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The Colgate Maroon-NewsThe Oldest College Weekly in America Founded 1868 Volume CXLV, Issue 20 April 4, 2013

Where’s Baseball? B-1

Hamilton College wants in on SPW A-4

Revolutions Per Minute C-4

By Julia QuellerMaroon-News Staff

A proposed expansion of the cur-rent Residential Life (Res Life) policy, which would allow all Colgate Uni-versity students, regardless of class year and housing arrangement, to request mixed-gender housing options, is cur-rently pending approval. If approved, the amended policy would take effect this summer, according to Dean of the College Suzy Nelson, Director of Residential Life Brenda Ice and Assis-tant Director of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Initiatives and Center for Leadership and Student In-volvement Jamie Bergeron.

The current ResLife policy only permits gender-inclusive housing in select apartments, which limits the op-tion to juniors and seniors. However, if

the policy is approved, gender-inclusive housing would be an option in any building or residential area, with the exception of West Hall, which is gen-dered by floor. In accordance with the current practice, students who wish to partake in gender-inclusive housing would still have to request that living arrangement.

“The proposed statement would not restrict students from living with another student, regardless of sex,” Nelson, Ice and Bergeron said in a statement. The Dean of the Col-lege and the Student Affairs Board, among other organizations, must approve the latest version of the policy before its adoption. The is-sue of gender-inclusive housing has been on the table for the past five years, with many faculty and staff participating in the discussion, and

was initially prompted by a gen-der-neutral housing committee on campus. The committee researched and evaluated other schools’ poli-cies to ensure that mixed-housing arrangements could be successfully implemented at Colgate.

The statement reads:“It is important for all students to have the flexibility to make housing choices based on their preferences and comfort level. Since Colgate is a residential campus, hav-ing more options for students to find a comfortable environment is a priority.”

Sophomore Nicholas Grunden, who requested to live in an apartment with three female students next year, said that he requested mixed-gender housing in order to live with his friends.

“Who wouldn’t want to live with their best friend?” Grunden said. “It’s just unfortunate that special accommo-dations had to be made for us because I happen to be male and she female.”

The implementation of gender-inclusive housing would accommodate the needs of transgender and gender non-conforming students.

“This isn’t the era anymore of wom-en and men being separated, rather, this is the time where sexual orienta-tion and identity is being explored and reshaped,” Grunden said. “To not have this policy is just not in keeping with the times.”

Continued on A-3

Gender-Inclusive Housing Statement Pending Approval

By Hannah FuchsMaroon-News Staff

Starting in Fall 2013, Colgate’s Information Technology Services (ITS) will implement wireless printing from student devices in three buildings: Case-Geyer Library, the O’Connor Campus Center (Coop) Lab and Cooley Science Library. Chief Informa-tion Officer Kevin Lynch said the wireless printing option will be tested with student workers during the summer to facilitate a smooth transition in the Fall.

Colgate University students can expect to be less tethered to workstations around campus.

Lynch noted that there has been a strong desire among faculty and students for an option to print remotely from laptops to public access printers. The Student Gov-ernment Assoication (SGA) has also spearheaded this initiative re-questing that ITS make it a prior-ity. ITS will fund as well as execute the project.

SGA president senior Matthew

Ford described the importance that wireless printing has taken on for the technology coordinators.

“In addition to freeing up the desktop computers in the librar-ies and the Coop, the convenience that could be extended to students is well worth the effort,” Ford said. “The school’s wireless network is set up for it, so it shouldn’t be too dif-ficult to accomplish now that the ITS department is focused on it.”

Whereas students presently must log on to a specified Univer-sity computer and retrieve their own documents in order to print a job, students in the Fall will be able to print from their seat in any of the aforementioned locations.

Lynch said that the wireless print-ing option had not come to fruition earlier because of technical barriers.

“There have been some issues managing and supporting the wide variety of devices on an enterprise network,” Lynch said. “We also had some concerns regarding authenti-cation for print use which have now been resolved.”

Continued on A-3

By Crozer ConnorMaroon-News Staff

University of California Los Angeles Professor of Law Richard Sander spoke in Love Auditorium, and gave a presentation on the un-seen consequences of affirmative action and some potential solu-tions to this issue on Wednesday, March 27.

Sander has spent nearly two de-cades researching issues of inequal-ity in the U.S. and has authored numerous papers and articles on the subject of affirmative action.

In an effort to fight inequal-ity and foster racial interaction, our government declared in the 1960s and ’70s that race, ethnic-ity, religious background, gender and other such characteristics could not affect the treatment of an individual in this country. As a result, employers and com-

petitive schools became com-pelled to hire or admit minor-ity individuals, implimenting policies that altered admissions decisions. Sander, however,

finds increasing evidence sug-gesting that affirmative action is actually harming, not helping, American minorities.

Continued on A-4

Proposed Policy to Change

Distribution of Student Funding

unseen conseuqences: Professor of Law at UCLA Richard Sander shared his beliefs that affirmative action is harming minorities.

By Jared Goldsmithand

Taylor FlemingMaroon-News Staff

When a Colgate student group needs money, it will consult with the Budget Allocation Committee (BAC) to request funding. However, the new Organization Relationship Statement under development may change how funding is distributed to student groups.

Currently, all the pressure of accepting and denying requests for funding rests on the shoulders of the students of the BAC. The proposal will undertake “enhanc-ing effectiveness, guidance, and support for student organizations” and “connecting all groups to liv-ing the liberal arts principles,” the Relationship Statement reads. This has been in the works since No-vember, seeking a “more inclusive, equitable, and thoughtful disper-sal of funds.” In short, it will take some of the responsibility away from the BAC and give it to other organizations on campus.

SGA treasurer and committee member senior Jake Caldwell said the

goal of the revised Relationship State-ment is to “better define how Colgate recognizes student organizations.” The revision will revamp the process for students as well as identify who has the right to establish recognition for groups on campus.

The new system will distribute funds to the Chaplain’s Office, Africana, Latin American, Asian American and Native American (ALANA) Cultural Center, recre-ational athletics and other groups. The Max Shacknai Center for Outreach, Volunteerism and Edu-cation (COVE) would likely get additional funding as well.

These umbrella organizations will have the power to redistribute funds at their discretion. A large proportion of the student activi-ties budget will also be retained in the BAC for student groups that do not fit into any of the afore-mentioned categories. The BAC believes this system would give students who are not involved in the BAC more power to decide how their student dollars are dis-tributed, fostering collaboration between student groups.

Continued on A-4

Wireless Printing Set to Take Place for Fall 2014

GoinG ProGressive: Beginning in the fall semester, students of different genders will be allowed to live together.

Anna Heil

UCLA Professor Discusses Affirmative Action’s Effects on

Minority Students

Gabriela Bezerra

Page 2: Maroon News 4-4

The Colgate Maroon-News

A-2 April 4, 2013News

The Brothers Annual Charity Week Strives to Raise $5,000 for Local and National Charities

Pressure from Students Encouraged Admistration to Make the Change

By Sara HintonMaroon-News Staff

The Brothers Annual Char-ity Week concluded on Saturday, March 29 with hopes of exceeding $5,000 in donations for charity. The Brothers of Colgate University (Brothers) began as a book club for Division I athletes of color, but in its 14 years of existence, has developed into a more diverse group that unites men of color and of lower socioeco-nomic status to address the world’s current social issues.

“For me, Brothers is a group on campus that provides the space needed for any kind of discussion that would not be found anywhere else at Colgate,” Brothers Scribe sophomore Michael Pichardo said.

Charity Week has been a tra-dition for 14 years during which Brothers raise money to benefit two different causes each year, one being local and the other in-ternational. This year, the group selected Operation Smile as its international benefactor and the Southern Madison County Volun-teer Ambulance Corps (SOMAC) as its local benefactor. Operation Smile is a international organiza-tion that aims to spread smiles by correcting cleft palates of children in developingcountries. SOMAC,

founded in 1986, is a nonprofit organization that provides services for the town of Hamilton and sur-rounding areas. The group is in need of a new ambulance and is campaigning for additional funds.

From Monday, March 25 through Friday, March 29, Broth-ers hosted its annual bake sale in the O’Connor Campus Center.

On Tuesday, March 26, Brothers joined with The Games Afoot and the Blue Diamond Society (BDS)

for a Super Smash Bros tournament in Donovan’s Pub and the winner claimed his name to a trophy.

Brothers teamed up with The Games Afoot again on Wednesday, March 27 when they co-hosted a poker tournament at The Edge. The attendees played for stakes that were donated to the charities, but the winners walked away with trophies and bragging rights.

Spring weather on Thursday, March 28 allowed for the Brothers

to host an afternoon barbeque on the Academic Quad.

On Friday March 29 Broth-ers, BDS, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Kappa Tau, Sigma Chi, Beta Theta Pi, Theta Chi and Delta Upsilon banded together to auction off bachelors, which gave attendees the opportunity to bid on a chance for a date as the men strutted their stuff across stage.

The group finished off the week on Saturday, March 31 with an afternoon

three vs. three basketball tournament in the Huntington Gym with trophies for the champions.

The group designed graphic tee shirts that featured silhouettes of superheroes to add to the proceeds.

“For the past 14 years we’ve put on charity week as the capstone to our community service involvement for the year,” Brothers vice president sophomore Saeed Mouzaffar said.

Contact Sara Hinton [email protected].

Continued from A-1After receiving feedback from Colgate’s

peer-schools that offer gender-inclusive hous-ing, Nelson, Ice and Bergeron determined that the amended policy would produce no negative effects.

First-year Rachel Ernst, who will be liv-ing with one female and male student next year, said she has no apprehensions about her future living arrangement because the three-bedroom suite will allow each mem-ber space. However Ernst acknowledged that in some cases, people might become uncomfortable with their mixed-gender living arrangements throughout the year.

“There are always issues that arise with rooming, even in housing that is not gender neutral,” Ernst said. “Therefore, I think that the negatives of this policy change are no different than the issues that are naturally associated with all other types of housing.”

Nelson, Ice and Bergeron stressed that gender-inclusive housing is an option for Colgate students, not a requirement, and thus students would only live in mixed-

gender rooms or suites if they themselves requested that arrangement.

“We are all adults that should be able to live with whomever we choose, regardless of their gender,” Grunden said. “If you choose to live with someone of the same gender, com-pletely understandable. But others should at least have the choice to live in a situation that they choose and not have it denied of them.”

If the policy is approved, the incom-ing Class of 2017 would be able to re-quest mixed-gender housing this sum-mer and current students would be able to request mixed-gender housing during the Spring 2014 room selection process.

“I see [the policy] as a positive step; it doesn’t hurt. I guess you could say we’d be granted more adult-like freedoms. It shows that [the administration] thinks we’re ma-ture enough,” first-year Adam Basciano said. “Maybe 15 to 20 percent of the student body would request it, but I don’t think you judge its success by how many people sign up.”

Contact Julia Queller [email protected].

Donating for a cause: The Brothers of Colgate University hosted a week-long series of events to raise money for charity. The events included a poker tournament, Super Smash Brothers tournament, bachelor auction and a week-long bake sale in the O’Connor Campus Center.

New Housing Policy Allows Co-ed Living

on Campus

Page 3: Maroon News 4-4

The Colgate Maroon-News News A-3April 4, 2013


Monday, 3/25

12:25 a.m.: A student was injured after accidentally being struck in the head with a door at Gate House and was transported to Community Memorial Hospital by Campus Safety.

Tuesday, 3/26

3:03 a.m.: Campus Safety was assisted by the Hamilton Fire and Police Departments at Drake Hall after unknown in-dividual set a toilet paper dis-penser on fire. Case referred for disciplinary process.6:38 p.m.: Received a report of an ill student at Huntington Gym who signed off with SOMAC ambulance.

Wednesday, 3/27

7:47 a.m.: Staff members reported finding drug paraphernalia at O’Connor Campus Center.9:41 p.m.: A staff member at Case Library reported students in pos-session of alcohol. Case referred for disciplinary process.9:54 p.m.: A student at Case Library became disorderly and failed to produce identification when asked. Case referred for disciplinary process.

10:28 p.m.: Campus Safety on routine patrol of East Hall ob-served underage students in pos-session of alcohol. Case referred for disciplinary process.

Thursday, 3/28

12:45 a.m.: Campus Safety on routine patrol near Alumni Hall observed an underage intoxicat-ed student. Student was left in the care of a friend and alcohol was observed in his room. Case referred for disciplinary process.1:13 a.m.: Received a report of an intoxicated student at Cur-tis Hall who was transported to Community Memorial Hospital by SOMAC ambulance. Case referred for disciplinary process.2:26 a.m.: An underage intoxi-cated student was observed jump-ing on a parked vehicle near the Memorial Chapel. Student was left in the care of a friend. Case referred for disciplinary process.3:58 a.m.: Hamilton Police report-ed vandalism at the Barge Canal Coffee House on Lebanon Street. 5:08 a.m.: Received a report of van-dalism to a vehicle parked at 66 Broad Street (Delta Upsilon Fraternity).12:10 p.m.: A student was found in possession of a fraudulent driver’s license at 88 Hamilton

Street (Campus Safety). Case referred for disciplinary process.

Friday, 3/29

1:43 a.m.: An underage intoxicated student at the Townhouse Apart-ments was transported to Com-munity Memorial Hospital by SO-MAC ambulance. The student was also in possession of alcohol. Case referred for disciplinary process.1:43 a.m.: A resident of the Town-house Apartments was found to have covered a smoke detector. Case referred for disciplinary process.1:44 a.m.: A resident of the Town-house Apartments failed to evacuate for a fire alarm and was in possession of a large quantity of alcohol. Case referred for disciplinary process.2:40 a.m.: A resident of 92 Broad Street (Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity) filed a false complaint and during the investigation was found to have covered a smoke detector and was in possession of candles. Case referred for disciplinary process.3:13 a.m.: A resident of 88 Broad Street (Beta Theta Pi Fraterni-ty) was found to have covered a smoke detector. Case referred for disciplinary process.12:45 p.m.: A staff member re-ported vandalism to art work at Persson Hall.

4:49 p.m.: A student reported money taken from an unlocked locker at Huntington Gym.5:36 p.m.: A student reported a jacket taken from an unlocked locker at Huntington Gym.

Saturday, 3/30

1:06 a.m.: A student reported a lap-top taken from an unsecured room at 94 Broad Street (Sophomore Leadership House).3:11 a.m.: Campus Safety received a noise complaint for 88 Broad Street (Beta Theta Pi Fraternity), found a room’s occupancy was ex-ceeded and a smoke detector had been covered. Case referred for disciplinary process.3:11 a.m.: Campus Safety dis-covered a discharged fire extin-guisher at 88 Broad Street (Beta Theta Pi Fraternity).9:34 a.m.: Received a report of a broken window at 92 Broad Street (Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity).5:28 p.m.: Underage intoxicated students were found in possession of alcohol in a garage of a private residence on Maple Avenue. Case referred for disciplinary process.9:15 p.m.: A student was found in pos-session of a fraudulent driver’s license at 88 Hamilton Street (Campus Safety). Case referred for disciplinary process.

10:35 p.m.: Campus Safety on routine patrol of Dana Arts Center found students in pos-session of marijuana and drug paraphernalia. Case referred for disciplinary process.

Sunday, 3/31

2:09 a.m.: Campus Safety as-sisted the Hamilton Police De-partment after an individual fled from them and into 40 Broad Street (Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority). The individ-ual was a guest of a resident at 40 Broad Street.2:09 a.m.: A resident of 40 Broad Street (Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority) was found to have allowed another person to use her gate card to gain entry to the residence. Case referred for disciplinary process.12:31 p.m.: Received a report of vandalism to a vehicle parked in Alumni lot.10:13 p.m.: While providing an unlock at the Townhouse Apart-ments Campus Safety observed beer funnels and beer pong tables in an apartment. Case referred for disciplinary process.10:19 p.m.: Received a report of a student damaging furniture at Stillman Hall.

Continued from A-1“If the chaplain’s office runs

out of money, they’ll have to col-laborate with ALANA,” Student Government Association Liaison to Student Organizations Albert Raminfard said.

The biggest fear that the BAC has, however, is that students will lose power over their funding if or-ganizations such as the Chaplain’s Office and ALANA don’t create their own student committees to redistribute funds. It would ne-gate the goals of the relationship statement if faculty members de-cided how to disburse funds instead of students.

“There has been much discus-sion from the students on how to keep this allocation process in student control and not al-low it to be governed by the administration,” Caldwell said.

If the current draft of the Re-lationship Statement is approved, the document will override some of the power students have under the

SGA constitution.There are certainly other con-

cerns that are associated with the proposed changes. For this reason, they are subject to change. Since this would be a policy change, it also requires approval by the Board of Trustees. However, there is much work to be done before the board makes a decision.

“There are going to be many eyes on this document before it goes to the Board of Trustees,” Raminfard said.

As the Relationship Statement committee works to decide if they are committed to making such changes to the student funding pro-cess, numerous entities on campus, such as the Student Activities Board and the Dean’s Office, will offer their input. There will probably be multiple student forums as well. While the Relationship Statement is expected to be approved by the Board of Trustees over the summer, the Relationship Statement com-mittee has the option to submit

the Relationship Statement with-out making any changes to student group funding. Currently, a draft of the Relationship Statement is being circulated to offices across Colgate’s campus. If approved, the document will go to the Board of Trustees for a final decision in June.

On top of the Relationship Statement committee, other com-mittees have been formed to ad-dress some of these concerns. The Colgate University Recognition Board (CURB), comprised of 50 percent staff and 50 percent stu-dents, was created to review peti-tions for new organizations and to centralize the process. Addition-ally, Greek organizations are no longer defined separately, giving way to more cohesive discussions between the organization and the institution and among fraternities and sororities.

Contact Taylor Fleming at [email protected]

and Jared Golsmith at [email protected].

Relationship StatementRevamped to IncludeMore Student Input

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Page 4: Maroon News 4-4

The Colgate Maroon-News A-4 News April 4, 2013

By Amanda GoldenAssistant Editor

Colgate’s Student Government Association (SGA) has been in recent talks with students at Hamilton College in Clinton, N.Y. over a poten-tial partnership to promote and advertise events. However, members of SGA at Colgate are not on board at present.

“Hamilton College emailed me asking if we would help publicize a concert that they were having,” SGA President senior Matt Ford said. “They wanted to build a relationship of mutual publicity.”

But Ford explained how he felt that this shared relationship, for the sake of public-ity, was not something that would benefit Colgate overall.

“We didn’t really think it was one of the greater ideas we ever had,” Ford said. “Not many students go to Hamilton College from here ex-cept for a few who do a dance program there, but that’s something that they’ve chosen to do.”

Ford also noted that in the past, there have been issues with Hamilton students coming to Colgate for Spring Party Weekend (SPW) and not being held accountable for their actions.

“We usually have a problem with Hamil-ton students getting bussed in for Spring Party Weekend,” Ford said. “Hamilton College, through their SGA, gets buses to shuttle kids to Colgate and then they have no responsibility for

the town or the cleanup. They look just like us, so it’s pretty bad for our image when a lot of the disruptions with SPW goes on that are actually caused by Hamilton students. We did not think it was necessarily in the best interest to then foster such a relationship.”

Campus Activities Board Concerts Coor-dinator at Hamilton College Senior Lily Reszi Rothman said that the reason the relationship was proposed was that they were looking to promote an upcoming concert on their campus.

“It would be great to bring Hamilton and Colgate students together to create a larger com-munity to offer our events to, as both campuses bring so many amazing acts and events, and both student bodies should be able to benefit,” Rothman said.

The partnership, according to Ford, is not a top priority.

“If they reach back out to us, maybe we can consider it or maybe next year’s presidents will consider it, but just having talked to a lot of the people that are involved in these kinds of events, it seems to me as if they are trying to justify them coming to our SPW,” Ford said. “Hamilton had buses last year going every half hour from Hamil-ton College. That’s money that comes out of the student activity fee, and in my opinion, that is for Colgate students to enjoy.”

Administrative figures at Colgate echoed Ford’s feelings regarding the partnership.

“I briefly mentioned it to [Director of the

Center for Leadership and Student Involvement (CLSI)] Mike Maningas,” Ford said. “I expressed my opinion, and the opinion of the executive board, and he agreed that there’s a lot of fallout from SPW every year and he was not interested in having any more.”

While the musical performers for this year’s SPW have yet to be formally announced, Ford said that he feels the planning of this year’s SPW are going well.

“The situation with the acts is difficult be-cause performers work on a different schedule than the University does,” Ford said. “Whoever we have, I’m sure it will be good. I know there are some really top people working on it.”

Ford also shared details on the new venue set for the performers at this year’s SPW.

“In terms of the new venue, I’m pretty excited for that,” Ford said. “It used to be that we would have it on Whitnall Field or in Sanford Field House, but this year the concerts will all be held in the parking lot between Donovan’s Pub and Case Library, with the students up the hill on the Persson steps and the grounds there. Everyone thought it was a bit too steep, but it’s really not as steep as you’d think.”

Ford stressed that while not shooting down the collaboration entirely, he feels that Hamilton College would need to provide more on their end before Colgate would warm up to the idea of a mutual publicity relationship.

“I’m definitely not opposed to the collabo-

ration with Hamilton College, but I think that we’re bringing a lot more to the table than they are,” Ford said. “So to me, I would like to see some more input from them or a commitment to responsibility when their students are in our town before I really consider that.”

Rothman emphasized the importance she felt behind establishing such a relationship between the schools.

“We were seeking more publicity for the April 5th Walk The Moon concert, and figured that it was about time we created a partnership with Colgate,” Rothman said. “I know that the [Hamilton CAB equivalent] E-Board has made efforts in the past to reach out to Colgate to es-tablish a partnership or cooperation, but I’m not sure if those efforts were ever realized. I was sur-prised that this hadn’t successfully taken off in the past, and I thought it was worth another try.”

“The fact that the campuses are only a 20-minute drive away from one another just makes the cooperation more logical and conve-nient. If the cooperation catches on, maybe we would start running a bus back and forth during big events that would be funded by both schools, and we could offer discounts on tickets for Colgate students as well.”

There are no immediate plans to start a for-mal relationship centered on publicity between Hamilton College and Colgate University.

Contact Amanda Golden [email protected].

Continued from A-1Sander focused his lecture on what he calls

“mismatch,” or an unfit match between school and student, which directly results from “posi-tive discrimination.” For example, a black stu-dent may be accepted to a university at which he will succeed, yet forego that acceptance in favor of a more prestigious institution.

“The student who would flourish at, say, Wake Forest or the University of Rich-mond, instead finds himself at Duke, where the professors are not teaching at a pace de-signed for him,” Sander said. Students in this position struggle academically, lose self-confidence and either do not graduate or graduate near the bottom of their class, thus perpetuating stereotypes about students of minority backgrounds.

In Sander’s opinion, affirmative action has had negative consequences and should be changed. He proposes more moderate reform, such as programs that begin before college admission and are designed not just to place minority individuals side by side with those of the majority, but to equip mi-norities with the tools they need to do well once they are given the chance.

Sanders also discussed how equality among all American citizens has perhaps been the most important issue of the past 50 years, and it still hasn’t been achieved. As Sander pointed out, the hardest part of the battle for equality isn’t establishing equality as a right, a law or a

theory. Instead, the hardest part is fostering ac-tual equality - achieving a point at which race, religion, ethnicity and gender have no statistical bearing on who gets admitted or hired where.

Sander’s lecture was very well attended; stu-dents were particularly receptive to his statis-

tics, many of which were profoundly counter-intuitive and (as statistics) unbiased, and many students remained after the lecture to speak with Sander and ask him questions.

Contact Crozer Connorat [email protected].

ControverCial Counterpoints: Professor Sander brought up politically controversial arguments about the negative effects of Affirmative Action.

Anna Heil

Hamilton College Seeks Relationship with Colgate SGA

Hamilton hopes the relationship will lead to easier access to SPW

Richard Sander Discusses “Positive Discrimination”

in College Admissions

Wireless Printing

to be Installed for Next Semester

Increase in Efficiency and Sustainability to

be Expected Continued from A-1

ITS will take a few steps to make wireless printing feasible on campus. Lynch detailed two essential steps for the ITS staff.

“We will leverage already licensed soft-ware, Papercut, to enable a web printing gateway,” Lynch said. “We will then need to develop documentation and train our staff and student workers to support and assist students with wireless printing.”

In addition to enabling wireless print-ing, Ford said the student body should also anticipate some environmentally-friendly changes to the printing system that will be announced in conjunction with the wireless move.

“Our unnecessary paper waste is cur-rently extreme, and we’re taking steps to improve it,” Ford said.

Contact Hannah Fuchs at [email protected].

Page 5: Maroon News 4-4

The Colgate Maroon-News

B-1April 4, 2013 Commentary

The Colgate Maroon-NewsStudent Union

Colgate University13 Oak Drive

Hamilton, New York 13346

phone: (315) 228-7744 • fax: (315) 228-7028 • [email protected]

The opinions expressed in the Maroon-News are those of the individual writers and do not necessarily represent the views of

the Maroon-News or of Colgate University.

Submission Policy:The Colgate Maroon-News accepts Commentary pieces regarding news coverage, editorial policy, University affairs and other topics pertinent to the students and campus community at Colgate University. We reserve the right to edit submissions based on available space and provided that they adhere to our style guidelines. We do not print open letters, and submissions received in this format will be edited. We cannot guarantee publication of all submissions received and we reserve the right to reject submissions based on style, punc-tuation, grammar and appropriateness. Defaming, denigrating or incriminating language regarding or directed at individual students and/ or student groups will not be printed. Self-promotion or solicitation on behalf of student groups will not be printed. Idiomatic profanity will not be printed. Offensive language may be printed as part of a report on the use of such language or related issues. Anonymous letters to the Editor will not be printed. Letters from alumni should include the graduation year of the writer and all writers should provide a telephone number for verification. All submissions must be received by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. for Thursday publication.

Advertising Information:The Colgate Maroon-News welcomes paid advertisements. The deadline for copy is Monday at 5 p.m. for Thursday publication. We reserve the right to make final judgment on the size of an ad and whether it will be included in the issue requested.

Publishing Information:The Colgate Maroon-News (USPS 121320) is published weekly when classes are in session by the students of Colgate University. Subscription price is $60 per year. Postmaster: Send address changes to the above address.

Lyla Currim • Amanda Golden • Anna Heil Caroline Main • Alanna Weissman • Lauren Casella

Assistant Editors

Carter Cooper • Will HazzardEditors-in-Chief

Volume CXLV, Issue 20 • April 4, 2013

James Bourne • Andrea HackettManaging Editors

Tom Wiley • Nile WilliamsExecutive Editors

Rebekah WardCopy Editor

Emily Kress • Cambria LitseyArts & Features Editors

Matt Knowles • Selina KollerCommentary Editors

Stephanie Jenks • Emma WhitingNews Editors

Laura D’Angelo • Annie Schein • Belle StepienSports Editors

Selina KollerBusiness Manager

Ryan Geisser • Melanie Grover-Schwartz • David JohnsonOnline Editors

Jennifer Rivera • Quincey SpagnolettiSenior Photography Editors

Editor’s ColumnAs Mets Open Their Season,

Disappointment There’s No Colgate Baseball

Jessica Benman • Leah Robinson • Kerry Houston • Julia QuellerProduction Assistant

Feel strongly about something on campus or in the Maroon-News?


Send submissions to [email protected]

By Andrea HackettManaging Editor

This Monday, April 1, marked my favorite holiday of the year. No, I’m not talking about April Fools Day (though my friends and I have successfully cut my roommate’s tube of tooth-paste for four years in a row now). My actual favorite holiday is opening day of Major League Baseball, which ushers in six months of invaluable bliss.

And, what a glorious opening day it was for a diehard New York Mets fan like myself. Though the 11-2 victory over the San Diego Padres probably has little bearing on the season as a whole – being a Mets fan has taught me to have generally low expectations – the excitement of winning that first game at home with a bang as loud as Collin Cowgill’s grand slam in the seventh inning is unparalleled, felt not only by each of the players, but by every fan watching from the stadium or from home. Or, like me, watching MLB Gameday from my laptop during a 2:45 class. It is that sheer excitement that makes me love baseball so immensely, an emotion that is perhaps felt universally among baseball fans on opening day.

This editor’s column is not just about my love for the New York Mets, otherwise it would be better off in the sports section. Rather, it’s about a slight issue I’ve had with Colgate since coming here four years ago, one that is not often spoken about. That issue is our lack of a base-ball team, which as an avid fan of the sport, I have found incredibly disappointing. Besides a club team (though I must admit I’ve never attended a game) the closest thing Colgate has to baseball is the opening day theme at Frank Dining Hall. And at least for me, a hot dog and bag of popcorn isn’t going to cut it, regardless of how adorable Jean looks in a baseball cap. Maybe because my own blue and orange team has been consistently terrible for quite some time, but I personally would love a maroon team to root for in Hamilton. I also wouldn’t mind admiring a few more athletes around campus, since baseball players are obviously the cutest.

Now, I do not mean to undermine our softball team, or any of the other existing teams on campus, just to express my frustration at this particular sacrifice for Title IX compliance. And while I do believe in the equality of opportunities for male and female athletes, this loss for Colgate Athletics seems unfair. With 12 female and 11 male teams, why does baseball, suppos-edly America’s favorite pastime, have to strikeout? I understand there is an issue of budgeting, which requires equal funds to be distributed among male and female teams. However, in my albeit biased opinion, baseball is a major, widely popular sport that ought to be represented at a Division I college like Colgate. Of the eight schools in the Patriot League, Colgate and Ameri-can are the only two without baseball teams, which gives us a considerable disadvantage in the friendly competition among our rivals. One of the reasons I decided to attend Colgate was the significant presence of athletics given its size. Had I done better research and known my favorite sport would not be included in the program, I just might have reevaluated my decision.

This article is nothing more than a personal grievance, and ought not to be interpreted as anything else. I understand that Colgate will most likely never have a baseball team again, and I will never be able to root for the Raiders on the field or at the plate, at least at a varsity level. What I have done is add, “attend a varsity softball/club baseball/intramural softball game” to my senior-year bucket list, which in addition to watching Gameday during class, will be the closest I can get to satisfying my baseball fix. So, my fellow baseball enthusiasts, I’ll see you this spring at the Eaton Street Softball Complex and at Whitnall Field, cheering on the students who, like us, have an appreciation for the sport. Let’s go Raiders, and let’s go Mets.

Contact Andrea Hackett at [email protected].

Take me ouT To The ballgame: There hasn’t been a varsity baseball team on campus since 1996, as a provision of accepting Title IX. Baseball fans at Colgate University will have to look to the major leagues to get thei baseball fix.

Maroon-News Archives

Page 6: Maroon News 4-4

The Colgate Maroon-News April 4, 2013B-2 Commentary

By Sara SirotaMaroon-News Staff

The Supreme Court heard two cases, both of which are of utmost importance to both advocates and oppo-nents of gay rights on March 26 and 27, 2013. Now they will be waiting until June to hear the outcomes of these highly controversial cases.

The first case, Perry v. Brown, involves California’s Prop-osition 8, which was passed in the November 2008 state elections. Proposition 8 states, “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.” The court case originated in 2010 when the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California ruled that Proposition 8 violated the Due Process and the Equal Protection Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment.

On February 7, 2012, the Ninth Circuit agreed with the district court’s decision, but they did so on much nar-rower terms. The proponents of Proposition 8 appealed the decision to the Supreme Court, which agreed to hear the case by granting a writ of certiorari, which is a formal written order that seeks judicial review.

The second case, U.S. v. Windsor, involves the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on September 21, 1996. This case originated in 2011, when Edith Windsor filed a lawsuit in response to the $363,000 in federal estate taxes imposed upon her when she inherited her wife’s estate. She and Thea Spyer were married in Toronto, Ontario, in 2007, after their residential state of New York legally recognized same-sex marriages performed in other jurisdictions.

In June 2012, the U.S. Court for the Southern Dis-trict of New York found that Section Three of DOMA was unconstitutional under the equal protection guar-antees of the Fifth Amendment. Section Three states, “the word ‘marriage’ means only a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife, and the

word ‘spouse’ refers only to a person of the opposite sex who is a husband or a wife.” The Second Circuit affirmed the district court’s decision, and the Supreme Court granted certiorari after accepting the Department of Justice’s petition.

Now we are left to wonder, “What should the Su-preme Court decide?” An examination of the U.S. Con-stitution reveals that the Supreme Court must eradicate Proposition 8 and DOMA.

If we take a look at the Due Process and the Equal Protection Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment, we see that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional. The Due Process Clause states, “nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty or property.”

Proposition 8 does deprive gay people of life, liberty and property because it forbids them from having one

of the most fundamental and desired rights in life: the right to marry.

The Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment asserts, “no state shall … deny to any per-son within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” In Brown v. Board of Education of 1954, the Su-preme Court found that racially segregated schools were unconstitutional under this clause. In Reed v. Reed of 1970, the Supreme Court found that naming administra-tors of estates based on gender was also unconstitutional under the Equal Protection Clause. Just as it has used this clause to diminish discrimination based on race and gender, the Supreme Court must now use it to diminish discrimination based on sexual orientation.

The equal protection guarantees of the Fifth Amend-ment clearly suggest that DOMA is unconstitutional. While the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Con-stitution is found within the Fourteenth Amendment, the Fourteenth Amendment only applies to state gov-ernments. Many people argue that the equal protec-tion guarantees of this clause apply to the federal government under the Fifth Amendment.

DOMA is unconstitutional under the Equal Protec-tion Clause for the same reasons that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional. Since DOMA is a federal law and the federal government must ensure equal protection of the laws, the Supreme Court must abolish it. Even President Clinton has informed the public that he regrets sign-ing DOMA into law and urges the Supreme Court to overturn it.

It is the duty of the U.S. government to ensure all citizens are treated equally. Discriminatory legislation like Proposition 8 and DOMA are contradictory to this responsibility and are morally unfair.

Thus, the Supreme Court must find in Perry v. Brown that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional and in U.S. v. Windsor that DOMA is unconstitutional.

Contact Sara Sirota at [email protected].

Hamilton LegalLife, Liberty and Marriage Equality

DOMA DOwn the DrAin?: In June, the U.S. supreme court will determine the constitutionality of both the Defense of Marriage act and Proposition 8.

Page 7: Maroon News 4-4

The Colgate Maroon-NewsApril 4, 2013 Commentary B-3

By Katie RobertsClass of 2001

The year 2013 is the 40th anniversary of women’s athletics at Colgate. On its face, it doesn’t sound particularly important. However, it’s an amazing accomplishment, given that Colgate only began admitting women to the university in 1970.

In honor of this event, I wanted to write about the importance of Title IX and its lasting impact on female student athletes at Colgate, but once I started, it sounded really boring. If I’ve learned anything in the 12 years since I graduated from Colgate, it’s that most people like stories they can relate to and that have a meaningful message. This is for all you athletes who may be questioning your decision to play a sport in college.

When I was growing up in New Hampshire, I was fortunate to be a fairly gifted athlete. I excelled at any sport I played, with the exception of basketball – my Colgate teammates can attest to this. After years of driving me between swim meets, tennis practice and soccer games, my mother demanded that I choose one sport, and that sport was soccer. Every ath-lete has a tale explaining their experience from when they first began to play their particular sport and how they eventually came to play at their college or university. While those stories can be important, they’re essentially all the same, so I’ll skip forward to my time as a member of the Colgate women’s varsity soccer team.

The women’s soccer team was already a dynas-ty when I came on board. They’d won six Patriot League championships, and in 1997 the stakes be-came even higher with the Patriot League champion having an automatic bid to the NCAA tournament. I was eager, but scared. I’d been recruited, but so had eight other girls. In high school, I was confident be-cause I was the star player. Now I was a high school standout among many high school standouts. I will never forget the first practice of my first preseason. At 6:30 a.m., the captains gathered the team in a common room of Curtis, where we ate breakfast. The atmosphere was cheerful, not only because of the upcoming season, but because the return-ing players were excited to see each other. Mean-while, us first-years sat in terrified silence, obviously nervous about our 7:30 a.m. practice … at the track.

The next four years of my soccer career did not go as planned. I had a few starts sprinkled throughout my four years, but it was a long way from what I’d dreamed about – starting and playing every minute of every game. I probably averaged 35 minutes or less a game, playing whatever position Coach Brawn asked me to fill. I didn’t care, as long as I got to play. The first two years didn’t bother me too much because I’d spoken with friends at other schools who were getting far less playing time than me. It wasn’t until my junior year rolled around, and I played less than I did as a first-year, that I became angry and hurt. I was working very hard in practice, and I thought it was completely unfair that I wasn’t getting a chance to prove myself.

Towards the end of that junior season I had an epiphany. Speaking with one of our senior standouts about potential captains for the next year, I expressed my desire to be a captain. She gave me a peculiar look and explained, as gently as she could, that the team didn’t think of me as a captain. It was then that I realized I viewed myself differently than my teammates. I was a member of the team, but certainly not one of its leaders.

Everyone has an important role to play. You may be the star or you might be an ex-tremely vocal cheerleader on the bench who gets 10 or 15 minutes of playing time. Rec-

ognizing your role and deciding whether or not you accept it is what matters most. I had always described myself primar-ily as a soccer player. It defined me. The epiphany was that I was no longer simply a soccer player. I finally understood that people are not defined by one aspect of their life, but by many.

I chose to accept my role on the wom-en’s soccer team, and I’m a better, more humble person for it. I gave 110 percent effort in games and in practice and sup-ported my team in every way possible. I wasn’t in the spotlight anymore, but that was okay. I don’t regret my four years as a student-athlete at Colgate. I can say with confidence that it was one of the best decisions of my life and I wouldn’t have changed a thing. For those of you contem-plating quitting a team, please reconsider. You won’t regret it … I promise.

Alumni ColumnYour Athletic Role - Does it Define You?

Taking one for The Team: Realizing that not everyone can always be the star player is a lesson of growing up. To be part of a team means to put aside momentary disappointments for the sake of the greater goal.

Page 8: Maroon News 4-4

The Colgate Maroon-News

April 4, 2013Arts & FeaturesC-1

In The LIghT

To nominate a senior for In The LIghT

e-mail [email protected].

Jason Taylor

By Annie McNamara Maroon-News Staff

Senior Jason Taylor, who hails from Bar-rington, Ill., is a double concentrator in inter-national relations and German. Now, in the final stretch of his senior year, he explained he has no regrets in his decision to attend Colgate.

Originally from Switzerland, Taylor knew he wanted to use his international background in his college career, as he also speaks Swiss German.

“I figured if I combined that with a dou-ble concentration in IR and German then I could potentially explore international career opportunities,” Taylor said.

Outside of the academic arena, Taylor was on the track team for one year as well as the football team for two, but unfortunately had to quit due to injury. However, Taylor’s engagement in the Colgate community con-tinues through his involvement in the im-provizational comedy group Charred Goose-beak, snowboarding, participation in the intramural basketball team “The Jags” and his membership in Delta Upsilon fraternity.

“I’ve always liked the idea of being onstage and performing for people,” Taylor said of his decision to join the comedy group.

Alumni of Broken Lizard (Charred Goosebeak’s former name) also heavily influenced his decision to join the group last spring. Charred Goosebeak performs on a bi-weekly basis at Donovan’s Pub and practices twice a week in preparation.

“Working with other people on stage and having a scene develop is just absolutely amazing when it works out well,” Taylor said.

Colgate students can also see him perform this spring when he co-hosts Dancefest with fellow Charred Goosebeak member senior Haley Mirr.

He continues his involvement through his role as a brother and social chair for Delta Upsilon fraternity. This year they raised mon-ey through a pledge auction for Susan G. Ko-men for the cure, the breast cancer research foundation, in collaboration with Kappa Kappa Gamma, Gamma Phi Beta and the women’s volleyball team. Taylor has been the auctioneer for the past two years.

“We raised about $5,000 this year, which was absolutely awesome,” Taylor said.

Taylor just returned from London, as he plans to get involved in international head hunting in the city next year. He will be working in either Germany or Switzerland on IT recruitment.

His advises underclassman to be open during their time at Colgate.

“As you’re walking along, keep your head up and make eye contact. If you put yourself out there, people are going to respond well to that,” Taylor said.

By Jaime GelmanMaroon-News Staff

“I was in a sorority for a while ... before I realized that I didn’t want to pay for friends,” comedian Nikki Glaser said.

I don’t normally watch MTV, but af-ter Glaser’s comedy performance, cour-tesy of Colgate Activities Board (CAB) Comedy, I think I might have to start watching. Glaser was highly provoca-tive and dirty all-around, but with her tongue-in-cheek responses and witty discussion topics, she kept the audience laughing the entire show.

Glaser’s career began while she was still in college, when she was a contestent on sea-son four of “Last Comic Standing.” She cur-rently resides in New York City, where she co-hosts the popular comedy podcast “You Had to Be There” with Sara Schaefer. The two started their own late-night talk show on MTV this past January, called “The Nik-ki and Sara Show,” which airs at 11 p.m. on Tuesday nights.

After starting off with a classic joke about the need for a bigger auditorium – there were less than 30 people in Golden Auditorium, which can seat about 150 people – Glaser continued to discuss many different topics, ranging from relationships and alcohol to cell phones and being poor. She spent much of the event discussing crude topics, most of which centered on unhelpful relationship advice.

“I dated a vegan white rapper once,” Glaser said. “Yeah, I don’t even need a punch line for that.”

Although she was speaking mostly from the center of the stage, much of the show was interactive. She was constantly talk-ing to the audience members, even having full-on conversations with a few of them. Glaser particularly picked on the men in attendance – fondly referring to one as “John Mayer,” saying that he looked and sounded like the acclaimed singer, another as “Vest” for the green vest he was sport-ing and a third boy, who was someone’s younger brother and to whom Glaser re-ferred every time she spoke about middle or high school students.

One of the tamer topics she talked about during the show was smoking pot. She made several cracks about herself and her friends, par-ticularly how they used to discuss smok-ing pot with the eu-pehmism “knitting sweaters” when they were much younger, thinking that no-body would guess its true meaning.

Another topic Gla-ser discussed at the end of the show was how easily iPhones break. She made an

observation about how people always com-ment on cracked iPhone screens; it is as if they are shouting “you’re poor” for not replacing the phone as soon as it breaks. She said it is similar to pointing out to a friend’s face that she is driving a broken down car and thus is probably poor.

Despite her choice to engage with less-then-tasteful material – “Alcoholism runs in my family,” Glaser said. “Well, it doesn’t run so much as it stumbles.” – Glaser proved to be witty and hilarious.

For those looking to catch her on televi-sion, check out the first season of “The Nikki and Sara Show,” which ends on April 16, for more impressive humor.

Contact Jaime Gelman at [email protected].

By Lauren CasellaMaroon-News Staff

The Brothers of Colgate University (Brothers) held their Bach-elor Auction to conclude their annual Charity Week last Friday, March 29. The event took place in the Hall of Presidents (HOP) and featured bachelors representing Brothers, the Blue Diamond Society (BDS), Beta Theta Pi, Delta Upsilon, Phi Delta Theta (Phi Delt), Phi Kappa Tau, Sigma Chi and Theta Chi, as well as some sports teams. The evening was emceed by seniors Eddy Sihavong and Jonathan Mputu. All of the proceeds for the bachelors from Brothers went to Operation Smile, an organization benefitting children with facial deformities like cleft palate and cleft lip. Fur-thermore, 10 percent of the funds raised by the bachelors will be donated to their favorite charity.

The event was well-attended and the crowd was filled with friends of the bachelors and bidders hoping to win a date with one of the available collegiate men. Each bachelor had a biography projected on a screen onstage with a summary of his interests,

involvement on campus and ideal date. Bachelors were auctioned individually, in pairs and in groups of three. From the outset, bid-ding consistently reached upwards of $40 per bachelor. The bid-ding of Theta Chi brothers, senior Andrew McCormick and junior James Speight, saw a spike in auction value. After a tasteful strip tease and a series of push-ups showing off their athletic capabili-ties, they were auctioned off for $105 – one of the highest of the night. Later, junior Pat Moore and sophomore Matt McMullen, both players for the Colgate men’s basketball team, topped the previous highest bid by 10 dollars and generously performed a lap dance for their bidder on stage.

Not all the bachelors relied on their physique. Some chose to let their biographies and their approachable, friendly demeanor speak for itself. Phi Delt junior Micky Silverman garnered the highest bid of the night, $155, without taking off a single article of cloth-ing. The audience seemed to enjoy all presentations regardless of whether or not clothing removal occurred.

Many of the bachelors relied on their talents to help them raise as much money: several chose to sing and play instruments. Soph-omore Jake Roth performed a gymnastics routine across the stage to show off his strength and talent. Other bachelors chose to win over the audience with their intellect. Senior Will Hazzard spoke several sentences in French instructing the audience to “achetez moi” – simply put, to buy him.

The proceeds all benefit great causes and this night proved it-self to be a popular and well-attended annual event that provides laughs and entertainment to the audience and participants, as well. The lucky high bidders won a date with their bachelor – some date suggestions ranged from dinner at the Colgate Inn to a classy night at the Old Stone Jug.

This year was the first time Brothers chose to collaborate with other campus organizations. The addition of these bachelors un-doubtedly drew more attention to the event and helped increase both attendance and total dollar amounts raised. All in all, the auction raised approximately $2,000.

Overall, the event was an interesting evening for everyone involved. It was great to see the bachelors supporting such wor-thy causes and taking time out of their weekends to give back to the community.

Contact Lauren Casella at [email protected].

MTV’s Nikki Glaser Ignites Golden Auditorium with Crude Humor


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Quincey Spagnoletti

Brothers Enlists Greeks and Athletes for Annual Charity Auction

Buy a Boy: Sophomore Jake Roth represented the Blue Diamond Society and raised $50 to donate to SOMAC.

Anna Heil

Page 9: Maroon News 4-4

The Colgate Maroon-News Arts & Features C-2April 4, 2013

By Cambria LitseyArts & Features Editor

Sheryl Sandberg

Looking for inspiration from a lead-ing entrepreneur? Come to Cotterell Court at 5 p.m. on Friday, April 5 to hear Sheryl Sandberg, chief operating officer (COO) of Facebook and best-selling author of “Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead,” discuss her experiences as a woman in the American business world. A free copy of her book will also be provided to all attendees. Register online if you are interested.

Senior night at the barge

Head down to the Barge Canal Coffee Co. on Friday, April 5, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. to hear your favor-ite members of the Colgate Class of 2013 sing their hearts out. Among the many talents performing will be Da-gan Rossini, Max Brody, Caitlin Mc-Gonagle, Corin Kinkhabwala, Emily Blease, Ben Diamond & Chris Butler, Mclain Roth, Caitlin Grossjung, Amy McBeth and the Dischords.


Join the Resolutions, one of Col-gate’s co-ed a cappella groups, in the Colgate Memorial Chapel this Satur-day, April 6, at 8 p.m. for their annual Akfest concert. Their setlist will in-clude plenty of new pieces so stop by to hear their fresh compositions. Admis-sion is $5 and tickets will be sold in the O’Connor Campus Center (Coop) throughout the week.

night MarKet

Stop by the Philanthropists at Col-gate House (110 Broad) this Satur-day, April 6, from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. to sample a variety of delicious inter-national foods at the annual Night Market. The event is co-sponsored by a number of cultural clubs on cam-pus and will feature tasty samples of ethinc foods from various restaurants in Hamilton and in the nearby central New York area. The event is free so be sure to make a quick stop on your way to or from downtown.

gate-town ConneCtion

Come to Whitnall Field this Sun-day, April 7, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. to connect with Colgate students, professors and Hamilton residents at the third annual Gate-Town Connec-tion. The event is hosted by the Blue Diamond Society (BDS) along with the Athletics Department, The Office of the Dean of the College, Gamma Phi Beta, Philanthropists at Colgate (PAC) and Sidekicks. There will fun activities including inflatables, live music and relay races along with a BBQ rife with plenty of free food and a pie eating contest. Stop by for a fun way to end the weekend.

Contact Cambria Litsey [email protected].

Entertainment Update

Your Week inPreview

By Claire Littlefield and Emma EllisMaroon-News Staff

We know that making quiche seems like a daunting task. It’s French. It involves baking something that isn’t a cookie. It’s got that weird “q” thing going on. As a result, many people have only eaten quiche in fancy cafés or in mini, store-bought form. And it’s really a shame, be-cause there is nothing more lusciously cheesy and satisfying than homemade quiche.

The truth is, the process of making quiche is as simple and straightforward as its in-gredients list. It’s really just eggs and dairy, whipped together and thrown in the oven. The high fat content definitely makes this a recipe that should be eaten sparingly, but it’s a great dish to have in your arsenal for spe-cial occasions. It can be eaten for just about any meal and, since it reheats well in the mi-crowave, you can make it in advance or treat yourself to leftovers.

Once you master this basic recipe, you can alter it to include more of your favorite flavors; tomato, basil, caramelized onions, goat cheese, fresh jalapeños, asparagus and mushrooms could all be excellent additions.

Servings: 6-7

Ingredients:1 deep-dish piecrust1 bag of spinach1 1/2 cups half and half6 oz semi-hard cheese (swiss and cheddar work best)3 eggs1/2 tsp saltPepperNutmeg (optional, but highly recommended)

Process:1. Preheat your oven to 375º.2. Microwave the spinach for a few min-

utes until it begins to wilt, then pat it down with a dry paper towel to remove some of the excess moisture. This step is important

because it will prevent the spinach from ris-ing to the top of the quiche as it bakes and becoming dry and overdone.

3. Next, grate your cheese and put it in the bottom of your piecrust.

4. Then blend the eggs, half and half, salt, a few grinds of pepper and a dash of nutmeg until combined. If you don’t have a blender, a bowl and a whisk (or even a bowl and a fork) will work just as well, although it will take a little longer.

5. Pour the egg mixture into the piecrust.6. Add the spinach. Use your finger or a

fork to break up any clumps of spinach so it spreads out evenly over the top of the quiche.

7. You’re ready to put it in the oven! You may want to put the pie tin on top of a cookie sheet in case you spill any liquid during the move or it overflows during the baking process.

8. Bake for about 45-55 minutes, or until the top is golden brown and puffed all the way across.

Bonus Points:First, the simple one: 1/4 pound of bacon,

crisped up in the microwave, crumbled up and put into the bottom of the piecrust before the grated cheese. Indulgent and delicious.

The second is a little more complicated, but way worth it. It is a fact of life that homemade piecrust far outclasses store-bought. Look up “Williams-Sonoma Basic Pie Dough” for a simple crust that comes together in about 20 minutes if you work quickly.

Contact Claire Littlefield at [email protected] and Emma

Ellis at [email protected].

Allez, Cuisine! Spinach Quiche

Colgate Couture : How to Rock the Menswear Look

By Alexis Manrodt

Maroon-News Staff

Menswear-inspired fashion is the perfect transitional trend from the layered looks of winter to the floral-filled days of spring and summer. Whether you prefer sharp, tailored blazers or slouchy boyfriend-style jeans, there is a look for every gal wanting to steal from the fellas.

Women sporting men’s fashion is far from new. Diane Keaton solidified her status as a ’70s style icon when she wore her own Ralph Lauren suits in “Annie Hall,” while socialite-turned-activist Bianca Jagger is well known for rocking menswear, even choosing a white suit jacket for her wedding to Roll-ing Stone singer Mick Jagger back in the day. Recently, the look has come back in full force with modern dandies like Janelle Monae and Rachel Bilson regularly appearing in tailored suits, and has even got Beyoncé wondering “if I were a boy.”

The simplest way to try the trend is to invest in a well-cut blazer. The possibilities are end-less – cropped, oversized or tailored, the blazer is a chic and simple item that every girl should own. Whether you choose a classic shade like black or navy, or have fun in spring-approved pastels or white, the blazer is basically the mir-acle piece that can add edge and sophistication to an outfit in equal measure. Adding a blazer on top of a girlish frock is an easy trick to get a masculine edge without losing your feminine sensibility. For more daring girls, pair a blazer

with matching trousers or sharp pants for a suit-like look. On warm-weather days, layer a white blazer over a white button down or blouse with dark, tailored shorts and lace-up brogues. It’s a look worn by the likes of Alexa Chung and Kirsten Dunst and it is one that is easy to assemble from most any girl’s closet.

Second to the blazer comes the Oxford button down. Button up an Oxford to the collar and tie a ribbon or thin scarf into a bow at the neck for a girly take on the neck-tie, or add a statement necklace underneath the collar for a pop of sparkle that will set you apart from the boys. Layering a light-weight sweater or graphic sweatshirt on top of a button down is a great preppy style to try as well.

The most fun menswear styles are in the ac-cessories. You don’t have to go full stop and start sporting cufflinks, but there are many masculine details to add to your look. Experi-ment with bowties and suspenders for a quirky look that is less Larry King and more Lou Doi-llon. Top off your outfit with a hat and choose a traditional menswear cut like a fedora, news-boy cap or bowler hat – it will add a playful vibe to your look. Invest in a few pairs of loaf-ers and lace-up brogues in a variety of colors and textures. Steve Madden’s insanely popular pony hair loafers are always a great look, but also check out the multi-colored and metallic brogues offered at ASOS for fun, fancy kicks. Pair your shoes with patterned ankle socks for a quirky detail, and make sure to show them off by wearing cropped trousers or jeans.

Jewelrywise, sport an oversized wristwatch. As a rule of thumb, go for one so large it looks like you stole it from your father. Add girly ac-cessories like charm bracelets, pearls and other shiny baubles for a fun contrast.

To start your menswear shopping, look at Elizabeth and James, the ready-to-wear line designed by Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, which melds masculine and femi-nine fashions. Also be sure to check out stores like Zara, Madewell and J.Crew for fun inspired pieces in trendy prints and patterns. Finally, don’t be afraid to raid the closets of every man in your life – boyfriend, brother, father or friend. You know, for the sake of fashion.

Contact Alexis Manrodt [email protected].

By Quincey SpagnolettiSenior Photography Editor

Who do you predict to win the men’s college basketball tournament?

“Lousiville.”-Erica Borsack ‘16

“Lousiville.”-Pat Liengueu ‘13

“Syracuse.”-Ayman Khondker ‘15

“Wichita State.”-Doug Montesano ‘13

“Syracuse.”-Eric Ugemura ‘14

All photos by Quincey Spagnoletti.Contact Quincey Spagnoletti at

[email protected].

Questions on the Quad

Want to suggest a question?

E-mail us at [email protected]

Emma Ellis

Page 10: Maroon News 4-4

The Colgate Maroon-NewsC-3 Arts & Features April 4, 2013

By Jackson LeedsMaroon-News Staff

There are many striking lyrics on Tyler, The Creator’s new album “Wolf,” but per-haps none is more representative of his ca-reer thus far than his proud proclamation on “Wolf ” standout “Domo 23”: “I ate one roach and made a lot of money.”

Tyler is referring to the video for his breakthrough hit “Yonkers,” in which the barely-legal rapper eats a roach and hangs himself. The actions have nothing to do with Tyler’s actual personality; they are nothing more than an act, something per-formed to gain attention. The video, now almost two years old, serves as a thesis statement for the Odd Future collective, as it embodies their ironic, satanic and ever entertaining approach to traditional hip hop.

The fans at an Odd Future concert last fall, most of who are between 16 and 25 years old, were some of the most loyal that one would hope to see at an event. Most of them knew every word of each song the group per-formed, a testament to their witty, ignorant lyrics. These were songs about death, drugs, skipping school and family issues, but ev-eryone was singing along with a huge smile on their face, like it was the best moment of their lives. The way Odd Future commands a crowd is one of the more impressive things one might see at a concert, as the mosh pit they create can prove truly unpleasant.

It is not just that people enjoy Odd Fu-ture’s music. For many of the kids at this

concert, especially those with braces and skateboarding shoes, Tyler is someone who they want to be. He strikes them as a leader, someone who doesn’t care about the rest of the world. More than that, he is someone who does what he wants, 100 percent of the time. In an era where role models are becoming increasingly hard to come by, Ty-ler has filled a niche and turned disgruntled teenagers into an enthusiastic fan base.

On his new album, Tyler seems to have found a promising new sound. Tyler himself was the main producer of his album and all of the tracks are complex blends of offbeat lyrics and solid production, typical of Odd Future releases. Much of what Tyler says on this al-bum could be considered part of his market-ing scheme, as crude and absurd lyrics run rampant throughout the hour-long album to draw listeners and controversy.

On opener “Wolf,” Tyler begins with pleasant piano music, then proceeds to ver-bally assault listeners with curse words. This leads into standout track “Jamba,” in which Tyler flows impressively about subject matter which is unquotable. Here, the lyrics feel like the main course.

That is not to say that this isn’t an album for music lovers. Sonically, the album is so varied that it is nearly impossible to charac-terize. Some of the beats are dark, while oth-ers are happy or neutral, allowing Tyler to shine through.

Tyler has been successfully marketing Odd Future products online and in pop-up shops in places like Los Angles and New York. Selling merchandise is central to the goal of the collective, since it allows their iconography to circulate like propaganda. Much of the merchandise they made sold out immediately, and now it seems like they sell more clothes than the average clothing company.

“Wolf” is a solid third solo album; even fans who were expecting a lot from this re-lease won’t be disappointed. Tyler can be a bit hard to decipher, especially on this album, but that’s hardly an issue after multiple lis-tens. Grab a copy and check it out.

Contact Jackson Leeds at [email protected].

The Commercial Genius of Tyler, The Creator and Odd Future

By Alan DowlingMaroon-News Staff

I’ve decided to go on a bit of a sojourn from my usual house-based fare and explore some must-hears from other genres. For this week, it’s a range of alt- and blues-rock that pairs up wonderfully.

1. “Monkey Gone to Heaven” by the PixiesThe Pixies were crucial in the development of alt in the late ’80s. This song showcases their sense of harmony and dynamic as well as their sense of humor.

2. “Kiss Off” by the Violent FemmesThe Femmes did early alternative rock before almost anybody else and play a mean acoustic bass to boot.

3. “The Man Who Sold the World” by Nirvana (Orig. by David Bowie)Nirvana locked down and defined grunge and alt in the early ‘90s. This is a lesser-known but very catchy gem of theirs.

4. “Even Flow” by Pearl JamThis track follows Nirvana’s nicely. Pearl Jam pioneered grunge with the band and further developed it after Nirvana’s break up.

5. “One More Cup of Coffee” by The White Stripes (Orig. by Bob Dylan)The White Stripes mixed blues-rock and an alty sound and helped kick off the garage-rock fad of the early 2000s.

6. “No Wow” by the KillsThe Kills, like the Stripes, have a very cut-down style that usually features nothing but guitar and voice. Forceful yet melodic nevertheless.

7. “The Brightest Green” by AnarborAnarbor is a young, modern and very active band that blends pop-punk sensibilities with solid blues-rock guitar and a colorful creative streak. This is the song that got me hooked on them.

8. “Level” by The RaconteursThis is a groovy, light and intense piece with playful harmonies by the Raconteurs, one of Jack White’s side bands.

9. “Next Girl” by the Black KeysThe Keys blend simple instrumentation with a lot of creativity and loyalty to bluesy roots. Blues riffs that go down smooth.

10.”James Brown” by Cage the ElephantCage rose to fame in 2007 with the release of “Ain’t No Rest for The Wicked,” but I dig almost all of their stuff. Blue-angst at its best.

11. “Wishing Well” by the Black BellesThis is a new band from Nashville that recently released their first record on Jack White’s new record label “Third Man.” Energetic, bluesy chick-rock at its best.

12. “Keg Stand” by SlothrustA band that recently graduated from Sarah Lawrence and is active in the Brooklyn scene. Bluesy grunge at its best, a mix of Nirvana, Pixies, Son House and a spliff. Worth checking out.

13. “So Far from Your Weapon” the Dead WeatherThe Kills’s Alison Mosshart on vocals and Jack White on drums. What could go wrong?

Contact Alan Dowling at [email protected].

13 Beatsof the Week

By Annie McKayMaroon-News Staff

“The Croods,” Dreamworks’s latest ani-mated flick, is not only the highest gross-ing film to date in 2013, but it has proved to be a hit amongst children and adults alike. With current box office sales of $43.6 million, “The Croods” tells the tale of an overly cautious caveman family being forced into learning about discovery: of the world around them, of their intertwining relationships and of themselves.

The film begins by introducing us to Eep (Emma Stone), the daughter of Grug (Nicolas Cage), who is eager to get out and explore the world around her. Grug, the overly-protective father of the Crood family, is terrified of the curi-osity within his daughter, and has therefore never allowed his family to leave their cave home.

“New is always bad. Never not be afraid,” Grug preaches.

When the family’s cave is destroyed by an earthquake, Grug, as well as the rest of the Croods, have to find a way to become com-fortable with the world around them and adapt to a new life. Along the way they meet Guy (Ryan Reynolds), a “caveboy” with an adventurous spirit, who chooses to use his in-telligence rather than his strength. Together, they learn to break out of their comfort zone and explore the world around them.

The plot has many dimensions that are relat-able to all audiences. Of course, the film appeals to children, who witness the amazing cinema-tography and get wrapped up in the Croods’s adventure. Especially interesting, however, is the relationship between Grug and Eep, a parent-child struggle of acceptance and grow-ing up. This relationship will be endearing and touching to older audiences as well.

Along with the story being so appealing, it does not let its audience down from a cinemato-graphic standpoint. Stone, Cage and Reynolds do not hesitate to give the producers and ani-mators credit, emphasizing how easy their job is compared to others involved in production.

“It’s the best job in the universe,” Reyn-olds told Damen Norton of HeyUGuys. “Make no mistake at all, recording a Dream-works movie doesn’t get any better. You work

two-hour sessions ... you can’t do much more because your voice is blown after a couple of hours. It’s these hard-working animators and producers and storyboard artists, those are the guys who are slaving away around the clock. For us, it’s just an incredibly plush, lovely gig.”

Stone also credited directors Kirk De Micco and Chris Sanders when explaining the ease with which she approached the recording sessions.

“It just sort of happened once I got in there recording,” she said. “Our directors are really interactive and they really bring you into the world.”

Although some critics have found “The Croods” to be a “been there, done that” movie, most agree that “The Croods” really does make an impression and separates it-self as its own entity, rather than just piggy-backing off of “The Flintstones,” as some have argued. “The Croods” provides a show that has all the components of a great ani-mated film: amazing visual cinematogra-phy, entertaining to watch and relatable to all audiences. This delightful and uplifting film certainly does not disappoint.

Contact Annie McKay at [email protected].

“The Croods” - For Kids and Adults Alike

Page 11: Maroon News 4-4

The Colgate Maroon-News Arts & Features C-4April 4, 2013

By Alanna WeissmanAssistant Arts & Features Editor

Little Hall hosted the opening of “RPM: Rev-olutions Per Minute,” the first sound art survey show anywhere in the world, on Tuesday, March 26. Sponsored by the Christian A. Johnson Foun-dation, the Colgate Arts Council and the Depart-ment of Art & Art History and with the support of the Film & Media Studies Department and MAD Art, the exhibit features 36 sound art pieces by a number of Chinese artists. The show marks the realization of the “10-year dream” of curators Assistant Professor of Art & Art History Wenhua Shi and Christian A. Johnson Endeavor Founda-tion Visiting Artist-in-Residence Dajuin Yao.

The three main goals of the exhibit are “to see Chinese contemporary society/art scene through the lens of sound art and pass this knowledge to new audiences, to have the opportunity for a historical reexamination of the development of sound art in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong and

finally to encourage the possibility of collaboration among artists (some artists haven’t met each oth-er), and collaboration between U.S. and Chinese artists,” Shi said.

“The inspiration is that Chinese sound art sort of started around 2003, and it’s been around ten years, so I was thinking that we should do some kind of retrospective, a large-scale retro-spective, since there hasn’t been anything like that in China,” Yao said.

Though the works comprising “RPM” are concentrated on the second floor of Little Hall – where there are currently 24 works, many of which are interactive or feature ac-companying visual pieces – they also appear in other, more unexpected places around Colgate and in Hamilton, such as the Persson steps, the tunnel between McGregory and Olin Halls and the former Crowe’s Pharmacy.

The highly anticipated opening re-ception on Tuesday featured remarks by Professor and Chair of Art & Art History

Robert McVaugh, Shi, Yao and the five other sound artists whose work is featured in the exhibit: Xu Cheng, Samson Young, Qu Qianwen, Xie Zhongqi and Wang Changcun. The opening, which also fea-tured a tour of “RPM”’s outdoor works, was the first of the week’s many sound art events; there were also live performances in the Hall of Presidents on Wednesday, March 27, and in the Ho Tung Visual-ization Lab on Thursday, March 28, a discussion panel on Friday and five work-shops, with topics including “Brainwave Composition” and “Real-Time Audio-Vi-sual Performance,” throughout the week.

In particular, workshop attendees ex-pressed gratitude for the opportunity to learn about and practice the medium, which was unfamiliar to many students.

“I enjoyed the exhibit, especially going to the workshops,” studio art concentrator and junior Jessica Aquino said. “It really brought

into perspective the artwork and it furthered my appreciation of creating sound art, which is something I have heard of, but have never seen done. And in one of the workshops I did just that. It really made me reflect on just how much we have expanded the meaning of art and expanded from the conventional use of artistic mediums.”

“Sound art is the art of the listening,” Shi said. “Artists use sound as the most prominent me-dium within their work. Today sound art could be phonographic field recording, musique concrete, computer improvisation, audio-visual work, noise performance, sound sculpture and installation.”

Further, though many of the works involve Chinese speech and characters, visitors to the exhibit need not fear a language barrier.

“I think language is not that much a barrier for this show, because there are things that are dif-ficult to understand not because of the language, but because sound art is a language. If you could come and experience that, I think that’s the most important thing,” Yao said. “Just look at the show, because with sound art you have to experience it. There’s no way to summarize it or to scan through it, you have to be there in real time. That’s the difference between sound art and other media.”

Though the opening week festivities are now over, “RPM” will be accessible, with compilation CDs on sale, through closing night on April 26, when the artists will debut a piece created with the help of the Colgate and Hamilton communities.

“At Colgate and in Hamilton, we want every-one to participate and help create a sound project. We are collecting sounds of Colgate and Hamil-ton. During the closing night, the final Hamilton sound project will be on view,” Shi said.

Visitors are invited to contribute their own recordings; more information about the exhibit, the artists and this project is available at

Contact Alanna Weissman [email protected].

“RPM” Opens at Colgate,Introduces Sound Art to the World

Musicfest Rocks the Hamilton Center for the ArtsBy Lee Tremblay

Maroon-News Staff

If you happened to be at the Hamilton Center for the Arts on Saturday, March 31, around 5 p.m., you might have thought the group there was just a gathering of friends and music lovers. But you would have thought wrong.

Despite the casual vibe – the performers sitting with the audience, the audience shouting out ques-tions – the evening consisted of talented young Colgate musicians playing in Musicfest, an annual event organized by senior Corin Kinkhabwala to raise money for The Multi-Arts Program (MAP).

“The MAP is to really help get kids on the right track through music, dance, painting, drawing,” Kinkhabwala said.

The money made from Muiscfest will go to scholarships for the center’s students so they can participate in learning opportunities through the Hamilton Center for the Arts.

Musicfest was all about Colgate students showcasing what they’d learned in the arts, from writing skills like Megan Ryan’s original song “Blindsided,” to singing talent like senior Caitlin Grossjung’s performance of her songs “Apartment” and “Caverns,” to even a little dancing from junior Karl Jackson.

Perhaps the most impressive aspect of the show, however, was a collaboration by Colgate’s The Neil Diamond Band (which ironically doesn’t play any Neil Diamond). The group played four-part covers of “I Gave You All” by Mumford and Sons, “Ordinary People” by John Lennon and “Flowers in Your Hair” by the Lumineers, without missing a beat.

Similarly, Grossjung invited the band No Standards up onstage for a performance of “Youth” by Daughter, a vibrant cover that could be argued to be even better than the original, with a saxophone part bringing it to a whole new level.

No Standards is quite the group in and of itself. Though at first it seemed dominated by saxophone, soon each member got a turn to take the lead, with quick-handed piano riffs, tricky fingering on guitar and a near-solo from the drums.

With at least four photographers and two videographers, you’ll likely see – if not hear – the best of the performance yourself. Be sure to keep an eye out for senior Max Brody, who noted that inconvenient timing made things a little more colorful than expected.

“Anybody else go to Holi? My face still has a pink tint to it,” Brody said. He continued by casually launching into an original song he had just finished three days

before. It was easy to forget about the dye in light of his lyrics, “can we go back to that space in time, snow was falling upon your face ... we’re so happy now I want to keep you locked up.”

Seniors Ben Diamond and Chris Butler, both harmonizing and playing acoustic guitars, summed up Musicfest and the music scene at Colgate after their set with an original, an Elliott Smith cover and “13” by Big Star.

Throughout the show there were plenty of moving of chairs, untangling of wires, retuning of guitars and influx and outflow of audience members. But the core group of 25 or so watchers was focused on the performances, with enthusiastic applause for the performances, dedications and bad jokes alike.

Contact Lee Tremblay at [email protected].

All photos by Anna Heil

Page 12: Maroon News 4-4

The Colgate Maroon-NewsC-5 Arts & Features April 4, 2013

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sportsMaroon-NewsApril 4, 2013

INSIDE:Men’s Lacrosse Falls

to Army: S-3Softball 2-2 Against

Army: S-2NCAA Championship

Predictions: S-5Masters Tournament

Preview: S-6

By Belle StepienSports Editor

Seniors Chris Johnson and Timothy Phelps of the men’s track team ventured to sunny California to compete at the Stanford Invitational last Friday, March 29. Both athletes hoped to qualify amongst the top 48 athletes from Divi-sion I colleges East of the Mississippi, in order to be eligible to compete at the NCAA East Regional Championships later this spring.

Phelps, perhaps channeling the aquat-ic speedster of the same name, ran the 5K, finishing with a personal record time of 14:55.11. He beat his old personal best by 15 seconds. Phelps started the race off slowly – his first half-mile was slower than a 4:40 mile pace. However, he soon

kicked up his intensity, quickening to a 4:30 mile pace halfway through the race. Phelps’s new personal record makes him the fifth fastest Colgate student to run the outdoor 5k.

Johnson ran the 10K and placed 12th out of 44 runners, with a time of 29:37.80. This is a new personal best, beating his old record by a substantial 27 seconds. This time earns him the title of fastest runner in the Patriot League and 16th best east of the Mississippi. Johnson receives further accolades as one of only two Colgate athletes to ever break the coveted 30-minute barrier.

This time also guarantees Johnson a spot in the NCAA East Regional Cham-pionship in Greensboro, S.C. on May 24. If he finishes in one of the top 12 spots, he will then travel to Eugene, Ore. for the NCAA Championships early June.

The entire men’s team will return to action April 13 in an invitational against Army.

Meanwhile, the women’s team enjoyed their first outdoor meet of the season at the Lafayette Invitational. The women finished seventh overall, earning a total of 32 points. Despite this lack-luster result, the team was very pleased with knock out performances from sophomore Alicia Minella and first-year Olivia Brackett.

Minella led the Raiders and the Pa-triot with the fastest outdoor 200 meters in the league thus far this season. Her time of 24.76 seconds earned her first place. It was only .02 off her best time in the 200, set on April 20, 2012. Brackett broke Colgate’s record in the 3,000-me-ter steeplechase with a time of 11:29.69. This huge success is even more impres-sive considering Saturday was the first

time she had run the race. Minella broke the previous school record of 11:45.60 and won second place.

First-years Catherine Carpenter and Holland Reynolds also ran impres-sively. Carpenter competed in the 200 meters, placing 10th overall with a time of 26.04. This is a new personal record for her and the ninth best time in the Colgate record books. Carpenter also ran the 100 meters, earning a time of 12.88, another personal best. Reynolds ran the daunting 3,000-meter in 10:35.89. She finished in seventh place and earned the seventh place record in Colgate track history.

Next Saturday April 6, the wom-en’s team travels to Storrs, Conn., to compete in the UConn Invitational.

Contact Belle Stepien at [email protected].

Runners Break Personal Records at Stanford,

Page 14: Maroon News 4-4

The Colgate Maroon-NewsS-2 Sports April 4, 2013

By Annie ScheinSports Editor

The Colgate women’s lacrosse team struggled to maintain their momentum coming off a big 19-8 win against the Binghamton Bearcats on Tuesday, March 23. They fell to the Holy Cross Crusaders 14-15 in double overtime last Saturday, March 30 while on the road in Worcester, Mass. The game had the potential to be a huge comeback for the Raiders, as they came back from a seven-goal deficit to launch the game into overtime.

Senior midfielder Amanda O’Sullivan and first-year attacker Emily Peebles were the shining stars on the offensive end in this contest, scoring four goals each – a career high for Peebles. Junior midfielder Alison Flood and sophomore midfielder Megan Ark had three and two goals, re-spectively, while sophomore goalkeeper Jennie Berglin made four saves.

Holy Cross came onto the field with fire, scoring seven straight goals in the first 10 minutes. Five of those seven goals were shot in un-der three minutes of play. The Raid-ers were struggling defensively in this seven-goal run; they were called for nine fouls, two of which resulted in free-position goals. Holy Cross also

managed to control seven of the first eight draws, giving them quick and early possession of the ball.

After the first 10 minutes were up, however, the Raiders got their footing and scored seven goals to Holy Cross’s two, shattering the Crusader lead. The first of Colgate’s goals was scored by senior attacker Brooke Flanagan. Flood came next with back-to-back tallies, one coming from a free position opportu-nity. O’Sullivan recorded the next goal off another free position shot. After one more Holy Cross goal, O’Sullivan scored two more back-to-back shots. Going into halftime, the score was 9-7, Holy Cross.

Hoping to regain their comfortable lead and take back momentum of the game, Holy Cross returned to the field scoring three straight goals. Yet, Col-gate was even more determined to take control of the game, and the Raiders scored five straight goals in the span of seven minutes, tying the score at 12-12. O’Sullivan tallied her fourth and final goal of the game, while Ark scored her second and Peebles got on the board with two shots. Flanagan helped the effort with two assists, including one to Ark that tied the game with 11:35 remaining in the second half.

The remainder of the half was back and forth, with Holy Cross regaining the lead and Colgate responding at 13-12 and 14-13. Flood tied the game at 13-13, and with 1:40 left, Peebles scored her fourth goal tying the game at 14-all. This final goal by Peebles launched the game into overtime.

The raiders had chances from Flood and Ark in the first round of overtime

play, but the Crusader goalie managed to deflect Ark’s shot while Flood’s went wide. In the second frame of overtime, Holy Cross capitalized on a free position shot, scoring to clinch the victory at 15-14.

Colgate returns to the field in Dela-ware, where they take on Delaware State at 11 a.m. on Sunday, April 7.

Contact Annie Schein at [email protected].

Women’s Lacrosse Stuggles Against Holy Cross

Softball Splits Weekend in West PointBy Catherine Lewis

Maroon-News Staff

The Raiders went 2-2 this past week-end in their first games of Patriot League play at West Point. They dropped the first two games on Saturday but bounced back to pick up two big wins on Sunday after-noon. A pair of 3-0 leads couldn’t keep Colgate ahead as Army rallied twice to sweep a doubleheader on the first day of league play.

Colgate was led offensively by first-year Mariel Schlaefer, who went a com-bined 6-for-9 on the day with two runs scored and two RBIs. Fellow first-year Marisa Dowling and junior Haley Flem-ing also added their first home runs of the season for the Raiders in the opening game.

Colgate showed resiliency on the sec-ond day of play by earning two wins after getting swept on Saturday. The Raiders got a close 3-2 win and a convincing 7-2 victory over the Black Knights to grab a .500 record in Patriot League play. Once again a pair of first-years led the Colgate offense. Dowling went 3-for-7 and added three runs and one RBI on the day, while Schlaefer went 3-for-6 with one run and one RBI. Junior outfielder Tera Vaughn also turned in two solid performances for the Raiders on the day, going 2-for-5, scoring two runs and driving three home. Junior teammate Eileen Ornousky added two hits, two runs and three RBIs on the afternoon as well.

In the first game of the doubleheader, Colgate jumped out to an early lead. Af-ter a scoreless first inning, the Raiders knocked in three runs in the second to take the 3-0 advantage. The Black Knights pulled to within 3-2 in the bottom of the fifth but Colgate held off Army in the last two innings for its first conference win

of the season. Winning first-year pitcher Brigit Iueter went just over five innings, allowing only six hits and giving up two runs. Reliever and fellow first-year Megan Carnase came in to finish the game for the Raiders, pitching the last inning on the mound.

In the last game of the weekend, the Raiders scored five runs in the top of the seventh to split their weekend with the Black Knights. Senior outfielder Alana Dyson singled to center field before ad-vancing to second following a Dowling single to the pitcher. Schlaefer moved the runners into scoring position when she hit a single to left field.

The next batter, senior captain Em-mie Dolfi hit a single to left field, scoring Dyson. Ornousky then hit a double to left field, scoring two more runs for the Raiders as both Dowling and Schlaefer were brought home. Vaughn finished out the scoring when she smacked a two-run single to left field. Ornousky and Dolfi crossed home to create the five-run lead for the visiting Raiders.

Senior pitcher Courtney O’Connell got three quick outs in the bottom half of the inning to secure the win for the Raiders. O’Connell earned her third win of the season after she went seven innings allowing only four hits and two runs.

“This weekend our team came together on both offense and defense. On Sunday we were very successful offensively, get-ting key hits with runners in scoring po-sition, and defensively, making big plays and getting out of innings with Army’s runners in scoring position. In winning both games Sunday, we proved to our-selves that as a team we have everything it takes to be successful this season,” Fleming said.

The Raiders look to build on their Sunday showing this upcoming week-

end as they host Bucknell in their con-ference home opener. The Raiders will once again play back-to-back Saturday-Sunday doubleheaders. First pitch is

slated for 1 p.m. on Saturday at Eaton Street Field.

Contact Catherine Lewis at [email protected].

SPLIT DOWN THE MIDDLE: The softball team struggled in in their first two games against Army on Saturday, but bounced back by winning two games on Sunday.

Raiders Recover from 0-7 Deficit, Fall in Overtime

Page 15: Maroon News 4-4

The Colgate Maroon-News Sports S-3April 4, 2013

By Spencer SerlingMaroon News Staff

The Raiders hosted the Army Black Knights last Sunday and despite their best efforts, they fell by a score of 10-4. Highlighting Army’s potent at-tack was sophomore John Glesener’s five goals.

With a noon start at sunny Andy Kerr Stadium, the Raiders hoped to capitalize and pick up the victory in one of their few home games in Patriot League play. The opening whistle blew and 18 seconds later, the ball ended up in the back of the net with a successful shot from Glesener, put-ting the Black Knights on the board early. The Black Knights would tally two more goals in the first period and would head into the second quarter with a 3-0 lead.

As the second quarter started, the Raid-ers began to apply pressure, but Army’s sophomore goalie Sam Somers was strong in net for the Black Knights and was not willing to let much by. Somers would fin-ish the day with 13 saves. Just under five minutes into the second quarter, senior attackman Garrett Thul added his team-leading 29th goal and Glesener followed with his second of the game three minutes later to push the Black Knights lead to 5-0.

With just under four minutes to go, sophomore Ryan Walsh put the Raid-ers on the board, scoring his 25th goal of the season and extending his scoring streak to 26 games. Heading into half-time, the Raiders trailed 5-1, and the Black Knight defense did not look to be giving up anything.

As the third quarter started, the Raid-

ers looked to cut into the Black Knights’ lead, but Somers held his ground in net and two Black Knight goals later, the Raiders stared at a 7-1 deficit. Senior midfielder Connor Brown added a goal for the Raiders with two and a half min-utes to go but just over a minute later, Glesener tallied his third goal of the game to extend the Army lead back to six.

Glesener continued his strong play in the fourth quarter as he tallied his 22nd goal of the year to push the lead to 9-2. First-year Eric Foote responded a minute later with his first career Col-gate goal and cut the lead to 9-3, but after a Glesener goal three minutes later on the power-play, the Raider deficit appeared to be insurmountable. Foote added his second goal of the game with a minute and a half to go, and the final whistle blew ending the Raid-ers hopes at what would have been a miraculous comeback.

Although senior Peter Baum led the team with nine shots, he was not able to get any of them in the back of the net, ending his points streak dating back to the 2011 season. Junior goalie Conor Murphy made eight saves and picked up the loss, while first-year Jake Dane-hy came in to finish off the last five minutes and registered one save while surrendering no goals.

The Raiders hope to turn around af-ter this loss as they travel to Bethle-hem, Pa. this Saturday to take on the Lehigh Mountain Hawks in another Patriot League battle.

Contact Spencer Serling at [email protected].

Army Beats Men’s Lacrosse in Raiders’ First League Loss

FALL FROM GRACE: The men’s lacrosse team ended their four-game winning streak and fell to Army in their first Patriot League loss – third overall loss – of the season.

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Page 16: Maroon News 4-4

The Colgate Maroon-NewsS-4 Sports April 4, 2013


Patriot League Standings

Raider Action: This WeekendSaturday: 10:00 a.m. Women’s Tennis vs. Bucknell 11:00 a.m. Men’s Lacrosse @ Lehigh 1:00 p.m. Softball vs. Bucknell 2:00 p.m. Men’s Tennis vs. Bucknell 3:00 p.m. Softball vs. BucknellSunday: 10:00 a.m. Women’s Tennis vs. Lehigh 11:00 a.m. Women’s Lacrosse @ Delaware State 12:00 p.m. Softball vs. Bucknell 2:00 p.m. Men’s Tennis vs. Tennis 2:00 p.m. Softball vs. Bucknell

Raider Results: Last WeekMen’s Lacrosse: Army 10, Colgate 4Women’s Lacrosse: Holy Cross 15, Colgate 14Softball: Army 4, Colgate 3; Army 5, Colgate 3; Colgate 3, Army 2; Colagte 7, Army 2

Men’s Lacrosse

Team League OverallBucknell 3-0 9-2Lehigh 3-0 7-4Army 2-1 6-3Colgate 2-1 7-3Holy Cross 1-3 5-5Navy 1-4 3-7Lafayette 0-3 3-7

Women’s Lacrosse

Team League OverallNavy 3-0 10-1American 2-0 3-6Colgate 2-1 5-5Holy Cross 1-1 4-7Lehigh 1-2 3-6Lafayette 0-2 6-5Bucknell 0-3 1-8

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The Colgate Maroon-News

Sports S-5 March 28, 2013 National Sports

By Matt WashutaMaroon-News Staff

The hoops hysteria of the past couple of weeks has winnowed down to a mere four teams left to contend for the National Champion-ship in Atlanta this weekend. The journey to this year’s Final Four has been marked by many great upsets and several close calls. Florida Gulf Coast University became the lowest seed ever to reach the Sweet Sixteen. No. 13 seed La Salle also made the Sweet Sixteen and a plethora of lower seeds advanced to the round of 32 teams. Out of this madness, four teams emerged victo-rious so far: Louisville, Michigan, Syracuse and Wichita State.

Wichita State booked its trip to Atlanta as the lowest seed in the Final Four. Wichita State’s low seeding should not give anyone pause con-cerning its strengths. Offensively, the team has threats on the perimeter in senior guard Malcolm Armstead and freshman guard Ron Baker. Its of-fense in the paint is also dominant with forwards Cleanthony Early and Carl Hall leading the team.

Defensively, the Shockers have been lockdown central in the paint. The team has consistently denied scoring opportunities on the inside and forced opponents to take many contested outside shots. The combination of the Shockers’ successful offense and defense has allowed the team to earn a spot in the Final Four.

The Shockers should have the confidence to compete with a Goliath in Louisville. Wichita State upended No. 1 seed Gonzaga in the Round of 32, beat upset-minded La Salle in the Sweet Six-teen and defeated the Big 10 Tournament Cham-pions Ohio State in the regional final to earn its trip to the Final Four.

However, it faces stiff competition in Lou-isville. The Cardinals may very well be consid-ered title favorites. Louisville boasts a lightning fast offense with junior guard Russ Smith and senior guard Peyton Siva leading the way. The duo is responsible for one of the fastest offen-sive transition games in recent college basketball

memory. They also combine for a stellar 4.3 steals per game using their trademark full-court defense. On the inside, the Cardinals have one of the most complete big men in the country in center Gorgui Deng. He has a capable offensive game on the inside but it is his defense that sends opponents home.

Deng’s defense in the paint is nearly in-domitable with his 2.5 blocks per game. Deng also brings an imposing presence in the paint as his help on defense has created many forced turnovers.

In the other Final Four matchup, the Michi-gan Wolverines will take on the Syracuse Orange. The Wolverines have always had the talent this season, but were inconsistent as some players were unable to reach their potential in each game. But this Michigan team in March has had an entirely

different dynamic. The Wolverines seem to be firing on all cylinders in the tournament as every player has been playing up to his full potential.

Opponents can only wish for some of the talented players on the Michigan team. Sophomore guard Trey Burke has consistently been one of the best performers in the na-tion and is a favorite to win the coveted Nai-smith Player of the Year award for his efforts. A deep supporting cast has complemented Burke’s stellar game. Junior guard Tim Hard-away Jr. is one of the best shooters in the game and has consistently banked many of his shot attempts in the tournament, making him even more dangerous. Freshman guard Nik Stauskas is another threat on the perimeter, as he, like Hardaway, possesses a lethal shoot-ing game and has iced many clutch shots in

the tournament.Michigan’s interior game has been phenomenal

during the tournament. Center Mitch McGary was one of the most heralded freshmen players go-ing into the season, but had been inconsistent and underperformed in many games during the regular season. His play during the tournament is an en-tirely different story, however. McGary seems to be reaching his potential throughout the tournament, shutting down opposing offenses in the paint and playing some of the best interior offense one could expect from a big man in the tournament.

Freshman forward Glenn Robinson III is an-other threat on the inside. Robinson possesses a strong inside game as well as a strong shooting game, but his play has been inconsistent during the tournament.

The Wolverines face a stiff test against Syracuse and its seemingly unflappable zone defense. The Orange possess a talented, experienced team led by junior forward C.J. Fair, senior forward James Southerland, sophomore forward Rakeem Christ-mas, senior guard Brandon Triche and sophomore guard Michael Carter-Williams.

These five core players provide a deliberate, yet explosive offense and a lights out defense. All of these players can bank shots and play aggres-sively in the paint as well. The Orange defense has yet to be exposed in this tournament, as op-posing teams have consistently struggled to score. Even the stellar Indiana team was held to its lowest point total of the season.

This year’s Final Four should be a potent one as all four teams provide a complete game and the talent necessary to win the championship and earn their rings. Louisville should be considered a title favorite as its offense and defense have been nearly invincible throughout the past couple of weeks, but the other three teams in the tourna-ment all possess the capability to earn the rights to the championship, as well. Look for Saturday’s games to be bitterly fought, as teams will battle each other for every single possession.

Contact Matt Washuta [email protected].

Final Four Brings an End to March Madness

SUPREME DUO: Peyton Siva, left, and Russ Smith have led the Louisville Cardinals to the final round of the NCAA March Madness Tournament.

Which Teams Will Make it to the March Madness Final?

By Kristen DuarteMaroon-News Staff

After five rounds of blood, sweat, tears and broken bones, the NCAA tournament is finally nearing an end. The final four teams remaining are Michigan, Syracuse, Wichita State and Lou-isville. No. 9 Wichita State must play No. 1 Lou-isville, while No. 4 Michigan and No 4. Syracuse will also fight for a spot in the finals.

Upsetting No. 1 Gonzaga and No. 2 Ohio State, Wichita State has come a long way in this year’s tournament. However, I believe they will be no match for Louisville. After losing Kevin Ware from a heartbreaking injury against Duke, Louisville is more motivated than ever to win it all for their teammate. While attempting to block a three-point shot, Ware landed awkwardly and broke his leg. As he fell to the ground, viewers caught a glimpse of the bone protruding from his leg. Ware, a native of Atlanta by way of the Bronx, said to his teammates, “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be OK. You guys go win this thing.” With Louisville’s explosive offense, tenacious defense and new found extra incentive to win, it seems likely that they will win the championship in Ware’s hometown.

While Michigan and Syracuse are more evenly matched, I believe that Syracuse will make it to the finals. Both teams were triumphant over No. 1 seeds, but Syracuse’s outstanding 2-3 zone defense is a force to be reckoned with. Syracuse’s starting point guard, Michael Carter-Williams, averages in double digits and is anticipated to be the ninth pick in this year’s NBA draft. If Syracuse and Lou-isville were to face in the finals it would be the first Big East finals match-up since 1985, which would be appropriate for the final season of the Big East conference. While Syracuse has shown their talent throughout the season and the NCAA tournament, I think Louisville will prove to be an unstoppable team and take home the title. After a tournament full of upsets, it will be exciting to find out who the winners will be on April 8.

By Jared AccetturaMaroon-News Staff

So what if it’s technically April? So what if you tore up your bracket after Florida Gulf Coast (who?) won two games? So what if Kevin Ware’s injury has traumatized you for life? It’s the Final Four. That means we’re two games away from crowning this year’s National Champion and if you don’t like that, you’re not a real American. Yes, I said it. Now let’s take a look at the four remaining teams.

This year’s Cinderella, ninth-seeded Wichita State, has played the role of giant-killer to perfec-tion, knocking off both No. 1 Gonzaga and No. 2 Ohio State on their Final Four run. Wichita State is a glowing example that great teams exist throughout college basketball and can play with

anyone in the country. Unfortunately, they are running into a buzz saw in the Louisville Car-dinals. This year’s Louisville team boasts one of the most tenacious and pesky defensive units of Rick Pitino’s coaching career (just ask him) and will not let up on that end of the court for 40 minutes. On top of that, Russ Smith and Peyton Siva appear to be on a mission, making Louisville the best bet to win it all.

The other side of the bracket boasts a huge, Big East-Big Ten matchup between Syracuse and Michigan. These two 4-seeds are peaking at the right time and have advanced for one reason - toughness. Michigan’s Trey Burke, perhaps the premier guard in the country, has proven that he is not ready to lose. It will be up to him to solve Syracuse’s vaunted zone defense, which has smothered its opposition to this point. Syracuse will look to use their size to battle inside and turn the game into a low-scoring affair. Their defense will want to limit Michigan’s ability to run in transition with their athletic wings, Tim Hard-away Jr. and Glen Robinson III. If stud point guard Michael Carter-Williams can control the tempo, then Syracuse has a chance. However, the deadly outside shooting of Michigan’s Nik Staus-kas may prove to be the difference in the game. I anticipate a tight Michigan win with some fireworks at the end.

By Kevin Mahoney Maroon-News Staff

I concede the fact that Louisville is playing the best basketball in the tournament and is the favorite to win it all. Yet, I have to stick with my

gut and pick Michigan to win March Madness. I think Michigan has serious talent starting with their point guard and Naismith Player of the Year candidate Trey Burke. He has been the best point guard in the tournament (sorry, Pey-ton Siva), and has the potential to completely dominate the game, even when he’s not scor-ing. In Michigan’s Elite Eight matchup against the Florida Gators, Burke only scored 15 points on 5-16 shooting, but added eight rebounds, seven assists and three steals in a game where he completely controlled the tempo.

Obviously, Michigan’s success relies a lot on the settler play of Burke, but this team has shown that they can win with their depth. Both Tim Hardaway Jr. and Glenn Robinson III, two potential first round draft picks in this year’s upcoming NBA draft, have been steady all year for the Wolverines. They pose signifi-cant match-up problems with their length, athleticism and outside shooting. However, Michigan’s recent success has come with the emergence of big man Mitch McGary and unsung heroes Nik Stauskas and Spike Al-brecht, providing depth off the bench. This team has shown that they are more than just a one man team, let alone a big three. This Michigan team is the complete pack-age with the skill set that could help bring a title back to Ann Arbor. Next up is Syracuse. Michigan will need to rely on their good ball movement and stellar outside shooting. I think Michigan will be able to grind one out against ‘Cuse and move on to the finals to face Louisville in a highly anticipated finals matchup.

Page 18: Maroon News 4-4

The Colgate Maroon-News March 21, 2013S-6 Sports

By Travis BasciottaMaroon-News Staff

When Tony Romo signed a six-year contract extension worth $108 million, the football world let out a collective gasp. How could they give him that much? He’s never won a big playoff game! Won’t he just throw it to the other team? Romo, the current face of a Cowboys franchise that has wallowed in mediocrity for much of the past decade, was deemed by most pundits and fans as the perfect symbol for the struggles in Big D. On paper, he boasts impressive numbers, with ad-vanced metrics arguing that he’s a top-10 passer in the league.

Last season, Romo ranked third in the league in passing yards, fifth in completion percentage, sixth in touchdowns and 10th in quarterback rating. But the critics will tell you the numbers don’t tell the whole story. Like the rest of his team, Romo has a penchant for failing in big moments, throwing untimely interceptions and making bad fourth quarter decisions. No. 9 is 1-3 in playoff appearances, and has led the Cowboys to crush-ing week 17 defeats in 2008, 2012 and against the Redskins last season. Those games were must-wins for a Dallas team trying to make the playoffs, and Romo simply couldn’t get it done. As someone who has followed the Cowboys closely for the past decade, his three-interception meltdown against Washington last season almost seemed inevitable.

Why, then, would Jerry Jones be willing to guarantee a man who only has one playoff victory to his name $55 million dollars to be his quarterback for the next six seasons? Why, when we have seen cheap rookies and sopho-mores like Russell Wilson, Robert Griffin III and Colin Kaepernick win clutch games with limited experience, would the Cowboys give a soon-to-be-33-year-old one of the richest deals

in franchise history? Instead, as Romo-haters assert, would it not be better to use a first or second round draft pick to groom a potential savior to the organization, using their money to fortify other areas of need (say, offensive line or secondary)? Let another team overpay for a player who can’t deliver key wins, they say.

Ahh, but the grass is always greener on the other side for Cowboys fans. That’s the wrong expression at play here. Instead, I would point to, “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.” What Dallas has is a top-10 quarterback in a league controlled by them. If the MVP award were actually given to the league’s most valuable player, a quarterback would take it every single year. With rule changes making it harder on de-fenses to defend the pass and with running backs suffering from durability issues as players get faster and stronger, the quarterback has emerged as the most pivotal position on the field. With-out a capable player under center, you might as well start looking forward to next year. I would argue that at least 16 teams (that’s half if you’re counting at home) have yet to find a quarter-back capable of leading their team to a Super Bowl victory. The Cowboys aren’t one of them. Currently, several metrics point to the fact that Romo is just as good – if not better – than 2013 Super Bowl MVP Joe Flacco. Those same met-rics are the ones that have been driving contract negotiations for the 21st century. As a result, we see how two factors come together to form the six-year, $108 million contract Romo signed last week: the Cowboys’ desire to keep a valuable commodity and the market dictating an inflated price for that commodity. It’s not so much that Romo deserves $55 million guaranteed, but that he’s worth $55 million guaranteed.

Contact Travis Basciotta [email protected].

Is Tony Romo Worth His $108 Million Contract?

IS A #1 RANKING ENOUGH?: Although Tiger Woods is currently ranked number one in the world, he will have fierce competition at this year’s Masters Tournament.

By Josh EllisMaroon-News Staff

Fresh off becoming the number one player in the world, Tiger Woods has his sights set on a fifth green jacket. With three wins under his belt so far this season, a hugely improved putting stroke, and more confidence on the course than we have seen in years, he finally seems primed to break his ma-jor championship drought. Woods has not won a major since his epic one-legged victory in the 2008 U.S. Open at Torrey Pines and hasn’t won the Masters since 2005. Despite top-six finishes in six out of his past seven outings at Augusta Na-tional, he has been unable to find a way back into the winner’s circle. It seems that every year at this time, Tiger enters April as the prohibitive favorite. This year is no different. However, champions are not crowned before they step onto the course and several challengers are more than capable of making Tiger wait yet another year to add a new jacket to his already impressive collection. Here are the five biggest threats to Tiger’s run at a fifth green jacket.

1. Phil Mickelson: This one is easy. Mickelson, already a three-time Masters champion, has one tournament win this season and always seems to be in contention on Sunday at Augusta. His cre-ative play and short game wizardry are well-suited for this hazardous course. Scoring well on the par 5’s is vital for success in the Masters and the long-hitting Mickelson regularly boasts one of the best scoring averages on tour on such holes. Lefty has every skill you look for in a Masters champion. Don’t be surprised if he joins his long-time rival, Woods, with a fourth green jacket.

2. Rory McIlroy: Of the players on this list, McIlroy is the most unpredictable. This year has been unkind to the Northern Irishman,

having already lost his number one ranking and only recording one top-10 finish. Ditching the Titleist gear that helped him ascend to number one in favor of Nike products has been a tough adjustment and he seems quite uncomfortable with his new clubs. However, as much as he has struggled, he possesses one of the prettiest swings the game has ever seen and when he is on his game, he is just about unbeatable. You just never know which McIlroy you are going to get: the guy who shot 80 in the final round of the 2011 Masters, blowing a four stroke lead or the guy who won last year’s PGA Championship by a record eight strokes.

3. Justin Rose: Do you know who the third ranked player in the world is be-hind Tiger and Rory? Hint: it’s not Luke Donald, Steve Stricker or even Phil Mickelson. It’s the 32-year-old Englishman,

Justin Rose. Already with three top-10s to his name this season, Rose is one of the hottest play-ers coming into the year’s first major. Rose has a stellar track record at Augusta National, with no missed cuts, three top-11 results in his past five appearances, and a top-5 back in 2007. Rose has all the measurables you look for when picking a Masters champion: eighth in driving distance, second in sand-save percentage and second in overall scoring average. One of the best players on tour without a major, this tournament could be Rose’s chance to break through. In years past, he has gotten off to a hot start but faltered as the tournament wore on. I have a feeling that this year we will be hearing his name all weekend long.

4. Brandt Snedeker: Sitting two spots be-hind Justin Rose in the world golf rankings is Vanderbilt alum, Brandt Snedeker. Widely

known as one of the best putters on tour, Sne-deker has the game to win at Augusta. He had a real chance in 2008, but ended up finishing tied for third after a catastrophic final round 77. His game has vastly improved since the 2008 season and now Snedeker is a mature veteran who is a legitimate threat to win every tourna-ment he enters. He will come to Augusta on the heels of an extraordinary five-week stretch in which he recorded one win, two runner-ups and a third place finish. If Tiger is coming into the Masters playing the best golf in the world, Snedeker is a very close second.

5. Adam Scott: Will this finally be Adam Scott’s year? Every April, it seems, pundits around the globe claim that this year will be the one that Adam Scott finally wins the Master’s, as if it’s his destiny to one day put on the green jacket. In many ways it makes sense. The Aus-tralian seems like he was born to play Augusta National. He drives the ball a mile, his iron play can be spectacular and his putting stroke is pure. Yet, he just has never quite been able to put it all together. After recording top-8 finishes in each of the past two Masters, expect Scott to fulfill his “destiny” or come awfully close. But rest assured, if he does not emerge victorious this year, next year will be Adam Scott’s year.

This column would not be complete with-out a prediction: Justin Rose and Adam Scott will be among the first and second round lead-ers but will be overtaken by Tiger Woods af-ter a brilliant third round. Ultimately, Woods will fend off feverish late Sunday charges from both Phil Mickelson and Brandt Snedeker to capture his elusive 15th major and fifth green jacket.

Contact Josh Ellis [email protected].

Tiger Woods’s Five Biggest Threats

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The Colgate Maroon-News Sports S-7March 28, 2013

By Zander FrostMaroon-News Staff

The MLB season, at long last, is upon us. After an offseason of flashy trades and big-money signings, the American League has finally started to sort out and we’ve begun to see how teams stand. It looks like one of the most unpredictable sets of teams in recent history, but let’s give it a shot anyways.

The American league this year is ar-guably the most competitive it has ever been, with each division supplying what could be three or more contenders. The American League West will be close, as the contending Rangers, Angels and Ath-letics vie for a division crown with the young Mariners not far behind. Howev-er, the fact that the Houston Astros have now joined the fray essentially gives each of the other squads a free set of wins this year. The Astros have somehow managed to assemble a worse opening day roster than last year’s, a feat that seemed as im-possible as an Orlando Magic win against the Miami Heat last week. I really can’t stress enough how bad the Astros are this season. Bud Norris was their open-ing day starter! The point is that they really weaken this division and give the second and third place lineups in this division a better shot at landing a wild card. When push comes to shove, the division favorite is still the Texas Rang-ers. Their pitching remains solid behind Yu Darvish, Matt Harrison and a strong bullpen. They also return a strong lineup with the additions of Lance Berkman and Aj Pierzynski to counter the loss of Josh Hamilton, and they have a proven track record of success. The Angels have seri-ous concerns with their starting pitch-ing, but they should be close behind, and the ever-lurking, young Athletics could easily surprise again and snag the division crown.

With that being said, this division still is not as competitive as the daunt-ed American League East. The division looks to be the most equal it has ever

been, with a case to be made for every team in support of a division crown. The Blue Jays have added a slew of new tal-ent, including the 2012 N.L. Cy Young winner R.A. Dickey, as well as 2011 N.L. Batting Crown winner Jose Reyes. They also signed Emilio Bonifacio, Josh John-son, Mark Buerhle and Melky Cabrera. Now these names could all fail as many of their previous teams did last season (or in Melky Cabrera’s case, how he failed), but the more likely outcome is that the Blue Jays become a serious contender for the World Series. The Orioles bring back another young, hungry squad be-hind all-stars Adam Jones, Matt Wieters and Jim Johnson, and legendary manager Buck Showalter. The team appears ready to launch another playoff campaign.

Although G.M. Dan Duquette re-mained quiet over the offseason, he has assembled a deep, young roster that is much improved from this time last season.

The Rays have taken a step back with the losses of BJ Upton, James Shields and Wade Davis, but their pitching is as good as ever and a hopefully full season from Evan Longoria should keep them firmly in the race. Lastly, there are the aging titans and the overpaying power-houses of baseball: the Red Sox and the Yankees. The Red Sox are coming off a disappointing last place finish, but by changing managers from Bobby Valen-tine to John Farrell and by overpaying for a few decent players, they will be signifi-cantly better this season. The Yankees, on

the other hand, are dealing with major injuries to core players like Alex Rodri-guez, Mark Teixiera, Curtis Granderson and perhaps Derek Jeter, and are show-ing substantial holes across the field. Their roster is a proverbial black hole at catcher because they decided not to pay for Russell Martin. Now, you read that sentence thinking that, “Perhaps the Yan-kees have become frugal,” but after they acquired Vernon Wells, you realize that they just screwed up their entire roster on a whim to avoid the luxury tax. Terrific. Anyways, my prediction for this division is an Orioles crown with a wild card for the Blue Jays. The Blue Jays will certainly perform well, but it will take a month or so for the team to gel.

Last, the American League Central will likely be the weakest division. De-troit has won this division handily the past few seasons, and fans can expect the same thing this year. They’ve only gotten better with the addition of Torii Hunter and the return of Victor Martinez. The rest of the division is pretty rough to look at and the only team other than the White Sox that could potentially chal-lenge the Tigers would be the Royals if everything magically fit together and Mike Moustakas and Eric Hosmer start-ed hitting .300. But, realistically, that’s probably not going to happen this year.

The Twins will improve but they’re probably going to be moving assets at the All-star break this year. The Indians made some nice moves in the offseason by bringing in Nick Swisher and Trevor Bauer, but neither they nor the Twins will improve anywhere above their slots just about the Astros in the American League. The White Sox challenged the Tigers for most of last season, but the loss of AJ Pier-zynski and potential regression for Alex Rios and Chris Sale (he was weak towards the end last year) make me believe they won’t likely be there at the end. It’s truly Detroit’s to lose.

Contact Zander Frost at [email protected].

With Baseball Season in Full Swing, Who are the A.L.’s Biggest Contenders?

UP-AND-COMERS: After adding all-stars R.A. Dickey and Jose Reys to their lineup, the Blue Jays have the potential to lead the American League East division this spring.

This Week in Numbers29,980

Number of mentions Michigan State received on social media, making

them the least talked about team

312,547Number of mentions Miami (Fla.) received

on social media, making them the most talked

about team

20Age of Bryce Harper, the youngest player to hit two home runs

on Opening Day

76Age of former NFL

coach and player, Jack Pardee, who passed away this past week.

His career spanned five decades with the NFL

6:33The time left on the clock when Louis-ville’s Kevin Ware broke his leg in a gruesome fashion

4Number of teams

remaining in NCAA March Madness

Final Four

30.3Average margin of defeat in Florida

Gulf Coast’s basket-ball games against Florida, Michigan

and Kansas

13Number of innings it took for the Angels to beat the Reds on

Opening Day

Page 20: Maroon News 4-4

The Colgate Maroon-NewsSports S-8 April 4, 2013






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