Download - Marlboro Middle School… · Marlboro Middle School E-Letter ... snowboarding since 1979 and was the first


Marlboro Middle School


Page 2—Student Writings

Page 3&4—Eye On Sports with Shannon Camuso

Page 5— Run,Run,Run by Alaysia Toliver

Page 6—MMS Welcomes Mrs.Kane by Lea Supple and Nora Serdah

Page 7— Thirteen Reasons Why Not by Robert Bianco

Page 8— Spring Fashion with Allison Pospisil

Page 9—MMS Drama Club with Allison Pospisil and Nora Serdah

Page 10 — Word of the Week crossword puzzle

Page 11— Credits and Upcoming Events


*Details apply


By : Kate Szajko

She looks down sad and in pain but she keeps her head held high, her tiara is falling, she smiles

to hide the pain inside. She smiles at others to make their day she fakes a smile so people don`t

see the sadness that lies deep inside her her heart isn`t a toy but yet people try to break it but

her heart is steel you can try to break it all you want she may shed tears she may be sad and

hurt but one day her prince will come and treat her like a princess and then all her pain tears

and sadness will one day disappear and she can stop faking that smile and finally be happy

The Girl Who Went Missing

By : Kallista Winders

The girl was about 16 when she went missing in the dark, dank Arizona woods. Almost a year later they

found her remains remaining forever brittle in the swamp next to The Farm. That’s all anyone ever calls it any-

more, just The Farm, with age everyone forgot its real name just like they forgot the missing 16 -year- old’s name.

As I whisper her name, no my name to myself, I can’t help remembering how it felt to be remembered, how it felt

to be held by someone you love, who loves you back. Until you die or move or leave them behind then you are all

alone all by yourself like you can’t bear to be seen in the disaster your life becomes. Then all you have is yourself.

Yourself, your loneliness, your selfishness. That’s what got you into this, isn’t it? You believing you were self-

righteous, that you were above everyone else, that you were the one that could play GOD. Well you couldn’t

and you still can’t because everyone you knew and liked you thought you were dead and that fell upon you and

only your selfish desire. As she started remembering she couldn’t stop; they kept coming faster and faster as if

they were racing each other to get to the front of her mind and it made her emotions run wild. It made her feel

love, desire, hope, loneliness, compassion, fright, courage... she felt all the things she didn’t know she could feel

anymore, she saw herself with Zach, with their child, with Saman- NO, stop thinking about it! You’ll only make it

worse, thinking about the child she saw growing up from afar. Never ever getting to meet her, never getting to hold

only getting to remember seeing her as the little pink bundle in her arms after she was born being premature, she

was small and scrawny, her hands the size of not yet ripe grapes. As she thought of her little Sam, she felt small slow

tears creep their way down her tired wrinkled face, as they came faster with more determination to drip on her al-

ready wrinkled, worn, and stained blouse she burst into humongous heaving sobs calling out to the daughter and

husband she let down so very long ago. But they never could hear her again because when they thought she was

gone, dead, dispersed they came along with her or they thought they came with her, but she wasn’t and she was

going to regret it the rest of her miserably long life. Or she could take the easy way out. No she couldn’t do that not

to herself and not to her family waiting somewhere she didn’t know about.

Student writings

Popular Mountains: (New York and New Jersey)

1. Mountain Creek, Vernon, NJ

2. Hunter Mountain, Hunter, NY

3. Windham Mountain, Windham, NY

4. Thunder Ridge Ski R3. Windham Mountain, Windham, NY

Popular Snowboarding Brands:

Burton, K2, Ride, Lib Tech, Gnu, CAPiTA, Forum, DC, Rome, Rossignol

Snowboarding is a winter sport which is fantastically enjoyable. In this fascinating snow-time activity, the individuals who participate put on unique boot sets which are attached to the board on which they'll use to navigate a path down a slope that is covered in snow. The boots are attached securely to the snowboard to make sure that the snowboard as well as the rider, are not separated. The snowboarder's weight is balanced on the board, although they are the ones generating the downhill trek. In contrast to skiing, poles are not used by snowboarders to assist in steering and propelling themselves forward. Instead, snow-boarders are dependent on the shifting of their weight from one particular side to the next in order to make the turn. The History

Eye on Sports with Shannon Camuso

(continued on page five)

Snowboarding: The Basics

Q: When did you first try snowboarding?

An Interview with local student snowboarder, Baylee Garrison:

A: Last year

Q: Where do you usually go to snowboard?

A: Mountain Creek in New Jersey

Q: What trails do you usually go on?

A: Intermediate

Q:What kind of equipment do you wear when snowboarding?

A: Helmet, gloves, snow pants, and a snow jacket

Q: How do you like snowboarding as an overall sport?

A: I think it's really fun; it's my new favorite winter sport.

Famous Snowboarders

Shannon Dunn- She may be small (5'2" to be exact), but Shannon Dunn is a force to be reckoned with on the slopes. She's been snowboarding since 1979 and was the first American to win a snowboarding medal at the 1998 Olympics, where she took the bronze medal in the half-pipe competition.

Terje Haakenson- He's been alternately called the "Michael Jordan" and "the god" of snowboarding for his unbelievable tricks. Haakenson has won countless competitions and the ultimate respect of many snowboarding fans.

Craig Kelly- He was one of the most successful snowboarders in the world, with four World Championship and three U.S. Open championship titles under his belt, when retiring from the sport to work as a back country guide. In 2003, at age 36, Kelly was killed during an avalanche while guiding a heli-skiing trip in British Columbia.

Leslie McKenna- Though she started out on skis, this Brit has evolved into one of the top snowboarders in the world. She's won many world snowboarding competitions and was founder of the British Women's Snowboarding Team.

Todd Richards- He has been riding professionally for 17 years and is known as one of the best freestyle riders around. His skills earned Richards a spot in the very first Olympic snowboarding events. Snowboarding isn't his only talent; Richards also starred in the 2001 movie, Out Cold.

Shaun White- His flaming red hair and airborne moves have earned Shaun White the nickname the "flaming tomato." By the time White was seven, he already had his first sponsor. Since then, he's become one of the most popular snowboarders in the coun-try. He has his own videogame and clothing line, and he's even been featured (wearing his Olympic gold medal and draped in an American flag) on the cover of "Rolling Stone" magazine.


720 (seven-twenty)= Two complete rotations (720 degree spin); you land the same way you started

Wildcat= A variation of the back-flip, unique to snowboarding. The rider approaches the jump (or other obstacle) flat based and then launches into a side flip straight over the tail of the snowboard. It’s called a back-flip, because the rider flips backwards of the direction they are traveling.

Tap off= Quickly tapping your tail or nose on the end of the rail/box or other jib as you are about to slide off it

Disaster= Performed a on wall-ride, half-pipe, quarter-pipe or other obstacle. A trick where the rider spins 180 degrees, lands and stalls on the top of the transition, wall or other feature, with only the middle of their board touching. After stalling, they lean forward and ride down the transition they approached on.

Run, Run, Run!!!

By: Alaysia Tolliver

Who: Dr. Joe Wiles

What: a club that any kid can join for just 20 dollars

When: Tuesdays and Thursdays after school

Where: on the track

Why: to train us if we want to do the color run or if we want to join track in high school

Dr. Joe Wiles runs the running club. Running is for kids to get stronger and healthier. It is only on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Running club takes place after school on the track. We have a running club to train for the Color Run or if we want to run track

once we get to the high school. Anyone is able to join, but there is a twenty dollar fee. Many people have joined so far. All you

need is shorts and sneakers. The training we have to do is no difficult at all. At the end of our training we play games: sometimes

it’s Simon says or some times it’s capture the flag. ALWAYS BRING A WATER BOTTLE. The training we do is simple, but before we

do anything we have to warm up. We have some races. Running club honestly for me is a fun way to hang out with your friends

and just run.

MMS WELCOMES MRS.KANE By: Nora Serdah and Lea Supple

Q:Where did you teach before?

A: Rombout Middle School in Beacon.

Q:Why did you become a teacher?

A:I was going to be a lawyer, but didn’t pass the test to become a

lawyer, so I became a teacher, “best decision I’ve ever made!”

Q:Where did you go to college?

A:SUNY New Paltz

Q:What do you think about MMS?

A:It is a fantastic school with great teachers and students. “I love it


Q:How do you find the students here?

A:Very smart, very hard working, very talented, lots of fun to work


Q:Tell me about your family.

A:I have a husband, two sons, a daughter, dogs, and one cat.

Q:Do you have any hobbies?

A:I like to paint pictures, ride bikes, decorate the house, and read.

Q:Who is your favorite author?

A:I love Mitch Albom. and my favorite book by him is The Timekeeper.

Q:What interests do you have?

A:I am interested in History, Politics, and dogs.

In the book Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher, a teenage girl kills herself and sends tapes with reasons why she commit-ted suicide to the thirteen most prominent figures in her spiraling downfall into depression. This book is seen through the eyes of her crush who played a rather large role in her suicide. If you’re a person who is repulsed by the overly macabre principle of the novel I can tell you that it is not nearly as morbid as you might think.

Based on the promise made on the rear cover that it would be entreating while still a dark and informative insight into the mind of people committing suicide, my expectations remained unmet which is one of the many reasons I did not like this book. The book is just another example of a poorly written work of mediocrity. This is not the instant classic promised by the so- called critics. All it is, is a reminder that the human race is doomed to eternal blandness.

In conclusion, if you like reading books that will contribute nothing to your life and enjoy reading them for the morbid principle, then this book is for you. However, if you like your books to have a plot, then I suggest that you find another book be-cause Thirteen Reasons Why has none.

Thirteen Reasons Why Not

BY: Robert Bianco

2014 Spring Fashion Trends & Must Have Accessories!

Chunky necklaces are definitely a necessity. . .

By adding a statement necklace, your outfit will be complete. Adding a statement necklace to clothes such as a plain tee, or to a patterned tank top.

Have a boring outfit that needs some flare? Here are some trendy ways to wrap a shirt around your waist to add style to your

wardrobe… Easily just wrap any flannel shirt right around your waist, with a pair of shorts and

any cute top in your wardrobe. Stores such as Forever21, Urban Outfitters, American Apparel and H&M sell shirts,

which you could tie around your waist.

Maxi Skirts. . . A trendy, yet simple, outfit idea! Forever 21 is a very affordable store to get your maxi

skirt. You could pair the maxi skirt with a simple tank top, denim jacket, or even a patterned top.

Some cute hairstyles for this spring season . . . Fishtail braids! A simple and stylish look. Wavy hair always goes with a cute, spring outfit! Braids incorporated with your bun, curly hair or any

other hairstyle that you have in mind.



With: Izzy Rivera and Hannah Sullivan

By: Allison Pospisil and Nora Serdah

Q: How was your first dress rehearsal?

A (Izzy): It was chaotic, good, stressful. We enjoyed it.

Q: How do you feel about the characters` role you are playing?

A:(Izzy) Its good

(Hannah) it is a lot of responsibility, but very fun

Q: Is there anything specific that you are nervous about for the upcoming

plays this week?

A: (Izzy) Nervous, for performing on stage I’m nervous I’m going to fall.

(Hannah) I’m nervous because of our age.

Q:What’s your favorite part about the play?

A: Second act because there is a lot going on, which is more exciting.

Q: What is something that you don’t like about the play?

A: We don’t really like our costumes because of the sizes, the costumes

don’t look accurate. And there’s Not enough microphones.

Q: Why did you chose to join this year’s drama club?

A: We love acting on stage and we thought to end the year with a bang.

It’s fun to interact with our peers.

Q: How was your experience for preparing for the play?

A: It was a lot of hard, long work. We had fun together, but I think it was all worth it today.

Q: What are your overall thoughts of the play?

A: It came out better than expected. We put a lot of hard work into it. I think everyone should join our performance’s



Advised by: Mrs. Hudak, Mrs. Lyons

Edited by: Robert Bianco

Articles by: Shannon Camuso, Alaysia Tolliver, Lea supple, Norah Serdah, Robert

Bianco, Allison Pospisil

This ice cream is bestowed to the first ten people to complete the crossword puzzle

and return it to either Mrs. Lyons or Mrs. Hudak


Signature of authenticator

Only redeemable by Mrs. Hudak or Mrs. Lyons