Download - Materials Science and Engineering Program... · Materials Science and Engineering Materials engineering is a broad ranging discipline which applies the principles of science and engineering

Page 1: Materials Science and Engineering Program... · Materials Science and Engineering Materials engineering is a broad ranging discipline which applies the principles of science and engineering


B Engineering

(Materials Science) /

B Engineering

(Chemical Engineering)

Faculty of Science

Materials Science and EngineeringProgram Guide

Never Stand Still

Page 2: Materials Science and Engineering Program... · Materials Science and Engineering Materials engineering is a broad ranging discipline which applies the principles of science and engineering

Important Information• School Website: • General Education – 6 UOC • Industrial Training- minimum of 12 weeks (i.e. 60 working days) professionally oriented or industrial experience. The train-

ing should be concurrent with enrolment and is best accumulated in the summer recesses at the end of Years 2, 3 and 4 and it must be completed by the end of Year 5 in order to be eligible for graduation. This is a requirement of professional recognition of the degree by the Engineers Australia. Please ensure that all paperwork is completed and approved by Dr Standard before starting your placement. Students must also participate in the School’s Industrial Training Poster Pres-entation to showcase their experience.

• Declaration of Academic Plan – this should be done prior to commencing Year 3. Form is available on the School website. • Assignments must be submitted with an Assignment Cover Sheet. This can be printed off from the ‘Current Students’ sec-

tion of the School Website or copies can also be found in the Undergraduate Common Room on Level One of the School of Materials Science and Engineering Building.

ContactsUndergraduate Administrator – Laura [email protected] School Office, Room 113- Problems with enrolment- Assignment submission- Course information - General Queries

Undergraduate Coordinator – Dr Owen [email protected] 216- Program queries- Industrial training approvals- Exchange study approvals When emailing the University, please include your Z-ID so that we can identify you and address your query sooner.

The five-year combined-degree program consisting of a Bachelor of Engineering in Materials Science and Engineering and a Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering is designed specifically to cater for students wishing to pursue a career in materials/chemical engineering with professional accreditation in both disciplines. The Bachelor of Engineer-ing in Materials Science and Engineering has specialised academic plans in Process Metallurgy, Physical Metallurgy, Ceramic Engineering or Materials Engineering.

The BE BE combined-degree program is based upon the existing single BE programs of Materials Science and En-gineering (3135) and Chemical Engineering (3040) and is 240 UOC (5 years fulltime) facilitated by common first and second years, common Honours thesis project in year 5, reduction of 18 UOC in non-core content, and reduction of 6 UOC in the General Education requirement.

Students are required to demonstrate a high level of academic ability in their first three years and are expected to perform at a credit level average (WAM >65%) or better to continue progress in both degrees. Student performance is reviewed at the conclusion of Year 2. Students who, at the end of Year 3, do not satisfy this requirement will permitted to complete only one of the BE degrees (this will require internal transfer to the single BE program). The BE BE program structure is specifically designed to facilitate this in that the courses done in Year 2 are acceptable to both single BEs (but need a Program Variation approval) and Year 3 is comprised of Year 3 of one of the single degrees.

Page 3: Materials Science and Engineering Program... · Materials Science and Engineering Materials engineering is a broad ranging discipline which applies the principles of science and engineering

Course Code Course Name UOC Semester MATH1131 ORMATH1141

Mathematics 1AHigher Mathematics 1A




Mathematics 1BHigher Mathermatics 1B


2, Summer2


Physics 1AHigher Physics 1A



ENGG1811 Computing for Engineers 6 1,2ENGG1000 Introduction to Engineering Design and Innovation 6 1,2

MATS1101 Engineering Materials and Chemistry 6 1,2Year One Elective 6 1,2

Recommended Elective

Course Code Course Name UOC SemesterRecommended MMAN1300 Engineering Mechanics 6 1,2

Alternative Year 1 Elective

Please see elective list over the page.

Note: Students can take the combination CHEM1011 and CHEM1021 or the combination CHEM1031 and CHEM1041 as a replacement for the combination MATS1101 and CEIC1001

Year 1 Required Courses

Page 4: Materials Science and Engineering Program... · Materials Science and Engineering Materials engineering is a broad ranging discipline which applies the principles of science and engineering

Code Name UOC HPW SessionBIOM1010 Engineering in Medicine and Biology 6 4 2

BIOS1301 Ecology, Sustainability and Environmental Science 6 5 BIOS1201 Molecules, Cells and Genes 6 5 1CEIC1000 Sustainable Product Engineering and Design 6 4 2CEIC1001 Engineering Chemistry 6 6 2CHEM1011 CHEM1031

Fundamentals of Chemistry 1A ORHigher Chemistry 1C



1, 22

CHEM1021 CHEM1041

Fundamentals of Chemistry 1B ORHigher Chemistry 1D



2, S2

COMP1921 Data Structures and Algorithms 6 5.5 1, 2CVEN1300orMINE1300orMMAN1300

Engineering Mechanics OR

Engineering Mechanics OR

Engineering Mechanics








1, 2

1, 2CVEN1701 Environmental Principles and Systems 6 5 2ELEC1111 Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering 6 6 2GEOS1111GEOS3321

Fundamentals of Geology ORFundamentals of Petroleum Geology




GMAT1400 Land Studies 6 5 2GMAT1110 Surveying and GIS 1 6 5 2MATH1081 Discrete Mathematics 6 6 1, 2MATS1101 Engineering Materials and Chemistry 6 5 1, 2MINE1010 Mineral Resources Engineering 6 4 1MMAN1130 Design for Manufacture 6 7 1, 2PHYS1231 Higher Physics 1B 6 6 2, sPSYC1001 Psychology 1A 6 6 1PTRL1010 Introduction to the Petroleum Industry 6 4 1SOLA1070 Sustainable Energy 6 3 2

Year 1 Elective List

*Note that students in programs 3040 and 3100 can also take CHEM1011/1021 or CHEM1031/1041 in place of the recommended combination of MATS1101/CEIC1001.*Note that students in program 3045 can also take CHEM1011 or CHEM1031 in place of the recommended MATS1101.#Not all Year 1 elective courses must be taken in the first year.Some courses may have pre-requisites, co-requisites or exclusions, please check carefully.

Page 5: Materials Science and Engineering Program... · Materials Science and Engineering Materials engineering is a broad ranging discipline which applies the principles of science and engineering

Course Name UOC HPW Session

MATS2003 Materials Characterisation 6 5 1MATS3001 Micromechanisms of Mechanical

Behaviour of Metals6 5 1

MATS3002 Fundamentals of Ceramic Processing 6 5 1MATS3004 Polymer Science & Engineering 6 4 2MATS3006 Design Application of Materials in Sci & Eng 3 6 4 2MATS3007 Materials Industry Management 6 4 2

Materials Science Professional Electives 6 - 1 or 2General Education 6 - 1 or 2

Year 2Course Name UoC HPW SessionMATH2019 Engineering Mathematics 2E 6 6 1MATH2089 Numerical Methods & Statistics 6 6 2MATS2001 Physical Properties of Materials 6 5 1MATS2004 Mechanical Behaviour of Materials 6 5 2MATS2006 Diffusion and Kinetics 6 5 2

CEIC2000 Material and Energy Systems 6 5 1CEIC2001 Fluid and Particle Mechanics 6 5 1CEIC2002 Heat and Mass Transfer 6 5 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Course Name UOC HPW Session

CEIC3000 Process Modelling and Analysis 6 5 1CEIC3001 Advanced Thermo and Speration 6 4 1CEIC3002 Experimental Practice 6 6 2CEIC3003 Chemical Engineering Laboratory 6 6 1CEIC3004 Process Equipment Design 6 5 2CEIC3005 Process Plant Design 6 5 2CEIC3006 Process Dynamics and Control 6 6 2

Materials Science Professional Elective 6 - 1

Course Name UOC HPW Session

CEIC4000 Environment and Sustainability 6 4 1, 2CEIC4001 Process Design Project 6 6 1MATS5001 or CEIC4002

Thesis A

Thesis A






1MATS5002 or CEIC4003

Thesis B

Thesis B







Advanced Thesis B orElective




Materials Science Professional Elective 6 - 1,2

Note: Only the combination of MATS5001 - MATS5002 - MATS5003 or CEIC4002 - CEIC4003 - CEICXXXX are permitted. MATS500X and CEIC400X are not able to be mixed.

Page 6: Materials Science and Engineering Program... · Materials Science and Engineering Materials engineering is a broad ranging discipline which applies the principles of science and engineering

Elective List

Course UOC Session HPWMATS3003 Engineering in Metallurgy*** 6 S1 5MATS3005 Phase Transformations 6 S2 4MATS4001 Secondary processing of metals** 6 S1 4MATS4002 Design with advanced ceramics* 6 S1 4MATS4003 Process metallurgy advanced elective 6 S1 4MATS4004 Fracture mechanics and failure analysis 6 S1 5MATS4005 Composites and functional materials 6 S2 4MATS4006 Polymer science & engineering 2 6 S2 4MATS4007 Engineered surfaces to resist corrosion and wear

6 S2 5

SpecialisationsMaterials Science and Engineering

Materials engineering is a broad ranging discipline which applies the principles of science and engineering to the development of metallic, ceramic and polymeric materials and to their manufacture into goods and their subsequent performance. It is founded on the relationship between structure and properties, an understanding of which permits materials to be engineered to specific end use requirements.

Ceramic Engineering*MATS4002 is a compulsory elective for this stream.

Ceramic Engineering teaches the science and technology involved in the production of ceramic products ranging from traditional ceramics such as bricks, tiles, plates, pottery, glass, refractories, and cement, through to new generation high-tech ceramics such as solid-state electronics, piezoelectrics, magnetic materials, engine parts and superconductors. Ceramic Engineering is concerned with the entire lifecycle of ceramic products from raw materials to the finished product.

Physical Metallurgy**MATS4001 is a compulsory elective for this stream.

Metallurgical engineering is a discipline concerned with extracting metals from their ores, and the development, production and use of metallic materials. Physical metallurgy involves the shaping, alloying, heat treatment, joining, corrosion protection and testing of metals.

Process Metallurgy***MATS3003 is a compulsory elective for this stream.

Metallurgical engineering is a discipline concerned with extracting metals from their ores, and the development, production and use of metallic materials. In particular process metallurgy is concerned with extracting metals from their ores to make refined alloys.

Page 7: Materials Science and Engineering Program... · Materials Science and Engineering Materials engineering is a broad ranging discipline which applies the principles of science and engineering

MATS1192 Design and Application of Materials in Science and EngineeringThe design of materials for applications in industry and society including, for example, metallurgical, electronic, medical, packaging and transport. Microstructure and structure-property relationships of the main types of engineering materials (metals, ceramics, polymers and composites); micromechanisms of elastic and plastic deformation; fracture mecha-nisms for ductile, brittle, creep and fatigue modes of failure in service; corrosion; metal forming by casting and wrought processes; phase equilibria of alloys; microstructural control and application to commercial engineering materials. In-formation retrieval. Communication skills. Plant visits. Introductory materials laboratories. Application of fundamental learning to problem solving.

MATS2001 Physical Properties of MaterialsModern atomic theory: shortfall of classical physics and an introduction to wave mechanics; many-electron atoms and the Pauli exclusion principle; zone and band theories. Electrical properties: classification of metals, semi-conductors and insulators; properties of amorphous, dielectric, piezoelectric, ferroelectric and pyroelectric materials. Thermal proper-ties: heat capacity, thermal expansion, thermal conductivity and thermoelectricity. Magnetic properties: diamagnetism, paramagnetism, antiferromagnetism, ferrimagnetism and ferromagnetism; magnetic anisotropy and magnetostriction; magnetic materials and devices. Superconductivity and superconducting materials. Optical properties.

MATS2003 Materials CharacterisationIntroduction to crystallography: crystal symmetry, Bravais lattices and crystal structures, Miller and Miller-Bravais In-dices; Specimen preparation; optical and electron microscopy; image analysis and stereology; x-ray, electron, and neutron diffraction; x-ray fluorescence, infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy; differential scanning calorimetry, thermal gravimetric analysis, dynamic thermal analysis; non-destructive analysis - ul-trasonics, radiography, computed tomography.

MATS2004 Mechanical Behaviour of MaterialsStress strain behaviour; atomic bonding and elastic modulus; basic introduction to plastic deformation and yielding; slip systems, dislocations, twinning; deformation behaviour of non-crystalline materials; principal stresses, transformation of stresses, complex stress and strain analysis; failure criteria, ductile failure, brittle fracture and Weibull modulus; defor-mation behaviour of polymers; deformation behaviour of composites.

MATS2006 Diffusion and KineticsIntroduction to solid state diffusion, atomistics of diffusion, Fick’s first and second laws; thin film solution and tracer dif-fusion measurements, semi-infinite and infinite diffusion couples - diffusion in a concentration gradient; temperature effects; surface, grain boundary and dislocation pipe diffusion; diffusion in ionic solids, interdiffusion and the Kirkendall effect, measurement of variable diffusion coefficients; thermodynamics vs. Kinetics, elementary and non-elementary reactions, reaction order, activation energy, Arrhenius law, irreversible and reversible reactions, degree of reaction; heterogeneous reactions, kinetics of solid state-gas (fluid) reactions, elementary steps, rate-controlling steps, intrinsic kinetics, chemisorptions, mass transfer in the gas phase and fluid, multicomponent system, Knudsen diffusion, shrinking core model.

MATS3001 Micromechanisms of Mechanical Behaviour of MetalsTheoretical strength; slip; twinning; deformation of single and polycrystals; dislocation multiplication; cross slip; climb; dislocation interactions. Strain hardening; solid solution hardening; age-hardening; dispersion hardening; grain size strengthening; other strengthening mechanisms. High temperature deformation; creep; stress relaxation; effect of strain rate and temperature; superplasticity. Common methods of forming metal products. Common classes of aluminium and nickel-based and titanium alloys to be taught illustrating some of the principles involved.

Course Descriptions


• Ceramic Engineering• Materials Science and Engineering• Physical Metallurgy• Process Metallurgy

Page 8: Materials Science and Engineering Program... · Materials Science and Engineering Materials engineering is a broad ranging discipline which applies the principles of science and engineering

MATS3002 Fundamentals of Ceramic ProcessingTernary phase equilibria in ceramic systems. Processing of ceramics and its relationship to structure, properties and performance of ceramic materials. Starting materials, ceramic processing fundamentals, and processing technology taught in context of the main classes of ceramic materials (polycrystalline monolithic ceramics, glasses, and films/coat-ings) and the determination of structure, properties and performance.

MATS3003 Engineering in Process MetallurgyBasic mechanisms of heat, mass and fluid flow; fluid statics and fluid dynamics in metallurgy; macroscopic balance for isothermal systems; dimensional analysis and reactor design; heat and mass transfer through motionless media; heat and mass transfer in convective flow systems.

MATS3004 Polymer Science and Engineering 1Polymer Chemistry : Raw materials and synthesis of polymers: monomers, homopolymers, copolymers, vinyl polymers; basic organic chemistry and applied polymer chemistry; free radical polymerization, reaction and termination rates us-ing physical chemistry models; ionic, condensation and mixed mode polymerization.Physical structure of polymers: primary and secondary bonds; amorphous, semi-crystalline, and rubbery states; mo-lecular statistics of rubbery states; chain branching, networking; iso-free volume theory; properties affected by primary bonds; physical properties affected by secondary bonds.Deformation behaviour of polymers: fundamental rheology; glassy and viscoelastic behaviour; effect of molecular weight, temperature and shear rate; structure-property correlation in glassy, semicrystalline and oriented polymers; free volume and fractal theories; tensile, shear, compression and impact properties; effect of temperature and strain rates.Commodity and specialty plastics: additives in plastics; commercial manufacture and application;; single phase and multiphase conducting polymers, Nanopolymers : concept, fabrication, characterization

MATS3005 Phase TransformationsClassification of phase transformations. Nucleation in the gaseous, liquid and solid states. Solidification of pure and im-pure materials; thermal and constitutional supercooling and their influence on interface stability; solute redistribution and coring; eutectic and peritectic solidification; generation of as-cast structures during casting; grain refining; single crystal growth techniques; glass formation and glassy materials. Diffusional and non-diffusional solid-state transformations: nucleation and growth of phases; decomposition of solid solutions; ordering reactions; spinodal decomposition; the role of the eutectoid transformation in the formation of pearlite, bainite and martensite; hardenability; tempering. Theory of transformation kinetics and the origin of transformation diagrams. Aspects of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy and common classes of low carbon and alloy steels to be taught illustrating some of the principles involved.

MATS3006 Design and Application of Materials in Science and Engineering 3This is a capstone course intended to provide students with the tools required for computational design and modelling for technological and professional materials engineering applications through application to the concepts learned in Years 1 to 3. The course starts with computer-aided drawing and design including dimensioning, tolerancing and standard draw-ing symbols, principles of detail design drawings and assembly drawings. Finite element, finite difference computational fluid dynamic modelling are then introduced based upon structural, heat transfer and fluid modelling respectively. The use of computational modelling as a part of materials engineering design is emphasised.

MATS3007 Materials Industry ManagementProject Management: the stages of a project; planning; scheduling; personal dynamics; reporting; stakeholders; devel-opment of a project plan pertinent to the materials industry. Accounting: financial accounting; development and analysis financial statements; ratio analysis; financial planning; fi-nance; management accounting. Career Development: self-promotion to gain employment; development of job applications and resumes; goal setting; performance appraisal; reward structures. Marketing: market analysis; marketing concepts; product development; professional ethics.

MATS4001 Secondary Processing of Metals Solidification, welding (emphasis on effect of welding on microstructure, HAZ’s etc), fundamentals of metal working (including hot working, Zener-Hollomon parameter, dynamic recovery and recrystallization and cold working including slip line field theory, slab and upper bound analyses, formability, residual stresses), powder metallurgy and sintering, machining, recrystallisation phenomena. Emphasis on the effect of processing conditions on microstructure and hence properties. Common classes of magnesium alloys, copper alloys and cast irons to be taught illustrating some of the principles involved.

Page 9: Materials Science and Engineering Program... · Materials Science and Engineering Materials engineering is a broad ranging discipline which applies the principles of science and engineering

MATS4002 Design with Advanced CeramicsDesign with advanced ceramics for structural, thermal, electrical, piezoelectric, chemical, catalytic, and wear applica-tions. Fundamental structure-property relationships underlying thermal shock, mechanical strength and fracture tough-ness, Weibull modulus and reliability, piezo-, thermo and optoelectric behaviour, corrosion, wear/abrasion, photocataly-sis. Case Studies in design and performance of ceramic materials and products.

MATS4003 Metallurgical Reaction Engineering and ProcessesIntroduction: Metal production - from raw materials to products. Part 1: Elements of Metallurgical Reaction Engineering: Reaction rate and expressions for different reaction systems. Kinetics and thermodynamics of metallurgical reactions. Heat balance and mass balance of chemical reactors. Reac-tors for homogeneous reactions: batch and semi-batch reactors; plug flow reactors; mixed tank reactors. Reactors for heterogeneous reactions; fixed bed reactors; fluidised bed reactors; moving bed reactors.Part 2: Key Metallurgical Processes: Roasting. Blast furnace iron making. Alternative ironmaking processes. Copper smelting. Aluminium smelting. Advances in innovative technologies for metal production.

MATS4004 Fracture Mechanics and Failure AnalysisFracture mechanics, remnant life assessment, general practice in failure analysis, fractographic analysis, ductile and brittle fracture, fatigue, stress corrosion cracking, hydrogen embrittlement, fracture criteria in design, fracture toughness and fatigue testing.

MATS4005 Composites and Functional MaterialsPolymer matrix, metal matrix and ceramic matrix composites. Nanocomposites. Mechanical behaviour of composites. Physico-chemical characteristion Fabrication techniques. Design with composites. Applications. Material processes used in the fabrication of electronic devices such as single crystal growth, implantation, lithography, etching and thin film growth. Methods of device packaging. Sources of failure and methods of fault diagnosis in devices. Specialty materials.

MATS4006 Polymer Science and Engineering 2Mechanical properties of polymers: mechanisms of yield, deformation and fracture; factors contributing to strength and toughness; strategies to reduce stress and increase toughness; creep, recovery and stress relaxation; time-temperature superposition; fatigue; effect of polymer processing on mechanical behaviour.Degradation mechanisms of polymers: crazing; environmental effects; degradation prevention.Design and application of advanced polymers: toughened/strengthened polymers; fire-resistant plastics; testing meth-odologies for polymers; biomedical polymers; polymer matrix composites; Application of polymers in clean energy, electronics, sensors, and smart applications.Nanocomposites : with combination of high mechanical, electrical, and thermal properties

MATS4007 Engineered Surfaces to Resist Corrosion and WearBehaviour of surfaces, electrochemical series, corrosion, methods for prevention of corrosion, stress corrosion cracking, wear and friction phenomena, surface hardening - nitriding, carburisation, hard coatings, oxidation, oxidation resistant coatings, materials selection for corrosion and wear resistance. Common corrosion resistant alloys to be taught illustrat-ing some of these principles involved.

MATS5001 Thesis AAn experimental or technical investigation or design related to some aspects of materials engineering in the specific discipline (ceramic engineering, metallurgical engineering or materials engineering). MATS5002 Thesis BAn experimental or technical investigation or design related to some aspects of materials engineering in the specific dis-cipline (ceramic engineering, metallurgical engineering or materials engineering). This may be taken as a stand‐alone course in S2 or as a follow‐on course to MATS5001 to provide a 12 UOC total thesis project. MATS5003 Advanced ThesisAn experimental or technical investigation or design related to some aspects of materials engineering in the specific discipline (ceramic engineering, metallurgical engineering or materials engineering). This is a 6 UOC supplementary course for students who have taken or are taking both MATS5001 and MATS5002 and wish to undertake an 18 UOC total thesis project. Note: for students who have not undertaken MATS5001 and MATS5002 please be aware that these courses may be taken as co-requisites with MATS5003.

Page 10: Materials Science and Engineering Program... · Materials Science and Engineering Materials engineering is a broad ranging discipline which applies the principles of science and engineering

CEIC2000 Material and Energy SystemsThe previous course name was Chem Eng Lab 2. In this course the student will learn sufficient thermodynamics and problem solution strategies to be able to apply thermodynamic concepts with material and energy balances to chemical process problems involving several unit operations and involving chemical reactions. This will include study of the first and second law of thermodynamics, vapour liquid equilibria for pure components, heats of phase change, heats of reac-tion and example applications such as refrigeration and power plants. This course is part of the chemical engineering design stream and thus the submission of a satisfactory design portfolio is part of the requirements for successful com-pletion of the course. This course replaces CEIC2110, thermodynamics portions of CHEN2061 and CEIC1020. Text-book: Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, J. M. Smith and H. C. Van Ness, 6th Ed. (McGraw Hill). CEIC2001 Fluid and Particle MechanicsThe previous course name was Chem Eng Fundamentals 1. Fluid Flow and Particle Technology. In this course, a in-troduction to the transport phenomena is presented via fluid and particle transport. Topics include: Units and Dimension Analysis. General fluid properties. Fluid Statics. Introduction to Fluids Motion. Flow Measurement. Introduction to Com-pressible Flow. Pumps and Pumping. Particle Technology. Particles Sampling and Analysis. Mixing and Segregation. Particle Motion. Particle separation and fluidisation. This course replaces CEIC2120, portions of CHEN3062. Textbook: Introduction to Fluid Mechanics - Sixth Edition By Robert Fox, Alan McDonald, Phillip Pritchard (Wiley). CEIC2002 Heat and Mass TransferThe previous course name was Chem Eng Fundamentals 2- Heat and Mass transfer. In this course, the principles of transport phenomena introduced previously in fluid flow are extended to heat and mass transport. Topics include: Introduction to conductive, convective and radiative mechanisms of heat transfer, Physical origins and rate equations, One-dimensional steady-state heat transfer with heat generation and chemical reactions, Composite walls, contact re-sistance and extended surfaces, Introduction to heat exchangers; log-mean temperature difference, effectiveness - NTU methods, Introduction to diffusive and convective mechanisms of mass transfer, Physical origins and rate equations, Diffusion coefficients, One-dimensional steady-state mass transfer in common geometries. Analogies between heat and mass transfer mechanisms are drawn. Analysis of unsteady-state heat and mass transfer via solution of the Navier-Stokes equations are introduced as are graphical methods and extension to multi-dimensional problems. CEIC3000 Process Modelling and AnalysisThe previous course name was Chem Eng Fundamentals 3. System modelling, analysis and optimisation. This subject deals with the formulation of reliable mathematical models for the purpose of process design, control, and optimisation. Students will therefore be equipped with skills in the derivation of phenomenological models based on the application of conservation laws to various chemical and biological processes. Analytical tools for the solution of ODE’s, linear and nonlinear , representing initial value and boundary value problems. Treatment of PDS’s as well as integral transform techniques. Illustrative examples involving lumped and distributed processes, discrete systems as well as multivariable (matrix) methods. Attention will be also given to nonlinear features identification- steady state multiplicity and bifurca-tion analysis. For situations where closed form solutions are unattainable, approximate methods are sought. Thus, the subject will also cover numerical methods for algebraic, ODE’s and PDE’s. The use of numerical differentiation and inter-polation in process analysis will also be examined. Finally we will consider process optimisation methods for unstrained and constrained mono- and multi-variable systems. Linear programming followed by elementary nonlinear programming principles are also presented. This course replaces CHEN3011, CHEN3012. CEIC3001 Advanced Thermodynamics and SeparationThe previous course name was Chem Eng Applications 2. Advanced thermodynamics and separations. In this course, the student will learn to apply his or her fundamental knowledge of transport phenomena with concepts in thermody-namics to develop models for industrial separation operations, in conjunction with additional study of thermodynamics of phase equilibria for multi-component systems. The modelling will include graphical, shortcut, and rigorous models for stagewise operations. Separation operations examined include liquid-liquid extraction, binary and multicomponent distil-lation, azeotropic, extractive and reactive distillation; solid-liquid extraction and absorption. The student will learn how to synthesize separation sequences in a way to conserve energy and minimise capital losses.

Page 11: Materials Science and Engineering Program... · Materials Science and Engineering Materials engineering is a broad ranging discipline which applies the principles of science and engineering

CEIC3002 Experimental PracticePlease Note: Pre-requisites for this course are CEIC2000, CEIC3001 and MATH2089, there is no co-req. required.Advanced laboratory practice, data analysis and technical communications are the focus for this course. Theoretical concepts in chemical engineering will be reinforced by experience with experimental apparatus. As a component of this course, experimental design which deals with the design and analysis of experiments with respect to the chemical and process industries will be included. A brief introduction to basic statistics is followed by more detail on the normal prob-ability distribution and its use for hypothesis testing. Linear and multiple linear regression for data analysis is covered. Factorial design and response surface methodology and taught in some detail win the context of engineering problems in the chemical and process industries. Fractional factorial designs and blocking and confounding are also covered in an industrial context. MS Excel is utilised heavily throughout the course in addition to an introduction to specialist statistical packages. The tools and skills from this course are applicable for students’ current and future research project as well as optimisation work on existing unit operations and even extend to applications outside of science and engineering. The focus is on efficient design and robust, objective analysis. Students will undertake experiments, data analysis, and provide reports in oral and written form. Chemical Engineering Laboratory - CEIC3003Please Note: Pre-requisites: CEIC2001, CEIC2002, exclusions: INDC2003, CEIC2003This course is an introduction to laboratory work in chemical engineering including technical report writing, flow sheet preparation, information retrieving and data processing techniques. Principles and applications for chemical analysis are presented. Experiments in this subject are designed for students to gain practical experience in applying chemical engineering fundamentals and instrumental analysis. Satisfactory completion of nominated laboratory safety training is required to pass this course. CEIC3004 Process Equipment DesignThe previous course name was Chem Eng Design 3A. This course teaches the student about selection and design of chemical process equipment and the use of simulation software as an aid to equipment design. The student will be introduced to a wide range of process equipment for different processing operations such as heat exchangers, chemical reactors and separations equipment including air and water pollution treatment equipment. The reason for this is so that the student can make equipment selection decisions in designing chemical process plants in later studies and in engi-neering practice. In order to appreciate the depth of and gain the skills involved with the detailed design of equipment, the student will do detailed studies in aspects of equipment design for several process units such as a heat exchanger, a pressure vessel and a distillation column. These designs will encompass aspects of design criteria specification, ma-terials selection especially for processes with special requirements such as food processes, the importance of relevant design standards and legal requirements, and detailed mechanical design. This course is part of the chemical engineer-ing design stream and thus the submission of a satisfactory design portfolio is part of the requirements for success-ful completion of the course. This course is replacing CHEN3065 and components of CHEN3062. Textbook: Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook by Perry and Green, McGraw-Hill, New York. CEIC3005 Process Plant DesignThe previous course name was Chem Eng Design 3B. This course teaches the student the basic steps involved in designing chemical processing plants, starting from a simple statement of concept through to the development of block diagrams, a process flowsheet and finally a piping and instrumentation diagram based on fundamental plant and equip-ment design and control principles. Various aspects of process design and analysis will be integrated with this including process economics, process simulation, control system design and risk analysis tools such as HAZOP, HAZAN and HACCP. Specific requirements for particular process types, such as food processing, will be addressed. This course is part of the chemical engineering design stream and thus the submission of a satisfactory design portfolio is part of the requirements for successful completion of the course. This course replaces CHEN3067 and CHEN3068. trol design environment by the extensive use of MATLAB/Simulink software. Laboratory components are designed to help students understand the control theory and familiarize themselves with the typical process control equipment. This course replaces CHEN3070 and CHEN4070. Textbook: D. E. Seborg, T. F. Edgar, D. A. Mellichamp, Process Dynamics and Control 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2004.

Page 12: Materials Science and Engineering Program... · Materials Science and Engineering Materials engineering is a broad ranging discipline which applies the principles of science and engineering

CEIC3006 Process Dynamics and ControlThe previous course name was Chem Eng Design 3C. The primary focus of this course is the analysis of the dynamics of chemical processes and the design of automatic control systems. Typical process dynamics are modelled using trans-fer functions and their implication on process control/operation is analysed. Empirical dynamic modelling techniques for both continuous and discrete time models are covered. The fundamental concepts of feedback/feedforward control are introduced, following by a an overview of process instrumentation and the heuristic process control rules and schemes for typical process units. Quantitative control design is then introduced suing the example of PID control. The concept of and conditions on control system stability and the control performance design are discussed. The model based con-trol methods are presented including internal model control, direct synthesis and control design based on frequency response. More advanced control topics including cascade control, multiloop control, batch process control and digital control complete the course. The students will be familiarized with the numerical stimulation and computer aided con-trol design environment by the extensive use of MATLAB/Simulink software. Laboratory components are designed to help students understand the control theory and familiarize themselves with the typical process control equipment. This course replaces CHEN3070 and CHEN4070. Textbook: D. E. Seborg, T. F. Edgar, D. A. Mellichamp, Process Dynamics and Control 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2004.

CEIC4000 Environment and SustainabilityThis course aims to develop a profound understanding of concepts of environmental and social responsibility and pro-fessional ethics, both in the wider sense and as they relate to the specific context of chemical engineering and industrial chemistry. A number of the world’s most pressing environmental challenges will be examined in terms of their underlying physical, chemical and socio-political causes. Concepts of sustainability will be introduced in this context and students encouraged to make their own evaluations of the various uses of this term. The student will learn about, and learn to criti-cally assess, the various approaches to quantifying, managing and reducing adverse environmental and social impacts, such as life cycle analysis, environmental laws, codes of practice and recycling. This, in combination with the technologi-cal expertise gained in earlier courses, will allow the student to exercise informed, ethical and critical judgement in his or her professional decision making as it relates to social and environmental matters. Sixty days of approved Industrial Training are part of the requirements for the satisfactory completion of this course. The objectives of the Industrial Training are (1) to develop an appreciation of the structure and operation of industrial organi-sations, (2) to understand the role of the engineer and engineering in industry, (3) to appreciate the importance of good communications and interpersonal skills and to develop these skills, and (4) to appreciate the ethical basis of engineer-ing practice in industry. Students are required to submit to the school evidence from their employers of each period of training, confirming the work performed, together with a report (2000 words) which should summarise the technical work performed, and the extent to which the Industrial Training objectives have been fulfilled. CEIC4001 Process Design ProjectPlease Note: Pre-requisites: at least 144 UOC taken in Industrial Chemistry or Chemical Engineering programs. No exclusions.This course covers the engineering of all or part of a process plant. It requires the application of material covered in the entire undergraduate Chemical Engineering Degree/Industrial Chemistry program and its integration to address the given design brief including technical and non-technical objectives and considerations. While the students are required to develop the skills required for professional accreditation, they are also encouraged to develop skills in areas of spe-cialisation or interest related to the broad design issues for the selected project.The project includes: conceptual design of a process; development and evaluation of the process flow sheet; design of facilities for processing, transport and storage of materials within the plant; plant sizing; equipment selection and cost estimation including utility requirements; plant location and layout; evaluation of economic viability of the plant; control scheme development; hazard and risk assessment; preparation of an environmental impact statement; preparation of a piping and instrumentation diagram. All aspects of the design are completed with regard to statutory requirements. The students will have the opportunity to develop skills in team work, interpersonal relationships, decision making and technical capabilities. Per the require-ments of the IChemE, at least 30of the assessment weight for this course is individually based. CEIC4002 Thesis APlease Note: Prerequisites: At least 144 UOC taken in Industrial Chemistry or Chemical Engineering, also INDC2003 or CEIC3003, excludes CEIC4005.Research on a selected topic in chemical engineering or industrial chemistry is introduced. Students undertake a litera-ture survey, design a research plan, and provide relevant safety assessments under the guidance of a member of the academic staff. Research proposal and preliminary laboratory or theoretical work will be presented also orally and in written report.

Page 13: Materials Science and Engineering Program... · Materials Science and Engineering Materials engineering is a broad ranging discipline which applies the principles of science and engineering

CEIC4003 Thesis BPlease Note: Pre-requisites: at least 144 UOC taken in Industrial Chemistry or Chemical Engineering Programs.Theoretical and experimental research on a selected topic in chemical engineering as proposed in CEIC4002 will be undertaken under the guidance of an academic staff member. Oral and written presentation of research is undertaken as part of this course.This course replaces CHEN4092, INDC4092.