Download - May 22, 2020 · The Mela will have events like inter school, inter college competitions, entertainment, lectures, workshops, seminars, discussions and COVID Bazar. Participants will

Page 1: May 22, 2020 · The Mela will have events like inter school, inter college competitions, entertainment, lectures, workshops, seminars, discussions and COVID Bazar. Participants will


May 22, 2020

This is to inform all the students of the College that Heart Care Foundation of India is

organizing the first ever virtual “Living with Corona 1.0” Perfect Health Mela from 31st

May to Sunday 7th June on a single virtual platform.

The Mela will have events like inter school, inter college competitions, entertainment,

lectures, workshops, seminars, discussions and COVID Bazar.

Participants will include people from all segments of society including health activists,

general public, patients, nursing, pharmacists, university, medical colleges, health sector,

financial sector mental health etc. from all over the world.

Divya Jyoti Medico Masti Youth Festival competitions will take place from 3 June & 4

June 2020 on digital platform.

Please find below the list of competitions: 3 June 2020, Wednesday:

· Kavita Path/Poetry · Debate · COVID Innovation · Painting

4 June 2020, Thursday:

· Singing (Solo) · Dance (Solo) · Mono Act (Solo) · Slogan Writing

You have to register yourself @ for the participation. Please register before 29th May, 2020. Please see the details for the participation given below:

Page 2: May 22, 2020 · The Mela will have events like inter school, inter college competitions, entertainment, lectures, workshops, seminars, discussions and COVID Bazar. Participants will

1st Digital COVID-19 Perfect Health Mela 2020 Divya Jyoti Medico Masti Youth Festival Competitions

Pushpa Chopra Hall



Kavita Path/Poetry (Solo) 9am-10:30am 3min Each school can send 2 students from their college Applauding corona warriors

Debate 10:30 am-12noon


(3min for the motion and

3min for against the motion)

1. Every college must send two participants for

the competition; one speaking in favor and

other against the motion.

2. Each participant will speak for 3min

Corona will go

COVID Innovation 12noon-1pm 5min Each school can send 2 students from their college Jugaad in COVID Management

Painting 12noon-1pm 1hour Each school can send 2 students from their college COVID Prevention



Singing (Solo) 9am-10am 3min Each school can send 2 students from their college Tribute to Corona Warriors

Dance (Solo) 10am-11:30am 3min Each school can send 2 students from their college Health, Happiness and Dance

Mono Act (Solo) 11:30am-1pm 5min Each school can send 2 students from their college

Corona and Mental Health

Slogan Writing 12noon-1pm 1hour Each school can send 2 students from their college Corona ko Harayenge

Note: The event will be live on www.perfecthealthmela all the competitions will be performed on digital platform.

Pre-registration is required.

Last date for registration 30th May 2020.

College can send only 2 students, in each competition.

Decision of the judges is non-negotiable and final.

All participants will be given a Certificate of Participation and the winners will get Certificate of Achievement.

Pictures of each competition will be updated on the website, app and social media pages by the end of each day.