Download - Manifest Destiny. Phrase was coined by a journalist, John O’ Sullivan American Nationalism- belief that America was destined, by God, to expand its’ boundaries.


Manifest Destiny Phrase was coined by a journalist, John O Sullivan American Nationalism- belief that America was destined, by God, to expand its boundaries from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific and beyond Manifest Destiny Anglo-American cultural and racial superiority; the inferior people of the Far West, Native Indians and Mexicans should be subjected to American dominion, taught republicanism, and converted to Protestant Christianity Manifest Destiny Manifest Destiny was the driving force behind U. S. domestic and foreign policy in the 1840s and 1850s. Manifest Destiny Varied Opinions about this topic 1. Expand over all of North American and Caribbean Islands 2. America should use force to acquire the land 3. Americans should do nothing 4. Henry Clay was concerned about the slavery/territory issues Manifest Destiny Pro-slavery southerners favored expansion to extend slavery Business people favored expansion to acquire new foreign markets from Asia New England Industrialists concerned didnt want competition Manifest Destiny Texas History- Americans living in Mexican territory By 1835, 30,000 Americans living in Texas- cheap land, grow cotton Tensions mounted with Mexico Texans fight war over independence from Mexico Texans defeat the Mexican Army and Santa Anna exiled to Cuba Who was the Yellow Rose of Texas? In the fall of 1835, a free African-American woman from Connecticut named Emily D. West signed a one-year contract with Colonel James Morgan to work as a housekeeper in New Washington (later known as Morgans Point), a small settlement in Texas. In 1836 the Mexican Army, lead by Santa Anna entered the settlement, pillage the area and rumor has it took Ms. West as part of the spoils of the war. Who was the Yellow Rose of Texas? Only much later, in the mid-20th century, would West (sometimes misidentified as Emily Morgan) be linked with the popular song The Yellow Rose of Texas, which was apparently composed in the 1850s by a songwriter identified only as J.K. Manifest Destiny James Polk- Elected in 1844, -As President he believed in Manifest Destiny and wanted to be the president that established those boundaries for the U. S Texas became a state Manifest Destiny Boundary dispute with Mexico leads to war U. S. Wanted border to be the Rio Grande Mexico wanted border at the Nueces River Manifest Destiny Mexican War President Polk manipulates the situation by: 1. sending the U. S. army to the Rio Grande, 2. offering to purchase the disputed land through diplomacy, up to $40 million sends John Slidell 3.asking for a declaration of war with Congress. Manifest Destiny Polk sends Stephan Kearny into New Mexico In August 1846, Kearny's force of about 1,600 soldiers occupied Santa Fe and organized a new civil government for New Mexico, promising a democratic administration Manifest Destiny March 1846 General Taylors troops made camp at the Rio Grande in disputed territory April 1846 Mexican commander insisted U.S. troops must leave area and Taylor refused to move Mexican forces crossed the Rio Grande and attacked group of 63 U.S. soldiers 11 Americans killed Manifest Destiny California John Fremont sent out to defend the Americans living California against the Mexican government that controlled that area. Goes to Sutters Fort, outside Sacramento Polk goes to Cuba and seeks help from exiled dictator, Santa Anna- agrees for $500,000 in gold. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo The treaty was signed on February 2, 1848 The treaty called for the US to pay $15 million to Mexico It gave the United States the Rio Grande as a boundary for Texas, and gave the US ownership of California and a large area comprising roughly half of New Mexico, most of Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and parts of Wyoming and Colorado. Mexicans in those annexed areas had the choice of relocating to within Mexico's new boundaries or receiving American citizenship with full civil rights. Over 90% chose to become US citizens.CaliforniaNew MexicoArizonaNevadaUtahWyomingColorado The US Senate ratified the treaty by a vote of 3814. The opponents of this treaty were led by the Whigs, who had opposed the war and rejected Manifest Destiny in general, and rejected this expansion in particular.US SenateWhigsManifest Destiny Legacy of the War End of Mexico setting its sights on Texas Completed Manifest Destiny Roll call of military greatness Manifest Destiny Many members of the Whig Party thought the conflict was unjustified Northern abolitionists feared any territory gained in the war might be organized into slave states Illinois Congressman Abraham Lincoln wrote the Spot Resolutions in 1848 asking Polk to show the spot where American blood had been shed on American soil Manifest Destiny The California gold rush began when gold was discovered at Sutters Mill in 1849 As the news of discovery spread, some 300,000 people came to California from the rest of the United States and abroad Manifest Destiny These early gold seekers called 49ers traveled to California by sailing ships and covered wagons across the continent. Manifest Destiny During the California Gold Rush, Fremont became a millionaire when gold was discovered on his land. General John C. Fremont Manifest Destiny Oregon American interest grew in the area in the 1820s-1830s By 1840s new settlements by Americans grew along the Pacific coast American settlers wanted to be part of the union Oregon Territory James Polk campaigned with the slogan Fifty-Four forty or fight- his demand for the land south of that line. Rather than fight a war on two fronts, President Polk with favor a compromise with Great Britain. Oregon Territory Oregon Treaty with Great Britain settled the border at the 49 parallel line. Thousands of Americans braved the Oregon Trail in Conestoga Wagons. Impact of Manifest Destiny Native Indians: Living in America for hundreds of years, the concept of Manifest Destiny will force them from their lands and eventually onto reservations. Impact of Manifest Destiny Slavery: This issue will polarize the North and South over which states become free or slave. The Wilmot Proviso would have stopped the expansion of slavery into new territories but the southern Congressmen were adamant about not letting it happen. Impact of Manifest Destiny Politics- Continued disputes on issues in Congress, compromises, new political party- Republican party formed in Against the extension of slavery into new territories = Free Soilers Against slavery and want it to be abolished immediately