Download - May 2012 Garden News


8/2/2019 May 2012 Garden News 1/3

  Email [email protected] Managing agent: RMG [email protected] attn. Martin Hellenas 

Rainbow Quays Residents Co Ltd

Gardening news May 2012

December  – April

Early winter was quite mild but then in February we had some cruel frosts and a little



This was the driest year since 1976 so all the reservoirs are empty. March was warm

and dry, in fact there was hardly any rain from January to March but then in April the

heavens opened and we had the wettest April on record! This has done wonders for 

the garden and the spring flowers were outstanding.

We bought in a load of manure which was spread around, focusing on neglected soil

and on young plants. The first lawn cut was on 2nd March. We used weedkiller on the

paths and garage approaches since hand pulling takes more time than we have.

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  Email [email protected] Managing agent: RMG [email protected] attn. Martin Hellenas 

March promise: the Amelanchier trees in both gardens produce delicate white

blossom which has many weeks of promise followed by a quick burst of bloom.

Other flowers in March were daffodils, the beginnings of the tulips, a few snowdrops

left, white hyacinths in the pots, winter flowering cherry. A single blue Agapanthus

flower, out of season, appeared and stayed for about three weeks.

During April, with all the rain, weeding became a priority, but also Elin spread lawn

feed and moss killer, emptied and turned the compost, and trained and sprayed the

roses. There was plenty of flower: masses of pink and red tulips, tree peonies,

hellebores, forget-me-nots, and wild garlic; and the promise of peonies, irises, roses,penstemon, gaura and lychnis.

During May, we are focusing on planting out tender plants in the tubs and pots and

the raised beds by each back door, to give extra colour through the summer. A batch

of new plants was bought from Coolings nursery in Kent. Of course this is the busiest

time of year for weeding, tieing roses onto their supports, and generally re-arranging

things. A tree specialist came in to raise the crowns of the Robinia trees between

the blocks so as to reduce root damage and let in more light to the beds underneath.

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  Email [email protected] Managing agent: RMG [email protected] attn. Martin Hellenas 

They were also asked to remove one of the Birch trees from the East Garden so that

the central lawn can be more used for sunbathing and picnics. We were sad to lose

this tree since it was one of the most beautiful in the garden, but the East garden

really needed a sunny space and that single tree was shading out the most useful


You also may have noticed some activity in the fruit/vegetable experimental ground.

In this area we have planted various things which in the long term will produce

quantities of fruit at one time, and the intention is to have produce available to

distribute to residents and to provide for summer barbeques and parties. Last year it

was potatoes and tomatoes. Please do keep your eyes open in the summer for fruit

or vegetables which we will lay out in the garden for residents to help themselves.

We emphasise that this is common property so do not hesitate to help yourself to

any fruit (eg gooseberries, tomatoes) which you see growing in the gardens. If you

don’t, the birds certainly will! The fruit trees and bushes are more of a long term

project as they need a few years to mature.

The garden is managed by Chris Todhunter on a voluntary basis and Elin Simonsen,

who works two days a week through the year. Please feel free to talk to us.

CT 7th May 2012