Download - MARH 2014 HAPS ontinues Parkinson Foundation of Harris ...

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This publication is not intended to provide

diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the

advice of your physician or pharmacist

with questions regarding medical

conditions or drug interactions.

To request permission to reprint content

published in this newsletter, please

contact the HAPS office at 713-626-7114

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in this issue

Marathon 2-4

New Board Members 4

FDA Approves New Medicine 4

HAPS Exercise & Support Group Schedule


Article: New Insight Into How Pesticides May Increase Parkinson’s Risk


Pancakes for Parkinson’s 6

MJFF Clinical Trial Fair 6

Dance for PD® Master Class 6

Contributions and Tributes 7

MARCH 2014

2700 SW Freeway #296 • Houston, TX 77098 • ph 713-626-7114 • fax 713-521-3964 • • [email protected]

Save the Date!

HAPS Annual Educational Symposium

Saturday, May 10th

Houston has been fortunate to have two Parkinson’s patient support organizations

offering programs and services that improve the quality of life for those who are affected.

For a number of reasons, Parkinson Foundation of Harris County (PFHC), which has

faithfully served Houston’s Parkinson’s community for the past 34 years, made a decision

to discontinue operations as of March 1, 2014.

Before PFHC made that decision, representatives of the organization and Houston Area

Parkinson Society met and considered merging the two organizations. The legal and

accounting costs required to pursue a formal, legal merger, however, were going to be

high. PFHC therefore elected to cease operations and asked HAPS to continue some of its

existing programs.

Through the years, PFHC and HAPS have collaborated on events and programs that have

assisted people living with Parkinson’s disease. In 1997, the organizations jointly hosted a

fundraising event that featured an appearance of Muhammad Ali on his 55th birthday.

PFHC and HAPS were both beneficiaries of the funding raised and the support generated

through that special event contributed to research, outreach and education. In 2012, the

two organizations in partnership began offering an ongoing Beginner’s Tango Class,

providing students with the opportunity to learn to dance the tango which research has

shown leads to improvements in posture, gait and mood for people living with


With similar missions and long-standing histories of serving those with Parkinson’s

disease, PFHC and HAPS have been exploring ways to work together to ensure that

programs that PFHC clients have come to depend on will remain available. In recent years,

these programs have consisted of therapeutic groups, monthly luncheon seminar

meetings, a monthly newsletter and a lending library.

We are pleased to announce that HAPS will carry on the PFHC legacy by taking over and

continuing the majority of its therapeutic groups. In addition, HAPS will include PFHC

clients and families on its mailing list so they will receive HAPS’ monthly newsletter and

continue to be kept up to date on trends in Parkinson’s treatment, care and research, as

well as be informed about local events and HAPS programs.

We remain committed to our shared goals of delivering quality services and providing

critical programs that make a difference in the lives of those affected by Parkinson’s

disease in the greater Houston area.

Roslyn Waechter Mike Hendryx President, PFHC President, HAPS

HAPS Continues Parkinson Foundation of Harris County’s Legacy

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Jacque Abernathy

Thomas Adams

Laura & Frank Adamsky

Avalon Advisors

Dylan Aguilar

Manzoor Ali

Sarah Ali

Carroll & Phil Allison

Sarah Almy

Luis Alonso

Vicky Anderson

Granny & Pop Pops Anderson

Clifford Ando

Jaquel & Jeremy Andrews

Fernando Aponte

Patricia Aquinto

Anna Archer

Jeandell Arcilla

Whitney & Greg Argyres

LaTanya Armstead

Paula Arnold

Farah Atassi

Deb & Tom Atchison

Dennis Atchison

Steve Atchison

Viva & Chris Bacorn

Steve Bair

R. Cameron Ballantyne

Melodie H. Ballman

Mahmood Banijamali

Bill Barney III

Gayle Bartlett

Janine & Greg Batterton

Cindy Bausch

Robin Beard

Walter Beard

Kelly Masters Beard

Lo & Doug Becker

Cate Bennett

Amber Berchiatti

Janice Berg

Julie & Brent, Shay & Brookie Bersin

Claudia Beseda-Burns

Amanda Black

Liz & Michael Black

Charles Blackwell

Diane Blanco

Blake Blazek

Sharon & Wes Blizzard

Suzanne Bloch

Margaret Blue

Bryce Blythers

Jan & Jack Boatman

Jeffrey Bohanski

Janica Boles

Maricel Bombasi

Harry Boykin

BP Fabric of America Fund

Azra Brackovic

Jane Bradley

Audrey Bradshaw

Molly Brady

Cherry Bramel

Lucy Brants

Iola Brave

Arline Breaux

Angela Brener

Peggy Brenner

Marianna & Chris Brewster

Lee Brochstein

Tira & Christopher Brom

Toby, Gregg, Ryan & Ariel Brown

Sherry & Rick Brown

Don Brown

Nina Brown

Pamela Brown

Susan & Mike Brown

Shirley & Michael Brown

Keith Brown

Karen & Steve Brown

Michael Brown

Susan Brown

Carl Bruice

Mon Bryant

Christy & Matt Bryant

Karen Buchler

Ed Buck

Cecilia Buice

Arsen & Ricky Bulos

Kay Burnell

Gina Buti

Gretchen Butler

Kelly & Billy Buzzett

Kellie Byerly

Diane & Dan Byers

Paula & Jack Cade

Ann Marie Cahill

Joanna & John Calabro

Lauren Caldarera

Sam Caldwell

Marianne & Michael Caliri

Alice & Aubrey Calvin

Joan Camacho

Kim & Keith Campbell

Debbie & Scot Campbell

Tania Campbell

Marlene & Walter Canty

Lou Caplan

Laura Cardella

Ashley Cardoza

Marion & Bob Cardoza

Barbara & Jerry Carlisle

Kathye Carpenter

Amado Carrillo

Christine & Chuck Carter

Patty & John Carter

Daragh Carter

Twila Carter Ilgen

Elizabeth & Steve Cartwright

Karen & Bob Cassidy

Monica Castellanos-Calderon

Jacqueline Cate

Kathleen Cejka

Paul Chamberlain

Lynn Champion

Ariana Chapman


Rebecca Clark

Debbie Clark

Yvonne Clarke

Jay's Heating and Cooling

Stephanie & Justin Coates

Kathi & Ralph Coats

Chase Cobb

Richard Coffman

Chip Colburn

Marcia Cole

James Collins

Susie & Fred Collins

Anne & Val Comeaux

Liz & Blake Cook

Alan Cookson

Barbara & John Coon

Clare Cooper

Cathy & Bob Cooper

Craig Cooper

Kelly & Debbie Courter

Jennifer Cowan

Laura Cox

Kathleen Crist

Kay & Tracy Cross

Crown Geochemistry, Inc.

Ellie & Larry Csengery

Teddy Cuaping

Debbie & Mark Cuda

Patricia Culpepper

Sylvia & Charlie Cunningham

Patti Curtis

Cari Curtis

Amy Daly

Jeffrey Daniels

James Davis

Afsheen Davis

Norma & Dirk De Jong

Esmeralda De La Cruz

Derek Degeyter

Betty & Gregg Dejarnett

Del Rio Host Lions Club

Evelyn Denley

Marceline R. Devine

Ann Diggs

Mary Dignazio

Gilda Dimayuga

Traci Dimperio

Sandy & Jim D'Imperio

Roya Dinbali

Lisa Dixon

Lisa Dockall

Leslie & Shawn Doctor

Jerri Doctor

Stan Doctor

Scott, Ashley & Emily Doctor

Stacy Doctor

Sandra Dominguez

Don Donalson

Thomas Doneker

Brian Downs

Richard Doyle

Lin and Ron Drees

June & Bert Drexler

Kay & Wes Droke

Lynn & Tom Dunlop

Gladys Dworacek

Valeria Eastham

Sheri Eastman

Gary Ebdon

Nancy & William Edwards

Penny & Berk Egenes

Cary & Roberto Egusquiza

Colleen & Joe Elam

Ranya ElBeheary

John Elledge

Christi Elledge

Keith Ellison

Wendy Ellor

Linda & Phil Elting

Susan English

EP Energy

Carey Erdman

Colleen Ernst

Carl Estler, DDS

Judith Evans

Mark Evans

Husein Ezzi

Sheryl Falk

The Hepburn Family

Nick Faraklas

Jorge Faz

Al Fenoy

John Fetzer

Danell Fields

Jeannie Fisher

Stanley Fisher

Julius Fisher

Ian Fisher

Jenni & Brad Fleck

Ann Fleischmann

Veronica Foisy

Jody Folloder

Lisa Folloder

Macy's Foundation

Paul Francis

Debby Francis

Pamela & Curtis Frasier

Betty Frazier

Wendy & Eric Fredland

William French

Mark Frick

Ann & Kenny Friedman

Janet Friedman

Terry G. Fry

Hayes Fuller

Lisa Fulton

David Fusselman

Karen Gallagher

Edward Gallner

Dana Gambino

Giselle & Doug Garcia

Bonet Garcia

Victor Garcia

Carol Garner

Maria Garza

James Gascoyne

Stan Gerber

John Gerke

Bridget Gibson

Judith & Bill Giddings

John Gilbert

Joyce Gilbreath

Dolores Goble

Alison Godbe

Maureen Goddard

Allison Goldberg

Stefani & Andrew Golub

Gregory Gomez-Mira

Maria Gonzales

Melanie Gonzales

Ann Gonzalez

Javier Gonzalez

Paige & Brandon Goodwin

Sally & Glenn Goss

Kyle Goss

Cara Goss

Rosalind Graham

Denise Grannon

Allen Grant

Jackie Gravois

Elizabeth & John Gray

Krista, Chris, Luke & Caroline Green

Cookie & Scott Green

Susan Greensage

Carlene Gregg Victor

Ann Grimes

Ellin & Robert G. Grossman

Michael Grover

Kristen Gruber

Steve Guinn

Eduardo Guity

Malcolm Hackney

Lana Hadlock

Laurie Haedtler

Dale Hahn

Earl Hale

Shawn & Jake Hallsted

Barbara & Will Hamilton

Gayle Hamilton

Melanie & Kerry Hamilton

Carol Hammacl

David Hampton

Jason Hanlon

Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Carson Hardt

Superheroes of all kinds came out in support of HAPS

in the 2014 Chevron Houston Marathon—from walkers

and runners to spectators, sponsors and donors, we

couldn’t have made this the most successful marathon

on record without your help! We topped last year’s

event by raising an epic $108,677 that will directly

fund the vital services, education and advocacy HAPS

provides to people with Parkinson’s in our community. We are especially grateful to our

returning marathon co-chairs, Debby Hurlbert and Kathy Smith; Sidewalk Squad Sponsors

Wärtsilä and Teva; our in-kind donors; the nearly 175 runners, walkers and fundraisers;

and the over 825 donors (listed below) who contributed to this great cause!

1. Fred Stephens $15,700

2. Debby Hurlbert $8,470

3. Diana Rutherford $7,855

4. Leon Keeble $5,625

5. Mike Hendryx $5,045

6. Mark Reiley $4,700

7. Stacy Doctor $3,750

8. Alfonso Hernandez $3,370

9. Thomas Woltz, Sr. $2,255

10. Tania Campbell $2,100

11. Anna Hyde $2,085

12. Wesley Keepers $2,050

13. Steve Atchison $1,660

14. Allan MacInnes $1,650

2014’s Top 14 HAPS


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Michael Harper

Lynn Harper

Alison & Robert Harrell

Bob Harris

Charles Harris

Martha Harrison

Keith Hartman

D. Willis Hartman

Carlanda Hassoldt

Juaniece & James Hazelwood

Douglas Hellmann

Barbara & Jimmy Hemphill

Paul Henderson

Trey Henderson

Ruth Ann & Carlos Hendrick

Mike Hendryx

Betty & Bob Henke

Cheryl Herring

Todd Hewgley

Kim & Jim Higbee

Laura & Bob Higley

Ricky Hilado

Jenny Hinkle

Fatmeh Hmaidan

Rosa Hmaidan

Jordan Hmaidan

Amy & Andrew Hoechstetter

Enterprise Holdings

Jamie & Jason Hollis

Kathy Hollis

Lindy Hood

Joan & Rich Hooper

Kimberly Hooper

Bettye Hooter

Debbie & John Horgan

Judith & Bobby Horne

Allison Horner

Tom E. Horton

Dena Houchin

Susan & Kevin Howard

Matthew Howell

Marilyn Hrach

Ronald Hricko

Kristen Hrncir

Debby & Jim Hurlbert

Kim & Tim Hurlbert

Ashley & Jeff Hurlbert

Joshua Huss

Dallas Hutchinson

Anna Hyde

Robert Hyde

Icon Bank

Berniece & David Ischy

Claudia & Kirby Iselt

Mark Jackley

Nausheen Jamal

Roxanne & Frank Jay

Scott Jensen

Jill & Kirk Johansen

Brian Johns

Glenda Johnson

Bev & Don Johnson

Christine & Stephen Johnson

Deba Johnson

Peter Johnston

Nan & Brent Johnston

Quyen Jones

Darragh Jones

Maura Jones

Lori & Ed Jones

Debbie & Tate Joyner

Daniel Junek

Phyllis Kalz

Dhani Kannan

Julika Kaplan

Leslie Karpas

Nancy Kauffman

Larry Kauffman

Sara Kauffman

Alexia Kazilas

Nana Breda Kearney

Laura Kearney

Diane Kearney

Courtney Kearns

Jack Keating

Leon Keeble

June & Bill Keepers

Nick, Brie, Bentlee & Drew Keepers

Matthew Keepers

Marilyn Keepers

Sarah & Rob Keepers

Wesley Keepers

Rosemary Keibler

Ellen Kent

Susan & Ron Kent

Bill Keyser

Ramisha Khan

Carolyn Killean

Kingwood Travel, Inc.

David Kinnan

Jonathan Kinsworthy

Diane Kiser

Carrie Kittrell

Isabella Kleb

Cheryl & Roger Knott

Michael Koenig

Douglas Kohn

Paula Korber

Gere D. Korenek

Anthea Kotlan

Dee & Dick Kremer

Libby & George Krezinski

Laura & Jon Krome

Amy & Jeff Kuehnle

Tony Kupersmith

Marilyn Kusniss

Pogi Lacro

Brandon Lamb

Nicole & Paul Lambert

Jeff Langlois

Rand Lassus

Nancy Latimer

Sharon Lauder

Robert Lauer

Susan Laufman

Brian Laviage

Jeanette Lazarofsky

Dolores & Ernest Leal

U. Whitney Leavell III

Laura Ledbetter

Sharon Lederer

David Ledyard

Doreen & Robert Lee

Michele Lees

Bryan Legate

Tim Leheny

Cathryne Lempa

Tracy LeRoy

Erica Levit

Yolanda & Tracy Lewis

Sharon Lewis

Claudia Licona

Liza Littlefield

George Liverman

Diane Livingston

Fatema Lodgher

Randall Lofton

Jo Ann Long

Meggin Lorino

Kristi Love

David Lundahl

Kevin Lydon

Odette Mace

Allan MacInnes

Justin Mackie

Mary Madden

Barb & Randy Maffett

Ron Majewski

Alyssa Maloney

Ting & Tippy Maneewat

Krisni Manito-Tang

Wendy & Jim Markgraf

Danny, Jessica, Alexis, &

Kylie Markowitz

Andrew Marlow

Laura Marsh

Samantha Marshall

Charles Marshall

Melissa Martin

Tiffany Martin

Jamie Martin

Laura Martinez

Karen Mashburn

Eddie Massa

Lou Ann Masters

George Masterson

Wade Mattingly

Laurie Mattingly

Mark Mazoch

Lurie McAdow

Patsy & Roddy McAlpine

M. D. McCain

Dinah & John McClymonds

Mike McCracken

Nancy McCue

Reed McDonald

Barbara McGuire

Charlotte McIntyre

Jim McKay

Jim McKenna

Caroline McKnight

Alma McLemore

Michelle McMillan

Rachel McNeill

Quin McWhirter

Renee' Meals

Rachel Meals

Iain Mearns

Karla Medina

Heinz Meier

Evan Mendelovitz

John Menna

Susan Merrill-Paul

Peter Meyer

Cathy Modaro

Judith Monoghan

Tim Moore

Cassie Moore

Becky & Pat Moore

Carlette Moore

Fran & James Moran

Peggy Moro

Ursula Morris

Sam Morris

Michael Morse

Joyce M. Motyka

Jo Ann & Marvin Mueller

Barbra Munisteri

Debra Murphy-Luera

Hinna Musavvir

Morgan Napier Moore

Sharon & Dwight Nash

Moe Nasr

Nationwide Insurance

Debby Nelms

Barnabas Nemec

Noam Neusner

Tom Neville

Amy Nguyen

Dom Nguyen

Barbara Noonan

Brandon Ochoada

Ian O'Connell

Keith O'Connell

Louisa Oeding

Mari & Harry Okabayashi

Susann Oliver

Ann Ollo

Scott Olson

Andre Orban

Heather Orr

Karen Ortiz

Jose Oti

Morgan Otte

Katherine Overmyer

Jimmy Overton

P and C Carroll Foundation

Jackie Pace

Margaret & John Palacios

Roxie Palacios

Dawn Pando

Virginia Pape

Fran Parent

Terri Parker

Sarah Parks

Ruth Parrish

Sharon Parrott

Linda & Dave Patterson

Julie & Richard Payne

Bryant Pearce

Harvey Pearlstein

Jospeh Peddie

David Peden

Miranne Pellerin

Keith Pensom

Consuelo Perez

Armando Perez

Hal Perkins

Judy & Mike Peterzen

Malcolm Pettigrew

Marti Phillips

Kevin Pieh

Barb & Ken Pieh

Eileen & Frank Piergiovanni

Cindy Pilkenton

Michael Pilkenton

Angela Pina

Hannelore Plaschke

Linda Polarek

Rick Polens

Kate Pollard

Antonio Ponce De Leon

Mansoor Poonawala

Barbara & Tom Press

Richard Prickett

Houston Promotions

Gayla & Jeff Pruett

Rebecca Quantz

Leann Randolph

Aishwarya Ray

Mellisa Ray

John Read

Catherine Reading

Mike Rector

Warren Redd

Grey Redditt

Lees & Gary Reece

Emmett Rhodes

Jacqueline Rice-McKenzie

Michael Richard

Terry Richner

Laurie & Darryl Rickaway

Cheryl Rickert

Valerie Ricks

Carole Riekert

Cathy Rios

Connie & Eric Ritchie

Toni Rivera

Val & Tom Rizzoli

Treacy Roberts

Lori Robertson

Maurice Robinowitz

Carol Roche

Vicky Rodriguez

Lazaro Rodriguez

Josie & John Rodriguez

Karen Rogers

Tom Rollinson

Melissa Rootes

Joe Rosa

Naomi & Jim Rosborough

David Rose

Jennifer Rosen & Family

Sheila & Marvin Rosenberg

Ronald Rosenhagen

Joanne Ross

Kimberly & David Roth

Carla Roth

Jo Ann Rubin

Lorna Rudisill

Marie & Pete Rupp

David Rushing

Andrea Russo

Wendy Rutherford

Diana & Jim Rutherford

Lauren Rymer

Jeremy Sabio

Joshua Sabio

Jay Sabio

Beatrice & Vincent Saenz

Guadalupe Saiz

Victor Salas

Scott Salas

Jane Salazar

Josephine M. Salazar

Amer Saleh

Maya Samardzija

Teresa & Charlie San Miguel

Lauren Sands

Jonathan Sands

Yvonne Sarmiento

Matacha Saul

Janis & Bruce Savatsky

Denise Saylor

Robert Scarfo

Joyce Schechter

James Schindler

Cristy & Mike Schmidt

Judy Schultz

Kayden, Logan, & Seth Schumacher

Charlotte & Walter Scott

Judy Seely

Rene Shapiro

Shell Oil Company

Charles Shepherd

Rosetta Shepherd

Bonnie Sherk

Misty Sherrill

Taha & Tasneem Shipchandler

Taiyeb Shipchandler

Lovai Shipchandler

Mustan Shipchandler

Shoeb Shipchandler

Ruqaiya Shipchandler

Dave Shoup

Bryan Siegel

Robert Sime

Doug Sivula

Madeleine Skaufel

Pamela & Rod Skaufel

Mr. & Mrs. George Skipper

Slay Industries

Nina Smith

Kai & Miles Smith

Michele Smith

Paul Smith

Meryl Smith

Karen Smith

Sylvia Smith

Pat & Creed Smith

Tracy & Ken Snodgrass

Amanda & Michael Snowden

Yinka Solola

Heather Sommer

Patricia Sommer

Jennifer Sommers

Corinne & Rob Sorge

Pat & Gordon Sorrells

Gary Sowyrda

Lance, Cindy, Charlie, & Ben Speck

Page 4: MARH 2014 HAPS ontinues Parkinson Foundation of Harris ...


Kathy & Paul Spicer

Susan & Bryan Spiegel

Janine & Russ Spiller

Donna & Craig Stahl

Craig Stanfield

Renee' & Tony Stanley

Marshall Stein

Kimberly Steinmetz

Fred Stephens

Susan & Gordon Sterling

Julie Stevenson

Jim Stewart

Karen & Karl Strauss

Mike Strech

Paul Street

Janis Street

Binky & John Strom

Judy Sullivan

Barbara Sutherland

Tammy & Stacy Swedenburg

Rebecca Symmank

Judith Tamayo

Lisa & Ferdie Tanjuatco

C. Lee Taylor

Kimberley Taylor

Connor Taylor

Lynn Taylor

James Taylor

Wendell Taylor

Steve Tefteller

Judy Tefteller

Teva Neuroscience

Timothy Thurmond

Pat Timpanaro

Marcia & Max Tindell

Jan Tinker

Beth Tornes

Kim Torres

Jason Tracy

Sandra Turner

Ashley & John Tyler

Mark Ulrich

Greg Urban

Roberta Urbanczyk

Judy & Richard Valdez

Jan Van Dyke

Maarten Van Ess

Jean Vann

Velocity Business Products

Sherry Verret

Robert Villeneuve

Barbara Virany

Dotti Visosky

Darcie Vlahos

Mary Jean & David Volpe

Jennifer Volpe

Cindy Vratil

Catherine Wallace

Jane Wallace

Heather Wallis

Brian Walsh

Peggy & Walter

John P. Wandel, Jr.

Karin Wang

Gayle & Don Warren

Bernie Warriner

Wärtsilä North America, Inc.

Leslye & David Weaver

Lee Weaver

Anne Weinheimer

Darin Weinheimer

Nick Weinheimer

Philip Weinheimer

Kathleen Weir

Barbara Weis

Colleene & Todd Weiser

Betty Jo Weiser

Gretchen & Mike Welch

Lisa Westarp

Andrew Wheeler

Murrell Whelan

Evangeline R. White, SLP

Lee Whitley

Donna Wiener & Rod Felts

Janet Wiersema

Hillary Wiese

Sarah & Benjamin Wilbanks

Chris Wilkins

Barbara Wilkins

Bonnie Williams

Patsy Williams

Brittani Williams

Jan Willis

Monica Wolf

Helen & Dallas Wolf

Beth Wolf

James W. Woltz

Tom Woltz

Clifton W. Woltz

Dorothy Wong

Pauline & Rob Wood

Pam Wood

Maritza Wood

Will Worthington

Christian Wrampelmeyer

Hirofumi Yamamoto

Susan & Michael Young

Timothy Young

Hassan Zaidi

Maria Zambrano

Stephanie & Gabriel Zamora

Victoria Zanelli

Bob Zavala

Robert S. Ziegler

Dayla & Sam Zieman

On January 23, 2014 as Houston Area Parkinson Society ushered in its 40th anniversary at the Annual Meeting of the HAPS Boards, it celebrated the passing of the presidential torch from Frank Donnelly, Jr. to Michael Hendryx. As the historic year also marks the end of long tenures of a number of members of the Board of Directors, the organization recognized those individuals for their many contributions and welcomed new Board members who begin their terms this year.

Pictured are Gerald Rideaux, Joiner Cartwright, Jr., John McClymonds, Tom Ganucheau, Joan Cupic, Chris Brewster and Jim Thorp. We look toward HAPS’ new leadership with great excitement as they guide the organization into the next 40 years and further our mission to improve the quality of life for those affected by Parkinson’s disease.

HAPS welcomes new Board members

FDA Approves New Drug to Treat Low Blood Pressure in Parkinson’s

On February 18th, the US Food and Drug Administration approved a new medication, called droxidopa (Northera™), to treat a form of low blood pressure called neurogenic orthostatic hypotension (NOH). NOH is chronic and often debilitating drop in blood pressure upon standing that is associated with Parkinson's disease, multiple-system atrophy and pure autonomic failure with symptoms that include dizziness, lightheadedness, blurred vision, fatigue and fainting when a person stands.

The FDA wrote in a press release: The FDA is approving Northera under the accelerated approval program, which allows for approval of a drug to treat a serious disease based on clinical data showing that the drug has an effect on an intermediate clinical measure (in this case, short-term relief of dizziness) that is reasonably likely to predict the outcome of ultimate interest (relief of dizziness during chronic treatment)…

Northera has a boxed warning to alert health care professionals and patients about the risk of increased blood pressure while lying down (supine hypertension), a common problem that affects people with primary autonomic failure and can cause stroke. It is essential that patients be reminded that they must sleep with their head and upper body elevated. Supine blood pressure should be monitored prior to and during treatment and more frequently when increasing doses.

If you experience symptoms of NOH, talk to your doctor to find out if this new drug is right for you.

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New Insight Into How Pesticides May Increase Parkinson’s Risk

People who were exposed to pesticides that interfere with a key human enzyme showed up to a three-fold increased risk of developing Parkinson’s disease (PD). For those who were more genetically susceptible to Parkinson’s disease, the risk for developing PD increased five-fold. The results appear in the February 4 issue of Neurology.

Many studies have associated exposure to pesticides with an increased risk of PD, but the underlying mechanisms have remained unclear. The study authors, led by Jeff M. Bronstein, M.D., Ph.D., at the University of California, Los Angeles, suspected that an enzyme called ALDH might play a role. ALDH normally helps detoxify dopamine-related substances within cells. The researchers first carried out studies in the lab, exposing neurons to 26 different pesticides and measuring the effect on ALDH.

The scientists also analyzed data from the Parkinson’s Environment and Genes (PEG) Study, including 360 people with PD and 816 healthy individuals who lived in a rural, agricultural area of California. Using a computer model based on state records of pesticide use, they estimated exposures at the participants’ work and home addresses. In addition, they tested the DNA of 354 people with PD and 518 healthy participants for variations in their ALDH gene.


Eleven of the 26 pesticides tested (all used in farming) inhibited ALDH in neurons studied in the laboratory. Meanwhile 15 of the pesticides, including organophosphates and the pesticide paraquat, did not affect ALDH.

Exposure to an ALDH-inhibiting pesticide at both the workplace and home was associated with an increased risk of PD. Workplace exposure alone was not associated with an increased risk of PD.

There was a trend of increasing risk with increasing exposure to multiple pesticides. Having a genetic variation in ALDH exacerbated the risk of developing PD if a person was also exposed to pesticides. Having the genetic variation in ALDH alone did not make a person more likely to develop PD.

What Does It Mean

Pesticides have been previously shown to increase PD risk. Still, most people exposed to high doses of pesticides do not develop PD. This study supports the generally accepted hypothesis that PD is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors by pointing out one possible way that genes and environment may interact to lead to PD.

Specifically, the study showed that having a genetic variation in ALDH exacerbated the risk of developing PD if a person was also exposed to certain pesticides. This theory is scientifically plausible. The enzyme is known to detoxify dopamine-related toxins; therefore, reduced activity of the enzyme, may be linked to PD.

However, further research is needed. For example, since most of the study participants were exposed to more than one of the ALDH-inhibiting pesticides, the study authors could not conclude that any one of them causes PD. Furthermore, they do not yet know how genetic variations may make some people more susceptive. To explore this further, they would need to test cells with the same genetic backgrounds to confirm that ALDH is inhibited. Additionally, the findings should be replicated in other populations to confirm the scientists’ findings that ALDH-inhibiting pesticides are linked to higher risk for PD, and that certain genetic alteration in the ALDH gene may make carriers more susceptible

to the effects pesticides.

They also suggest that boosting ALDH enzyme activity or finding alternative ways for cells to neutralize toxins could lead to potential PD therapies for those exposed to pesticides. Further work in the lab will need to explore whether boosting the activity of this enzyme will help

people with PD more generally.

The study authors state that ambient exposure to these pesticides should be avoided. It should be noted that the majority of people do not develop the disease due to pesticide exposure, and the exposure the participants likely received was well above what one would encounter

from simply eating fruits and vegetables.

This article was originally published as part of "Parkinson's Science News: What Does it Mean?" on the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation (PDF) website on February 3, 2014. It is reprinted, in its entirety, with permission from PDF. For other science news, please visit

Many thanks to Erin Furr-Stimming, MD, Assistant Professor of Neurology, UT Health, Co-Director

UT MOVE, Chief of Neurology, LBJGH and HAPS Medical Advisory Board member who led the

presentation of the Newly Diagnosed Education Program February 22nd. We appreciate your time

and expertise.



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Come and enjoy freshly flipped pancakes and support

The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

11:00 am—3:00pm

Rice University RMC Grand Hall

6100 Main Street Houston, TX 77005

Free Parking • Entertainment • Guest Speakers • Activities for Kids

SPA, Houston Ballet and HAPS Bring Dance for PD® to Houston for Master Class Workshop

Nearly 50 people attended the Dance for PD® class on Saturday, February 1st presented by

Society for the Performing Arts, Houston Ballet and HAPS. This fun-filled workshop was led

by special guests Sam Black, Rita Donahue and Benjamin Freedman from Mark Morris

Dance Group with live piano accompaniment by Jo Ellen Hubert. Participants enjoyed a

morning of various types of dance choreographed to pop, jazz and Broadway show tunes.

The Dance for PD® class, developed thirteen years ago by Mark Morris Dance Group and

Brooklyn Parkinson Group, was the inspiration for HAPS and Houston Ballet’s current

weekly class, Dance for Parkinson’s, in its fifth year.

Special thanks to Sam, Rita, Benjamin, Jo Ellen and SPA

for making this special class possible and to Houston

Ballet for our valuable ongoing partnership!

To learn more about our dance classes, call the HAPS

office at 713-626-7114 or go to

Houston Clinical Trials Fair presented by The Michael J. Fox Foundation and HAPS

This free event is a prime opportunity for individuals with Parkinson’s, their families and friends to interact with

representatives from the leading research centers in the area currently recruiting for Parkinson’s disease clinical trials

and to learn more about how you can play a part in accelerating clinical research. The day will feature an expert

panel presentation moderated by a senior leader of The Michael J. Fox Foundation and will provide you with a forum

to answer frequently asked questions such as:

Can I participate even if I don’t have PD?

How can I fit this into my busy schedule?

What’s required of me if I participate?

How do I get started?

Registration is now open. Please RSVP by Tuesday, April 1st at or 212-509-0995 ext. 261

Questions? Email: [email protected]

When: Saturday, April 5, 2014

8:30 am – 1:00 pm

Where: United Way of Greater Houston

50 Waugh Drive Houston, TX 77007

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Velma Hayes

Sherry Lancaster

Jack Kephart

Aurelia Brogan

Miriam Kestenbaum Spangler

Guion Kleinpeter

Anne and Larry Martin

Nancy Martone

Bob Martone

Thomas McCue

Michelle French

Jan Ingram-Delgado

Bill Pennington

Linda Williams

Houston Calligraphy Guild

Juan Vicente Perez

Marge and Nick Cantalamessa

Myrna Rodman

Hope and Ed Causey

Perry Bekerman

Michael Koop

Jacqueline and James Alfred

Rod Rose

Mona and John Vittone

Evelyn and John Vittone

Kathy and Charlie Harlan

Ben Trammell

Edith Kachnik

Christine Brownhill

Kay Jenkins

Lily Rosenberg

Jacob Rosenberg

Mildred Rubin

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Miller

John Wildenthal

Carolyn Wildenthal

We are extremely grateful to the following individuals for their generous support of HAPS.

Without the continued support of our donors, none of our programs or services would be possible.


Jonathan Shear

Kathy and John Long

Deoprya Dayal Misir

Rosenberg Family Fund

Cynthia Crellen

Faye and Ray Wilson

Ron Brieger

Rebecca Barsalou

Dominic Lopez

Peggy and Alfonso Hernandez

L.R. Tatum

Judy and Don Gorewitz

Ann W. Jones

Janet and Donald Beckmann

Evelyn and Gene Denley

Porfirio Rodriguez

Crews Sprovach



Aubrey Calvin

Scott Camp

Phillip W. Edwards

Patricia Edwards

Jim Foley

Ginger Heath

Tom Horton

Shirley A. Brown

Kevin Owen

Roberta Owen

Margaret Romeo

Michael Romeo

Harvey Barber

Charlotte Furrow

Joe Brown

Robert Martone

Reba Brunk

Kristin and Jeffrey Potts

Howard W. Derrickson


Robert Frank Dyer, PhD

David Araujo

Veronica Mata

Beverly Fontcuberta

Carol J. Baird

Madelyn and Raymond Garrity

Dr. Sam McClugage

Angela Pepin

John Dolan

Elwood Leon Eichler

Priscilla Pittman

Linda Eichler

Louis Fick

Jo Anne and William Haugh

Todd Gilpin

Sue Crawford

Faye Hagner

Marilyn and Rock Robinowitz

Ann Bradford

Michael Lawch


DiMaria Custom Carpet & Fine

Floors, LLC

Shirley and Lynn Lott

Gail Jewell and Bob Rathbun

Barbara and Larry Fraser

Sledge & Wen, P.C.

Daisy and Joe Pybus

Marge and Merrel Schilling

Bobbie J. Muhlinghause

Leila Nasser and Family

While we make every effort to be accurate and thorough, it is possible to accidently omit or misspell a name. Please contact the HAPS office with corrections.


Steve Rose

Ben Trammell

Pamela Skaufel

Debra Rudisill

Douglas Fisher


Robert Noel

Pamela Skaufel’s Father

John Schoepf

Ronald Suchart

Jacob Rosenberg

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Houston Area Parkinson Society

Anne Thobae - Executive Director

Kathleen Crist, LMSW - Director of Social Services & Program Development

Midge Claiborne - Director of Development

Alfonso Hernandez - Director of Therapeutic Programs & Community Outreach

Chris Bell

Ron Bernell

Nina Brown

Aubrey Calvin

Joiner Cartwright, Jr.

Bob Casey

Rich Clifford

Robert Cruikshank

Roy H. Cullen

Madhureeta Achari, MD

Leanne Burnett, MD

Steve Croft, MD

Albert Fenoy, MD

Stanley Fisher, MD

Erin Furr-Stimming, MD

Robert G. Grossman, MD


Board of Advisors

Ellin Grossman, EdD

John E. Hankey

Harriet Hart

Kamden Kanaly

Liz Lary

Harriet Latimer

Dan Lauck

Anne Martin

Robert A. Martone

Medical Advisory Board

Richard K. Simpson, Jr., MD, PhD - Chair

Cindy Ivanhoe, MD

Joseph Jankovic, MD

Joohi Jimenez-Shahed, MD

Eugene C. Lai, MD, PhD

Laura Marsh, MD

Greg McLauchlin, MD

Kimberly Monday, MD

William Ondo, MD

Terry K. Satterwhite, MD

Mya Schiess, MD

Desiree B. Thomas, MD

Gage Van Horn III, MD

Ashwin Viswanathan, MD

Michele York, PhD

Marti McWhirter

Quin McWhirter

W.O. Neuhuas III

Malcolm Pettigrew

George Puig

Jeff Rosenberg

Arthur Schechter

Joyce Proler Schechter

Binky Stephenson Strom

John Strom

Board of Directors

Kelly Nicholls - Coordinator of Marketing & Communications

Leann Randolph, LMSW - Social Worker & Advocacy Outreach Coordinator

Celeste Harris, LMSW - Coordinator of Special Programs

Mike Hendryx - President

Frank Donnelly, Jr. - Chair

Gabriel Zamora - Vice President/Treasurer

Leslye Weaver - Vice President/Secretary

Chris Brewster

Joan Cupic

Jo Furr

Joyce Gilbreath

Tom Ganucheau

Joshua Huss

Rob Kerr

John McClymonds

Jim Nicklos

Gerald Rideaux

Terry K. Satterwhite, MD

Richard K. Simpson, Jr., MD

Pamela Skaufel

Randi Smith

Jim Thorp

Michael Young

Courtney Zavala