be controlled !ust with diet.

    2eedon 5E, 3wen J:, Shields B, Hitman G, 2al#er 5, 5c9arthy 5I, et al.

    6iabetes *++( &

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    tumors of the brain, and mo"ement disorders such as $ar#insonRs disease and

    HuntingtonRs disease.


    6entistry is a broad term that is used to describe anything from the diagnosis to the

    treatment of diseases that affect the oral ca"ity. Tooth decay is a common affliction,

    which often leads to toothache and tooth loss. :egular annual dental and oral health

    eams are recommended for adults past the age of '%. 2ithin dentistry, there are many

    specialties dedicated to specific areas of dental care, such as etractions, implants, and

     pediatric dental care.


    $roblems with s#in and its appendages such as hair and sweat glands fall under the

    category of dermatology. 6ermatologists specifically treat ailments that affect that s#in.Since the s#in is the largest organ, and also the most "isible, cosmetic dermatology stands

    as one of the most well #nown parts of the field. 6ermatologists speciali-ing in cosmetic

    dermatology use a myriad of nonin"asi"e procedures to impro"e anything from acne

    scarring to the effects of aging.


    3rthopedic surgery may address disorders of the musculos#eletal system whereby

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  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    #ncome level:

    3ur fee or charges are affordable, as deri"ed from the sur"ey most of the people are

    willing to pay the price for a chec# up from the specialist. The people from the income

    range from '+,+++ and abo"e. Therefore it co"ers the customers from all the three classes

    that is upper, middle and lower class.

    It was also pro"en with research that the people are more conscious for their child4s

    treatment and are willing to pay high for the best treatment and ser"ices.


    Geographically seen the hospital in the suburb of Gu!ranwala on the G.T :oad near 

    :ahwali 9antt. It is the location, which caters the people from the "icinity li#e

    2a-irabad, Ga#har and the miniature ad!oining areas.

    Therefore this location does not only target the people from Gu!ranwala but also is

    approachable for the people residing in the ad!acent areas. Therefore the customers will

     be scattered around the district. This location would definitely be anadd on, as it will aid

    in increasing the number of customers as more people can access to the hospital.

    ; t M t " t i ti

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital



    2e position our hospital in terms to ser"e the whole community and to wor# for the

    human well being which in regard gi"es a rise to a healthy community. /s it prospects

    that healthy children will tend to gi"e a mount to a healthy future.

    2e stri"e to ser"e e"ery human being to gi"e him an enhanced treatment that will

     promote healthy li"ing. 2e want to create a mind set that when people thin# of our 

    hospital they thin# of staying healthy and li"ing a prosper life accommodated with on

    time ser"ice deli"ery by #eeping all the promises. This shows that we are de"oting

    oursel"es mainly to ser"e the humanity and wor# for their betterment in terms of heath

    issues and educating them simultaneously how to a"oid the health problems in future.

    9ustomers do not percei"e the ser"ice ?uality in a unidimensional way but rather !udgethe ?uality on multiple factors so positioning should also be done by #eeping all t he

    factors into account that will ma#e up a certain perception. Therefore our positioning

    would be done while #eeping the ser"ice ?uality dimensions in considerationA

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital



    2e want our customers to trust us to achie"e their loyalty. So we will deli"er what we

     promise. 2e will not o"er promise to a"oid mistrust of our customers and will deli"er the

    ser"ices by staying on our words. =i#e if we promise that waiting time will not go


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  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    emergencies without any delay. /mbulances would be trac#ed down with the

    coordination of EG34s li#e >6HI etc.

    • "a0O

    / cafQ would be pro"ided within our hospital that will pro"ide snac#s, meals

    and other related items. This would ha"e a "ery neat and tidy en"ironment.

    9afQ will be outsourced to any reputable contractor.

    • Me%ical store

    / medical store would be a"ailable within our hospital and the patients can

     purchase the medicines. The drug store would be enriched with a larger 

    number of medicines so that the re?uired medicine is readily a"ailable. The

    medical store would be outsourced to an interested contractor.

    )niLue selling Proposition B)SPCNSource o0 competitive a%vantage:

    S$ of our hospital would be at most the prompt ser"ice deli"ery that unli#e other 

    hospitals the patients does not ha"e to wait in for long waiting hours for their turn as we

    strictly ha"e streamlined all the processes and the running of the hospital would be in a

    smooth flow. This would ultimately be a result of statistically managed operations.

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    to pay the selected price. Therefore to penetrate into the mar#et and to cater the

    customers we are supposed to deli"er more for the same.

    Perceptual Map:

    /ccording to the primary research the two factors that were considered as most important

    in the eyes of the customers regarding a hospital were “$rice” and “Kuality”. These two

    factors are compared when a customer ma#es up a certain perception regarding a

    hospital. Therefore, the Hospitals are ran#ed according to prices they charge and ?uality

    of ser"ice they are pro"iding to their customers. $erceptual map is drawn after 

    conducting inter"iews with the doctors and comprehensi"e discussion with general public

    through conducting focus groups.

     ,ig !uality

    ,ig Price-o< Price

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital



    The location of the hospital would be in the outer region of the city, which is

    approachable to the people from the ad!oining areas li#e 2a-irabad, Ga#har etc. That is

    near :ahwali 9antt near Friend4s hospital.

    The ad"antage of the location is that it would be accessible to the people from the other 

    cities that would gi"e an increase in the number of patients pouring in.

    "onsumer 'uying Process


    The initiator would be the child himself, the concerned person who senses that the patient

    needs to see the doctor or should go to a hospital.


    The influencers would be the ones who are our customers with a good and satisfactory

    eperience from our hospital4s ser"ices and they could be the family members, friends,

    etc. thus they would help others by spreading positi"e word of mouth and can influence

    other4s decision by sharing their eperiences and gi"ing recommendations. The EG34s,

    6octors could also aid in this regard by recommending or gi"ing referrals of our hospital.

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital



     Advertising Objectives

    • Sustain preference.

    2e will continue to ad"ertise hea"ily in the beginning to well inform our 

    customers because the initial period needs good ad"ertising to create awareness

    among the customers. Thus higher awareness and recall, the greater number of 

    customers could be epected.

    • To ad"ertise hea"ily to persuade customers to buy the product.

    • To create strong, fa"orable and uni?ue associations in the minds of the customers

    to facilitate their hospital4s choice.

    • To ma#e the customers #now that we are better than all by continuously

    inno"ating and informing the customers about the new ser"ices.

    +ove te -ine +ctivities

    /bo"e the line acti"ities 7/T=8 will comprise of the print media and the digital media.

    Print Me%ia:

    • 6aily Eawa e 2a?t

    • 6aily Lang

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    3ur brochures would be enclosed within the newspapers to inform our target mar#et and

    ma#ing them aware of our hospital.

    .igital me%ia:

    Sports channels

    Star $lus

    Sony >ntertainment

     Eews channels

    Ta#ing in consideration our target mar#et who are ultimately the parents or the people

    who are married because they are suppose to ta#e the decision about which hospital to

    "isit when their children are sic#. Thus according to the obser"ation and personal

    inter"iews it was seen that the decision ma#ers primarily the males ha"e a trend towards

    the sports channel and news channels. 2here as the females are more inclined towards

    the Indian channels as Star plus and Sony >ntertainment Tele"ision.

    Thus ta#ing this into account the abo"e digital media is selected so that the final decision

    ma#ers are more eposed towards our ad, which #eeps them well informed and well

    aware about $un!ab 9hild 9are Hospital.

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    'illoar%s Placements:

    Billboards will be installed by #eeping the following factors into accountA

    5actors #ntensity

    ;arget maret 9oncentrated

    ;ra00ic 0lo< High

    Si8e 6epends on the cost

    "ost 6epends on the budget a"ailable

    Exposure o0 te illoar%



    #mplementation ;actics:

    3ur hospital will be launched with intensi"e ad"ertising campaign in tele"ision as wellon radio. 2e will primarily focus those time slots on tele"ision and radio when more

    "iewers and audiences watch and listen respecti"ely to these medias. 2e will etend

    contract with the leading doctor of the childcare hospital as an endorsement in our ad.

    $aying attention to word of mouth ad"ertisement we ha"e focused highly on our ser"ice

    deli"ery and customer eperiences.

    2e will also gi"e considerable incenti"es to intermediaries including the medical reps,

    laboratories EG34s etc to influence customer4s purchase decision in fa"or of our

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    :elations with the blood ban# would be maintained and enhanced so that the blood type

    is readily a"ailable when needed a"oiding any problems due to una"ailability of any

     blood group.

    PR +ctivities:

    2e would in"ite some leading 6octor Gul-ar to inaugurate so that it creates some

     positi"e secondary associations in the mind of the customers. 2e will in"ite some leading

    guest spea#ers to spea# about the health issues that will be a positi"e act to start with

    which will be fruitful for the people. / healthy start would lead to a healthy future.

    "ustomer Experience:

    2e will ma#e it for sure that at e"ery point of customer contact, the customers would be

    gi"en the best outcome and a pleasing moment as the sum of the pleasing moments gi"eout an o"erall positi"e and a happy customer eperience. This will effect on the decision

    for the net "isit.

    Relationsip Mareting:

    “t is very important to create a close relationship !ith the customers because this !ill 

    lo!er do!n the probability for a customer to s!itch to any other hospital because

    according to a research this !ill uncover specific types of relational benefits that

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    gi"ing the customers an open way to drop in their complaints. / proper database of our 

    customers would be maintained.

    Therefore the ad"antages that are customers benefited from will gi"e a rise to the firm4s

     benefits. This can be eplained asA

    • "on0i%ence ene0its:

    2hen our hospital will create a close relation with the customers, the customers

    will show trust or confidence in our ser"ices.

    • Social ene0its:

    3"ertime customers de"elop a sense of familiarity and e"en a social bond with

    the ser"ice pro"ider. The customers would thus be familiar with our processes and

     procedures thus ma#ing our !obs easy.

    'ene0its 0or >ur ,ospital:

    This will aid our hospital with the following benefitsA

    • Economic 'ene0its:

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


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  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    hospital. 2ord of mouth ad"ertising is seen as the most influencing media for the

    hospitals as people rely more on real based eperiences and that is more belie"able

    than simply hearing the electronic ads.

    • "on%ucting Seminars:

    To promote our hospital and to increase the awareness among people, seminars can be

    conducted on health issues by pro"iding the people with a concrete solution and

    educating them side by side about being healthy and nutritious.

    Pull Strategy:

    /ll the abo"e and following mentioned ad"ertisement and promotional strategy tends to

    create a pull from customers4 end. There are not many children hospitals a"ailable in our 

    region Gu!ranwala. Therefore the people who are depri"ed of this facility will be tempted

    towards our hospital. The media endea"ors will help us to attract people towards our 

    hospital by creati"ely promoting our hospital by gi"ing pleasing and satisfying

    eperiences to our customers that will aid in spreading out positi"e word of mouth.

    People:$eople play a "ital role in the success of any organi-ation because people are supposed to

    i ti d t b #b S if th i ht l hi d d

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    Service Recovery:

    The ser"ice reco"ery will be incorporated well in our practices. /s each employee would

     be trained enough to manage his actions, and ta#e correcti"e actions where he thin# he

    couldn4t perform his duty up to the standards. The patient would be compensated

    according to the ser"ice failure in order to #eep him satisfied.

    ;e service 0ailure can occur y a numer o0 reasons lie:

    • The ser"ice deli"ered too late or too slowly,

    • The outcome maybe incorrect or poorly eecuted

    • >mployees maybe rude or uncaring

    Therefore this will result in negati"e word of mouth with negati"e feelings and responses

    from the customers.

    #0 te service recovery is asent tis

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    “t could be seen from a research that strong customer)firm relationships can help

    shield the firm from the negative effects of failures on customer satisfaction.'   (%

     e'itt and -+ Brady, /Rethinking Ser0ice Reco0ery Strategies .ournal of Ser0ice

     Reco0ery search 2 (o0em=er "##$), pp34$6"#?)

    Encourage an% trac complaints:

    2e will be pro"iding email, toll free number and a complaint bo that will help us to

    figure out the complaints and the points of dissatisfaction. The doctors and the employees

    would also ta#e the feedbac#s from the patients through small inter"iews, sur"eys so that

    the points can be eliminated and the ser"ices further refined. This would also be done by

    de"eloping a mind set that complaints are good. This has to be done within the hospital so

    that the employees can ta#e good care of it.

    Provi%e +%eLuate Explanations:

    “*esearch suggests that !hen the firm+s ability to provide an ade(uate outcome is not 

    successful$ further dissatisfaction can be reduced if an ade(uate e"planation is

     provided to the customer.'  (. unning, * Pecotich, and * ;@ Cass, / 'hat Happens

    'hen %hings o 'rong Retail Sales Aplanations and %heir ffects,9 Psychology and 

     -arketing"3, no? ("##7), pp&&$6?")

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital



    The processes would be streamlined and would be followed smoothly with certain rules

    and policies. =i#e when a patient enters in an entry by his name has to be passed in the

    system. Then he would be allotted a number and the patients would be chec#ed only on

    their turn. This would help to a"oid any chaos and would aid in smooth wor#ing.

    Pysical evi%ence:

    The physical e"idence, the tangibles would be in sync with the positioning and the

    desired image that is to be created. So, a "ery clean, professional, and a wellmanaged

    en"ironment will be pro"ided to the patients where computeri-ed records will be

    maintained. $osters would be pasted on the walls gi"ing instructions about how to stay

    healthy. $atients would be dealt "ery courteously that will portray empathy.

    -ayout  broad and open

    .Ocor an% com0ort large, cushioned chairs

    5urnisings  marble, stainless steel 

    "leanliness shipshape, organi-ed

    "olor  blue and sil"er 

    -igtings bright, li"ely

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    +(S>55 Matrix B5uture "onsi%erationC

    Maret Penetration:

    2e aim to achie"e growth with eisting products in current mar#et segment aiming to

    increase its mar#et share. Therefore we are see#ing mar#et penetration strategy with

     penetration pricing so that we can capture an attracti"e number of customers.

    Pro%uct .evelopment:

    /fter a passage of time when we can figure out that due to the 5illennium 6e"elopment

    Goals the mortality rate is decreasing, thus to maintain our re"enues and profits, we will

    offer new ser"ices according to the re?uirement of the society. For instance the ser"ices

    that are not yet present in Gu!ranwala and are demanded that can be seen with the help of 

    conducting a research, li#e pro"iding a facility of nutritionist.

    Maret .evelopment:

    /fter a certain passage of time when we will generate our positi"e goodwill and be a

    strong entity with a reputable brand name, we will etend with the same setup to the

    other mar#ets where there is a demand of child care. 2e will also set up laboratories withour brand name in other areas so that we can facilitate a large number of people with our 


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  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    Expecte% Heely #n%oor "ases:

    This is the wee#ly distribution of cases that will arri"e in the each month of the year *++). For each wee# the distribution is e?ual, weobtain this figure by di"iding whole patients from the each month by (. 2ith the assumption of ( wee#s in a month.


    /anuary09 eruary09 Mar+&09

    ;ee>1 ;ee>2 ;ee>3 ;ee>4 ;ee>1 ;ee>2 ;ee>3 ;ee>4 ;ee>1 ;ee>2 ;ee>3 ;ee>4

    15 15 15 15 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11

    pril09 May09 /une09

    ;ee>1 ;ee>2 ;ee>3 ;ee>4 ;ee>1 ;ee>2 ;ee>3 ;ee>4 ;ee>1 ;ee>2 ;ee>3 ;ee>4

    11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 18 18 18 18

    /uly09 ugust09 1 ;ee>2 ;ee>3 ;ee>4 ;ee>1 ;ee>2 ;ee>3 ;ee>4 ;ee>1 ;ee>2 ;ee>3 ;ee>4

    26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 18 18 18 18

    +toer09 =o-e:er09 #e+e:er09

    ;ee>1 ;ee>2 ;ee>3 ;ee>4 ;ee>1 ;ee>2 ;ee>3 ;ee>4 ;ee>1 ;ee>2 ;ee>3 ;ee>411 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 15 15 15 15

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


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  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    3ur location is at the G.T :oad *J5 from /-i- 9rossing. It is accessible from the "icinities of the Gu!ranwala. So it is epected that

    (+patients per day will arri"e in our hospital from the "icinities of Gu!ranwala, 2hich are 2a-irabad, Ga#har, Gu!rat and >tc. Becausewe are accessible due to our presence at G.T :oad.

    5oreo"er due to our /d"ertisement 9ampaigns and $ositi"e word of mouth, ' case will be increase per day and

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    Expecte% Heely >ut%oor "ases:

    This is the wee#ly distribution of cases that will arri"e in the each month of the year *++). For each wee# the distribution is e?ual, weobtain this figure by di"iding whole patients from the each month by (. 2ith the assumption of ( wee#s in a month.

    /anuary09 eruary09 Mar+&09;ee>1 ;ee>2 ;ee>3 ;ee>4 ;ee>1 ;ee>2 ;ee>3 ;ee>4 ;ee>1 ;ee>2 ;ee>3 ;ee>4

    338 338 338 338 336 336 336 336 343 343 343 343

    pril09 May09 /une09

    ;ee>1 ;ee>2 ;ee>3 ;ee>4 ;ee>1 ;ee>2 ;ee>3 ;ee>4 ;ee>1 ;ee>2 ;ee>3 ;ee>4

    351 351 351 351 358 358 358 358 384 384 384 384

    /uly09 ugust09 1 ;ee>2 ;ee>3 ;ee>4 ;ee>1 ;ee>2 ;ee>3 ;ee>4 ;ee>1 ;ee>2 ;ee>3 ;ee>4

    411 411 411 411 418 418 418 418 407 407 407 407

    +toer09 =o-e:er09 #e+e:er09

    ;ee>1 ;ee>2 ;ee>3 ;ee>4 ;ee>1 ;ee>2 ;ee>3 ;ee>4 ;ee>1 ;ee>2 ;ee>3 ;ee>4

    396 396 396 396 403 403 403 403 420 420 420 420

    Expecte% .aily >ut%oor "ases:

    This is the wee#ly distribution of each day, after comprehensi"e discussion with the eperts and doctors, we found some facts which

    are related with the distribution of the cases per day, (+1 of the cases of the whole wee#, arri"e from 5onday to Thursday and ;+1 of 

    the cases arri"e in the last ly pe+te' o! /an09   ;ee>ly pe+te' o! /ul09

    Mon %ue ;e' %&u ri ly pe+te' o! ug09

    Mon %ue ;e' %&u ri

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    In this process, the patients first meet to the doctor. It will ta#e '& minutes, and then the

    doctor will prescribe some laboratory test. The lab process will ta#e * hours. /fter getting

    the result from the lab test, the patient will again mo"e to the doctor. 6octor will see thereport of lab test and then suggest some medicines. It will ta#e '+ minutes. Then the

     patient will mo"e to medical store. & minutes will be consumed in order to getting


    9apacity %(+

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    5acility -ayout

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    an area of )+ s?uare feet. In guest room, there are sofas. /n eamination coach, a doctor 

    stool, baby weighing machine, blood pressure machine will be there in doctor room.

    These rooms are also air conditions.

    +%min Room:

    The purpose of this room is to handle and maintain different management acti"ities of hospital. It co"ers )+ s?uare feet. It contains the basic necessities.

    Meeting Room:

    This room will be used for the meeting among all the staff of the hospital, meetings are

    necessary whene"er admin or chairman want to discuss something with all the staff of the

    hospital. This room can also be used for the training purpose of the employees of thehospital. It contains many chairs and a round table. It co"ers )+ s?uare feet.


    There are total '0 washrooms in the hospital, ' washroom is assigned to each pri"ateroom and there are '+ pri"ate rooms for the patients, * washrooms are assigned to the

    general wards and others are for the use of doctors. 2ashroom for male and female are


    Me%ical Store:

    It is located on right corner of front area. It is li#e a room ha"ing %+ s?uare feet area. /llthe medicines will be a"ailable there especially fa"orable for children. 2e will outsource

    the medical store.

    6Ray Room:

    It is a "ery small room on the left of medical store. It is an air condition room. It is fullye?uipped. It has Vray machine #nown as 75/ '++8 and a sub room #nown as dar# room

    with all type of accessories.

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    #nventory Management:

    $atients are considered as in"entory in hospital industry. 2e managed in"entory per (hours basis, to ma#e sure that no patient will

    wait for hisher turn more than

  • 8/15/2019 MBA Project Hospital


    Patients Mon %ue ;e' %&u ri

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    Heely Sce%ule:

    The following table represents the wee#ly schedule of child specialists, senior medical officers and medical officers. 2ee#ly scheduleof the doctors is prepared according to results of the in"entory management tables, which shows we need ' doctor in each shift from

    5onday to Thursday to assure that no patient will wait more than

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    ,iring "riteria

    1 Selection ;ests:

    The selection techni?ues applied would be specific to the field of ?ualification.

    Howe"er bac#ground in"estigation including the certification of educational

    ?ualifications from ?ualified uni"ersities, and medical clearance certificate would be

    applied in any case.

    2 #ntervie

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    5inancial 'ene0its:

    2e would be #een to support staff with a number of financial benefits and ad"ice

     pro"ided directly by the child care administration. They include

    '. Provi%ent Scemes: 3n retirement they would get pro"ident fund, which would

     be based on their salary at retirement. Staff would contribute of ;1 per month.

    The /65IE would contribute an additional ;1 of their respecti"e salaries

    towards the pension.

    *. ,ealt care 'ene0it Sceme: 5edical for the staff would be compensated &+1.

    9laims must be submitted in terms of forms with doctor4s prescription and

    medication details. If a staff member while wor#ing in child care department

    suffered from any disease they would be cured at the hospital with only *&1 of charge, the rest 0&1 would be contributed by the hospital.

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      ;.  ,ealt FSa0ety: Building fire eitsA all the corridors would be ha"ing signs

    directing towards the fire eit and fire etinguishers. >ach room would ha"e the full

    fledge map in case of fire eit. The doors would be opened towards outward direction.

    ' 5edical W related e?uipment would be chec#ed that whether the safety manuals

    included. The technicians would be called immediately to respond to the incurring


    * Building and e?uipment would be insured.

    "orporate "ulture

    >"ery one has personal responsibility for safety as outlined in the child specialist

    safety policy and has to follow the rules and policies that are described below that

    rules and policies would be "ery helpful to fulfill our mission and to create the good

    name of our child care centre.

    1: +ppearance: $rofessionalism is at the core of identity. The appearance of doctors and

    other staff should be professional by their appearance and by their acts to contribute thein the core identity of hospital.

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    • 6eceased patientsR information is also treated as confidential. 6isclosure of 

    deceased patientsR information must be a matter for indi"idual decision by the


    .ata Protection Principles:

    $ersonal data shall be ade?uate, rele"ant and not ecessi"e in relation to the purpose7s8

    for which they are processed.

    • $ersonal data shall be accurate and where necessary #ept up to date.

    • $ersonal data processed for any purpose7s8 shall not be #ept for longer than is

    necessary for that purpose.

    • *usti0y te purposeA e"ery proposed use or transfer of patientidentifiable

    information within or from an organi-ation should be clearly defined and

    scrutini-ed, with continuing uses regularly re"iewed by an appropriate guardian.

    • .onQt use patient6i%enti0iale in0ormation unless it is asolutely necessary A

    $atientidentifiable information items should not be used unless there is no


    ) i i i i% i0i l i 0 i h f

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    $aramedics 7>mergency Staff8


    Sta00 an% teir Salaries

    Sta00 Position (umer o0  




    • 5.B.B.S 79hild specialist8

    • Senior 5edical 3fficer

    • 5edical officers






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    (on Me%icle Sta00:

    This promotion process would be for all the nonmedical staff. Eurses ward boys,

    maintenance staff etc. they would be promoted by showing performance according to the

    standard of the hospital rules. Their salaries would be increase with the promotion.

    Initial stageinfect the

    learning and

    trainingstage start

    wor# and

    learn more

    /fter the

    training, startwor# ingroup for

    sa#e of

    #nowing that

    how to wor#in a group

    and how to

    lead it.


    showed good

     performancein the group

    he or she

    would become the

    head of all

    the staff of aspecific

    /fter passing

    thought allthe stages

    which teach

    ones how tohandle

     people in the

    differentsituation, he

    or she would


    senior of allthe staff of

    his wor#

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    (ote A 3

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    (ote A 3

    i ssetsCurrent ,ear 

     ,ear 2009 ,ear 2010 ,ear 2011 ,ear 2012 ,ear 2013











    0 ''$'50















    !!i+e Fuip:ent1$155$200




    2#1$00 ?

     t&er Fuip:ent'$00




    ##$9&0 211$50

     Preli:inary pense551$00


    urniture pense










    0 11#$550

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    perating atios  

    or:ulas ,ear2009






    peratin >pense 7atio @ peratin >p.4et ale 0.5& 0.52 0.' 0. 0.2


     ="min. >pense 7atio @ ="min >p.4et ale 0.5# 0.5 0.' 0. 0.2


    4et Proit 7atio @ 4et Proit4et ale 0.#5 0.# 0.2 0.5 0.&


    >Fuit- 7atio @ >Fuit-otal =ssets 1 1 1 1 1


    ;ie" =sset to >Fuit- 7atio @ ;ie" =sset>Fuit- 0.&5 0.55 0.5 0.1 0.#1


    ;ie" =sset urnover 7atio @ ales;ie" =ssets 0. 0.5' 0.&' 0.'# 0.95


    In ratio analysis, the different ratios are used to find out the different results. The ratios which used are as followedA operating epense

    ratio, admin epense ratio, net profit ratio, e?uity ratio, and fied asset e?uity ratio and fi asset turn o"er ratio. 3perating epense and

    admin epense ratios shows that sales are increasing and epenses are decreasing. Eet profit ratio shows that profit is increasing.

    >?uity ratio shows the same amount as there is no liability. Fi asset to e?uity ratio shows the depreciation in assets but e?uity remains

    the same. In fi asset turn o"er ratio, the sale is increasing while fi assets are decreasing because of depreciation.

    Payac Perio% Meto%

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    Payac Perio% Meto%

    Paya+> Perio'

     ,ear Cas& lo (s) Cu:ulati-e Cas& lo (s)


    0 ?0000000 ?0000000

    1 9'5 ?#1011255

    2 1512'1 ?129'

    # 29&##5 1'15551

    19115 5909'095

    5 5&90199 11&0''29


    $aybac# period method eamines the reco"ery of the total in"estment amount of the business, during its life, the shorter the paybac# 

     period the attracti"e that in"estment scheme is. In our business the paybac# period is * years and & months, which means our 

    in"estment, will be reco"ered from the re"enues of the business within * years and & months. (+million capital is re?uired to start the

    operations of the business.