Download - MASTER OF SCIENCE Telecommunication Systems Engineering · 2015-02-19 · MASTER OF SCIENCE Telecommunication Systems Engineering ACCREDITATION Internationally recognized Master's

Page 1: MASTER OF SCIENCE Telecommunication Systems Engineering · 2015-02-19 · MASTER OF SCIENCE Telecommunication Systems Engineering ACCREDITATION Internationally recognized Master's


TelecommunicationSystems Engineering

ACCREDITATIONInternationally recognized Master'sDegree in Science and Technologyaccredited by the French Ministry ofHigher Education and Research.

KEY WORDSInformation Technologies / Networking / Wireless Systems / MobileSystems / Optical Communications /Digital Communications / Computer Science / Internet


Telecom Bretagne, a "grande école" which is part of Institut Mines-Télécom, a leading French higher education and research force in engineering, with 12,500 students.

LOCATIONTelecom Bretagne is located in Brittany,one of the most visited areas in Francedue to its breathtaking landscapes andseascapes as well as its numeroushistorical treasures. Its campuses arewell-located and include halls ofresidence: in Brest, in the centre of theScience Park overlooking the entrance tothe Bay, and in Rennes, in the centre ofthe Research Park.

STRONG POINTS OF THE PROGRAMBesides being a flagship of Europeaninstitutes of higher education intelecommunications and computerscience, Telecom Bretagne is affiliatedwith many networks of alliances in Franceand abroad, as well as a pole for high-levelresearch activities. Strong links withindustry have made it possible to reachexcellence in pedagogical methods,project-based teaching and corporateresearch.Almost half of the students atTelecom Bretagne come from outsideFrance, with more than 50 nationalities onour campuses. This fact reflects a veryhigh intercultural dimension and results inan interesting, enjoyable, multiculturaleveryday life experience.Furthermore, the teaching staff consists ofinternationally renowned specialists intelecommunication systems, one of whom

is a member of the French Academy ofSciences.


Alcatel-Lucent, Amazon, BouyguesTelecom, Completel, Mitsubishi, OrangeLabs, SFR, Thales Communications...

LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTIONThe first semester classes are taught inEnglish. Over this period, students acquiresufficient skills in the French language tobe able to follow second and subsequentsemester lectures together with nativespeakers. Progressive immersion in theFrench language and culture, aneducational challenge, is one of thespecial features of the curriculum.

ENVIRONMENTInformation technologies have led to thenew era of communication, which in turnhas rapidly changed many aspects ofsociety, from individual behaviours to theglobal economy. Numerous services havebecome very common, such as calling andsending emails from almost everywhere,purchasing online, watching digital TVthrough ADSL connections or via satellitedigital broadcast, travelling using GPS,etc. All of these applications necessarilyrely on fixed and mobile networks that arebased on sophisticated telecommunicationsystems and complex infrastructures.

COURSE AIMSThis MSc program is aimed at futureexperts for the design and/oradministration of high-performancetelecommunication networks. Thisrequires a wide range of knowledge,including wireless, wired and opticalcommunication systems, digitalcommunications, network architectures,and project management of complexsystems. Certain aspects of computerscience are involved as well. Professionalsare therefore multi-field engineers ratherthan narrowly focused specialists.This Masters program also offers agateway to PhD studies.

PROGRAMThis is a full-time, two-year course dividedinto four semesters:

First semester• Networking fundamentals• Transmission systems• Basics of computer science• Mathematics & signal processing• Bibliographical study• Intercultural workshops• Intensive French language courses

(6 hours per week)

Second semester• Networks: telecommunication networks,

IP networks, mobile networks• Computer science: software engineering

and object-oriented programming,databases and information systems

• An engineering project in workinggroups of 5 or 6, focused on acquiringproject management experience andapplying knowledge acquired incoursework

• French language (3 hours per week)

Third semester• Complex system engineering• Transmission system architecture• Wireless communications• Network engineering & security• Core and access networks• Project in communication system

engineering • French language (3 hours per week)

Fourth semesterThis semester is spent carrying out adevelopment or research project in anindustrial or academic laboratory inFrance or abroad.Upon completion of the four semesters,students defend their Master Thesis.

ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSThe entry requirements include afirst-class Bachelor’s degree or afour-year degree in one of the academictopics offered by the Master’s course.Candidates have to show an outstandingacademic record for their application to be considered.




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Page 2: MASTER OF SCIENCE Telecommunication Systems Engineering · 2015-02-19 · MASTER OF SCIENCE Telecommunication Systems Engineering ACCREDITATION Internationally recognized Master's

COSTTuition fees for the full 2-year program:€10,000 €5,000 (Europe and Erasmus zone)Possible partial fee waivers

SCHOLARSHIPSScholarships are available depending onacademic record and country of origin(companies, governments, embassies,etc.).It should be mentioned that internshipsare paid and cover living expenses duringthe last semester.

CONTACTGraduate Office / MScTelecom Bretagne CS 83818 29238 BREST Cedex 3 - FranceTel. +33 2 29 00 13 37 Fax +33 2 29 00 13 70� [email protected]�

DURATION2 years (starting in mid-August).

LODGINGLiving expenses are quite low in Brittanycompared to other locations in France,Europe or United States. The total amountdoes not exceed €6,000 per year(on-campus food and accommodation).

LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTSEnglishWhen applying, students must provideproof of proficiency in the Englishlanguage. This could include:• having English as mother tongue• work/studies in an English-speaking

country• acquisition of an official English

language qualification such as:– TOEFL: 550/677 (Paper-based) or

213/300 (Computer-based) or 79/120(Internet-based)

– IELTS: 5.5/9– TOEIC: 750/990– Cambridge: CAE (Certificate of

Advanced English)

FrenchGood knowledge of French is notmandatory before arrival in France, butcandidates are encouraged to beginlearning French in their home countries,before departure. In addition to Frenchlanguage courses during the academicyear, a 3-week intensive French languagecourse is organized by Telecom Bretagnein August. This course is provided for allMSc students at no extra cost. Groupsrange from beginner to intermediate level.

APPLYINGOn-line application at:�

COMPETENCES ACQUIRED Thanks to Telecom Bretagne's expertise inpostgraduate education and research,high-level competencies are acquired notonly in technical/scientific fields but alsoin team working, written and oralcommunication, innovation and projectmanagement.Last but not least, French language skillsare also one of the new competenciesbeneficial for working in France and otherFrench-speaking countries or for Frenchcompanies abroad.

TYPICAL JOBS• Telecommunications project leader• Communication system designer• Network architect• R&D engineer• Sales engineer• Consulting expert• Researcher and Academic

Telecommunication SystemsEngineering



46, rue Barrault 75634 Paris cedex 13


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