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Matching Questions

Matching Questions

Chapter 1

utilitarian"Inventing Right and Wrong" would reflect this theory of ethics

deontological"Discovering Right and Wrong" would reflect this theory of ethics

positive rightclaim right

negative rightliberty

Chapter 2

FISAthe Act which establishes oversight rules for the NSA

FTCthe federal commission that regulates trade

FCCthe federal commission that regulates communications

computer matchingcombining and comparing information from different databases using a single identifier

targeted marketingadvertising based on demographics, purchasing history, or other specific aspects of people

COPPAa law passed to protect children's privacy online

data miningcombing through large amounts of data for patterns and information

computer profilinganalyzing data to determine characteristics of people most likely to engage in a certain behavior

RFIDtags that use radio frequencies to communicate with devices

CALEAthe law that requires communications companies to design equipment so that it is capable of being tapped

GPSuses satellite signals and triangulation to determine location

encryptiona technology that transforms data into a form that is meaningless to anyone who might intercept it

ECPA a law which prohibits interception of email and reading of (some) stored email without a court order

Chapter 3

CDAthe first federal legislative attempt in the United States to censor Internet content (ruled unconstitutional)

CAN-SPAM Acta law which requires commercial mass e-mail messages to contain opt-out provisions and accurate subject lines

spamunsolicited mass email

CIPAa law which requires schools and libraries to install filtering software if they wish to receive federal funds (ruled constitutional)


a law which made it illegal for commercial Web sites to make available to minors material "harmful to minors" as judged by community standards (ruled unconstitutional)

net neutralitywould prevent telecommunications companies from giving preferential treatment to specific content providers or types of content

Chapter 4

"look and feel"refers to the way a software program appears to the end-user as opposed to the computer code in which the program is written

DMCAa law which prohibits making, distributing, or using tools (devices, software, or services) to circumvent technological copyright protection systems

open source softwareprograms in which the code is available to programmers

DRMa collection of technologies (hardware and software) that control use of intellectual property in digital formats

reverse engineeringstudying an existing program in order to determine how it was created

Chapter 5

denial-of-service (DOS)an attack in which hackers overload a target site with requests for information.

hactivismhacking to promote a political cause

honey potsWeb sites that are specifically designed to be attractive to hackers

phishingsending millions of emails fishing for information to use to impersonate someone and steal money or goods

pharmingplanting false Internet addresses in the tables on a Domain Name Server (DNS) so that when someone types a URL, they are re-directed to a bogus site

biometricsbiological characteristics that are unique to an individual

libelwritten defamation

slanderverbal defamation

CFAA a law which covers unauthorized access to computers over which the federal government has jurisdiction, such as government computers, financial systems, medical systems, and activities that involve computers in more than one state

Chapter 6

telecommutingworking for an employer at a computer-equipped space in the employee's home

offshoringmoving part of a businesss operation to another country

Chapter 7

digital dividerefers to the fact that some people have access to computers and information technology while others do not

technological singularitypoint at which artificial intelligence advances so far that we cannot comprehend what lies on the other side

Chapter 8Therac-25 a computerized machine that gave lethal radiation overdoses to some cancer patients

HROsoperate in difficult environments where failures can have extreme consequences

TCASdetects a potential in-air collision of two planes and directs the pilots to avoid each other

Chapter 9

stakeholdersindividuals and organizations who would be affected in some way by an ethical dilemma

ACMprofessional organization for the computing industry