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Page 1: Marketing Research

Advantages of Survey Methods• Ability to accommodate large samples

sizes at relatively low cost.• Ease of administration• They collect quantitative data ripe for

advanced statistical analysis.• Ability to tap into factors or concepts

that are not directly observable

Page 2: Marketing Research

Disadvantages of Survey Methods• Possibility of systematic error increases• Limited use of probing questions• It can be difficult to know whether the

selected respondents are being truthful• The statistical techniques selected may

introduce very subtle and insidious levels of subjectivity

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Types of surveys interview

Person Administered• In home interview• Executive interview• Mall intercepted interview• Purchase interview

Telephone Administered• Telephone interview• Computered assisted Telephone interview (answers by

pushing buttons on their phones)

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Types of surveys interview

Self AdministeredMail panel interviewDrop off surveyMail survey

Computer assisted on line• Fax survey• E Mail survey• Internet surveys

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Factors for selecting the appropriate survey methodSituational Characteristics• Budgets• Competition time frame• Quality requirement of the dataTask Characteristics• Difficulty of the task• Stimuli needed to elicit a response• Amount of information needed• Research topic sensitivity

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Factors for selecting the appropriate survey methodRespondent Characteristics • Diversity• Incidence rate• Degree of survey participation

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Overview of the types of errors in survey research methods• Non response errors • Response errors• Measurements and designs errors

sources• Scaling Measurements error• Survey instruments designs error• Data analysis error• Misinterpretation error

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Overview of the types of errors in survey research methodsAdministrative error source• Data processing error• Interview error• Sample design error Non sampling error• Respondent error• Researcher ’s measurements design

error • Faulty problem definitions• Researchers administration problems