Download - Match-Making · Capricorn is occupied by Atmakaraka (representing ascendant lord or self) Sun and Bhratrikarak (third lord) Mercury. It is aspected by Matrikarak (fourth lord) Saturn.



Dear Customer,

Thank you for choosing Five Elements Vedic Astrology Consulting Services. Ancient Science of Astrology is a Science that can be interpreted in the most artistic manner. In Ancient Astrology fixed start system is followed, that means all predictions are made from the placement of nine planets in your horoscope. These planets placed in your horoscope at the time of birth, indicate your Prarabdha Karma (part of the total accumulated Karma allocated for a certain birth or life). Pattern on planetary dasha (period) in a horoscope unveils these past life karmas that have been accumulated over various births. However, human life is also about efforts and free will.

Match Making discusses in detail overall compatibility and promises of marriage in the year ahead. This report is divided into following sections:

1. Personal details – Groom, Bride 2. Charts: Birth Chart, Navamsha, Jaimini chart with significators 3. Dashas or Planetary periods: Vimshottari and Chara dashas 4. Planetary Strength 5. Ashtakoot Score and Analysis 6. Mangal Dosha Analysis – Groom and Bride 7. Horoscope Analysis – Groom and Bride 8. Dasha Analysis – Groom and Bride 9. Overall Interpretation 10. Remedial Measures.

Allow us to guide you on the path of happiness, success and harmony.

Best wishes, FEVA

1. Personal Details :


Name John Doe

Gender Male

Date of Birth 01.30.1974

Time of Birth 11.43 am

Place of Birth Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India

Lucky Number 7, 16,25,34,43,52,61,70

Lucky Colors Red, White, golden Yellow

Lucky Direction South and East


Name Jane Doe

Gender Female

Date of Birth 02.09.1978

Time of Birth 17.35 pm

Place of Birth New Delhi, India

Lucky Number 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90

Lucky Colors Red, golden Yellow, White

Lucky Direction North – East and South

2. Charts:



3. Dashas or Planetary Period:



4. Planetary Strength:



5. Ashtakoot Score and Analysis:

Ashtakoot Guna Chart Interpretation: According to this system of compatibility, score of 18/36

is an average match. Pros of this match is supportive attitude of couple towards each other as

well as their temperaments are balanced. However, the Nadi dosha in this system point towards

health issues to the couple and difficulties in getting progeny.

6. Mangal Dosha Analysis: In the grooms chart, Mars is the auspicious ascendant lord strongly

placed in the ascendant with Moon. This makes his horoscope Manglik. In the bride’s horoscope,

Mars is placed in the ascendant in debilitation (and retrogression). Bride is also a Manglik.

Therefore, from Mangal dosha consideration both are Manglik with a slight difference in

intensity. However, Mars is an auspicious planet in both the charts, therefore maleficence of this

dosha gets greatly reduced in the two charts.

7. Horoscope Analysis: In the grooms horoscope, house of marriage is ruled by Venus, placed in the

tenth house with Sun and Jupiter. Venus is a retrograde planet in the horoscope. House of

marriage is under the influence of Mars and Moon. Planets influencing the house and lord of

marriage indicate that his spouse will charming and good looking with a highly creative bent of

mind. Strong Mars, Sun and Jupiter influencing the house and lord of marriage indicates a spouse

from a respectable family background. In the Navamsha, ascendant and the house of marriage

are under the influence of artistic planet Venus, indicating the creative inclination of the spouse.

Lord of marriage Saturn under the influence of luminaries corroborate the promises of birth chart

showing a respectable family background of his spouse.

Retrograde nature of Venus indicates delays in marriage which can also be seen in the Jaimini

chart where Darakarak (lord of marriage) Mercury is under the influence of Bhratrikarak (malefic

third lord) Mars and Moon Gnatikarak (malefic lord of sixth, eighth and twelfth house).

In the brides’ chart, house of marriage is ruled by Saturn, placed in the second house. Saturn is a

retrograde planet in her horoscope under the influence of two benefics Moon and Venus. House

of marriage is under the influence of Mars, Sun and Mercury. Planets Mars, Sun with Mercury

influencing the house of marriage indicate her spouse from technical professional background

(Engineering, Army and or Government Services). Moon and Venus influencing the lord of

marriage Saturn indicate a handsome and good-looking spouse for her. According to the Jaimini

system in her horoscope Darakarak (lord of marriage Venus) is associated with Amatyakarak (lord

of profession) Moon. These planets are aspected by Gnatikarak (malefic sixth, eighth, twelfth lord)

Mars, indicating her spouse with technical professional background and well placed in job.

8. Dasha Analysis: In the grooms horoscope, current dasha is Mars/Jupiter from September, 2016

till August, 2017. Mars and Jupiter are connected to the house and lord of marriage. Mars is the

auspicious ascendant lord influencing the house of marriage along with Moon. Both Mars and

Moon are forming a Rajayoga in the horoscope and influencing the house of marriage. This should

be a period of prosperity and happiness in married life. During this period, his spouse will also

gain fame and recognition. Jupiter is the lord of luck participating in strong Rajayoga and Dhana

yoga in the birth chart. This will be a period of prosperity and success in life and happiness in

married life.

According to the Jaimini system he is presently passing the dasha of Virgo/Gemini from

September 2016 till May 2017. In the birth chart Virgo is under the influence of Putrakarak (lord

of fifth house) Saturn and Rahu-Ketu. Darakarak Mercury is placed in the sixth house from Virgo

under the influence of Amatyakarak Mars and Gnatikarak Moon. This will be a period of overall

prosperity, with some concerns related to children and progeny. Antardasha lord Gemini is under

the influence of Rahu-Ketu and Putrakarak Saturn, again pointing towards concerns related to


In the bride’s horoscope, Mercury/Sun period from October 2016 till August 2017 is active. Both

Mercury and Sun are placed in the house of marriage. These planets are under the influence of

auspicious Mars. All the three planets are forming a Rajayoga and Dhanayoga along 1-7 axis

promising prosperity and overall success. However, Mars influencing the house of marriage and

the dasha lords Mercury and Sun indicates some concerns related to progeny since it is also the

lord of progeny in the horoscope.

According to Jaimini system she is passing the period of Capricorn/Scorpio from July 2016 till

December 2016. Capricorn is the seventh house of the birth chart and ascendant of Navamsha.

Capricorn is occupied by Atmakaraka (representing ascendant lord or self) Sun and Bhratrikarak

(third lord) Mercury. It is aspected by Matrikarak (fourth lord) Saturn. This will be a period of

travels and may also impact her mother’s health. Darakarak Venus is well placed in the second

house from Capricorn dasha, promising happiness and prosperity in family life. Darakarak is

placed in fourth house from Antardasha lord Scorpio indicating happiness and prosperity in family


Following period of Capricorn/Libra from December 2016 till May 2017 also indicates happiness

and prosperity in family and married life as Darakarak involved in a Rajayoga is influencing the

dasha lord Libra and the seventh house from it.

9. Overall Interpretation: Based on the planetary promises, Ashtakoot Guna compatibility and

dasha analysis, here is a summary of this match.

a. Both the horoscopes are Manglik and Mars being an auspicious planet in both the

horoscopes indicating prosperity and success in married life.

b. From Ashtakoot Guna Compatibility system, both show a great mental and emotion

support towards each other. Their temperaments also match well with each other.

However, Nadi dosha points towards difficulty in getting progeny.

c. Planetary promises in both the charts are matching and well balanced. Both the

horoscopes indicate prosperity and success in married life with some issues related to


d. Planetary dashas in both the charts also promise success and prosperity in the year ahead.

Therefore, both the charts are matching well and will lead to happiness and prosperity in

married life.

10. Remedial Measures: Based on the promises in the horoscope I would like to suggest a few

remedial measures.

Groom: You should wear a 6 carat weight Yellow Sapphire or Pukhraj in right hand index finger.

The ring should be made in gold metal and worn on Friday before sunset.

You should also read Santaan gopal stotra regularly.

Bride: She should wear a white pearl weighing 5 carat weights in left hand ring finger. The ring

should be made in gold metal and worn on Monday before sunset. You should also read Santaan

gopal stotra regularly.