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General Certificate of Education O Level

MARK SCHEME for the June 2004 question papers


5054/01 Paper 1 (Multiple Choice), maximum mark 40

5054/02 Paper 2 (Theory), maximum mark 75

5054/03 Paper 3 (Practical Test), maximum mark 30

5054/04 Paper 4 (Alternative to Practical), maximum mark 30

These mark schemes are published as an aid to teachers and students, to indicate the requirements of the examination. They show the basis on which Examiners were initially instructed to award marks. They do not indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began. Any substantial changes to the mark scheme that arose from these discussions will be recorded in the published Report on the Examination. All Examiners are instructed that alternative correct answers and unexpected approaches in candidates’ scripts must be given marks that fairly reflect the relevant knowledge and skills demonstrated. Mark schemes must be read in conjunction with the question papers and the Report on the Examination.

• CIE will not enter into discussion or correspondence in connection with these mark schemes. CIE is publishing the mark schemes for the June 2004 question papers for most IGCSE and GCE Advanced Level syllabuses.

JUNE 2004

GCE O Level




PHYSICS Paper 1 (Multiple Choice)

Page 1 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper

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© University of Cambridge International Examinations 2004

Question Number

Key Question Number


1 A 21 A

2 A 22 D

3 C 23 C

4 D 24 A

5 C 25 C

6 D 26 B

7 C 27 B

8 A 28 D

9 D 29 B

10 A 30 A

11 C 31 B

12 B 32 D

13 A 33 D

14 A 34 B

15 D 35 C

16 B 36 A

17 B 37 A

18 B 38 D

19 D 39 A

20 C 40 B


JUNE 2004

GCE O Level




PHYSICS Paper 2 (Theory)

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© University of Cambridge International Examinations 2004

Section A

1 (a) (i) weight / gravity / gravitational (force)


(ii) air / wind resistance or drag or friction / upthrust B1

(b) (i) 9.8 or 10 m/s2 or N/kg B1 (ii) air resistance increases (not if parachute open)

less resultant force or sensible statement about upwards force C1 e.g. resistance opposes gravity or decreases acc. C1 slope of line decreases C1


(iii) air resistance = weight / no resultant / net / overall force / downwards force balances upwards force


Total [6] 2 (a) (i) radiation B1 (ii) no molecules or medium (to vibrate, conduct, convect) / vacuum B1 (b) hot air rises

(hot) air expands / density decreases B1 B1

(c) fiberglass or air is a bad conductor/ insulator / lags / reduces heat flow fiberglass traps air or prevents convection (ignore radiation statements)

B1 B1

Total [6] 3

(a) rise in temperature / hot / heated road / bridge / rail / metal expands or gap reduces no buckling / deformation / breaking / cracking / twisting / tilting

B1 B1 B1

(b) any other problem + solution e.g. concrete cracks – leave a gap, telephone wires sag – put them high / tight hot water cracks glass – use thin glass / car engines seize up – cool them water freezes in pipes – lag them or use antifreeze / tyres burst – let air out pipes bend – use flexible joints / dashboard deforms – car in shade wrong readings on measuring cylinder – use correct temp.


Total [4] 4 (a) distance traveled per unit time or in one second / distance ÷ time

or rate of change of distance

B1 (b) s = d/t in any algebraic or numerical form

any doubling of distance or final time 0.48 s (allow 0.24s 2/3 accept 0.5s)

C1 C1 A1

(c) 60/0.48 (5) 123.75 accept 120, 123, 124 (ecf (b))

C1 A1

Total [6] 5 (a) (i) magnetic (field) of current / coil / recording head

or head is magnetized / an electromagnet

B1 (ii) magnetism / magnetic field or current or poles on head reverses /

changes direction (accept “due to alternating current”)

B1 (iii) each direction / one cycle longer (on tape) B1 (b) (i) need to keep record / tape stored or played B1 (ii) iron, steel etc B1 Total [5]

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6 (a) (i) voltage past maximum or 3V / off scale / outside range B1 (ii) reading less accurate or sensitive / not far up scale or smaller

deflection (b) (i) V = I R in any algebraic format

4/12 0.33 A (accept 1/3 A)

B1 C1 A1

(ii) (i) * 30 or (i) * 18 + 4 or 30*4/12 9.9 – 10 V (e.c.f (i), e.g. if (i) = 0.3, 0.3*30 = 9V or 0.3*18+4 = 9.4 V) only 1 unit error in this question

C1 A1

Total [7] 7 (a) (i) filament is hot / heated (by current from 6V supply) / thermionic

emission B1

(ii) anode is positive / anode attracts electrons / electrons attracted to + (electric) field from anode to cathode


(iii) otherwise electrons stopped / deflected / slowed down / collide (with air atoms)

(accept no opposition to movement, to reach screen, to avoid air resistance)


(b) up and down vertical or side to side movement (not on both axes) electrons deflected by electric field or attracted to + or repelled by – or plates are charged (e.g. plates are +ve and –ve)


B1 Total [5] 8 (a) radon (gas) B1 (b) cancer / mutation / cell damage or death

radiation sickness or adds to readings (accept count with no source)


(c) (outer) space / stars / Sun (not sunlight) B1 (d) number of protons and neutrons (not no. nucleons) B1 (e) 84 216 (values reversed B1) B2 Total [6]

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SECTION B 9 (a) (i) Any three other parts of spectrum radio, microwaves, u.v., X, γ

(-1 any wrong if>3 ignore t.v.)

correct order for all including visible (accept colours) and I.R.


A1 (ii) reflection of infra-red or radiation (from shiny material)

more energy hits food or reflection towards food cooks food faster avoids wasting heat / energy or more efficient avoids heating outer case or burning hand ANY 2


B2 (b) connected to (outer metal) case

if live touches case or case becomes live allows current / charge to earth / ground blows fuse (and disconnects circuit) or no current through person or no electrocution / electric shock

B1 B1 B1


(c) (i) P = V I in any algebraic form B1 (ii) 230 * 8.3

1900 W (accept 1910 W but not power 1/4) C1 A1

(iii) current decreases (halves) or power 1/4 B1 Total [15]

10 (a) mass of bar (measured) using (top-pan) balance / spring balance / scales etc. length, breadth and height measured or volume water + bar measured or displacement can (full) with water volume = length x breadth x height or subtract volume water alone or collect water displaced using ruler / calipers / micrometer or measuring cylinder density = mass / volume

M1 A1 M1 A1 A1 B1

(b) (i) melts / changes state / becomes liquid B1 (ii) (initial) increase in vibration / K.E. of molecules (to 600s)

then later / after 600s or on melting bonds broken (accept molecules break free / overcome attraction / not fixed in place)


B1 (iii) E = mc (∆)T algebraic form seen

645 – 655 (°C) seen) 17 160 J (allow 1700, 17200, 20000)

C1 C1 A1


30*400 or 12 000 (J) seen) E = mL any algebraic form seen or 12 000/0.3 40 000 J/kg


C1 C1 A1 [15]

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P.E. decreases (A to B or C to D or downhill or initially) K.E. gained (P.E. K.E….2) K.E. to P.E. change must be clear and from B to C or uphill

B1 B1 B1


mgh algebraic form seen 500*10*30 150 000 J

C1 C1 A1


conservation of energy cited or clear that loss of P.E. has become K.E. 500*10*20 or 500*10*10 or 50 000 seen 100 000 J (allow g=9.8)

C1 C1 A1

(b) (i) velocity involves direction or is a vector (speed does not) direction (of carriage) changes / carriage turns (accept on diagram)


(ii) force towards centre (of curve) / inwards (accept centripetal) B1


F = ma in any algebraic form or 3000 = 500a 3000/500 6(.0) m/s2

C1 C1 A1

Total [15]

Total for paper : [75]

JUNE 2004

GCE O Level




PHYSICS Paper 3 (Practical Test)

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© University of Cambridge International Examinations 2004

1. (a), (b) & (c) Repeat measurements taken for either t1 or t2. B1

Correct T1 in the range 1.40 s to 1.60 s to 0.01 s B1

Correct T2 within + 0.1 s of T1 B1

(d) Comment on

Either reaction time – however expressed

Or range of values B1

(e) Sensible conclusion based on their results e.g.

Time for one oscillation is independent of the mass.

(if periods are the same within the limits of uncertainty)

Or Time for one oscillation increases / decreases with increase

in mass. (Allow direct or inverse proportion)

(provided their results show this) B1

Total [5]

2. (a) Power supply, ammeter and switch in series with gap

between A and B, voltmeter in parallel with power supply. B1

(b), (c) & (d) I values in region of 0.3 A and 0.45 A with unit seen at

least once and at least one current to 0.01 A. B1

(Allow Centre variation)

Both V values in the region of 4.5 V with unit seen at least

once and at least one voltage to 0.1 V. B1

(Allow Centre variation)

R values in the region of 15 Ω and 10 Ω with unit seen at

least once. B1

(e) Resistance increases as diameter decreases. B1

(Allow resistance is inversely proportional to diameter or area)

Total [5]

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3. (a) and (b) Sensible temperatures with unit seen at least once. B1

At least one reading attempted to better than 1 ˚C B1

VF numerically to (1.0 to 3.0) x temperature drop

and correct calculation of VI with unit seen at least once.

mI numerically equal to VI. B1

(c) and (d) Sensible values for all the thermal energy changes with

unit seen at least once. M1

(e) Energy gained greater than energy lost as cold water gains

thermal energy from beaker / surroundings A1

Total [5]

4. Initial readings.

(b) x 0.60 + 0.05 m with unit. B1

(c) y 0.20 + 0.05 m with unit. B1

(Penalise missing unit once only)

x and y recorded to 0.001 m or better. B1


(d) Table with units for d, D and 1/D. B1

At least one reading with D greater than or equal to 1.00 m. B1

At least one reading with D less than or equal to 0.70 m B1

Correct calculation of (d/D)2 and 1/D to at least 2 s.f. B1

Five good values judged according to the table below. B1

D Range of (d / D )2

1 / D

0.65 0.06 – 0.10 1.54

0.70 0.12 – 0.16 1.43

0.75 0.18 – 0.22 1.33

0.80 0.23 – 0.27 1.25

0.85 0.27 – 0.31 1.18

0.90 0.31 – 0.35 1.11

0.95 0.35 – 0.39 1.05

1.00 0.38 – 0.42 1.00

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(e) Axes labelled with unit and correct orientation. B1

Suitable scale y axis 1 cm = 0.02 / 0.025

x axis 1 cm = 0.1 or 0.05 m-1


Two points plotted correctly – check the two points furthest

from the line. A1

Best fit fine line and finely plotted points. B1


(f) and (g) Large triangle. B1

Correct calculation of S and f (ignore sign) B1

Value of f in range 0.130 m to 0.170 m with unit. B1

Total [15]

JUNE 2004

GCE O Level




PHYSICS (Alternative to Practical)

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© University of Cambridge International Examinations 2004

Question 1 (a) Uses two rays from X and Y (clear intention to touch hole edges) M1 One X and one Y ray “touch” an edge of the hole and meet screen C1 Any one X and one Y are neat lines (rule and sharp “pencil”) allow apparent “refraction” or “diffraction” at hole B1 One correct X and the corresponding Y labeled on screen Arrows on rays; no broken lines penalty -1 (max). B1 (b) XY in range 54 to 56 mm (unit required), accept in cm B1 Total [5] Question 2 (a) 4 items correct, 3mks; 3 items = 2mks; 2 items = 1mk. Accept historical symbols Accept any other component provided that the function of the circuit is not compromised. Penalise -1 (max) :- short circuit (e.g. line behind component, unless signs of use of rubber) or any compromised circuit function. B3 (b) Correct polarities, +ve signs for correct terminals of cell and ammeter (re diode). B1 (c) No current / I = 0, (do not accept “nothing”), accept very small “reverse” current / lamp does not light. B1 (d) One from: limit current / prevent overheating / current indicator / provides resistance B1 Total [6] Question 3 (a) Any method based on rule reading at 25°C – rule reading at top of thermometer bulb. NB / required. Mark text or diagram or Fig 3.1 B1 Rule as close as possible to thermometer (on diagram < 1 cm) / uses fiducial aid B1 With the eye/line of sight perpendicular to the rule/end of mercury thread B1 (b) (i) I0

= 5.6 – 5.8 (cm), I100 = 22.6 – 22.8 (cm) ignore unit B1 (ii) ∆I / 100, clear, correct arithmetic ecf, 2 or 3 dcp, ignore unit, accept any correct ∆I / ∆θ from graph. B1 (iii) linearly, or (I – I0) ∝ θ accept/line has a constant/uniform m, note that… “directly proportional” automatically looses the mark. B1 Total [6]

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Question 4 (a) (i) V initial = a volume between 40cm3 and 60cm3 : (allow use of beaker) B1 must be able to displace 40cm3 / prevents overflowing / exceeding cm3 limit B1 (ii) Vmax - Vinitial / change in volume is found / change in volume obtained is = Vmetal / any related answer that has an association of measurement of volume. B1 (iii) Any good point e.g. tap cylinder to release air / how avoiding parallax / water at 20°C / careful pouring / avoid splashing / use set square / repeat average / reading the position of the bottom of the meniscus. B1 (b) Scale calibration of cylinder is correct at 20°C / liquid needs to be at 20°C B1 (c) Water (on the metal would be) included in the (repeat) volume of the metal; or something that means the same, not just erroneous. B1 Total [6] Question 5 (a) Axes correct, scale that cannot be x2 / is not “awkward” and with units B1 Correct plotting, nearest ½ small square, check first point and obvious plot errors. B1 Line judgement re plots (line does not go through all correctly plotted points, so accept smooth line through 5 points i.e., one point not on the line) B1 Neat smooth thin line B1 (b) Mark cands diagram or Fig 5.1: (i) Object displace downwards OR screen displaced downwards B1 Any ray from the top of object through the lens to meet screen. Be generous re art and accuracy of position, B1 (ii) put centres in line B1 Total [7] Paper Total 30