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Mary McLeod Bethune!!!!

By; Emily Smith

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Mary Bethune was a teacher, an inspirer, a change to discrimination. She helped people of all races have a good education. She worked her heart out doing what she thought was right. She helped the world have wonderful life.

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Mary became a teacher and a leader for African Americans. She started a school for poor African American girls. She felt that all people should have an equal education. It worked to improve education for all young people.

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Bethune Mary married Albert Bethune in 1898. she met

him while teaching at the Kindell Institute in Sumter, Georgia. Mary and Albert moved to Savannah, Georgia. They both sang in the church choir. Albert worked in a clothing store. Albert even taught Mary how to ride a bike. Then their son Albert was born in 1899.Mary took a one year break from teaching to take care of Albert. Soon she became restless. She very badly wanted to begin teaching again. Mary’s husband was not interested in her teaching again. Soon they separated. Their son stayed with Mary. She took a teaching job in Palatka, Florida. A friend took care of her baby during school hours.

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Combined With Cookman

In 1925, Bethune joined with Cookman, a nearby school for boys. Mary was the president of Bethune Cookman.

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When Mary died a great person disappeared from Earth. Without her help well a little of it, the world would be a cruel mess.

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Mary was very eager to help people of all races to have a good education. She wanted to help so she started a school.

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Franklin D. Roosevelt

She advised President Franklin D. Roosevelt about problems in education. She strongly believed in education and so did he. They were both the same in that kind of way.

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Mary needed money to teach more students. A man named Mr. White respected her goal. He gave her $250. Mary used the money to build a school.!174527!0

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Heart attack

On May 18th, 1955, Mary died of a heart attack. She was buried on the grounds of Bethune-Cookman College. Her grave marker reads Mother


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Mary was a great educator. She became friends of First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. A first lady is the wife of the President of the United States. The two women had the same concerns. They wanted all people to be treated equally.

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Mary was incredible. She accomplished more than average person would accomplish in there lifetime back then. She started a school, a college and much more! She let people of all races learn what only white people learned.

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She needed supplies for school, but she couldn’t afford it. She searched the neighborhood. Mary found charred wood to use for pencils. She mashed berries for ink. She made beds out of large sacks stuffed with moss. Mary thought she had a neat idea from doing this. All of this would have been junk to other people, but supplies to her.

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Knew Right Then

One day she went to work with her mother. She went to play with the family’s daughter that her mom worked for. Mary spotted a book. She instantly picked it up and looked at all the letters and words. The daughter told Mary not to touch the book. The daughter told Mary African Americans should not read. From that moment on she would learn to read.

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Mary was born on July 10th, 1875 in Mayesville, South Carolina. She was born to Samuel and Patsy Bethune. She was the 15th child to her parents.

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Mary learned reading, writing, and arithmetic. She helped her family and neighbors who could not read. She read the Bible to her grandmother. She read letters for herb neighbors. She kept track of her father’s cotton sales. How neat!

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One Dollar Fifty Cents!

Mary had $1.50 to start a school. She rented a small house. She found four young students. Mary opened her school in 1904.It was the Dayton Educational and Industrial School for Negro Girls. Negro is a word once used to describe African Americans. Mary’s dream was coming true.

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Poor Family

She grew up in a very poor family. Her family did not go to school , but still learned how to read and write. Her mother cooked and cleaned for a white family. Her father farmed. The whole family worked in the fields. Mary tended the vegetable garden when she was very young. Later she picked cotton in the field, it was difficult and tiring. The McLeod family made up games while they worked.

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She was a very unique child. Mary was the first child of her family to be born into freedom. She also was special from birth because unlike other children, she was born with her eyes open!

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So Soon

On May 18th, 1955, Mary died of a heart attack. She was buried on the grounds of Bethune-Cookman College. Her grave marker reads Mother. It happened so soon.

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Right On Time Mary was picking cotton when a stranger came to

visit. The stranger was a teacher she was looking for African American students. Mary really wanted to learn to read but, her parents really needed her to work in the fields. Finally, they had an agreement, they were going to let Mary go to school. Every morning Mary woke up very early to go to school. She walked five miles to Miss Emma Wilson’s School in Mayesville.

It was practically right on time.

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Mary was present when Harry S. Truman

(the current president) signed the bill for National freedom Day. Which made her very , super happy.!

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Everybody was unhappy when Mary died. She was a wonderful person. Mary died of a small heart attack.,...

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Throughout her life Mary had powerful dreams. One dream was about many young people. They were wearing suits and dresses. They were waiting for someone to help them. She visioned she went over to help them.

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Washington D.C.

Mary toured Europe in 1927. She was treated differently there than in the United States. People respected her for her success. After that Mary retuned to the United States. She lived in Washington, D.C., and continued working for equal rights.

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When Mary died she went to Xan-a-du (a beautiful place) because she was a beautiful person. She went there May 18th,1955.

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Years Later

Several years later, her school became a college for women and men. It was called Bethune-Cookman College. It was in Dayton, Florida.

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Mary was a zeal person. She wanted education rights for everybody not just white people.

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She accomplished every thing she wanted to.She started a school, a college, and made equal rights to all people have an education.

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McLoone, Margo, Mary McLeod Bethune, Bridgestone Books, 1997

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