Download - Mathematical Miracle in Quran

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Page 2: Mathematical Miracle in Quran

The Holy Quran, God's word to humanity, always provides

evidences that it was revealed from God, so many and divergent are the miracles that the Holy Quran gives,

among these miracles is the numeric

(mathematical) miracle which unfolds new meanings and secrets

of the Holy Quran. For example:The word (Sea or Water) mentioned 32 times, and the word (Landmass)

mentioned 13 times in the Holy Quran, if we add them together we

will get 45.

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Now let us do some calculations...By finding the percentage of the number of the word (Sea) to the total number of the words (Sea and Landmass) we will have:                          ( 32 / 45 ) x 100% = 71.1%By finding the percentage of the number of the word (Landmass) to the total number of the words (Sea and Landmass) we will have:                          ( 13 / 45 ) x 100% = 28.9%

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The Numeric Miracles In the Holy Quran

The Word Meaning #of times Mentioned

Dunya This life 115

Akhera The hereafter 115

Malaekah Angels 88

Shayateen Devils 88

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The Numeric Miracles In the Holy Quran

The Word Meaning #of times Mentioned

Hayat Life 145Mawt Death 145Nafee Usefulness 50Fassad corruption 50

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The Numeric Miracles In the Holy Quran

The Word Meaning #of times Mentioned

Nass Mankind 368

Russul Messengers 368

Iblis Satan 11

Iste'atha from iblis

Ask refuge from Satan 11

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The Numeric Miracles In the Holy Quran

The Word Meaning #of times Mentioned

Museebah Catastrophe, Calamity 75

Shukr Thankfulness, Gratitude 75

Infaque Expenditure 73Redha Contentment 73

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The Numeric Miracles In the Holy Quran

The Word Meaning #of times Mentioned

Adhaloon Misguided, astray 17

Almawta Deceased 17

Muslims Muslims 41

Jihad Struggle for Allah 41

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The Numeric Miracles In the Holy Quran

The Word Meaning #of times Mentioned

Thahab Gold 8

Taraf Luxurious life 8

Asseher Magic 60

Albarakah Temptation, trial 60

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The Numeric Miracles In the Holy Quran

The Word Meaning #of times Mentioned

Zakat almsgivings, Charity 32

Barakah Benediction 32

Alaqul Mind, Brain 49

Annour Light 49

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The Numeric Miracles In the Holy Quran

The Word Meaning #of times Mentioned

Allessan Tongue 25

Almawethah Sermon, Preachment 25

Arasghbah Desire 8Arrahbah Fear 8

Jahr Openness 16Alaneah Public Ness 16

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The Numeric Miracles In the Holy Quran

The Word Meaning #of times Mentioned

Asheddah Firm 114

Assabr Patience 114

Muhammad Muhammad 4

Sharee'ah Law 4

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The Numeric Miracles In the Holy Quran

The Word Meaning #of times Mentioned

Rajul Man 24

Marah (nisa) Woman 24

shahr Month 12

Yawm Day 365

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Also"Human being" is used 65 times: the sum of the number of references to the stages of man's creation is the same: i.e.

Soil (turab) 17Drop of Sperm (nutfah) 12 Embryo ('alaq) 6A half formed lump of flesh (mudghah) 3Bone ('idham) 15Flesh (lahm) 12

TOTAL 65So what do you think?Could it be a Chance?!Apart from this read the following table to see how balanced the Quran is in its written format. 

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Can this be a coincidence?

These are not all the mathematical

miracles, there

are still many. Also, note the Holy Quran

gives scientific statements that are compatible

with modern science

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