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Marion Tyler Associates

Cumulative Trauma and Stress at Work

Presented by

Marion Tyler

Page 2: Marion Tyler Associates Cumulative Trauma and Stress at Work Presented by Marion Tyler.

Marion Tyler Associates

Cumulative Trauma and Stress in the Workplace

Define Cumulative Trauma Disorder (CTD)

Define Stress and the difference between pressure and stress

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Marion Tyler Associates

Cumulative Trauma Disorder

…a broad category that includes many common diseases that affect soft tissues of the body. CTD in itself is NOT a disease, but may result in injuries to one or more tissues.

These tissues include muscles, joints, cartilage, ligaments and or bone.

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Marion Tyler Associates

Other terms to describe the concept of CTD

Repetitive Strain Disorder (RSI)

Overuse Strain (OS)

Occupational Overuse Syndrome (OOS)

Work Related Upper Limb Disorder (WRULD)

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Marion Tyler Associates

Causes of CTD Overuse of muscles

Repetitive actions

Awkward or static positions

Insufficient recovery time


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Marion Tyler Associates

Costs of CTD to the UK 1 in 50 of all workers reports a CTD

Each affected person takes 18.3 days off work

Every day 6 people in the UK leave their jobs due to CTD or a RSI condition

The costs to the UK industry could be up to £ 20 billion.

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Marion Tyler Associates

Signs and Symptoms of CTD

Aches Pain Swelling Numbness Tingling Weakness Cramp

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Prevention and who is responsible?Employers can:-

Improve working areas for employees and ensure they are comfortable

Recognise a legal responsibility under their duty of care

Provide work place assessments

Take prompt action to reduce risks of CTD developing

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Marion Tyler Associates

Prevention of CTDEmployees can;-

Follow good work station guidelines to prevent CTD relating to:-

Eyes Head neck and shoulders Back Forearms/wrists/hands Legs/feet Environment

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Marion Tyler Associates

Rest and Relaxation Be relaxed


Change positions

Rotate jobs or share work duties

Avoid alcohol, caffeine, excess sugars and tobacco

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Marion Tyler Associates

Cumulative Trauma Disorder

“Cumulative trauma is a form of worker compensation claim in which an employee contends that a major illness or disability is the cumulative result of minor job stresses and strains extending over a period of years”

Professor Cary Cooper Lancaster University

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Marion Tyler Associates

Tackling Stress in the Workplace

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Marion Tyler Associates

Definition of Stress

The adverse reaction people have to excessive pressures or other demands placed upon them.

It arises when they worry that they cannot cope.

(Health and Safety Executive 2000)

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Marion Tyler Associates

The Stress Response Can act as a spur to increase energy and


In competition it may enhance our performance

Improves our powers of concentration and allows us to focus more clearly

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Marion Tyler Associates

Stress Response!!•mind becomes alert•ready to act or react•dilated pupils•dry mouth•tension in neck/shoulders•faster breathing•faster heart rate•sweaty palms•nausea or “butterfly” •stomach•increased need to urinate•constipation or diarrhoea•high blood pressure

Physical ChangesPhysical Changes

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Marion Tyler Associates

The Stress ResponsesHypothalamus

Alarm Reaction


Adrenaline increase

Raises blood glucose

Heart Rate increases

Increases alertness

Reduced blood flow to skin and gut

Produces cortisone

Salt and fluid retention

Raises blood pressure

Reduces glycogen stores

Noradrenaline productioncauses flushing

Increased need to visit the toilet

Resistance Reaction

sensory nerves


Secondary Stress Response


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Marion Tyler Associates

Moderate pressure Excessive pressures

Employee coping

Job satisfaction

Employee not coping


We all need some pressure andchallenge at work tokeep us motivated. But whenpressures are extreme and demands placed on us arebeyond our ability to copeSTRESS is the result

Stress v Pressure

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Marion Tyler Associates

Healthy tension

fatigue point

Intended performance


Actual performance





Pthe point at whicheven minimalarousal mayprecipitate abreakdown

ill health

The Performance v The Performance v Pressure CurvePressure Curve

Peak performance

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Marion Tyler Associates


A loss of concern for the people for whom one is working

OrA psychological withdrawal

from work in response to excessive stress and strain

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Burnout Stage One (An imbalance between demands and personal resources)

Longer working hours Less time for family Frequent colds Sleep problems Hurried meals

TIPS Take stock Seek professional advice Reorganize life and practice

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Marion Tyler Associates

Burnout Stage Two(Short term responses)

Irritability Feeling very tired Anxious about own

health Angry outbursts

TIPS.Get away from it all eg.Go on a course/holidayLet someone else take the strain

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Marion Tyler Associates

Burnout Stage Three(Sufferer cannot re-establish balance)

Treats people mechanically

Goes by the book Authoritarian manner Derogatory towards

customers Cannot balance demands

with resources

TIPSSeek immediate help/support

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Marion Tyler Associates

Symptoms or Signs of Stress




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Marion Tyler Associates

Stress has been associated with anumber of ill-health conditions


High blood pressure






Long Term ill-effects of Stress

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Marion Tyler Associates

Stress Costs Money 1 in 5 workers feel extremely stressed at work

(The Bristol Stress and Health at Work Study 2000)

Approximately 13.5 million days lost per year(HSE 2001/2004)

Cost per day per affected case = £165(CBI 2004)

Costs to society = £3.7 billion per year(HSE 2001)

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Marion Tyler Associates

Some Main Causes of Stress

Maybe a cumulative effect of a number of perceived causes in various areas of our lives

Personal Relationships

Health Work related

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Marion Tyler Associates

How to identify the Hazards6 potential risk factors

Demands on Management and Staff Control Support Relationships Role Change

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Marion Tyler Associates

Legal Implications and Responsibilities?

To comply with the law, employers have duties to:

Under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 to assess the risk of stress related ill health arising from work activities

Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 to take measures to control that risk

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Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999

……..”ill health resulting from stress caused at work has to be treated the same as any other health hazard and should be borne in mind when assessing possible health risks in the workplace.”

Health and Safety Executive 1999

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Marion Tyler Associates

General Causes of Stress

People Pressure

Unacceptable Time Pressure

Sleep deprivation

Many Life change events

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Avoid Unnecessary TensionAvoid Unnecessary Tension

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Marion Tyler Associates

God put me on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things

Right now I am so far behind I will never die

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Sleep DeprivationSleep Deprivation

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Marion Tyler Associates

Many Life Change Events

Marital problems

New baby


Financial worries

Loss of a loved one

New job

Moving house

Health worries


Shift work

Row with the boss


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Marion Tyler Associates

Reducing the Stress Response

Change the physical response

Change the emotional response

Then CHOOSE the behavioural response

IN THE LONG TERMImprove communication skillsAssertiveness trainingGood time management

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Marion Tyler Associates

Tips to Reduce Individual Stress SLEEP Quantity and Quality

AROUSAL Eliminate/reduce/cope

BREATHING Quiet lower thoracic

REST/RELAXATION 20 Mins.x 3 weekly

EXERCISE 20 Mins x 3 weekly

SELF ESTEEM Use positive thoughts

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Avoid Excessive Amounts of:-




Sugars/ Chocs

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