Download - Market research unit 3 PR1


Market research

One of the best forms of entertainment is the radio and there are many stations for people for many people of many ages and social groups to listen to here are my research:

This radio station is one of the most popular in the UK and it is very widely used by many social groups and the target audience for this station is mainly young people mainly girls.

The logo that they use looks very high tech and clean that really explains the modern society that we mainly experience today and it is really reaching out to

the younger generation.

This screenshot shows us the amount of detail the company running this is putting in to make sure the readers and listeners are always up to date on the latest gossip and get the latest sales on the latest music that is being played on the radio station.

You can also see the latest play list on the website to show what songs the station is going to play at any point in the week whether it would be today or tomorrow you would know when to tune in to your favourite songs either in the car or on your phone

There are many different radio stations that are presenting many different types of music to the public such as Rock, Rap and many more and the way that the radio stations present these songs is the way that the viewers like them whether they like the songs to be played on a loop or separately.

The way that these radio stations keep track of the viewers ratings of the songs are through graphics that keep track of which song is the most popular and how many of each age or gender listen to the songs they are announcing

This particular screenshot shows us the area where capital FM announces their music but as you can see the coverage in Scotland is very small and I think that if they improve on this by trying to get their music to Scotland it will improve their income and viewer base by the thousands

As we can see in the quantitative section a large section of it which is female is highlighted and it is considerably bigger than the meal listener base and that shows us the bigger fan base is made from the female gender rather than the male gender. It shows that the male population is at 49% as when the female population is at 58% these sorts of statistics determine whether the radio station needs to present things that the male gender can listen to and then the male listeners will start to listen and the radio stations listener base will go higher.

As you can see it is not 100% on each of the genders and the radio stations are always trying to come up with new ideas for the company to improve on the listeners and they will keep on doing this because the radio station will never be perfect and they will always need more and they need to be careful because it is things like that can ruin the radio station so they have to stick to some of the factors they are good at not just pushing for more they need to don’t just have to get new listeners they need to maintain the regular listeners

Market research survey response.

After looking at the response I found that the person who did the survey is a regular listener to the radio and the main place he listens to it is in the car, when I did the survey my responses where very different to his but we had some things in common for instance we both like rock music and we both listen to the radio in the same location which is in the car however while he listens to the radio daily, I listen to the radio maybe once or twice a week and the rest of the questions he answered had been the opposite to what I had put you will see in the response screenshots below.

As you can see in these screenshots the person is a big fan of the radio because he answered yes to most of the questions regarding his thoughts on the radio and that he is a big fan of rock because of the percentage rating he showed when I reviewed the results.