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church info60 NW Oregon

Bend, OR 97703 (541) 382-3862

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foundry church2019

by Trevor WaybrightI’m sitting here watching it snow…again. We have about 24 inches on the ground and expecting 2-4 more. This was completely unexpected. I was just commenting to someone a few weeks ago how we didn’t have much of a winter this year, so this may be my fault. As I’m watching this weather unfold it reminds me of how life tends to throw us curveballs. We think we have things figured with well-laid plans that seem fail-proof, but then something alters our course. Two weeks ago I had no idea I would be shoveling feet of snow multiple times just a few days before March. It seems like we find ourselves in these types of situations more than not. Life is in constant flux. It is up, down, shaky, left, right, etc. This fact makes us so grateful that we know Jesus. He is the same yesterday today and forever. He is our solid foundation. He never leaves us or forsakes us. No matter how many curveballs life tosses our way, Jesus is never caught off guard. He is solid and sure. When Paul was reflecting on the beauty of the Gospel in his letter to the churches in Rome, he says this, “What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not

spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? As it is written: ‘For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.’ No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” When life goes a little off or maybe a little crazy, we are comforted with the truth that nothing can separate us from our Lord. He is solid, stable, sure, and trustworthy.

at a glance

TEACHING [email protected] WORSHIP [email protected]

a heart for Bend in the heart of Bend

02 adoption potluck, 5pm 03 food pantry sunday 04 elder meeting, 4:30pm09 men’s breakfast, 7:30am 09 set clocks ahead an hour10 blood pressure screenings 10 daylight savings time begins 13 missions meetings, 7pm 15 seniors game day, 1:30pm 18 elder meeting, 4:30pm 24-25 high school “lock-in”

birthdays02 Heather Butler02 Charlotte Kennedy02 Sharon Rosengarth05 Mike Doden05 Dorothy Ipock07 Debbie Loken08 Bill Ferrin 09 Mary Brestel12 Austin Evans14 Heather Faast17 Brian Ely17 Patty McMahon17 Bob Henry18 Charlene Lawry 20 Wade Parker18 Elissa Scott 26 Geri Gardner28 Jim Mills28 Karen Pool29 Phyllis Wodtli 31 Eric Norgaard 31 Kathi Parker

If you would like to be added to our Birthday List, please email Joy, [email protected].


eventsfoundry church

COMMUNICATIONS [email protected] SENIOR MINISTRIES [email protected]

seniors onthego

March 03 El Rodeo March 10 Black Bear DinerMarch 17 Jake’s DinerMarch 24 Original Pancake House March 31 Cracker Barrel

Food Pantry Sunday, March 3 Food Pantry Sunday is March 3rd. The following items would be a big help to supplement the items we purchase: meat based soups, canned meat, potato or rice mixes (4-6 serving size),pudding cups, microwave popcorn, jam or jelly, cold cereal. No extra large sizes please. Please save brown grocery bags as we use a lot of them. For info contact Annette, 541-388-2002.

Adoption Potluck, March 2 Our monthly adoption potluck will be on Saturday, March 2nd at 5pm in the Fellowship Hall. Please RSVP Sara, [email protected] or 541-647-4718.

Spring Forward, March 9 On March 10th, Daylight Savings Time Begins so don’t forget to set your clocks ahead one hour on Saturday, March 9th.

Men’s Breakfast, March 9 Our monthly men’s breakfast will be on March 9th. Join us at 7:30am in the Fellowship Hall and enjoy some great food and fellowship. Contact Austin Evans for more info, 541-647-4717.


March 15 Game Day, 1:30pm

May 21-24 Malheur Trip

July 11 BBQ at Foster’s, 4:00pm

July 30-Aug 2 Leavenworth Trip

Sept 17-20 Coast Trip

*Additional events are being planned and will be announced when dates are confirmed. For further information for the above events, contact the Powell’s at 541-382-7218 or Nyquist’s at 541-389-6602.

Seniors Game Day, March 15 The Seniors Ministry will be hosting a “Game Day” in the Gathering Place on March 15th at 1:30pm. For more information, contact the Powells, 541-382-7218 or the Nyquists, 541-389-6602. Bring your favorite game and a snack to share.

foundry churchlocal missions

GLOBAL MISSIONS [email protected] LOCAL MISSIONS [email protected]

kenya pencil driveI’d like to say thank you to everyone in our church who came together for a greater good. In no way did this benefit you, yet you still spent time, energy and money doing everything you could for a group of people across the world. We collected over 12 thousand pencils, 6 thousand markers/crayons/colored pencils and limitless amounts of paper and erasers. There are also a ton of miscellaneous supplies like sharpeners, etc. You all went above and beyond, and now, thanks to you all living the way Jesus lived, hundreds of kids in Kenya will get a better education! Thank you, everyone! - Brendan Rosenzweig

Thank you for your faithful support of the Family Kitchen. We continue our work serving up dignity and nutrition to our neighbors in need because of neighbors like you. Currently, we are serving nearly 5,000 meals each month. Our meal times are M, W, F 11-12:30, T, Th, F 5-6:30pm, Saturday 11-12 and Sunday 11-1. We also serve sack lunches to homeless camps through Central Oregon Veteran’s Outreach (COVO) on Tuesdays, soup to seniors on Saturdays, and soup to teens at the Living Options for Teens (LOFT) shelter.We are consistent in our mission to “Serve anyone in need of a nutritious meal in our safe and caring environment” by offering meals with no strings attached. NO forms to fill out. No hassles.Thank you for being a part of a community that recognizes the responsibility we all have in giving each other the opportunity to thrive.

Thank you for your support of the PRCCO during the 2018 Baby Bottle Campaign. Your church family generously donated $1,774.02. As I was looking at the names of churches and individuals across Central Oregon who partnered with us for this fundraiser I was reminded of a client I happened to see a few weeks ago. I had done both her pregnancy tests and both times she was in crisis. She was living in a tent with her “boyfriend” and was barely surviving. I caught a glimpse of her in church a couple weeks ago. She didn’t see me, but she was holding a baby in her arms and another small child by the hand. He looked happy. I couldn’t help but think that she and her children were soaking in the Word of God ands she was now experiencing the support and love she so desperately needed. I truly believe that if she had not

come to the Pregnancy Resource Center, her life would have looked drastically different. To God be the glory!Because of your partnership with PRCCO we will continue to support women, men and babies for FREE. We will offer free pregnancy testing, free ultrasounds, free prenatal vitamins and free education to anyone in need. More important, we offer hope, compassion and truth in an environment that builds authentic relationship through the love of Jesus Christ. Thank you for being a part of the important work of Transforming Lives in Central Oregon.

Upcoming Events:March 28 - “Unplanned” Movie Screening at Regal Cinemas, Bend - ticket $10.May 12-June 16 - Baby Bottle FundraiserSeptember 27 - Annual Dessert Fundraiser and Silent Auction - Leanne Woods & Eileen Fahlgren

foundry churchhealth ministry

PARISH NURSE [email protected] PROPERTY [email protected]

pardon our dust

by Bobbie Dagostino JUMP-START BETTER BRAIN HEALTH:Doctors recommend focusing on basics that can be implemented simply by anyone. Try to reach these goals DAILY FOR 2 WEEKS:1. Eat five servings of vegetables and fruits daily (if you are already doing this, add a bit more).2. Move 10 minutes more than you usually do – first write down your current activity level then aim to improve gradually from week to week.3. Get higher quality sleep; adequate sleep means waking on most mornings feeling refreshed, alert and able to do daily activities without feeling fatigue.

TRAIN YOUR BRAIN:The best mental activities are ones that you can do with other people eg. book clubs, discussion groups, volunteer activities, games and activities with family and friends.Games and puzzles can be useful too. Some best bets are free and online.1. AARP games:

2. Enchanted Mind: www.enchantedmind.com3. Reader’s Digest crossword puzzle: 4. Sodoku: www.websudoku.com5. Brain teasers, riddles and trivia : www.braingle.com6. Brain testers: www.queendom.comSource Mayo Clinic Health Letter Special Report November 2018 “Memory Loss”

The $ store has a variety of crossword puzzle books, Sodoku, Find a Word Etc. Good price too.Also if you are good at Crossword/Word puzzles try Math puzzles like Sodoku, Numbrix and vice versa. Anything new builds new neurons in the brain!

We want to say THANK YOU! to the crew who made it down to paint the sanctuary and foyer a couple weekends ago. You are amazing! Not pictured: Bob Corcoran.

It has taken a lot of work to get everything prepared for our new flooring and remodel. Progress is being made and there will be more coming in March. Thank you, Eric and your crew for all of your hard work to make this happen.

foundry churchchildren & youth

HIGH SCHOOL [email protected] MIDDLE SCHOOL [email protected]

HIGH SCHOOLby Mark SueThis has been a great month for our high school ministry. Ever since we moved our weekly hangout time to Sunday afternoons, the kids have been a lot more available to participate. This makes Sunday almost a full day for us! We start off in the morning at 9am with our weekly Breakfast Club. During that time we open the door for honest conversation and introduce a Biblical perspective into the things the kids experience in their daily lives. Then we all attend the morning worship service at 10:15 and stick around for our after church activity. So far this month we have gone sledding, ice skating, and had a blast bouncing around at the trampoline park. It’s been a lot of fun, and we are looking to continue spending time together.

MIDDLE SCHOOLby Joy WaybrightWell, February seemed like a bust. It’s been fun playing crazy games, having deep small-group discussions and eating AMAZING snacks prepared by our Foundry ladies but with the crazy weather it seems we canceled more than we were able to get together. Thank you for being flexible through this late winter weather. God willing, we will be back on track for Monday, March 4th and pick up where we left off. For the month of March, we are excited to be moving into a series called “Made” from Psalm 129:14 and discovering who God made us to be. It’ll be fun to explore this topic with our Middle School Youth.

KIDZTOWNby Joy WaybrightWell, we are full speed ahead with our new curriculum, 252 Kids. In Children’s Church (1st-5th grade) we took the month of February and explored how we can learn to serve others from Mark 9:35. The younger classes learned about how much Jesus loves us with a “Love Bug” theme. Sara has created such a fun atmosphere in the classrooms to emphasize each theme. We would like to thank all of our kidztown volunteers for paving the way with this new curriculum. With format changes, schedule changes and implementing new ideas you all have been amazing. We appreciate you!!!For the month of March all of our Kidztown classes will be discovering who we are meant to be with the series from Psalm 139:14 called “Made”. “How you made me is amazing and wonderful. I praise you for that. What you have done is wonderful. I know that very well.”

I can’t stress how much I appreciate those of you who are pitching in to help. Dave Drullinger, Chris Leighton, and Brandon Roberts make it a point to go on our outings and interact with the kids. Charlene Lawry, Heather Butler, Mike & Linda Keeley, Patty Weddell, Sara Miller, and Leslie Dancer all rotate cooking breakfast for us on Sunday mornings! And so many more people provide snacks for the hangout time. There are so many people who help with our highschool ministry already, and I’m hoping to increase that number! Looking forward to the spring and summer, I would love to create opportunities for adults in our church to build trusting, loving relationships with our youth group.

If you have any ideas of activities we could do on Sunday afternoons and how you might participate with our teenagers, please let me know!

As always, if you are interested in helping in our Kidztown ministry, please contact Sara Miller, [email protected], and get a volunteer application packet.

See tentative activities below:June 26 - Wings and Waves Water Park in McMinnville. Cost $35/person (lunch included).July 10 - River Float to Starlings for BBQ. No costJuly 25-28 - Retreat at Ochoco Conference Center. Cost TBDAugust 9-11 - Family CampAugust - TBD Activity at Snyder’s

If you are interested in hosting an event, please contact Joy or Trevor, 541-382-3862.

PO Box 204Bend, OR 97709





foundry church

foundry church

PROPERTY [email protected] CHAIRMAN [email protected]

March Financial ReportAs of January 31, 2019Foundry Church fiscal budget for the year ending 6/30/2019 is $564,000.00

Budgeted Giving $334,875 Actual Giving $431,203

Giving Over Budget $96,328

Budgeted Spending $334,876 Actual Spending $304,312

Spending Under Budget $30,564