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Professional Audio Mastering by CJ Jacobson

Unsigned music artists all know the frustration with getting your music known to the public.

Sometimes it seems as though some bands get the credit that they do simply because of the major

record label and high end music producers. In all honesty, the general public aren’t experts on

musical theory in the least. However, the general public can pick up whether or not the song they

are listening to was recorded professionally or not, whether they are aware of it or not. Poorly

mastered songs can sound fuzzy or like static in the background, similar to watching a channel

on television that isn’t being properly received. Most people won’t listen to a song that is poorly

mastered, regardless of the quality of the song itself, some of these have been done through

online mastering websites, but some are better than others . Having your music professionally

mixed and mastered is the only way to get your foot in the door to a successful career in the

music industry. Most major record labels don’t have as many talent scouts as it may

seem; this requires the aspiring musician to bring the news of your music to their

desk before they would consider looking for you. Hundreds of unsigned artists

and bands across the nation have benefited tremendously from having

their music professionally mastered.

A lot of people starting out in the music industry believe that the answer to

professionally mixed and mastered music lies within the software programs like

Pro Tools and not the mixer. That is to say that the experience and skill of the

mixer is irrelevant. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Improperly trained

audio mixers won’t have the abilities to fully utilize the software programs like professionally

trained audio engineers would. In order to provide the best possible quality of audio engineering,

Premier mastering has selected CJ Jacobson as our audio mastering and mixing engineer. CJ has

been a musician almost his entire life and has been an audio engineer for over 25 years. CJ is

also a mentor and teacher of audio engineering through the music production program called

Sonar, sponsored by Roland. CJ has an accomplished history of audio engineering including

mastering movie soundtracks (and music mastering) for movies such as, “Driven to

Kill…Again” and “The King of Paper Chasin” and has even mastered and mixed an award

winning album. With CJ’s vast amount of skill and knowledge of audio mastering, it is no

question that he was the perfect choice for Premier Mastering. With CJ Jacobson at the reins of

mixing and mastering, there is no better way for unsigned artists to get the same quality

engineering granted to signed artists at an affordable cost.


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