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City Year ColumbusMarch Newsletter

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City Year Columbus

Table of Contents

AmeriCorps Week

CY Bookworms

Spotlight6Penn StationStarbucksDonatosCanes

Noodles and CoBuckeye DonutsIsland VibesIsland VibesLinden Café

Alumni Service Day


Upcoming Events

Special Thanks to

April 6th-13th- CCS Spring Break

May 24th- Starry Starry Night

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Save the Date!

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City Year is looking for the Best Bookworm in ColumbusIn Honor of Read Across America Day City Year Columbus is running a Bookworm Contest. Throughout the months of February and March, City Year has been collecting pictures our community reading. We have had some very notable entries such as U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown, Auditor of State, David Yost, Columbus City Schools superintendent, Dr. Gene Harris,Donatos CEO, Tim Krouse and many more.

It is now time for YOU to pick the best bookworm. Voting will run through the month of March. Many have already voiced their opinion, we would like yours as well!

Click Here to Vote

Have a photo you would like to submit? Email it to Jeff League at [email protected] to beentered into the contest.

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City Year Alumni Spruce up Godman Guild

On Saturday, March 10th City Year hosted its annual Alumni Service Day at the Godman Guild in Weinland Park.

“The mission of Godman Guild is to promote strong families and strong communities in Columbus, Ohio, primarily in the Near Northside. Godman Guild Association has a long history of successfully serving the needs of the Centraln Ohio community. Established in 1898, the Guild helps community members achieve success in life. We do this with a conticontinuum of programs and services designed to promote self-sufficiency and leadership development which translates into economic growth in our community. As one of the top 10 organizations funded by the United Way of Central Ohio, Godman Guild distinguishes itself by achieving outstanding outcomes year after year.”

Over 30 City Year Alumni from 4 different City Year Sites joined together for a morning of transformative service. In three hours the City Year Alumni painted offices, murals, organized storage space and much more for the Guild.

City City Year Columbus was thrilled to have such a strong turnout and we look forward to a strongalumni presence in years to come.

Alumni Service Day

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From March 10th through the 18th, City Year Columbus joined several organizaons to celebrate AmeriCorps Week which is held annually to raise awareness of the important work that AmeriCorps does in communies across our naon.

City Year did its part to spread AmeriCorps’ message this week. On March 14th, Auditor of State, David Yost visited Hamilton STEM Academy, a school that we serve daily. The day began with a roundtable discussion between the Auditor and several City Year Corps MembeMembers. Each Corps Member was able to share their passion for their work and the impact that their team is making every day in the children that we serve. Auditor Yost then finished his visit by reading to Mrs. Nurse’s Kindergarten class. City Year would like to thank Auditor Yost for taking me out of his schedule to learn more about City Year and AmeriCorps.

AmeriCorps Week events connued for City Year on March 15th with an informaon fair and panel at the Red Cross of Greater Columbus Headquarters. City Year partnered with five other oorganizaons to foster a sense of community and raise awareness for the impact AmeriCorps is making on Columbus.

To learn more about AmeriCorps, please visit hp://

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Alyssa Denisky

Hey everyone!My name is Alyssa Denisky and I’m a senior English Major with a concentration in Digital Media Composition at The Ohio State University. I am currently the Recruitment and Communications Intern for City Year Columbus. I’m 22 years old, and I actually applied to CY New Hampshire to do a gap year before grad school. Originally I knew I wanted to do a year of service and I wavered between the Peace Corps and Corps and AmeriCorps. After signing up for general information from both organizations I received an email from the CY recruiter in NH. I was blown away by the program, and decided that City Year was the right choice for me. Since I’m graduating in June I thought I should probably get an internship to strengthen some of my skill sets. I just so happened to stumble upon City Year Columbus. I emailed all my information and luckily I was chosen to serve here in my hometown.

ItIt’s been a wonderful opportunity thus far, and I am so excited to be able to see behind the scenes of the corps program. I was welcomed with open arms to the City Year family, and it has only added to my passion for the program. Service is so important to me, and for the past 6 years I have donated my time as a mentor and now recently as the Director of Alumni for the Hugh O’Brian Youth LeadershipFoundation (HOBY) a program that works with sophomores in high school to develop leadership through service. Working with young people and helping them find their strengths is what I’m passionate about. I am so and helping them find their strengths is what I’m passionate about. I am so excited to have found City Year, and I’m looking forward to working on the various projects and activities while getting to know more of the Corps. .

Age: 22

Hometown: Columbus Ohio

Education: Ohio State University

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Brought to You by City Year Columbus