Download - Master the Pancake

  • 8/12/2019 Master the Pancake


    Master the Pancake

    1. L1: Skandasana Maintain arch shape on support leg, with

    weight evenly across front of foot Have trunk as far forward as possible Hold both ankles Have back as straight as possible

    2. E1AE1B: Tailor pose part one

    E1A: Tailor pose - solo Back against solid support Heels as close to body as possible

    Use glutes to pull legs to floor Cr (1): press heels together Cr (2): lift knees away from floor, while

    holding knees down

    E1B: Tailor pose w/butt lift and partner assist Do not use too thick a support Same contractions as solo version

    Use glutes to pull legs to floor Roll top of pelvis away from support

  • 8/12/2019 Master the Pancake


    Master the Pancake

    3. L2AL2B: Standing wide leg limbers

    L2A: Reaching triangle Turn hips towards the leg you are bending

    towards Maintain foot arch shape Keep tension in quadriceps 'Reach' the hands away from hips Keep back straight

    L2B: Wide elephant walk Keep knees bent Get trunk close to vertical

    Apply small single leg-straightening actions Relax as much as possible

    4. E2: The "underbutt" To get trunk into position, bend knees Get trunk as close to floor as possible, then

    apply small leg-straightening movementswithout letting trunk position change Add small movements if desired Explore angles

    5. L3: Chinese hip grinder Keep tension in thighs (co-contract

    hamstrings and quadriceps ) Turn feet inwards Interlace fingers; turn palms away Actively reach hands and arms as far off the

    body as you can Hold position 510

  • 8/12/2019 Master the Pancake


    Master the Pancake

    6. E3: Flat frog Bottom on floor (or as close as possible) Trunk and back straight Partner assistance on hips Spread knees apart maximally

    7. L4: Half pancake Hips as close to floor as possible Hold foot of straight leg Keep trunk as straight as you can Use other arm as support

    8. E4: Tailor pose part two Heels against body Keep back as straight as you can Cr: pull back away from support as you lift

    your chest Partner holds hips down

    9. E5: Bench weighted straddles Knees bent to begin Do not use heavy weight at start Move trunk inside thigh

    Small leg-straightening actions Use weight to increase stretch

  • 8/12/2019 Master the Pancake


    Master the Pancake

    10. L5: Lying leg circles Keep working leg straight Make circles as large as possible Hold other hip on the floor Activel y pull leg towards body, or towards

    the floor

    11. E6AE6D: Side splits props variations

    E6A: Cushions under lower legs Use soft, deformable cushions

    Place under lower legs only Explore all possible movements Cr: try to squeeze legs together (both into

    the floor and together)

    E6B: Bolster under hips Use firm, but deformable, support

    Use arm support (chair or bench) Cr: scissor legs together, gently at first, thenmore strongly

    Multiple Cr for men Feet pointing to sky easier for most Do feet-flat version as well

    E6C: Rolling the pelvis, floor support Legs moderately wide Use arms as weights to increase intensity Ensure pelvis moves with trunk Cr (1): try to squeeze legs together Cr (2): press heels down onto floor Explore intermediate angles between trunk

    and each leg

  • 8/12/2019 Master the Pancake


    Master the Pancake

    E6D: Weighted side splits Start with modest width to warm up Co-contract hamstrings and quadriceps Use small movements Slide feet apart under control as you feel

    muscles lengthening Tuck tail under

    12. L6: Lying pendulum Both legs work hard Pull legs apart as well as towards the body Use arms to stabilise body Actively try to widen legs to the max Try to let muscles under stretch relax

    13. E7AE7C: Hanging pancake variations

    E7A: Solo Make sure weight is fully supported Keep legs actively straight

    Arch lower back forwards before loweringyourself Small pulses can be effective Lift the chest

    E7B: Partner assist Support some of partner's weight on thigh Pulses are effective Cr (1): try to squeeze legs together Cr (2): lift chest; try to pull hands away from

    bar Let body's weight lengthen spine Hang, and relax as much as possible

  • 8/12/2019 Master the Pancake


    Master the Pancake

    E7C: Pelvic movement variation Make sure you have a reserve of grip

    strength! Tilt pelvis forwards before lowering to your

    full depth Cr: if needed, same as above

    14. E8: Fascial release, and pancake variations Force is not necessary The key muscles are gracilis and the inner

    hamstring ( semimembranosus ) Try bent and straight leg versions Partner: gently separate the muscles Have a support to hand, to rest chest on

    15. E9: Pancake Make sure pelvis and trunk move together Explore intermediate angles Pulses and movements effective Check video for partner assistance details

    before attempting a deeper position