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Project Picasso- Participation In the

Community And Soft Skills Outcomes, is a project devised by the colleges change teams as a pilot this academic year and if successful, college wide the following academic year.

- It aim’s to improve students teamwork and community involvement, via self motivated projects in tutorial groups.

- I will continue to create learning resources and perform PR work for the scheme.

(Like the logo opposite)

“To Create Community”

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Environmental Work - I will continue Pilot

schemes, which may be implemented college wide. The sixth form centre pilot produced a 5% improvement in recycling.

- I will strive to put together a college environmental group with the societies officer.

- I will host events around the college’s ‘Green week’ and ‘Recycling day’, such as a talk on Fairtrade and talks in tutorial sessions.

- I will develop advertising for these schemes such as posters and videos (opposite)

“To Improve Our Working Environment”

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Student Top Talks - With open invites to

students, staff and relevant external sources to attend, student top talks is a fresh version of those hosted at st Andrews house.

- There will be presentations and open discussions on issues concerning the college, including each of our college weeks, such as ‘Green Week’ and ‘LGBT’.

- Opening with the 5C’s talk in the autumn term (City College Co-Curricular Chat)

“To Inspire and Lead.”

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Student Representation structure. - The creation of a 14-16 Exec officer, to create fairer

educational representation. We have a mature student officer, but with nearly 10% of our students within this demographic there is a gap in our equality.

- The creation of student ‘change teams’ to work within the college strategy and the creation of a college senate, to stream line discussions and idea proposals in higher management at CCN.

- The creation of a st. Andrews house Exec officer or equivalent position to create stronger, inter-campus relations.

- The creation of a policy that dictates Student Union Officers spend 60% of their time out of the office, to listen and be involved with students. This should help gather first hand experience of what Students really want.

- Events, such as ‘Sab on a sofa’ and ‘Tea with Tom’ to create a friendly approachable relationship with students.

- Creation of a speech bubbles wall in the AA corridor showing student opinion.

- Create an Executives only computer and office space within the student union.

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Student Voice- I will continue to actively

support and advise student campaigns.

- Within my roles in the Student Union I will take on any student recommended campaigns if the demand is high enough.

- I will continue to voice problems and answers to students. Taking any issue to staff and college management.

“To Inform And Advise.”

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Student Jobs-I will continue to work with local business leaders and local MP’s for better employer – employee relationships for students.

-I will Pilot on a collaboration with Endsleigh Insurance, as an area of good practise, to lead the way for FE colleges.

-I will help run a pilot scheme on youth employment with Tribe.

“To Fight For Your Future.”

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Societies-Creation of a student eco group, for support organising campaigns and events around college.

-I will research and hopefully set up the reopening of the once residential chapel within City College, for use for all students of all beliefs. This will be used for prayer or quite contemplation, with visiting local religious leaders.

- (One to watch out for) This year is my research phase for my three year plan to possibly implement a house’s system within city college (think Harry Potter’s Gryffindor) . The aim is to create more inter school relationships and community development within City College.

“To Create Pride And Community.”

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Finance- A Dragons Den type forum for

students who want to sell items in the new Chapelfield store.

- Clear help and support for all students within City College’s demographics, regarding the Parliament vote on Higher Education Fees this year.

- A proposed 5% profit margin for college run cafe’s (for example, inspirations, and debut) with 2.5% of the margin going to the student union and reinvestment in the hotel school respectively. “To Inspire and Lead.”

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National Collaborations-Clearer Details in collaboration with UCAS on their website, concerning City College Higher Education Courses.

-A closer relationship with the BBC, in which I propose a merger between open studio and city college facilities.

-In collaboration with other colleges I will help form an Independent Complaints body for all Further Education students, similar to the long standing Higher Education equivalent.

-Supporting and working with other colleges in an ‘Exec exchange’. To learn from areas of good practise externally.

-Hosting talks and national open debates for members of Youth Parliament within the college, using my ambassadorial role in the organisation.

“To Pioneer And Lead”.

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City College Going Global-In collaboration with the NUS I plan to obtain places abroad, in places such as China, Japan and Brazil. This will be for students at City College to work voluntarily, all expenses paid. These places will be awarded to exceptional students, and competition winners throughout the year. “To Reward And Learn.”

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Additional events- Polling within the sixth form

centre for a wider choice of GCSE’s and A level self study options.

Personal targets:

- Doubling the college level of recycling.

- Increasing College wide participation in all activities.

“To Give Opportunity.”