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Page 1: Marvin and the machines

James Marshall

Marvin and the machines

Page 2: Marvin and the machines

Ever bought a coke from a vending machine?It was probably designed by Marvin.He had his heyday in the 1970s. He has lost his mojo.

Marvin’s mojo

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Marvin used to be able to design all sorts of vending machines.

The design

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The next big thingSnack vending machines were Marvin’s second big hit.

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Marvin had spent the 70s and 80s sampling the wares from the machines.Unlike most people who became obese, Marvin slumped into a sugar buzz / crash cycle.

Side effects

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Coffee became cool in the 1990s.People didn’t want the sugary snacks and carbonated drinks any more.Drinking coffee meant you were brainy and hard working.

Coffee became cool

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Marvin’s sleep deprivation meant that he had run out of ideas.He lost his job.His wife left him.This kept him up at night even more.

Idea deficit

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Marvin slept where and when he could.

Rock bottom

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Marvin stumbled into his local idea exchange by mistake.He was so tired he thought it was a laundromat.It turned out well for Marvin.He finally made a break through.

Idea exchange

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The sleep in a can vending machine.

Marvin’s sleep solution

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Marvin got his mojo back.The sleep in a can meant he could think up some great ideas.He got himself a car.

Marvin’s mojo’s back

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Marvin had a job and a car.But there was a gap.He remembered that ladies like flowers.So he designed a new machine.Next up….

Leaving lonesome town

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Marvin still had to wine and dine and romance his new girlfriend.He finally popped the question.

Popping the question

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Marvin hasn’t quite got their new home available to scale.He is stuck for an idea at present.But, he’s going to sleep on it…..

Not quite there