Download - Mark Another Students Work


In this students work there is a lot of terminology used such as; non-diegetic sound, close ups, the use of mise en scene and camera angles. The terminology is then followed by why it is used and the effect that it gives, which makes the text much more detailed because it doesnt sound like you are just listing what is there, it also shows that the student understands why it is used and where about it should be used. This student inserted screenshotted images from the clip which is clever as it can back up and give evidence on what the text is saying.

Marking students workThis groups prelim is very good, they have used all the techniques such as; match on action, shot/reverse shot and used the 180 degree rule. They have also used different camera angles for example walking into the door and then another clip of them entering in from the other side, the use of editing has been done well as the clip is seamless and doesnt have any jolts or stops. A negative is that the clip is blurry on the blog and is quite unclear to see.