Download - Mapserver technology supports the Data Warehouse of Actions and Investments of the Brazilian Ministry for Social Development and Fight Against Hunger FOSS4G2006.

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Mapserver technology supports the Data Warehouse of Actions and Investments of the Brazilian Ministry for Social Development and Fight Against Hunger FOSS4G2006 - Free And Open Source Software for Geoinformatics Caio Nakashima September - 2006 Ministry of Social Development and Fight Against Hunger MDS Slide 2 September 2006Caio Nakashima 2 Agenda Introduction to the Problems Chosen path Developed products Used Technologies Details of the solutions Future Slide 3 September 2006Caio Nakashima 3 MDS Current Scenario MDS is an almagamation of previous separated Ministries Low interoperability Many stakeholders (banks, federation members, partners) Formal Links (by law, contracts, agreements) Need for na agile information to the public Different paradigms (concepts, modus operandi) Slide 4 September 2006Caio Nakashima 4 SAGI Scenario: Organizacional Aspects (Aspecto Organizacional) SENARC CEF SNAS DATAPREV IBGE TSE SESAN CONAB ASA SAIP NI SECEX- SecAdj-Gabinete CGI CIf Cadunico Slide 5 September 2006Caio Nakashima 5 Social Information Matrix DATA FLOW SIG SAGI (M&A) SIG SENARC SIG SNAS SIG SESAN SIG SAIP DW SAGI Social MI Gabinete Sec Exec. Slide 6 September 2006Caio Nakashima 6 Information Arquitecture Beneficiary Territory Social Programs B P T P P1 P2 Pn T B Program: xxxxx B1 nnnnnnnn add B2 nnnnnnnn add............................. Bn nnnnnnnnn add Slide 7 September 2006Caio Nakashima 7 Subsystem Integration Beneficiary Territory Social Programs B P T P P1 P2 Pn T B Program: xxxxx B1 nnnnnnnn add B2 nnnnnnnn add............................. Bn nnnnnnnnn add SOCIAL DATA DICTIONARY Slide 8 September 2006Caio Nakashima 8 Benefits Reduced response time to queries from hours and days to minutes and seconds Information access comprehensive to the whole MDS Extracting Business Intelligence to help programs Managers Recording the historical data from the programs Registering knowledge to be used as information source Slide 9 September 2006Caio Nakashima 9 Introduction to the Problems The managers of the institution Ministry, Secretaries, Directors Majors, Congress people, Senators, Governors Press, Civil Society The need for information from MDS (Ministry of Social Development and Fight Against Hunger) About Social Programs, Beneficiaries, Investments, and so on. Slide 10 September 2006Caio Nakashima 10 Problems There was not a solid information structure Each department manage their own data, in their own way. There was not a regular information flow between those departments. The urgently need for management reports. Slide 11 September 2006Caio Nakashima 11 Scenario Spreadsheet DATAPREV CONAB TRE Tesouro Nacional Caixa Econmica Federal REPORTS PNUD IBGE Slide 12 September 2006Caio Nakashima 12 Chosen path After much pressure and work in manual reports. We developed a private data warehouse only for internal use. External Help Secretaries Support Barriers Pressure against changes Slide 13 September 2006Caio Nakashima 13 Social Information Data Warehouse Allows to retrieve information about the investments on Social Programs in each city. With the following dimensions: Search Items Geographic Units Territorial Limits Population IDH (Human Development Index) Time Slide 14 First Screen Slide 15 September 2006Caio Nakashima 15 Select the desired period Slide 16 September 2006Caio Nakashima 16 Select the variable and Indicators Slide 17 September 2006Caio Nakashima 17 Select the territory and other filter as Population and HDI Slide 18 September 2006Caio Nakashima 18 Result in spreadsheet form Slide 19 September 2006Caio Nakashima 19 Result in card form. Each card per municipality Slide 20 September 2006Caio Nakashima 20 Another Way to Search Data Viewing data through social program Georeferenced Data Graphics Slide 21 Bolsa Famlia coverage Slide 22 September 2006Caio Nakashima 22 Slide 23 September 2006Caio Nakashima 23 Map Viewer Structure Viewing Area (variable) Title (variable) Analysis Time (variable) Title (variable) Legend(variable) Number of registers (variable) Functionalities (invariable) Slide 24 Selection of a special area of some social program (Bolsa Familia Program in the area of Sao Francisco River) Slide 25 September 2006Caio Nakashima 25 Slide 26 Some features of Map Engine Slide 27 September 2006Caio Nakashima 27 Legend and Layer Control Alow change the Interval Turn on or Turn off the Interval The Color of the Interval Slide 28 September 2006Caio Nakashima 28 Example of some changes Slide 29 September 2006Caio Nakashima 29 Slide 30 The Color Pallete Slide 31 September 2006Caio Nakashima 31 The Color Pallet Map Color Border Color Label Color Slide 32 September 2006Caio Nakashima 32 Slide 33 September 2006Caio Nakashima 33 Slide 34 Retrieve Spatial Information Slide 35 September 2006Caio Nakashima 35 Box to bound the search Slide 36 September 2006Caio Nakashima 36 Search Result Show the selected geographic area All geographic regions that touch or are inside the boundaries of the box. It will open a window with all chosen geographic regions with: The values used to build the map. Link to details of the geographic information. Link to graphic when applied Link to find the location of the region in map. Slide 37 September 2006Caio Nakashima 37 Slide 38 Search through the map Slide 39 September 2006Caio Nakashima 39 Slide 40 September 2006Caio Nakashima 40 Result of the search through the map The chosen region is highlighted It will open a link for the detail of the selected geographic region. Link for the graphics, where they show the evolution of the variable or indicator presented along the time. The values of the variable or indicator of all cities on the borders of the chosen geographic area. Slide 41 Analysis through graphics Example: Values of the financial help and the amount of beneficiaries through the time of Bolsa Famlia Slide 42 September 2006Caio Nakashima 42 List of all values that represented in map Slide 43 September 2006Caio Nakashima 43 Amount of financial help. Amount of families (beneficiaries) of Bolsa Familia Slide 44 September 2006Caio Nakashima 44 Graphic of financial help for each family Combination of two graphics Slide 45 September 2006Caio Nakashima 45 Comparing two or more geographic areas This feature allows a comparative analysis between up to three geographic regions. The selection can be done through geographic bound or close analysis values. Slide 46 September 2006Caio Nakashima 46 Comparing the amount of financial help Slide 47 September 2006Caio Nakashima 47 Comparing the financial help for each family Slide 48 September 2006Caio Nakashima 48 Histogram Financial Value Transferred to the cities of Bolsa Familia Program Slide 49 September 2006Caio Nakashima 49 Histogram Mean value transferred to each family of Bolsa Familia Program in august 2006. Slide 50 September 2006Caio Nakashima 50 Pen Parade Graphic Financial Value Transferred to the cities. Graphic of 100% of the distribution Slide 51 September 2006Caio Nakashima 51 Pen Parade Graphic Financial Value Transferred to the cities. Graphic of 90% of the distribution Slide 52 September 2006Caio Nakashima 52 System Integration From Georeferenced view is possible to access other information about cities in the data warehouse. Example PETI Bolsa Financial Help for the Cities in October 2005. PETI Program Against Child Labour Slide 53 September 2006Caio Nakashima 53 Slide 54 September 2006Caio Nakashima 54 Slide 55 September 2006Caio Nakashima 55 Slide 56 September 2006Caio Nakashima 56 Data Source, Social Program Variable or Indicator Choice Period Choice Data Searcher Knowledge Base Information Organizer Map Viewer Engine User Interaction Structure of the Solution Slide 57 September 2006Caio Nakashima 57 Ways to feed the map engine Build the query manually. Read the structure of data from database and show the result of the query in a map. User can build the query from available data in data warehouse. Slide 58