Download - Marketing Checklist Social Media · 2020-01-01 · MARKETING CHECKLIST SOCIAL MEDIA Marketing Download Series Start with the Marketing Checklist (either the commercial gym trainer

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Social MediaMarketing Checklist

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Marketing Download Series

Start with the Marketing Checklist (either the commercial gym trainer one or the private facility / mobile trainer / online trainer one) This gives you actions to do and helps give an overview to the main

goal of your lead generation and marketing efforts.

If social media is a main feature of your marketing plan* then the Social Media Marketing Checklist is your next stop. Including an overview of your social media plan and a structure you can use for your

posts, this checklist will help you understand how to structure your social media marketing.

*If you are based in a commercial gym your primary marketing focus should be aimed at the people in the gym. They have already decided that the gym can help them towards their goal so you have a head start, your job is to be able to demonstrate to them how you can help them get there quicker

and without getting stuck into a “gym rut”. Social media can have its place in your strategy but keep a check on yourself to ensure you aren’t allowing it to sidetrack you or enable your procrastination.

If you are a mobile trainer or in a private facility don’t forget there are other options available to you and a combination of approaches will be beneficial.

If you are looking for content ideas then the Content Creation download is for you. However, it comes with a caveat: Avoid posting content for the sake of content. If your goal is more clients then your posts need to appeal to the people you are looking to attract and show what you do, how you do it,

how it helps your clients and how it can help the people seeing your posts / emails / videos. “Content” should support that goal, it can help position you as an authority and it can help demonstrate that you know your audience but be aware that it can also put people off and become a time drain that brings

you no benefit so keep a track of the bigger picture.

Alongside the downloads aimed at attracting leads the Converting Leads to Clients download helps you take the next step to get people signed up.

Then of course there are other resources for onboarding them and retaining them!

Above all with these downloads, the information they contain will only help if you apply it. Use the checklists, adapt the information for your business, act, review and tweak as required.

Then let us know when you are fully booked!

Need clients and not sure where to start?The marketing download series has all the answers!

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Important notes:

1. Your business model and location will influence the relevance of social media in your marketing. If you work in a commercial gym it should be a lower priority that if you are providing online coaching. Think about where you main audience is and make that location your priority.

2. Think before you post online. Just because something appeals to you does not mean it will appeal to your target audience. Mocking them for their beliefs, priorities or lack of understanding shows a complete lack of empathy not a sense of humour. Sharing things you see other personal trainers post can be a bad idea.

3. Check who likes your posts, if it’s mostly your target audience then you are doing the right thing, if it’s other trainers or a completely different demographic then it should ring alarm bells.

4. Consider where your target audience is (Facebook vs Instagram vs offline vs ???), use platform appropriate content (e.g. hashtags are good on Instagram but not on Facebook, stories are good for short, easily digestible content).

5. Ensure your messages are consistent. A post about losing weight and toning up one day and a post on bulking the next will leave people confused and tuned out not impressed with the range of your knowledge. If you have a website ensure its messages are aligned to those you put out on social media.

6. Know your audience! (If you want to explore this more, see the avatar related lessons on the Marketing course)

7. Think about your primary audience’s usage of SM, when are they online and when are they busy with other things? Use that information as a sense check for when you are publishing your posts. (If you aren’t sure then ask them / do a short survey)

8. Know your “product” i.e. what it is you are selling and how it will benefit your audience (note: the benefits are what they see as benefits not what you think are benefits).

9. Know what you want people to do. i.e. is your goal to get people into conversation as soon as possible – unless you are selling a particularly low cost, no commitment item you probably won’t get people to jump straight into paying you without additional communication.

10. Although we would all love someone to sign up to indefinite 3 times a week training on a monthly recurring payment of a few hundred pounds, that is a hard sell from a Facebook ad. You may want to create a “trial” package and aim sales towards that. During the trial you can focus on selling the ongoing element.

11. A quick scroll through your page / profile should give everyone a good impression of what it is you do, who you work with and what they have achieved.

12. The majority of this guide applies to both Instagram and Facebook unless otherwise stated.


Goals of every post you do:

• Ensure every sentence you write makes people want to read the next one.

• Ensure each post makes people in your target audience pause to look at it*

• Ensure your messages appeal to the people you want them to.

• Ensure the people you are aiming for know what you do and how you can help them.

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Daily Tasks:

This doesn’t have to be every day, its frequency will depend on your need for additional clients and the role of social media in your marketing plan. If you need lots of clients and social media is your primary marketing method then every day is probably a good idea!

a Post something that gives a snapshot of what training with you is like. E.g. a client having a laugh, getting a PB, achieving something, as long as it represents an aspect of working with you then it’s all good. (Aim to show different aspects over the week.)

a Encourage clients to check in to your business when training (consider incentivising this – see appendix 4) and sharing their wins. This effectively gives you multiple profiles advertising your business instead of just 1.

a Aim to post a minimum of 3 times a week and boost the most popular post each week.

a It’s clear that people who put the most into providing relevant content consistently have cheaper advertising costs. (the cost goes up if you stop posting).

Page 5: Marketing Checklist Social Media · 2020-01-01 · MARKETING CHECKLIST SOCIAL MEDIA Marketing Download Series Start with the Marketing Checklist (either the commercial gym trainer

Weekly Tasks:

a Include at least 3 out of the following each week. Try to include a variety within each month. (Aim to use your clients’ words where possible).

a Boost posts: this will allow you to reach a wider audience who are interested in your message. If they show interest then they will be served the adverts with their Call to Action first when you do them.

a Why a client chose you.

a What a client has achieved in the time frame you are selling (results aren’t always weight loss but if that is what you are aiming to sell then that is what you should be demonstrating in your posts).

a What a client was concerned about before training with you and what they think now and what they would say to someone thinking of joining.

a How you do what you do and why you do it that way (why it works).

a Why someone needs you not just a gym membership / why you are different.

a How training with you has positively impacted a client’s life outside of gym.

a How training with you has positively impacted others around a client (family etc).

a Why a client wishes they had started with you sooner.

a Client(s) enjoying training.

a How you train people and why it works.

a Non patronising post that shows you understand your client base’s priorities and / or challenges.

a How to overcome a common challenge your clients face.

a Something health or fitness related that your client base finds funny.

a Aim to boost popular posts for 5 days, use the same audience as ads.

a Budget will be related to context and spend should be considered in relation to the overall marketing budget.

a £2 a day budget generally (£10 over 5 days) is reasonable for ongoing activity where your goal is to have space on local, relevant timelines.


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Ad Hoc Tasks:

a Run adverts: the frequency of this will depend on your business need but generally 20th – end of month (around pay day) is a good time for CTA ads with 1st-20th mostly being boosted posts to cast an attention net over the local area.

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Appendix 1: Advert and Post Content





• Use headlines that catch your audiences’ attention*

• Aim for approx. 8 -12 words or less

• Do not be afraid of clickbait, as long as you are selling an integrity led service with honest results, honest customer feedback etc it is your duty, in your adverts, to gain the attention – e.g. ladies do you want to do x without y in just z

• “A picture paints a thousand words” so make sure it’s saying what you want it to say. From an image of you training someone your potential client base will see whether that person is “like them” or not, they will note their expression and whether they seem happy with what they are doing or not, they will also see the environment you train in and, if you are in the picture, what your expression is like, whether you look like you are engaging with the client or bored. There is so much that people can read from an image and you need to be aware that just because you know what was happening in a picture they won’t, so try and review the images you use from an outside point of view. What does the picture say without any context?

• Add an eye catching headline to the image as a banner. Ensure it is less than 20% of the image. Keep the headline short (less than 8 words if poss)

• Ensure you use the highest resolution available e.g. on I phone use portrait mode

• Instagram uses a 1080 by 1080 structure which is also fine for Facebook so it makes sense to use that for both.

• The current priority is video but as with anything it is better to do what you are good at and can do consistently rather than overthink other options.

• Ensure you use the highest resolution setting available (e.g. 4k video).

• Ensure the video is of interest to your audience. You may appreciate the technicalities of a perfectly executed deadlift but most general population won’t. Like an image, things like facial expressions, interaction between individuals / trainer and client and the environment may say more than the actual movement.

• Ensure the first few seconds captures interest and then aim to keep it!

• Consider where your audience will be watching. If audio is important then will they hear it? – most people watch videos on silent, subtitles are your friend here!

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Appendix 2: Facebook Advert Logistics



It can be a big ask to take someone from not having met you to paying you hundreds of pounds a month on a recurring basis. It doesn’t matter if they can cancel at any time, we’ve all heard horror stories of people getting caught out and if they don’t know you they have no idea of whether they can trust you or not. This is where a package comes in.

• CAMPAIGN: Set the ad objective, if you are aiming to get leads then this would be lead generation.

• AD SETS: Set audience Drop in the pin and adjust the range based on your knowledge of the local area and where people will be willing to travel from / you will be willing to travel to. Other settings: Set gender and age range. You don’t need to start limiting based on interests unless you are dealing with a specialist demographic. Audience size: Aim for an audience of approximately 10,000 rural - 40,000 town and cities.

• AD SETS: Set placement, do you want your ad on Instagram as well as Facebook etc? Choose where do you want it to appear.

• AD SETS: Set budget: Consider your data, look at your lifetime customer value and conversion rates and work out how much a lead is worth to your business. Use that information to set your marketing budget. Generally you should be willing to pay 10-15% of LCV in acquiring a customer. Or the exact same amount to get a trialist as the trial costs e.g. £97 trial = spend £97 for a client on the basis that their ongoing business more than returns that investment.

• DAYS AND TIMES: Knowing your audience will help here e.g. if they don’t tend to be on social media / thinking health and fitness on Fridays and Saturdays then you may want to avoid wasting money on those times. If your client base watch X factor then post online when they are online talking about it. If they have kids then consider that the children are generally in bed 7.30 ish so post content after 7.30 for them. For professional city workers who are on trains scrolling 5.30-6.30 go for that time slot etc. One way to find out the best time to post is to do a social media questionnaire to current your client base to find out their usage – Ask what social media they use, how they use social media (do they observe & post, observe only, post only), what their favourite pages are excluding yours, excluding you what is their most trusted source of SM health and fitness advice, what times and days are they most active on SM. Use the results to plan your posts and adverts.

• ADs: Complete your ad content (name, image, description, text etc), preview it, proof read and tweak as necessary.

Note: If something works well, repeat it until it stops working then tweak and go from there.

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Appendix 2: Facebook Advert Logistics


The metrics of interest are usually cost per click, cost per lead and cost per acquisition. These are all interesting topics to learn if you are interested in advertising but the best way to monitor your success is to question if you are acquiring paying customers for equal or less than your trial cost, if so good!



• What you are selling

• Who it is for

• What the benefits are for the individuals viewing the ad

• What your clients say about the service / how they feel

• Where it is

• When it is

• How much it is

• Where / how to find out more

• Call to action – what do you want them to do (balanced with what they will be ready to do at that point in time)

• Use emojis

• Keep up to date with Facebook rules.

• Generally, you aren’t allowed before and after images, anything that implies there is something wrong with the reader, talking about weight etc

What to include…(note: some of this may be implied by the images and language used rather than directly stated

What not to include…

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Appendix 3: Facebook Advert Troubleshooting


Ad not approved

Ad not getting results

• Have you got a lot of text in your image?

• Have you used the word “weight” or similar – pounds, kg’s etc?

• Is there an excessive use of the word “you”?

• Are you using a before and after pic?

• Is there anything that could be taken as criticising the reader, racist, sexist or marginalising any individual or group?

• Are you making any claims that could be viewed as unrealistic?

• You’ve not given it enough time.

• You haven’t set the scene, built interest via other posts or provided information that validates your claims elsewhere on your page (it’s not all about the ad).

• You chose a really rubbish time to run it (e.g. a hot sunny bank holiday weekend in UK when people are thinking about ice cream, beer and time with their family, are doing less scrolling on social media and exercise is the furthest thing from their mind).

• The advert doesn’t appeal to your target audience. Images, words and / or offer don’t appeal and aren’t relatable.

• The target audience isn’t right.

• There isn’t enough information to make a decision.

• The next step / call to action isn’t clear or compelling.

• The call to action isn’t aligned to the next step (e.g. CTA says click link to find out more but next step is a form that wants payment details).

• The landing page / form / additional info isn’t aligned to the advert.

• The next step is complex and / or time consuming.

• The advert redirects to a website with too many options / no way to find the offer again.

If your ad has not been approved then check the reason as this will give you a clue where to start. If you are still stuck check the following:

If you have an ad running and no one making contact then it could be any or all of the following:

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Appendix 3: Facebook Advert Troubleshooting


Ad not getting results - continued

Your numbers will help you identify the issue:

• Are people viewing but not clicking?

• This suggests there’s an issue with the ad and / or audience. Have another look to see what you can change to better appeal to your audience.

• Are people clicking but not signing up?

• This suggests a disconnect between the ad and next step. Might need more information on the ad (people are clicking to find out more but either not finding it or aren’t happy with the answer) or the messages need aligning (the info on the landing page or the form isn’t in the same tone as the ad itself).

• Are people filling in the form / making initial contact but then disappearing?

• This could mean that you are appealing to the wrong people (e.g. initial interest was the result of an emotional reaction, see the guest webinar on Consumer Psychology for more information),

• Or there is a piece of information missing in the ad (e.g. the location / price / time wasn’t initially available and on finding out that info the individual lost interest),

• Or you are asking for commitment too early in the relationship (they want more information but you are asking for money or a booking),

• Or there is a disconnect between the initial message and the follow up messages (e.g. initial message had pictures of smiling “normal” women in a group training environment but you subsequently sent them a communication with a pics of really toned people, looking series and training with heavy weights.

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Appendix 4: Instagram Specific Information


• Instagram is an image focused platform that thrives on less “tell” and more “show” so it should be used in that way.

• Photos should be nice quality, using the best setting on your camera phone (Portrait mode on iphone) when you post to your timeline.

• Post 1-2 stories per day.

• A simple photo of behind the scenes is enough.

• People love stories because it triggers the psychological construct of scarcity “I must see this before it disappears forever”.

• When you post stories, you can see who has viewed them. Make a habit of checking people who view them who aren’t members, and connecting with them.

• Using local hashtags will help you appear in more places locally.

• Once every 2-3 weeks, run a time limited offer in your stories “Want a 3 session free pass? simply reply to this story and we will give you 3 personal training sessions over 7 days. Simply reply to this story before it expires to claim it”.

• Follow all of your clients.

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Appendix 5: Incentivising Client Check ins


Stamp Cards

Just like your neighbourhood coffee shop stamp cards can be used to reward loyalty & / or certain behaviours. In marketing terms a good behaviour to encourage is that of talking about you on social media because that way you have multiple profiles advertising your service not just yours!

• When and where can the tag you: if you have 10 clients it’s not to difficult to keep track of when they tag you, if you have 200 then it will need to be controlled differently e.g. it only counts when they tag you when they are with you and they have to physically show you at the time to get the stamp.

• Who is it open to: Clients only? Maybe consider something for your free group members if you have one, they may not be paying for your service but they can still help you advertise it.

• Any restrictions on number of tags – close the loopholes, maybe a max of 1 point a day.

• What is a stamp worth – how many stamps to complete a card and what does that get them e.g. 10 for a T shirt, 20 for a Hoody, 30 for a water bottle, 40 for a free session etc.

Decide on the rules:

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Appendix 6: My Social Media Check Sheet


Answer the questions below in as much detail as you can and use the answers to plan your social media strategy, as a checkpoint for each post you do and for inspiration as required.

1. What is the role of social media in my business?

2. Who am I aiming to connect with via my posts?

3. What am I aiming to get my audience to think, feel and do?

4. When is my audience active on social media?

5. Which platforms are my audience most active on?

6. How do my audience use social media?

7. What topics (not necessarily health / diet / fitness related) are my audience interested in?

8. What are my audiences’ main health and fitness goals?

9. What are my audiences’ main concerns about starting my service? |

10. What are the main things my audience want from a personal training service?

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Appendix 7: Example Post Calender


Notes: • This is an example only not a magic formula, you can use the principles contained elsewhere to create your own or make changes.• Although I’ve provided suggestions for 6 days a week, it’s not an all or nothing situation, decide what works for you (if you are actively seeking new clients and social media is a key part to your

strategy aim for the posts in green as a minimum).• Adapt timing based on your audience, e.g. if payday isn’t typically at the end of the month for your client base you might want to change the timing of the CTA ad, if the dates in question fall on

days your audience aren’t active on SM then shift them etc.• If your social media strategy is more personality led or reliant on you being seen as an authority you will have more need of the extra content days to showcase yourself.• Above all make sure every post is related to your intended audience and has a purpose that they find relatable.

Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Post Focus Client success story Something topical that your audience is interested in

Insight into a training session - what does it look and feel like

Something fun Demonstrate you understand your audience with a relatable story about yourself

Something educational

Other Boost most popular / appropriate post from the week

Date 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Post Focus How you do things and why what you do works

Answer a common / recent client question or concern

Story to show you and your clients are human / "normal"

Something calendar related (obviously move this one to whatever the appropriate date is for the month)

Something that shows how one of your clients have overcome a common barrier relating to training

A personal experience / insight into you

Other Boost most popular / appropriate post from the week

Date 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Post Focus The convenience of training with you (logistically and in terms of speeding the process up / less wasted time / money / effort etc)

Something topical that your audience is interested in

Link to a local business you share an audience with

Something fun Insight into a training session - what does it look and feel like

Something educational

Other Boost most popular / appropriate post from the week

Date 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Post Focus How training with you has positively impacted a client's life outside of training

Answer a common / recent client question or concern

How a client felt before starting with you (what fears they had about it) and how they feel now

Seasonal advice How you are different from the alternatives

A personal experience / insight into you

Other Call to Action advert

Date 29 30 31

Post Focus Client achievement in the time frame you are selling

Answer a common / recent client question or concern

Why a client wishes they had started training with you sooner

Other Call to Action advert

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Appendix 8: Final notes and additional useful resources


Final Notes

Additional Useful Resources

• Don’t let fear stop you from doing anything! If you aren’t doing any posts you won’t ever master the skill.

• Don’t blindly copy other people’s adverts. Their service isn’t the same as your service, their voice is different to yours. They might be bragging about the number of leads they have brought in but that doesn’t automatically equate to long term success. You want clients who are going to stick around not an inexhaustible supply of leads.

• Monitor your metrics and tweak as necessary. Use the data to identify the issues and resolve them rather than emotions.

• *Facebook will tag people as being interested in your stuff if they pause on your posts (on your business page) even if they don’t visibly interact / like / comment. Then when you post an advert those people will be served it.

• Marketing Checklist – Commercial Gym or Mobile / Private Facility Trainer (Download)

• Converting Leads to Clients (Download)

• Content Creation (Download)

• Facebook Ad Creation (Webinar)

• Consumer Psychology and its Impact on Marketing (Webinar)

• Fitness and the Consumer (Webinar)

• Growing a Client Base (Course)

• Marketing (Course)

• Example Advert – Personal Training (Download)

• Example Advert – Semi Private Training (Download)

• Example Advert – Group (Download)

• Role of a Facebook ad (Football Analogy - FB)

• How to Write Fitness Content that Doesn’t Suck (Course)