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Tadworth Primary School

‘Enjoy and Achieve’ 1

A Message from the Headteacher

Welcome to Tadworth Primary School

As a school we are committed to doing all that we can to ensure that children ‘enjoy and achieve’ during their

time at Tadworth. We want the children to discover new interests and develop their talents by offering a range of

activities and experiences. Through our creative curriculum, comprehensive programme of trips and visits and

wide selection of clubs, children at Tadworth continue to tell us how much they enjoy school.

We continue to achieve very good academic results as a school where topics are designed to inspire and motivate

and bring learning to life. Our commitment to the arts is demonstrated through the children’s participation in

year group performances and our annual charity concert. The vibrant displays in the corridors and classrooms

not only celebrate the children’s work and offer a reference point to learning but also act as a platform for

showcasing talent.

Our commitment to books and a love of reading can clearly be seen by our fantastic library at the heart of our

school and the extensive range of books available in and around classrooms.

The Healthy Schools award recognizes the fact that children at Tadworth know the importance of healthy living.

When it comes to healthy eating, our catering team, ‘Tadworth Treats’, offers a varied menu of popular and

nutritious meals. Children learn the importance of good sportsmanship and of being part of a team with many of

our children participating in sports clubs, going on to represent the school in inter-school events where we have

enjoyed much success.

We are very fortunate as a school to have spacious grounds and well-resourced classrooms. Our active Parent

Teacher Association (PTA) continues to help us to maintain a sense of community whilst also raising money for

the school. Recent projects have included the funding of additional staging for productions; new speakers and

amplifier in the school hall; new interactive screens in Years 5 and 6 classrooms and developments to the Key

Stage 1 playground.

The children at Tadworth also learn about the importance of giving something back, with every year group

supporting a designated charity and children in Year 5 spending time at The Children’s Trust weekly.

At Tadworth, you will find a dedicated, hardworking staff team ably supported by a committed and experienced

governing body.

Choosing the right school for your child is an important decision. Visitors are always welcome, so why not take

the time to come and see for yourself how much Tadworth has to offer.

Justin Kelly – Headteacher

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Tadworth Primary School

‘Enjoy and Achieve’ 2

Our Mission and Aims ‘Enjoy and Achieve’

We aim to secure an excellent curriculum, ethos and learning environment at Tadworth Primary School through which …

we will strive to meet the physical, emotional and intellectual needs of every child, helping them to feel safe and happy, valued, respected and included

we will promote and inspire a lifelong love of learning, challenging children to think creatively and

achieve high standards in all that they do

we will do all that we can to ensure that children leave us numerate and literate with reading very much at the heart of their education

we will seek out the strengths, gifts and talents of every child

we will celebrate the diversity of abilities, faiths, cultures and languages in and beyond our community,

extending the experiences of every child we will develop educational experiences which are memorable and significant we will enable children to develop the flexibility, resilience, confidence and resourcefulness to embrace

the opportunities and responsibilities of life we will encourage all children to actively participate in a wide range of high quality sporting activities;

learning not just the skills but also the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship whilst also recognising the positive effect that physical activity plays in keeping fit and healthy

we will share our successes in achieving our aims, involving children, staff, parents and governors in our

own school community and across the networks with whom we work in partnership

Ofsted Inspection – July 2018

‘This is a very happy school; parents and carers and pupils are delighted to be here. Every parent who responded to the Ofsted Parent View survey would recommend the school to others.’ We were very pleased with the outcomes of our Section 8, one-day Ofsted inspection, which confirmed our view that we continue to be a good school. Some of the key points from the report can be seen below:

Strong and ambitious leadership team which places the pupils at the heart of all it does

Pupils are caring towards each other

Pupils and staff enjoy very strong relationships Governors are skilled and inquisitive Pupils work hard and are productive in lessons Pupils know how to keep themselves safe High-quality writing is well presented and

representative of the pride they take in their learning Skilled teachers and teaching assistants

support pupils well

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Tadworth Primary School

‘Enjoy and Achieve’ 3

General Information – The School Day Parents and children may arrive at school from 8.30am. However, there will be no staff supervision until 8.50am and, as such, parents are responsible for their children until they have gone into their classrooms.

Children’s Time 8.50am Doors open at 8.50 when children go straight to their classrooms

School starting time 9.00am Registration

Morning break 10.25-10.45 This will include a 10 minute playtime and 10 minute break in class having fruit and water/milk

Lunchtime begins

12.00 noon 12.15pm

For Reception (c11.45am),Years 1 and 2 For Years 3, 4, 5 & 6

Lunchtime ends 1.15 pm For all pupils (at 1pm the children return to class for reading/story time)

School finishing time

3.20pm For all pupils

The following table shows the term dates for this year and other school closure dates.

AUTUMN TERM 2018 Term starts for pupils Tues 4 September Half term Mon 22 October to Fri 26 October Last day of term Wed 19 December – school ends at 1.15pm Staff Training Days (INSET) – school closed to children: Monday 3 September and Monday 29 October ‘18 SPRING TERM 2019 Term starts for pupils Mon 7 January Half term Mon 18 February to Fri 22 February Last day of term Fri 5 April – school ends at 1.15pm Staff Training Day (INSET) – school closed to children: Friday 4 January ‘19 SUMMER TERM 2019 Term starts for pupils Tues 23 April Half term Mon 27 May to Fri 31 May Last day of term Wed 24 July – school ends at 1.15pm Staff training days (INSET) – school closed to children: Friday 21 and Monday 24 June ‘19

Teaching Arrangements Children at Tadworth are mostly taught by their own class teacher, with the support of trained Teaching Assistants - whom we have in all classes for at the very least the morning. Class sizes are up to a maximum of 30 throughout the school (on some occasions they may go to 31 in Key Stage 2). Small groups and individual children are regularly selected for targeted support. All children have personal targets to help them move on in their learning. Year group teaching teams plan their work together to ensure that all children receive a broad and balanced curriculum. Within this framework, teachers differentiate their planning to meet the needs of children in their care. Our children benefit from open–ended, challenging activities which enable them to think creatively, solve problems for themselves and show their levels of ability. Support is planned and provided to ensure access to learning for those experiencing difficulties in any aspect of the curriculum.

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Tadworth Primary School

‘Enjoy and Achieve’ 4

General Information – The School Day … continued Attendance and Punctuality If a child is absent, parents must contact the school as soon as possible and confirm the reason for absence. We are required to document all absences from school. Late arrivals (after 9.30am) without an explanation will be recorded as unauthorised. Attendance and punctuality is monitored by our Education Welfare Officer (EWO). If a child’s attendance falls below 95% or a child is regularly late for school, parents will receive a letter highlighting the concern and the EWO will be made aware and follow up as necessary. Requests for leave of absence Absence requests, which should where possible be made four weeks in advance, will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances and by prior agreement with the Headteacher. If parents need to take their children out of school during term time for any reason (including events such as a music/drama/sports exams or competitions) a permission form, available from the school or the school’s website, should be completed. Illness and Emergencies The school employs a Welfare Secretary who is responsible for overseeing the welfare of the children. If children are not well they will be taken to the Welfare Office. If necessary, parents will be contacted. All parents are asked to ensure that the school has up to date contact numbers for use in such emergencies. We do not normally administer short-term medicines such as antibiotics in school. Where children need regular medication, for a long term condition, we will consider making appropriate arrangements. For safety reasons, all medicines are kept and administered in the Welfare Office. Children who suffer sickness or diarrhoea should be kept off school for 48 hours from the last incidence in order to avoid spreading any infection. We ask parents to inform the school of any infectious illnesses, so that we can inform and protect any child or member of staff who could be particularly at risk from them. School Dinners ‘Tadworth Treats’ is the name of our own catering service. All meals are prepared on the premises by our own staff and provide a nutritionally balanced lunch, which is popular with the children. All children in KS1 (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 classes) are entitled to a free school meal. We encourage families to take advantage of this opportunity for children to eat a balanced meal at school each day. Most dietary requirements can be met by our caterers. However, if any parent is in any doubt, they can speak with the catering manager. More details regarding Tadworth Treats, including weekly menus, are available on our website, attached to the Tadworth Times newsletter, or from school. Partnership with Parents At Tadworth Primary, we pride ourselves on having a strong partnership with parents. Many of our parents and grandparents help in classes; others help on school outings or residential trips. We have an active Parent Teacher Association (PTA) who raise substantial funds each year to support improvement projects. The school values this help enormously. It is our policy to be available to parents as far as is practicable. If parents have a concern, we would encourage them to come in to school to discuss it with us. Class teachers are available to parents at the beginning (before 8.50am) and end (after 3.30pm) of most school days to deal with simple issues. Should a lengthier discussion be necessary, parents are encouraged to make an appointment either directly with the class teacher or via the front office. If at any time a parent is not satisfied with how a matter has been managed we follow the Surrey Guidelines for dealing with parental concerns, a copy of which is available on our website or from school.

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Tadworth Primary School

‘Enjoy and Achieve’ 5

General Information – The Curriculum and Beyond

We believe that children should have the opportunity to do as many of the following as possible in all areas of the curriculum:

produce original ideas use their imagination invent or create something have fun and develop their sense of humour speculate and think about the future develop awareness of aesthetic and spiritual qualities have the confidence to be different experiment with ideas and risk being wrong seek unusual links rather than conventional relationships between ideas

We also believe that, by the end of primary school, children should be confident, articulate, literate and numerate as well as proficient in computing. Our curriculum provides interesting experiences to engage children and provide relevance for the work they produce. We have a ‘topic based’ approach to our teaching, exploiting cross-curricular links where we can. There is a daily emphasis on the development of the basic skills children need in order to be able to study independently and produce work of a high standard. Early Years Curriculum In Reception, the children follow the Early Years Foundation Stage framework which has seven areas of learning. The three prime areas are: Communication and language Physical development Personal, social and emotional development The other four specific areas, through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied are: Literacy Mathematics Understanding the world Expressive arts and design National Curriculum From Year 1 onwards the following subjects are taught:- English Mathematics Science Art and Design Computing Design and Technology Geography History Music Physical Education In Years 3 – 6 , the children will spend one term learning French In Year 4, the children go swimming for at least one term.

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Tadworth Primary School

‘Enjoy and Achieve’ 6

General Information – The Curriculum and Beyond . . . cont’d The Teaching of Reading at Tadworth Phonics - In our school the teachers follow the LCP Phonics Scheme. However, they supplement this with a range of other resources. In Key Stage 1, the children will have a phonics session most days. We use the Oxford Reading Tree colour bands with books from their ranges, supplemented with books from other high-quality publishers. Please see our website for more information. Houses On starting at Tadworth, all of the children are put into one of four houses (siblings will generally be in the same house). The four houses are named after mythical creatures – Dragon, Phoenix, Pegasus and Griffin. Children can earn house points for their house and special events are run during the year, which the children are encouraged to participate in. The children are told regularly, in whole school assemblies, which house is in the lead overall and this is displayed on a ‘Totaliser’ in the school hall. Extra-Curricular Opportunities We are fortunate in being able to offer a wide range of clubs to children of different ages. During the week, a variety of sports clubs are on offer. Recent clubs have included Netball, Football, Rounders, Tennis, Multi-skills and Cricket. Other clubs run have included: Art and Craft, Keyboard, Warhammer, Chess, and Taekwondo. Over the course of a year, we hope that all children (from Year 1 upwards) will participate in at least one of these clubs. Classes also go on day or residential trips, or have special visitors such as theatre groups coming in to inspire learning. Voluntary contributions are requested to pay for these additional activities. School Council School Council is made up of children (from Years 1 - 6), nominated by their peers, who meet when we want to consult on any aspect of school life. As part of the children's role on the School Council, they have also formed part of an 'Anti-bullying Partnership'. The Anti-bullying Partnership produced our pupil friendly 'Anti-Bullying' leaflet, aptly titled - 'All for one and one for all, no one here makes others feel small!' Music Lessons Extra-curricular instrumental lessons are available in school, provided by peripatetic staff from Surrey Arts and other providers, at an additional cost to parents.

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Tadworth Primary School

‘Enjoy and Achieve’ 7

How well do our pupils do?

End of Key Stage 1 and 2 Results In 2015-6, numerical National Curriculum levels, which schools had been using to assess and report on pupil achievement for many years, were replaced by a series of performance descriptors. These have now been in place for three years. The last two years results for our school are shown below, compared with national figures.

End of Key Stage 1 (Year 2)

End of KS1 – based on Teacher

Assessment (TA)

TPS results 2018 % reaching the expected

standard (Greater depth in brackets)

TPS results 2017 % reaching the expected

standard (Greater depth in brackets)

National Average 2017 (Greater depth in


Reading 82% (22%) 85% (22%) 76% (25%) Writing 80% (23%) 80% (23%) 68% (16%) Maths 82% (22%) 73% (22%) 75% (21%)

Reading, Writing, Maths combined

68 (5%) 68% (12%) 64% (11%)

End of Key Stage 2 (Year 6) End of KS2


Teacher Assessment ‘At’ the expected


Test Results

‘At’ the expected standard

Average Scaled Score National figure

Reading 92% 83% (43%) 107 (Nat.Av.18 – 105) 75% Writing 79% (21% at greater

depth) No test result for writing 102.5 78%

Grammar, Punct.,


Not teacher assessed. 81% (32%) 106 (Nat.Av.18 – 106) 78%

Maths 83% 70% (28%) 105 (Nat.Av.18 – 104) 76% 64% of pupils nationally met the expected standard in reading, writing and mathematics in 2018.

62% (or 74% when based on Teacher Assessment) of pupils at Tadworth met the expected standard in reading, writing and mathematics combined in 2018.

End of KS2 2017

Teacher Assessment ‘At’ the expected standard

Test Results

‘At’ the expected standard

National figure

Reading 88% 88% 72% Writing 82% (32% at greater depth) No test result for writing 76%

Grammar, Punct., Spelling

Not teacher assessed. 86% 77%

Maths 88% 82% 75% 61% of pupils nationally met the expected standard in reading, writing and mathematics in 2017.

71% (or 75% when based on Teacher Assessment) of pupils at Tadworth met the expected standard in reading, writing and mathematics combined in 2017.

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Tadworth Primary School

‘Enjoy and Achieve’ 8

Children with Special Education Needs At Tadworth Primary School, we believe that every child has the right to access the full curriculum. The opportunity for all to develop skills through active engagement and enjoyment whilst learning alongside their peers, is central to our ethos. We acknowledge that, where possible, support should be offered within the classroom environment. We aim to work alongside other agencies providing both emotional and practical support for parents and children whose needs require multi-agency partnerships. So that parents are aware of the support available from our school, and through services within Surrey, we provide additional information in our SEN Information Report (available from our website). Further information about Surrey's SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) Local Offer can be found by following the relevant link on our website. We actively encourage parents to work in partnership with school to ensure that both the child and parents are central in the decision making process in order to ensure our pupils have the best possible life chances. If you have any concerns over any special educational need or disability which your son/daughter may have, you are invited to discuss this with the school’s Inclusion Leader/SENCo in the first instance.

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Tadworth Primary School

‘Enjoy and Achieve’ 9

Tadworth Primary School – Staff and Governors 2018-19

Name Responsibilities

Mr Justin Kelly Headteacher Miss Fiona Prophet Deputy Headteacher with responsibility for Inclusion and

monitoring of the Early Years and Year 1

Year 4 / 5 / 6 Phase Team Year 6 Mr Phil Davies Year 4-6 Phase Leader + Assessment and Maths Leader

Mrs Emily Allinson Music/Drama Leader Year 5 Miss Melanie Nevard Science Leader

Mr James Lake Newly Qualified Teacher

Year 4 Mrs Sarah Davies Year 2 – 3 Phase Leader + Behaviour Leader

Miss Laura Zomparelli Religious Education Leader

Year 2 / 3 Phase Team

Year 3 Mrs Nicola Peck PSHE Leader

Mrs Tabby Thomson SDP Project Year 2 Miss Becky Clifton Art and DT Leader

Mrs Sue Horton Mrs Becca Cooper

Geography Leader Computing Leader

Year 1 / Early Years Phase Team

Year 1

Mr Steve Hankin PE Leader

Mrs Natalie Anderson Student and Volunteer Placements Year R Miss Emma Holmes Early Years Leader + History Leader

Mrs Paula Bonner ‘Gifted and Talented’ Leader

Other Teaching Staff

Mrs Dawn Mountford CPD Leader + Reading Support + one day a week in Year 6

Mrs Wendy Casali Modern Foreign Languages Leader + one morning a week in Year 4 and one

afternoon a week in Year 6 Mrs Donna Mawson 1.5 days a week in Year 3

Ms Devine, Mrs Horton, Mrs Mather, Mrs McGrath

Mrs Courthold On maternity leave

During 2018 – 9 – Literacy is being co-led by a group identified in the school’s School Development Plan (SDP)

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Tadworth Primary School

‘Enjoy and Achieve’ 10

Teaching Assistants and Special Needs Assistants

Mrs Jane Beyer Mrs Karen Clark (HLTA) Miss Lulu Clark Mrs Gill Clawson (HLTA) Mrs Archana Desai Mrs Nicole Duke

Mrs Sue El Ziftawy Mrs Sarah Evans Mrs Julie Glynn Mrs Alison Hampton Miss Katie Huntingford Mrs Sandra Huntingford (SMS)*

Mrs Jackie Ince Mrs Charlotte Johnson Mrs Claire Komba Mrs Linda McCafferty Mrs Heather Myers Mrs Suzi Munson

Mrs Elaine Osborne Mrs Alison Short Mrs Caroline Smart Ms Ferdous Sobhani Mrs Charlotte Stephen Miss Maria Taylor Mrs Wendy Thomas Mrs Lucy Thorpe Mrs Ann Thurlow

Mr Edward Townson Mrs Surrey Townson Mrs Sukhvinder Virdee Mrs Clare Voisey Mrs Carol Walker

* = Senior Midday Supervisor – responsible for staffing and supervision at lunchtime

Additional Lunchtime Supervisors (All Teaching and Special Needs Assistants also do lunchtime duties) Mrs Sally Clarke-Overy Mrs Maureen Fordham Mrs Asti Weedon

Catering Team

Mrs Sandra Nash Catering Manager Mrs Toni Tipping Catering Assistant

Miss Helen Gryson Catering Assistant

Administrative Team + Site Manager Mrs Hilary Wilson Bursar, Administrative Team Leader and Clerk to

Governing Body Mr Steve Dudley Site Manager / Caretaker

Mrs Cheryl Mason School Secretary Mrs Karen Drake Welfare Secretary

Mrs Mandy Cowcher Finance Assistant

Tadworth School Governing Body

Governors Mr Phil Shepherd

(Chair) Mrs Helen Flynn and Mrs Maggie

Kippen (Co-Vice Chair) Mr Justin Kelly (Headteacher)

Mrs Rebecca Cooper Mr Phil Harrison Mr Steve Hankin Mr Tim Astin Mrs Suzanne Solomon Mr David Hodgkinson

Mrs Lucy Ioannou Miss Emma-Louise Smith Mr Alex Mixter Mr Nigel Warwick

Miss Fiona Prophet (Deputy Head)

Associate Governor Mrs Lynne Wootton

Our governors act as ‘critical friends’ to the school. They attend meetings and help to determine the overall direction and vision as well as school policy. They help us to monitor developments within the school and provide a sounding board for dealing with issues of all kinds. They freely give their time to help the school and we are grateful for all that they do.

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Tadworth Primary School

‘Enjoy and Achieve’ 11

School Uniform and Appearance Policy We believe that school uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of our school. The aim of our school uniform is to present a smart appearance, which promotes a sense of belonging, and pride in our school.

Boys and Girls: KS1 – Blue polo shirt or blue button up shirt KS2 – Blue button up shirt with collar (stand up or revere for girls - not a polo shirt) Smart, plain black school shoes (no trainers) Tadworth reversible fleece/water resistant coats are also available if parents wish to purchase them *

Girls: Grey pinafore dress or skirt (knee length) or grey school regulation trousers Bottle green school sweatshirt or cardigan with Tadworth badge * White/grey socks or black/grey tights

Girls (Summer Uniform - optional): Green/white check school summer dress White socks

Boys: Grey long or short trousers Bottle green school sweatshirt with Tadworth badge * Grey socks

PE Kits for boys and girls: Green polo shirt with Tadworth logo * White shorts School tracksuit * Trainers (predominantly white in colour). These are worn for outdoor PE so should be comfortable and durable Green Tadworth PE Bag †

Hairstyling: Shoulder length/long hair must be tied back using a plain dark green hairband or summer dress material scrunchie, or bobble. Hair should be no shorter than grade 3 and no ‘shaved-in’ designs

Earrings: No jewellery in school except for watches which are worn at the owner’s own risk. No child is to wear earrings of any sort in school. If they do, they will not be able to participate in any outside or sport-related activity for health and safety reasons.

Coats, Bags, Water bottles: Road safety organisations recommend that children wear bright coats to travel to and from school to ensure maximum visibility. In order to maintain a smart appearance please avoid coats with overpowering logos. Children from Yr R to Yr 4 must have a Tadworth Book Bag† and water bo les are also available. †

Other: House badge – all children will be given, shortly after starting school, a metal House badge. If this is lost, replacement badges can be bought from school for 30p. Tattoos, transfers and nail polish must not be worn in school.

Items marked * are only available from Lester Bowden, Epsom or Items marked † are only available from school

ALL ITEMS MUST BE CLEARLY NAMED INCLUDING VESTS, SOCKS AND SHOES N.B. If you are in any doubt over the school’s expectations with regards to any aspect of our

Uniform and Appearance Policy, please speak to the school before making any decisions.

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Tadworth Primary School

‘Enjoy and Achieve’ 12

Safeguarding Children at Tadworth Primary School

This school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment.

This means that we have a Child Protection Policy and procedures in place which we refer to in our prospectus. All staff (including supply staff, volunteers and governors) must ensure that they are aware of these procedures. Parents and carers are welcome to read the policy which is on the website or available in paper form, on request,

from the front office.

Sometimes we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child’s welfare. We will ensure that our concerns about pupils are discussed with the relevant parents/carers first, unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child’s welfare.

Our Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) are:

Justin Kelly – Headteacher Fiona Prophet – Deputy Headteacher

If you are concerned about a child’s welfare, please record your concern, and any observations or conversation heard, and report to one of the DSLs as soon as possible the same day.

Do NOT conduct your own investigation.

If your concerns relate to the actions or behaviour of a member of staff (which could suggest that s/he is unsuitable to work with children) then you should report this to the Headteacher (or the Chair of Governors if the

concern relates to the Headteacher) – who will consider what action to take.

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Tadworth Primary School

‘Enjoy and Achieve’ 13

Secondary School Transfers

Children from Tadworth Primary School transfer to a variety of secondary schools at the age of eleven. Below is a list of some of the schools that children have gone on to after Tadworth. N.B. Admissions criteria should be checked for any secondary school a parent is interested in prior to specified deadlines for individual schools.

We recommend that parents attend the Open Evenings provided by any school they are considering as one of their choices. It is a good idea to start this investigation when children are in Year 5, as the evenings tend to be placed close together and may even coincide.

Mixed State Ashcombe School Royal Alexandra & Albert St Bede’s School – Catholic The Priory Church of England Voluntary Aided The Beacon Academy St Andrew’s Catholic Secondary State Boys Glyn State Girls Rosebery School for Girls Grammar Sutton Grammar School for Boys Wilson’s Grammar (boys only) Private Reigate Grammar School

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Tadworth Primary School

‘Enjoy and Achieve’ 14

Special School Fund

Our children benefit from some excellent facilities and generous allocations of additional adult support. We are keen to provide high quality resources across the whole curriculum, ensuring that children here have access to an excellent, well-resourced education full of memorable experiences. Giving children access to the right opportunities and providing high quality resources make a real difference to their progress. Parents play a big part in helping us to create an environment which promotes and supports learning in exciting ways. The realities of funding for schools Each year we identify essentials which the school can afford to provide from the main budget and other funds direct from government sources. Then we identify projects for which we can seek sponsorship or make use of donations. Special School Fund Many of the new resources we have been able to provide have come as a result of donations to the Special School Fund. Parents at Tadworth contribute voluntarily to the fund through monthly Standing Order Contributions of as little as £5 a month, though the amount given is up to the individual. Our PTA also works hard to fundraise for specific projects. The support of parents at this school is invaluable and has sustained the school in growing and developing. With the Special School Fund as little as £5 a month goes a long way. The Fund is set up to maximise tax advantages and so £5 is worth considerably more than that to us.

£5 could pay for a new, good quality book per month. Children of all ages need a constant supply of attractive books in order to become motivated readers.

Teaching science and technology, especially electricity, magnetism and control technology, require expensive resources, particularly if we are to have enough for whole class participation. We continue to invest in this important area.

We aim to invest at least £10,000 per year in developing and maintaining resources for computing. These are just a few examples of where the Special School Fund could make a huge difference to the success of children. Confidentiality The names of contributing families and the amounts of individual contributions are kept completely confidential. Whether a parent contributes or not will in no way affect the way any child is treated at school. The choice is yours, but with your help we can provide a very special education for every child.

Special School Fund donation forms are available on our website or from the Front Reception Desk in school

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Tadworth Primary School

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The published admission number is 60. The school’s aim is to accept no more than 30 children per class (with a legal limit of 30 in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2). Children whose twin/sibling from multiple birth has been admitted other than as an excepted pupil and children of UK service personnel, where the criteria for service personnel are met, will be exceptions to infant class size. All exceptions will be treated as exceptions until the class drops back to the infant class size limit.

Admissions to the school are the responsibility of the governors who delegate the task of selecting those to be admitted to the Admissions Committee. This Committee makes its selection on the following criteria in the order shown, after taking into account children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs or an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) who, in line with Section 324 of the Education Act 1996, will be allocated a place if they name the school, before other children are considered. In this way, the number of places available will be reduced by the number of children with a statement or EHCP that have named the school:

1. First Priority: Looked after and previously looked after children Looked after and previously looked after children will be considered to be:

children who are registered as being in the care of or provided with accommodation by a Local Authority in accordance with Section 22 of the Children Act 1989(a), e.g. fostered or living in a children’s home, at the time an application for a school is made; and

children who have previously been in the care of a Local Authority in accordance with Section 22 of the Children Act 1989(a) and who have left that care through adoption, a child arrangement order (in accordance with Section 8 of the Children Act 1989) or special guardianship order (in accordance with Section 14A of the Children Act 1989).

2. Second priority: Exceptional arrangements Occasionally, there will be a very small number of children for whom exceptional social or medical circumstances will apply which will warrant a placement at a particular school. Supporting evidence from a professional is required such as a doctor and/or consultant for medical cases or a social worker, health visitor, housing officer, the police or probation officer for other social circumstances. This evidence must confirm the circumstances of the case and must set out why the child should attend Tadworth Primary School and why no other school could meet the child’s needs. Providing evidence does not guarantee that a child will be given priority and in each case a decision will be made based on the merits of the case. Common medical conditions and allergies can usually be supported in all mainstream schools. Therefore priority under Tadworth Primary School’s exceptional medical criterion would not normally be given for these. We reserve the right to refer medical evidence to our designated medical officer, where necessary, to assist us in making a decision about medical priority for a school place.

3. Third priority: Children who have a sibling at the school at the time of admission A sibling will be considered to be a brother or sister (that is, another child of the same parents, whether living at the same address or not), a half-brother or half-sister, or a step-brother or step-sister, or an adoptive or foster sibling living at the same address.

4. Fourth priority: Children who have a parent working at the school

Priority will be given to applicants where the parent with whom the child normally resides, works at the school. The parent must have been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application is made, the length of time being assessed from the closing date for applications, and/or have been recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage. Once a Waiting List has been established the child’s position on the list will be adjusted, once a member of staff, who had not previously met the two year employment threshold, has worked at the school for two years.

5. Fifth priority: Children for whom Tadworth Primary School is the closest to their home Priority will be given to children for whom Tadworth is their closest school. Children whose home address is nearer to another state primary school will not be considered under this priority.

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6. Sixth priority: Any other applicant

Applications from any other applicants will be considered under this priority. How distance will be measured All distances will be measured on the basis of nearness to the school measured in a straight line from the address point of the child’s home address, as set by Ordnance Survey to the nearest official school gate for pupils to use. This is calculated using Surrey County Councils Admissions team’s Geographical Information System. Children will be ranked based on their address at the time of application. Once a Waiting List is formed the address used will be the child's current address.

Home address The address details will be the pupil’s home address and must be either owned by the child’s parent, parents or guardian OR leased or rented by the child’s parent, parents or guardian under a lease or written rental agreement. If parents live separately but share responsibility for the child, and the child lives at two different addresses during the week, the ‘home address’ will be regarded as the one at which the child sleeps for the majority of nights during term time.

Tiebreaker Where any of the above criteria are oversubscribed, priority within each criterion will be based on distance. Where two or more children share a priority for a place, eg where two children live equidistant from the school, for example when measuring from flats in the same block, Tadworth Primary will determine which child should be given priority by random allocation. This draw will be witnessed and the proceedings recorded. Late applications Any applications received after the deadline will not be processed until all other applicants have been placed. If the year group is full parents may apply for a place on the Waiting List. Waiting lists All children who are not offered a place may apply to have their names put on a Waiting List. If a place becomes available then the categories and ranking procedure described above will be used to determine which child should be offered the place. Right to Appeal If required, the school will set up an Admissions Appeal panel of three independent people. Information will be sent to parents of all children not offered a place at the school telling them how to make an appeal if they believe there are grounds for reconsideration. In-Year Admissions In year applications must be made directly to the school. If a place is available and there is no Waiting List then the governing body will admit the child. If more applications are received than there are places available then applications will be ranked by the governing body in accordance with the above numbered priorities. If a place cannot be offered at this time then parents may ask for the reasons and will then be informed of their right of appeal. There will then be an opportunity to be placed on a Waiting List. This Waiting List will be maintained by the governing body in the order of the above priorities and not in the order that the applications are received. The governing body will offer the next available place using the above priorities. Outside of Chronological Year Group Applicants may choose to seek a place outside their child’s chronological (correct) year group. Decisions will be made on the basis of the circumstances of each case and what is in the best interests of the child concerned.

Applicants who are applying for their child to have a decelerated entry to school, i.e. to start later than other children in their chronological age group, must initially apply for a school place in accordance with the

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deadlines that apply for their child’s chronological age. If, in liaison with the headteacher, governors agree for the child to have a decelerated entry to the school the place cannot be deferred and instead the applicant will be invited to apply again in the following year for the decelerated cohort.

Applicants who are applying for their child to have an accelerated entry to school, i.e. to start earlier than other children in their chronological age group, must initially apply for a school place at the same time that other families are applying for that cohort. If, in liaison with the headteacher, governors agree for the child to have an accelerated entry to the school, the application will be processed. If it is not agreed for the child to have an accelerated entry to the school, the applicant will be invited to apply again in the following year for the correct cohort

Applicants must state clearly why they feel admission to a different year group is in the child's best interest and provide what evidence they have to support this. More information on educating children out of their chronological year group and the process for making such requests is available at Deferred Entry Applicants can defer their child’s entry to Reception until later in the school year, but this will not be agreed beyond the beginning of the term after the child’s fifth birthday, nor beyond the beginning of the final term of the academic year for which the offer was made. Therefore, if your child is four years old between 1st April and 31st August 2018 the latest date to which the offer of a place may be deferred would be the start of the Summer term 2019. Parents may also request for their child to start part time until their child reaches statutory school age. This policy is reviewed annually. It was last reviewed in the Spring Term of 2018.