Download - March 2011


March 2011

EXPERIENCE A W3 L!FESTYLEApartment Living at it’s Best

Life KeepsMovingSo Should You

SHINSPLINTSAgravating pain, the cause and prevention

The NOWHabitStop procrastinating and start living in the NOW!



For AReason

FREE House CleaningFor People with



Info 101How to Pay Credit

Card Debt


<Housekeeping stuff: policy reminders, informative announcements, etc.>

One of our priorities at Sequoia is to keep our community secure for everyone living here. We ask that all residents do not tailgate other vehicles through the gates. The call box is available for all residents to use or remote clickers are available in the office for a $20 deposit and a $20 fee.

Please take your garbage to the trash dumpsters located on the property. Do not leave the trash in the breezeways or elsewhere in our community. We are trying to keep our community as clean and beautiful as possible; please help continue making us the best in the area.

To ensure the safety of our concierges, the front door to the office will be locked at 6pm Mon-Fri and at 5pm Sat & Sun. The clubhouse will still be open and accessible with your remote clickers until 10pm. There are remote accessible doors in the mailroom and next to the fitness center. If you do not own a remote clicker please contact the Front Office during normal business hours to inquire about obtaining one.

<Community Events>

We will be sending out four leaf clovers to all of our residents. Please write a comment about your Sequoia team telling them your thoughts; then bring them to the office. We will be drawing three lucky residents and giving them free water for the month of March. We look forward to hearing from you!

Get ready for the first annual resident expo. If you have your own company or are just looking to find some great deals from local residents; contact the office so that we can sign you up for the expo in April. More info to come.

Letter from the Community Management TeamAwarded a National Apartment Designation as a W3 Lifestyle Community

Only a small percentage of apartment communities within a given market can hold the W3 Lifestyle designation. This National Apartment Designation represents Superior Resident Services and Superior Product Quality. Our community has achieved this great honor.

In 2011 we have many exciting things coming up including some fantastic resident events as well as your continuing to receive this publication every month which will always be jam packed with useful information. We may even have a few other tricks up our sleeves! It is our goal to make sure your living experience here is the absolute best that it can be.

YOU are what makes our community so special and we appreciate your desire to assist us with keeping it clean and making it a great place to live for not only yourself, but for your neighbors as well. Anytime you see anything that needs repaired on the community please feel free to let us know so that we can attend to it quickly.


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Sequoia Frankford Springs

Community Director Cheri Trujillo

Assistant Director Jeannette Villanueva

Leasing Manager Trevor Reed

Leasing Specialist Ashley Amos

Maintenance Supervisor Adolfo Martinez

Asst. Maintenance Supervisor Todd Franklin

Groundskeeper Geraldo Arellano

Courtesy Officer Larry Feille



[email protected]

Hours: Mon - Fri: 9am to 6pm

Saturday: 10am to 5pm Sunday: 1pm to 5pm

Advertising Inquiries:

Todd Sherman770-886-1881 ext. [email protected]



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Apartment Living at it’s Best

David WolfeW3 Lifestyle

Hello, and welcome to the digital edition of Experience A W3Lifestyle Minizine - a more innovative and paper-free way to enjoy community news, Forward-Thinking articles, Healthy Living advice and so much more.

Reading Experience a W3 Lifestyle online is simple. Browse the Minizine page by page by using the right and left arrows in the navigation buttons at the sides of the pages or at the top of the page - whichever is more convenient for you.

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All of the above opportunities can be accessed via the command buttons at the top of the page.

On more thing we like about the digital edition: It’s easy on the planet we all share. Reading the Minizine online not only spares natural resources, including trees and fossil fuels, it also reduces waste and minimizes environmental pollutants, including the greenhouse gases associated with global warming.

So thank you for giving our Community Minizine a try! As always, we appreciate you being a part of our great community.

Happy reading!

David WolfeDavid Wolfe, W3 LifestyleExperience a W3 Lifestyle Minizine

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Shin Splints and Shin Splints Treatment

Learn the causes behind Shin Splints, their treatment and prevention.

Shin splints are a term commonly used to describe lower leg pain. However, shin splints are only one of several conditions that affect the lower leg. The most common causes of lower leg pain are: general shin soreness; shin splints; and stress fractures. For the purpose of this article, I’ll only be addressing the first two. I’ll save the topic of stress fractures for another issue.

If you suffer from shin splints or are seeking to prevent its occurrence it is im-portant to follow the information in this article. In addition, adding a few simple stretches to your fitness program will also help. To get started on a safe and effective stretching routine learn more about The Stretching Handbook and how it can improve your fitness.

Before I move on to shin splints, I want to quickly cover the topic of general shin soreness. Shin soreness is simply a muscular overuse problem. By including adequate rest in your training calendar, and using the R.I.C.E.R. regimen when pain does occur, you’ll be able to overcome 95 percent of all general shin sore-ness within about 72 hours. For lower leg pain that goes beyond general shin soreness, a more aggressive approach must be taken.

What are Shin Splints?Although the term “shin splints” is often used to describe a variety of lower leg problems, it actually refers specifically to a condition called Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS). To better understand shin splints, or MTSS, an understanding of the muscles, tendons and bones involved is required.

Shin Splints image from Principles of Anatomy andPhysiology by G.J. Tortora and N.P. Anagnostakos.As you can see from the diagram to the right, there are many muscles and tendons that make up the lower leg, or calf region. It’s quite a complex formation of inter-weaving and over-crossing muscles and tendons.

The main components of the lower leg that are affected by the pain associated with shin splints are:

The Tibia and Fibula. These are the two bones in the lower leg. The tibia is situated on the medial, or inside of the lower leg. While the fibula is situated on the lateral, or outside of the lower leg.There are also a number of muscles that attach to the tibia and fibula. It’s these muscles, when overworked, that pull on the tibia and fibula and cause the pain associated with shin splints.Specifically, the pain associated with shin splints is a result of fatigue and trauma to the muscle’s tendons where they attach themselves to the tibia. In an effort to keep the foot, ankle and lower leg stable, the muscles exert a great force on the tibia. This excessive force can result in the tendons being partially torn away from the bone.

What Causes Shin Splints?While there are many causes of shin splints, they can all be categorized into two main groups. Overload (or training errors), and Biomechanical Inefficiencies.

Overload (or training errors): Shin splints are commonly associated with sports that require a lot of running or weight bearing activity. However, it is not necessarily the added weight or force applied to the muscles and tendons of the lower leg, but rather the impact force associated with running and weight bearing activities.

In other words, it’s not the running itself, but the sudden shock force of repeated landings and change of direction that causes the problem. When the muscles and tendons become fatigued and overloaded, they lose their ability to adequately absorb the damaging shock force.

Other overload causes include:

Exercising on hard surfaces, like concrete;Exercising on uneven ground;Beginning an exercise program after a long lay-off period;Increasing exercise intensity or duration too quickly;Exercising in worn out or ill fitting shoes; andExcessive uphill or downhill running.

Biomechanical Inefficiencies: The major biomechanical inefficiency contributing to shin splints is that of flat feet. Flat feet lead to a second biomechanical inefficiency called over-pronation. Pronation occurs just after the heel strikes the ground. The foot flattens out, and then continues to roll inward.

Over-pronation occurs when the foot and ankle continue to roll excessively inward. This excessive inward rolling causes the tibia to twist, which in-turn, over stretches the muscles of the lower leg.

Other biomechanical causes include:

Poor running mechanics;Tight, stiff muscles in the lower leg;Running with excessive forward lean;Running with excessive backwards lean;Landing on the balls of your foot; andRunning with your toes pointed outwards.

How to Prevent Shin Splints!Prevention, rather than cure, should always be your first aim. I was very surprised when researching this topic at the number of articles that totally neglected any mention of preventative measures. They all talked of treatment and cure, but only one out of twenty took the time to address the issue of prevention in any detail.

Even before any sign of shin soreness appears there are a number of simple preventative measures that can be easily implemented.

Since about half of all lower leg problems are caused by biomechanics inefficiencies, it makes sense to get the right advice on footwear. Your feet are the one area you should not “skimp” on. The best advice I can give you

concerning footwear is to go and see a qualified podiatrist for a complete foot-strike, or gait analysis. They will be able to tell you if there are any concerns regarding the way your foot-strike or gait is functioning.After your foot-strike has been analysed, have your podiatrist, or competent sports footwear sales person recommend a number of shoes that suit your requirements. Good quality footwear will go a long way in helping to prevent many lower leg problems.

Apart from good footwear, what else can you do? I believe the following three preventative measures are not only very effective, but crucial.

Firstly, a thorough and correct warm up will help to prepare the muscles and tendons for any activity to come. Without a proper warm up the muscles and tendons will be tight and stiff, which may limit blood flow to the lower legs and result in a lack of oxygen and nutrients for those muscles. Before any activity be sure to thoroughly warm up all the muscles and tendons that will be used during your sport or activity. Click here for a detailed explanation of how, why and when to perform your warm up.

Secondly, flexible muscles are extremely important in the prevention of lower leg injuries. When muscles and tendons are flexible and supple, they are able to move and perform without being over stretched. If however, your muscles and tendons are tight and stiff, it is quite easy for those muscles and tendons to be pushed beyond their natural range of movement. To keep your muscles and tendons flexible and supple, it is important to undertake a structured stretching routine.

Below is just one example of an effective calf stretch for shin splints treatment and prevention. But don’t rely on just one stretch; it’s important to do a range of stretching exercises for the Achilles, the upper and lower calf, and the hamstrings.

Standing Toe-up Achilles Stretch: Stand upright and place the ball of your foot onto a step or raised object. Bend your knee and lean forward.

And thirdly, strengthening and conditioning the muscles of the lower leg will also help to prevent shin splints. There are a number of specific strengthening exercises you can do for these muscles, but instead of me going into the details here, I have simply found another web site that has already done all the hard work. It explains a number of exercises you can do for preventing shin splints. You can find these strengthening exercises by going to

The above-mentioned article is the only other article I found that included a comprehensive section on shin splint prevention. If you’re only interested in the strengthening exercises, you’ll find them towards the end of the article. If however, you suffer from shin splints or you’re looking for more information on shin splints, I recommend you read the entire article.

How to Treat Shin Splints!Firstly, be sure to remove the cause of the problem. Whether it is a biomechanical problem, or an overload problem, make sure steps are taken to remove the cause.

The basic treatment for shin splints is no different to most other soft tissue injuries. Immediately following the onset of any shin pain, the R.I.C.E.R. regimen should be applied. This involves Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation, and Referral to an appropriate professional for an accurate diagnosis. It is critical that the R.I.C.E.R. regimen be implemented for at least the first 48 to 72 hours. Doing this will give you the best possible chance of a complete and full recovery.

The next phase of treatment (after the first 48 to 72 hours) involves a number of physiotherapy techniques. The application of heat and massage is one of the most effective treatments for speeding up the healing process of the muscles and tendons.

I have found both from personal experience and from working with many clients, that this form of treatment is the most effective. The application of heat and deep tissue massage on the affected area seems to bring the best results. If you suffer from shin splints, be sure to spend at least a few minutes massaging the affected area both before and after you exercise.

Once most of the pain has been reduced, it is time to move onto the rehabilitation phase of your shin splints treatment. The main aims of this phase is to regain and improve the strength, power, endurance and flexibility of the muscles and tendons that have been compromised.

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Shamrock Toffee FudgeProvided by:

Ingredients1 can (14 ounces) sweetened con-densed milk2 cups vanilla or white chips1 cup milk chocolate chips1 tablespoon butterDash salt3/4 cup chocolate-covered English toffee bits1/8 teaspoon rum extract1 cup vanilla frostingGreen food coloring

DirectionsLine a 9-in. square pan with foil and grease the foil; set aside. In a large saucepan, com-bine the milk and chips. Cook and stir over low heat until chips are melted. Add the butter and salt; stir until smooth. Remove from the heat; stir in toffee bits and extract. Pour into prepared pan. Cover and refrigerate for 2 hours or until firm.Using foil, remove fudge from pan; carefully remove foil. Cut fudge into 1-in. squares. Place the frosting in a small resealable plastic bag; tint with food coloring. Cut a small hole in a corner of bag; pipe a shamrock onto each square.

Yield: about 2-1/4 pounds.



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Overcome procrastination with help from Neil Fiore’s transformative book.By Brian Johnson

Do you ever find yourself putting off until tomorrow what could probably be done today? If so, I highly recommend this great book from productivity guru Neil Fiore. It’s packed with Big Ideas to help you understand and overcome the “do it later” habit.

How Perception Affects ProcrastinationOne of the first things Fiore points out is that procrastinating

tendencies are often triggered by unspoken fears.

To illustrate this, Fiore asks you to first imagine a solid board that’s 30 feet long, 4 inches thick and 1 foot wide. It’s lying on the ground ahead of you. Your mental task is to walk the length of the board. Given that it’s just resting on the ground, you probably won’t be inclined to put it off.

Next, Fiore suggests imagining that same board has been raised up high in the air and is suspended between two tall buildings, about 100 feet above the pavement. “Look across to

the other end of the board and contemplate beginning your assignment,” he instructs. “What do you feel? What are you thinking about? What are you saying to yourself?”

Fiore suggests taking a moment to notice how your reactions in this situation differ from those you had just a moment ago, when all you had to do was walk along a board that was at ground level. Notice how rapidly your feelings about the task change when the height of the board changes and the consequences of falling are greater.


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Isn’t it amazing how often we raise a board up in the air and freak ourselves out? This is what happens when we think we have to be perfect before we start, or we’re never going to be able to do a task well enough — suddenly that simple, step-by-step exercise seems risky and dangerous. It’s the same board, but our fear of failure just raised it sky high.

The truth is, getting across the board always requires putting one foot in front of the other. It’s only our thoughts that paralyze us — by convincing us that a single faulty step could put us at real risk.

Finally, Fiore expands on the scene by having us imagine that the end of the board we’re standing on is on fire. Now what? Most likely, we’ll do whatever we need to in order get to the other side, or at least get away from the heat!

Unfortunately, that’s how we live our lives at times — procrastinating to the last minute and then making a frantic dash

when we’re really desperate.

So the first thing we need to do when procrastination strikes, says Fiore, is tame our fear through more effective self-talk. This helps lower the board back to the ground, or at least create a virtual safety net so we’re not being controlled by a fear of falling to our death. Then we can get a task going before any fires start!

Embrace Unpleasant ObligationsFiore suggests that one way we can lower the board back to Earth is by embracing our obligations completely, even the ones that make us uncomfortable. This starts by reframing our “I have to” tasks as “I am going to” choices.

“You do have a choice. You don’t have to want to do the task, nor do you have to love it. But if you prefer it to the consequences of not doing it, you can decide to commit to it wholeheartedly.” It really helps, Fiore notes, “to assert positively and powerfully” what you will be doing, such as: “‘I will be at the dentist’s at 3 p.m.’; ‘I am going to traffic court this morning.’” Because every time we say, “I have to” we’re effectively diminishing our power.

Here are a few more ideas from Fiore on how to change the way you talk to yourself:• Replace “I have to” with “I choose to.”• Replace “I must finish” with “When can I start?”

• Replace “This project is so big and important” with “I can take one small step.”• Replace “I must be perfect” with “I can be perfectly human.”• Replace “I don’t have time” with “I must take time.”• Replace “I wish I’d done that” with “What small step can I take now?”

Trade Perfectionism for PersistenceBecause perfectionism is such an important catalyst for procrastination, Fiore emphasizes the importance of reframing potential “mistakes” as opportunities for growth, learning and self-compassion.

“Replace demands for perfect work with acceptance of (not resignation to) your human limits,” he writes. “Accept so-called mistakes (really feedback) as part of a natural learning process. You need self-compassion rather than self-criticism to support your courageous efforts at facing the unavoidable risks of doing real, imperfect work rather than dreaming of the perfect, completed project.”

As you get more comfortable with the possibility of some imperfect early steps on your projects, Fiore notes, “you’ll be better prepared to bounce back because you’ll have a safety net of compassion.”

Get It on PaperHave you ever kept a log of how you spend your time? It’s a really powerful way to bring awareness to your routines. The simple act of logging your behavior dramatically alters it!

You’ll want to check out Fiore’s book for all his Big Ideas on how to leverage this simple yet effective practice of time-logging. For now, though, you might just try doing some mental tracking of your day and see if you can notice the events and feelings that precede negative habits. This alone can be a huge tool in switching to more productive activities and attitudes.

Reprogram your BrainFiore explains how when you change your thoughts, you also change your brain — and begin trading the tendencies of an overwhelmed “put it off” procrastinator to those of an effective “get it done” producer.

“Each time you choose to switch your energy from your procrastination self-talk to the language of the producer,” he explains, “you are wiring in a new track of brain cells — a new neural pathway in your brain. After you switch from the old path to the new several times, the new associations will strengthen, becoming easier to initiate, while the old ones will atrophy.”

In other words, when we consciously practice “producer” thoughts, we begin to rewire the neural circuits that have inclined us to procrastinate in the past. That, in turn, empowers us to regroove our consciousness in powerful ways.

Call Todd Sherman at (770) 886-1881 ext. 102 to market your business to your target market for as little as only $120 for a full year of interactive advertising!


Credit card debt is a common concern for many people who have not managed their finances as well as they could have or who are facing financial hardship due to the loss of a job or an unexpected emergency sapping funds. Credit card debt can be a real worry, but need not lead to bankruptcy. Really, it’s fairly simple to pay off as long as you stick to a plan and gradually reduce your debt.

First off, stop using your credit cards. There’s no need to create more debt for yourself and more you will have to pay off later.

After that, if you have multiple cards needing to be paid off, look at their interest rates and rank them from highest to lowest. Then, that’s the order you’re going to pay them off. Some people think it’s a good idea to start with the lowest to pay a card off entirely, but really that only makes you spend more money because you’ll continue to pay higher interest rates. Work on cutting down the cards with higher rates first so those lower ones won’t hurt

you as badly while they’re waiting to be paid.

Next, start making payments every other week instead of once a month, giving half of your monthly total with each payment. Getting into the habit of paying regularly helps trim down your debt and evens out your cash flow as most people are paid bi-weekly. Credit card companies charge interest daily, so by trimming off just a little bit of your debt sooner, you save yourself money on interest accumulated.

When deciding how much to pay, don’t go with the minimum. In all likelihood, it’ll take you forever to pay off what you owe and you’ll just end up owing more because of interest. Work out a budget that takes out a reasonable chunk of your debt each month but that works within your earnings and spending needs, and that also sets a reasonable target date for paying off all your debt.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to dip in to your savings account (in a bank, not an IRA or 401K) to help pay off credit card debt.

Do keep some an emergency fund or whatever you’re saving up for, but don’t be fooled that the interest it is earning in a savings account is worth keeping it there for. Credit card debt interest is very high, and anything you can do to accumulate less interest will go a long ways towards erasing debt and minimizing your payments.

How to Pay Credit Card Debt

Our ProcessWe partner with professional residential maid services who are insured and bonded to participate in our foundation. The companies have agreed to take 2 patients at a time and offer four free general cleanings – one a month for four months as a way to give back to their community.

We limit the amount of applications that we accept on a daily basis Monday through Friday. The applications can be filled in online by women with any type of cancer as long as they are currently under cancer treatment. In 2011, the American Cancer Society estimates there will be 750,000 first time diagnosis of cancer in women over the age of 18. We have over 800 maid services participating in our program nationwide, however, resources are limited and we are experiencing huge demand.

The professional residential cleaning companies that participate in our program do not receive payment for their services. These small business owners agree to take a minimum two patients at a time, pay their employees to perform the work, and absorb the cost of materials and supplies. They have a heart for assisting women in cancer treatment and provide this service as a way to give back to their local communities.

Step 1 - Check to see if we have a participating maid service in your geographical area by clicking the locations tab on our main website. Click the state in which you reside on the pink U.S. map or if you reside in Canada, click the Canadian map. This will take you to a list of the cities where we currently have partner maid services affiliated with our foundation. Not all cities are served even though we do add approximately 25 – 35 new partners each month.

Step 2 - If you are a qualified cancer patient fill out the online application under the cancer patient tab on our main website. Fill in the required information. When you submit, the online process will inform you if a maid service covers your area. In large metropolitan areas, some maid services

limit the distance they will travel to the area they normally serve.

Step 3 - If your registration is successful and we have a partner in your area, some additional questions will be asked and you will be prompted to agree to a service waiver.

Step 4 - The final step in the registration process will be to have your doctor fax verification that you are currently in cancer treatment. The fax number is listed on the final page of the application process. We do not need a record of your diagnosis or any specific medical information. A note from your doctor’s office stating your name and that you are under cancer treatment will suffice.

Step 5 - Cleaning For A Reason will contact the maid service in your area on your behalf. The maid service will then contact you directly to schedule your cleanings.

Naturally, as with any non-profit organization, the demand far exceeds our ability to serve but we attempt to match as many patients as possible who go through our application process. Since our maid services are businesses, they schedule you within their normal paying customers. Sometimes our maid services are handling the maximum amount of patients already and we have to inform you that they are full. If this happens, you will have to reapply at a future date.

We hope, as do all our partners, that we are able to serve you. We also hope that during this life crisis situation that you or your loved one fully recovers. We also hope that someday, an organization such as ours has no need to exist. But until then we will attempt to serve you the best way that we can.

Cleaning for a ReasonFree professional housecleaning and maid services

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ONLY The Best of The Best in Apartment Communities can hold the National Apartment Desigation as being a W3 Lifestyle

designated Community. Community performance is then monitored on a monthly basis.

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Spread The Word about W3 Lifestyle Designation

Apartment Communities cannot “buy” their designation, they must earn it. As a third party who evaluates communities as our specialty, we have already done the leg work for apartment renters. Tell your friends and family when they are ready to lease their new apartment home - look for the

designation of excellence, W3 Lifestyle. ONLY W3 Lifestyle designated communities are evaluated and then monitored monthly for excellence. Experience a W3 Lifestyle...

National Apartment DesignationSome of the Criteria for Initial Designation:- Provide Superior Resident Services- Provide Superior Product Quality- Commit to Consistent Resident Events- Commit to Superior Resident Communication

All Designated Communities are Monitered Monthly

Best of The Best inApartment CommunitiesExperience a W3 Lifestyle...