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Maybe you do not know that ...

$dbh->do() or die;

$sth->execute() or die;#$sth non select statement

So, zero can be true

0.00E0+0 0

0 but true

perl -wE 'say "0 but true"+5'#5

perl -wE 'say "0 but true!"+5'Argument "0 but true!" isn't numeric in addition (+) at -e line 1.#5


our $l = 5; {local $l = 4; say $l}; say $l;


my $l = 5; {local $l = 4; say $l}; say $l;

#Can't localize lexical variable $l at -e line 2.

my $l = { a => 5 };

{ local $l->{a} = 4; say $l->{a};};

say $l->{a};


my @l = (2,3,5);

{ local $l[2] = 4; say $l[2];};

say $l[2];


{ local $h->{RaiseError}; ...}

One line file slurp

$content = do {local(@ARGV, $/) = $f; }

perl -e 'while (){ }' f1 f2 f3


use everywhere 'MooseX::Declare', matching => '^MyApp', use_here => 0;

@INC hooks


perldoc -f require


my @ar = qw/h e l l o/;

foreach (@ar) { do_something(); say $_;}

Somewhere in outer space...

...Open (my $fh, '