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Assuming that you do, the next step is to think about how you can best present it to the press. Writers who visit a press show has limited time and dozens / hundreds of startup booths to choose from, so you need a compelling attraction to encourage them to visit your booth.

If you are attending a global trade show as an exhibitor, you must already have a feasible product or service to sell to the visitors. (Otherwise, why waste your time?)

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You’ll probably need one version for email and a very short one for Twitter. Invite media who may be specifically interested in your product or service to drop by your booth and see what you have. Don’t forget to indicate where your booth is located, and your availability for a media interview or demonstration during the exhibition.

Once you have a compelling story, you should write up a short but powerful invitation letter to relevant writers who are attending the show.

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There could be thousands of names on the list at a big conference, so sort the list by the publications where you would like to be featured. Stay realistic and stay focused! Take your target names and put them into a new spreadsheet, along with contact information like email address and Twitter handle. It’s also useful to grab a photo of the journalist if you can nd one.

Most trade show organizers offer a list of writers who have registered as press. As an exhibitor you can ask for that list.

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A press kit is a package of promotional material you can use to brief the press about you company, products and services. It should include all essential facts that you’d like to highlight to the press, so that if they decide to write about your startup they have the basic info they need in order to get started. Typically, a press kit also includes the company logo, key product image, executive bio and team photo.

When sending out an invitation, you should also attach a link to your press kit.

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But that doesn’t mean that you should sit and wait for them at your booth. In your spare time, grab a demo product and go to the press center. Look for writers from your target media and if they seem to have time for a quick chat, give a short brief about your startup, yourself, and the product. This is why gathering pictures in your target media list is so handy.

It is possible, despite all your efforts to get the media to pre-schedule for an interview or a tour, you end up with no response from them. Writers are just very busy during an exhibition.

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It is okay to send an email to the writer you met at the exhibition to politely ask if they will write about your startup, or suggest other stories that might interest them. But don’t be pushy or overly aggressive about it.

Once you return to the office, gather all press contacts and send out a thank you email as a means to follow up.

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Elli KimSr. Acct. Manager | G3 [email protected]

Elli has over 7 years of experience in PR and communications. Her previous experiences had her leading work for global technology clients at Edelman, the world’s largest independent PR agency. She has native fluency in English, Korean, and Japanese.