Download - Manifest 33% more success, money, health, romance and call27 with Marie Dia… · I was already a motivational speaker in Europe and feng

Page 1: Manifest 33% more success, money, health, romance and call27 with Marie Dia… · I was already a motivational speaker in Europe and feng

"Manifest 33% more success, money, health, romance and wisdom in your life"

© 2009 Heartland Success LLC, All Rights Reserved

Learn more about Marie‟s resource here.


LANCE HOOD: Welcome, this is Lance Hood with, and

in this special teletraining with Marie Diamond, she‟s going to

teach you how you can completely transform your life and have

33 percent more results with manifesting the life you truly want.

Here‟s our guarantee to you. You will walk away from this

training today with a 30 day wealth map that will help you create

more effortless success and romance than you‟ve been

experiencing up until now, and you‟re going to do it much faster

than ever before.

Be sure to stay on this entire training because at the end of the

call, Marie will reveal the number one most powerful strategy

that you can apply right now, today, to manifest your dream,

personalize your law of attraction, and start seeing results


Marie was a featured teacher in the hit movie The Secret, and

she‟s an advisor to some of the most successful people on the

planet. And beyond that, she‟s one of the nicest people I‟ve ever


Marie, on behalf of myself and everyone listening, welcome to

the call.

MARIE DIAMOND: It‟s so wonderful to be on the call again with you Lance, and to

share great wisdom with all of you on the call.

LANCE HOOD: Marie, can you take just a second before we get started, maybe

three to five minutes and just share the story of what brought you

to where you are today?

MARIE DIAMOND: Yes, of course. Well, the first thing it started when I was 15 after

a near death experience. After a major accident, I came to the

conclusion that I wanted to transform 500 million people‟s lives.

At 15, that‟s kind of a strange idea, but I know it‟s because of

that idea that I was using the law of attraction to attract to come

into the movie The Secret, that has been said to already have

been touching more than 500 million people‟s lives. So I feel like

Page 2: Manifest 33% more success, money, health, romance and call27 with Marie Dia… · I was already a motivational speaker in Europe and feng

"Manifest 33% more success, money, health, romance and wisdom in your life"

© 2009 Heartland Success LLC, All Rights Reserved

Learn more about Marie‟s resource here.


that was already checked on my checklist. But what really

happened was that about seven years ago I came to the United

States. I was already a motivational speaker in Europe and feng

shui master, and I really felt like it was time for me to go beyond

the European continent. I‟m from Belgium originally. I came to


One of the things I really love to share is I put my very special

vision board up, and we‟re going to talk a little bit about this, and

I put it in my personal success direction. That is one of the tips

I‟m going to give you for your 30 day wealth map. I put in my

success corner also an Oscar statue. A fake one of course, with

my name on it, Marie Diamond 2006. Don‟t ask me why 2006, it

was just that I thought I needed about four years to get things


I put it there and interesting enough, in 2006 The Secret came out

and I think within about nine months I started attracting Oscar

winning movie directors, actors, musicians, producers, and so I

have about 20 different Oscars I already took in my hand, and

some of my clients have two or three, so it‟s kind of interesting.

It‟s really about using the alignment between your mind, your

heart, your soul, and your environment. So I want to really share

with you a very special technique to do that. It‟s really about the

focus, but to focus not only within yourself, but also to have the

focus around you and to align whatever is within you around you

and opposite. So that‟s kind of how I manifest to do things.

I‟m a lawyer from Belgium that become a motivational speaker

and one of the top transformation leaders in the world. It‟s

because I really believe that there‟s message out there to share

with people to transform their lives. I felt that this was my

purpose on this planet, so that‟s why I‟m also on the call with

you, Lance.

LANCE HOOD: I remember talking with you a while back and you said that you

were even at that point going over to counsel some governments

of countries. That‟s amazing.

Page 3: Manifest 33% more success, money, health, romance and call27 with Marie Dia… · I was already a motivational speaker in Europe and feng

"Manifest 33% more success, money, health, romance and wisdom in your life"

© 2009 Heartland Success LLC, All Rights Reserved

Learn more about Marie‟s resource here.


MARIE DIAMOND: Yes, well, it is. They are ready for it, and they not just one

country, they are in many other places. So many top leaders right

now are really feeling that they need to shift. The things that

have been happening the last year, the old ways don‟t work

anymore. The people in the self-help industry, they already know

that this is not working, and so we see that energetically, they are

starting to look for other solutions. Other solutions are out there.

We already have been using them, but now, the people that are

very mentally focused on things, they start looking for other

tools. They have seen The Secret too, so they‟re looking for some

solutions and some teacher and advisors to help them.

LANCE HOOD: Well, let me ask you this, Marie. Is there anything else that you

really wanted to share before we get started, or did you want to

jump right in?

MARIE DIAMOND: I want to jump right in and give a lot of action points.

LANCE HOOD: I was just going to leave it up to you on what you wanted to talk

about with helping people increase their success, wealth, health,

and romance.

MARIE DIAMOND: Well, I think one of the things I first want to share is why what I

bring forward is so important.

I started learning the law of attraction when I was seven years

old, and knowing that everything is energy, and everything is

about a subconscious and conscious together creating an image,

creating a field where the universe is responding to.

One of the things that I learned very early on that images around

you are very important, so I started drawing a lot of the things

that I wanted to manifest and did hang them out. So children are

doing that very spontaneously. We as adults, we forget that

actually, that we have such a creative force in ourselves.

At a certain point, I already was doing all the work. When I was

15 I had this near death experience and I came out of the

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"Manifest 33% more success, money, health, romance and wisdom in your life"

© 2009 Heartland Success LLC, All Rights Reserved

Learn more about Marie‟s resource here.


accident, out of a coma. What happened is, I asked my teacher

that I already had, my mentor, and I asked him, “Okay, I know

the law of attraction, I‟ve been doing all the right things, why do

I still have these things happening to me?” It was not just this

one accident, I had three accidents in one year. He said, “Well,

Marie, you have bad feng shui.” “What the heck is that?” “Well,

it‟s your environment. You‟re sleeping in the wrong position.

You have the wrong wallpaper around you.” To be honest, I

hated the bedroom. I would always go to bed as late as I could. I

was freaked out in that room. So he said, “Why don‟t you go to

another room?”

So I went to another room and I colored it differently. I put my

bed position differently. I did hang other images. I was 15, I was

ready for something else. One of the things was that I was very

lonely at that time. I was bullied at school. Sometimes beaten up.

It was quite hectic at the time. So I did hang out images of a

couple of girls biking, a couple of girls playing. Really

interesting, within a month the bullies became my friends. It was

a total turn around. I also attracted the very first great love within

a week actually, so it was “Wow.” I didn‟t change anything

within me, but somehow things changed because I changed the

bedroom, and I changed colors, and directions.

So from that day on, I learned that there is something else than

just your mind. There‟s also the environment. We know that the

mind is influenced by 95 percent of subconscious messages.

Messages we give ourselves, and that‟s why important to be

doing affirmations, to do meditation, to do visualization. But our

home, our environment is actually visualizing for you. It‟s

actually creating images for you. It‟s affirming for you. Your

energy field is actually reacting to what‟s going on in your


I started studying all this, so quantum physics for me was one of

the topics I always was studying about. But I learned about feng

shui, and I learned about the quantum physic level of your

environment. As everything is energy, also your environment,

where you live, is energy.

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"Manifest 33% more success, money, health, romance and wisdom in your life"

© 2009 Heartland Success LLC, All Rights Reserved

Learn more about Marie‟s resource here.


You are sleeping for eight hours in a room. You are spending

eight hours in the same place to work. You‟re spending three to

four hours perhaps in your living room or your family room. So

that will impact you all the time.

So what I‟ve found out is that the feng shui masters in the ancient

times, that was 4,000 years ago, they said actually the law of

attraction exists out of three levels. When I found that out, I was

just “Wow, this is amazing.” They said the first third, 33.3

percent of your law of attraction is actually when you came on

this planet. You came into a body, you came into a family, in a

culture. That is actually influencing for the rest of your life, you

for 33.3 percent. Your gender, the challenges you have, the

talents you have.

So let‟s say that you are a great singer. You have an amazing

voice and you are born with that. So that‟s great, but that doesn‟t

mean you will become successful. There‟s a part “destiny”, or

some people call it “Karma”, or “dharma”, so that is something,

a given, this is given to you and some great things are given.

Some are things that you feel you‟re challenged by it.

Now, another third of the law of attraction the feng shui masters

said is actually, “What do you do with what is given to you?”

What is given to you as a talent for example, that voice, that

amazing voice. If you only use it in your bathroom in the shower

to sing every morning, well, you know, nobody will ever

experience it. It‟s hard to be a success then. But what if you start

thinking, “Well, perhaps one day, I can be American Idol.

Perhaps one day, I can be great. And I want to become like a

certain other singer. What if I start trying it out? I take some

practice. I go in action. I study my voice. I start singing in a choir

or whatever.” So you start acting from your destiny and your

talent and you start making it happen.

Now, that is another 33.3 percent. I always give that example

about Susan Boyle, she‟s a very famous star right now. She had

this idea for her whole life to sing as a famous singer, and there

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"Manifest 33% more success, money, health, romance and wisdom in your life"

© 2009 Heartland Success LLC, All Rights Reserved

Learn more about Marie‟s resource here.


she is on Britain‟s Got Talent, and she is rocking the world. It‟s

actually because she believed, she had this voice already, but she

believed, practiced, she practiced a lot. That second third, we call

it “human luck”. So you have to as a human being, you have to

do something. You have focus, you have to put your mind to it,

you have believe in it, and you have to act upon it.

Now, The Secret talks mostly about this part. So when I was

interviewed for The Secret, Rhonda Burn was asking me, “How

do you see law of attraction?” And I shared with her what I‟m

sharing now. I said, “Look, this is all great. We are having this

heavenly connection from our soul going into this planet. We are

having this talent. We are bringing it forward, but some great

people are making it, and some not so great people are making it

even better.” What is the difference? What is going on?

The feng shui masters say, there‟s another third of law of

attraction and it is your “earth energy”. So you as a human being,

you‟re living on this planet. Now, your environment, the

magnetic energy of your environment will affect your brains by

the brainwaves. It will affect your subconscious and your

conscious for you to express your talents.

Some people will then see that the moment things have average I

would say, and then somehow they move somewhere, and

suddenly all these great things start happening. Is this because

it‟s their mind or it‟s because their environment is finally

supporting them because in the environment there is also rules

and principles. In the laws of the universe for the mind, there are

laws and rules for the mind of environment. The home, your

office has a mind of its own. The great thing about it, it‟s actually

affecting you for 24 hours every day.

So sleeping in a bedroom full of clutter for example, it will affect

you for eight hours. If you‟re conscious about it or not conscious.

You‟re sitting in an office and your desk is just a mess. Well, it

will affect you tremendously. So you already get my first point

that you need to do in your 30 day wealth map is to actually

clean up. You really need to make the energy free because your

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"Manifest 33% more success, money, health, romance and wisdom in your life"

© 2009 Heartland Success LLC, All Rights Reserved

Learn more about Marie‟s resource here.


environment wants to bring in and align with your ideas. But if

your environment is telling the universe because it‟s giving a

message out, it‟s telling, “Don‟t bother giving all this wealth.

This person is not open to it. There‟s such a mess and a chaos

here. There‟s not even a place to bring new things into it.”

So you need to clear the space before the gifts can come. It‟s like

I was explained this way. Your universal FedEx airplane that

wants to drop boxes of wealth for you. It flies over your home, it

flies over your office and it‟s like, “Where I can put these boxes?

There‟s no place for it.” So what you need to do then is you need

to clear the place.

So first step, an amazing impact, take time in 30 days, and it‟s

the first five days that you are really going to clear out

everything around you that is no longer serving you to create

wealth. That‟s not only imagery, it can be boxes, it can be files,

and also on your computer, go into all the emails, all the things

you don‟t need anymore, the files that are no longer supporting

you for your future. Old programs that you‟re never using

anymore. Let go because you need to open up the space.

I always suggest to people, every six months to go through

everything you have and to let go of at least 25 percent. So even

in your file cabinet. I don‟t know how your file cabinet is Lance,

but 25 percent of your file cabinet, just let it go. You can store it

if you want somewhere else, but just in your environment let go

of 25 percent. What will happen, more good energy, more new

energy will come in. New clients, new opportunities, new

streams of income, will just come to you.

First big step is you need to really work on your environment,

and then once you have cleared energy, you need to start really

looking around you and following the first rule. The first rule for

good feng shui is that you need to be in power.

You are the center of the universe. You are because you are the

creator of your reality. So you need to make sure that the

universe can see you. You are the universe. You‟re the center

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"Manifest 33% more success, money, health, romance and wisdom in your life"

© 2009 Heartland Success LLC, All Rights Reserved

Learn more about Marie‟s resource here.


and you‟re the universe at the same time, so you are walking into

your room. You need to understand that you need to be able to sit

in a room so that whoever comes in, you or someone else, that

you can see that person. For example, I‟m in a hotel room right

now, somewhere in Paris, it‟s a great place here, so I put myself

in such a position that I‟m seeing the door.

Why do I do that? Because whatever is coming in, I want to be in

power because if I‟m in power, I am actually going to create the

most wealth, the most good luck for myself.

Think about a king or a queen or an emperor. Have you ever seen

them sitting with their throne with their back towards the people?

No. They want to see the people. They want to see the stream of

income. They want to see the stream of good luck. The stream of

opportunity. So you need to see the door. So if you‟re with the

back to the door in your office, than this is really saying, “I‟m

not really interested in all these opportunities. I‟m not really

interested in all this wealth that is coming to me.” So turn around

your desk.

Now, in case you can‟t, sometimes these are built-in desks, make

sure you put a little mirror on the wall, the left or on the right of

you, to kind of whenever you open your eyes and you take your

eyes from your computer or from your papers that you see what‟s

going on behind you. That‟s the first step.

First, space clear. Second step is the power position, we call it

the power position. Make sure you always see who comes in, and

do that all the time. I‟m going to dinners for example, with

clients or any contract I need to make, I make sure I see the door.

I make sure I‟m earlier there and I‟m seeing the door. Never sit

with your back to the door because that‟s where the weak person

is sitting. If you want to create wealth, you need to be the strong

one, so second step, power position.

Third step, I‟m always suggesting for people is you need to make

sure that – and there is a little bit of calculation there and I want

to help you with that, we call this “success direction”. Now, in

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"Manifest 33% more success, money, health, romance and wisdom in your life"

© 2009 Heartland Success LLC, All Rights Reserved

Learn more about Marie‟s resource here.


your environment, you have a success direction. Now, some

people really would like to know how that is, and you can

actually go to my website,, to just see on the

landing page, you actually fill in your request for your personal

success direction.

I do that as a free gift I always I give and I do that actually

because it‟s really important that you are knowing your success

direction. Now what is that?

So when you are born, you have a certain law of attraction.

There‟s a personal law of attraction. The law of attraction is

collective and it‟s rules that are working for everyone, but in the

law of attraction, the environment there are actually what I call

“personal rules”. Rules that are only working for you based on

your birthday. So we need your birthday there and then we send

you a calculation with what is your success direction.

So your success direction for example can be southwest, or

northeast, or east, or north. So what you will need to do then,

once you know this, you will take a little compass, and this alone

has just worth so much wealth. Take a little compass, stand in the

center of a room, like your office, and you will figure out with

the compass, I hope you can read a compass, or ask somebody

else to help you with that, and then figure out where your success

direction is.

Just imagine your room is like a compass, and there are eight

major directions, north, northeast, east, southeast, and one of

these angle, one of these corners is success for you. If you start

looking, what is there right now? Let‟s say north is your success

direction and you figure out in your room from the center where

the north is. Let‟s say in the north you have there a whole bunch

of boxes. One person, a real estate person contacted me and we

looked in her office and in her success direction were all old

boxes from UPS, FedEx and so forth.

I said to her, “How have your sales been?” She‟s like, “Oh,

terrible.” I said, “Well, let‟s take these boxes away and put in

Page 10: Manifest 33% more success, money, health, romance and call27 with Marie Dia… · I was already a motivational speaker in Europe and feng

"Manifest 33% more success, money, health, romance and wisdom in your life"

© 2009 Heartland Success LLC, All Rights Reserved

Learn more about Marie‟s resource here.


your success direction all the pictures of the real estate that you

want to sell and what you want to sell it for.” She‟s like, “Marie,

things aren‟t going well in the real estate.” “You create your own

reality, remember that.”

So she put in the picture out there and she called me a week later.

She said, “I just sold a $10 million home.” “Good on you.” She

said, “It‟s really interesting is the moment I started taking away

the boxes, people started calling to see that house.”

This is how it works. What happens is, your success direction is

your portal of wealth to the universe. It‟s like the universe is

reading through that angle what you want about your wealth. So

if you want to create a wealth map, you actually to make sure

that your environment is a wealth map. Your home is a wealth

map, not just your mind. Not just your action, not just something

on paper. You have to expand yourself. Your home is a wealth

map in the south, and your angle, the door to wealth is your

success direction.

So just imagine you have there a garbage can. If you have a

garbage can there, then you‟re actually saying to the universe,

“Whatever wealth is coming in, whatever opportunity, just drop

it nicely in the garbage can.” What will happen then is that

actually you will start having things coming to you, but it never

manifests because it‟s just garbage.

So you can say, “Well, why do I react to that?” Well, because

there is an alignment from your birth moment with that angle,

and it‟s for the rest of your life, so wherever you‟re going,

everywhere in your life, that area will be the portal to wealth in

your environment.

So for example, I was explaining to you that I put my Oscar

statue in my personal success direction seven years ago and I put

it in the southwest, what for me is my portal to wealth. You can

imagine that since that moment, and I‟ve done this for quite a

few years before that, everything I put there manifests faster and

more effortless. One of the things I‟ve learned, things don‟t have

Page 11: Manifest 33% more success, money, health, romance and call27 with Marie Dia… · I was already a motivational speaker in Europe and feng

"Manifest 33% more success, money, health, romance and wisdom in your life"

© 2009 Heartland Success LLC, All Rights Reserved

Learn more about Marie‟s resource here.


to be hard. All the things I manifest in my life, it‟s because I

actually have a space cleared at home. I‟m always in my power

position, and I make sure that in that success direction is actually

always the things I want.

I cannot even think about all the things that I want because I

cannot even think about all the things I want 24 hours a day, but

in my success direction, that message is working 24 hours a day,

and that is where you put your vision board. We‟re going to talk

a little bit more about it later on I‟m sure, but that‟s the place for

your vision board.

So on my vision board are all the things that I wanted, and I put

on my vision board not just that Oscar there, but I also put seven

years ago, I wanted to be in a movie seen by hundreds of

millions of people that will transform their lives. Many years

later when other very wonderful teachers with much more name

at the time than me, asked me, “Marie, why are you in The Secret

and I am not?” And I said, “Was it on your vision board? Was it

in your success direction? Was your Oscar statue already out?”

They look at me like, “Is she crazy?” “I have to be honest, well, I

did and that‟s why I‟m in The Secret because I really focused on

it.” But I did not just focus on it ten minutes a day in affirmation;

I let my environment focus for me.

So even if I forget about it, it‟s really interesting, I put things

sometimes there, books for example. Just giving an example, a

very successful author. I found his book and I thought, “Well,

interesting title.” It was about leadership qualities, and so I put

that there because I wanted to become a better leader, and I

forgot about it. It‟s in a little bookcase in my success direction.

What happened is, that six months later I‟m invited to do a feng

shui of a home of someone, and I‟m invited by the wife, the

partner of the writer. So I come in his office in the downstairs,

and I say, “Okay, what do you do?” “Oh, I‟m a writer.” I said,

“Oh, great. What is your book? You have a best seller or…” So

he gives me this book, and I‟m like, “Oh, my God. That book

Page 12: Manifest 33% more success, money, health, romance and call27 with Marie Dia… · I was already a motivational speaker in Europe and feng

"Manifest 33% more success, money, health, romance and wisdom in your life"

© 2009 Heartland Success LLC, All Rights Reserved

Learn more about Marie‟s resource here.


was for six months in my success direction.” So the universe was

reading that message. I forgot about it.

I got better leadership qualities I‟m sure, but I also invited that

writer into my life. Because the universe remembers everything

if you align correctly. The thing is, I didn‟t have to do anything

for this. Everything I manifest is going fast and effortless. So that

is a really important step, is your success direction.

A fourth step, I want to give you five steps to really make a big

difference in 30 days. These are easy, easy things. But before I

go to the fourth step, I really want to share with you that first

before you put something in your success direction, look what

has been there at this moment. It could be there‟s an image there.

I think about the real estate person and he had an image of a

sailboat. He said, “This is a good image.” I said, “Yeah, it should

be a good image. Sailboat, nicely, kind of represents wealth. Can

you send me the picture?” So he sent me the picture, and you see

this sailboat, but at the end of the river there is a waterfall.

So I said, “How has money been happening?” He said, “Well, it

has come in, but it‟s draining like crazy.” I said, “Well, get rid of

that image.” It‟s really important for you to look at what is now

in your success direction and see if that what is there now is

really resonating with what you have been experiencing right

now in your wealth.

If you have an image of a desert, guess what? Nothing will

happen unless you want to sell sand or deserts, then it‟s a good

image of course. So just make sure you put the right things, you

can put your products there, your logo. You can put everything

you want in your success direction. So that‟s a very important


Now, the fourth step I want to share with you is wealth in feng

shui has everything to do with water. Water has become a very

rare commodity, but the feng shui masters have known for 4,000

years that water and wealth are connected. It is the life-force. We

Page 13: Manifest 33% more success, money, health, romance and call27 with Marie Dia… · I was already a motivational speaker in Europe and feng

"Manifest 33% more success, money, health, romance and wisdom in your life"

© 2009 Heartland Success LLC, All Rights Reserved

Learn more about Marie‟s resource here.


need water to actually create. This is the first food we have, so

that creates really nutrition and good energy for our self.

Now, according to feng shui, we need to put it in certain areas.

Now, the general place is to put a little fountain, a bubbling

fountain, and some people don‟t like too much fountains and

hang beautiful image of a fountain. But a real fountain, having

real water running is much better than just an image because the

more real things are, the faster the universe reacts. So put this

bubbling fountain in what we call the southeast area of your

office. Don‟t put it in your bedroom. You don‟t have to make

money while you sleep, your website can do that. You don‟t put

water there because actually you need to be in a Yin or in a

passive state of experience. You don‟t have to be active while

you‟re sleeping. Just in an office, or in a living room, or a family

room in the southeast. That is a general place.

I‟m going to give you a bonus, and that is that this year, until

February 2010, the utmost best cash flow for wealth, fast money,

and this is what you‟re doing in 30 days, is fast money, you need

to put it in the northwest area. So southeast is always good, but it

will not work so fast. Northwest is the fastest place.

I‟ll give you little extra hint, from February on in 2010, you need

to put that little fountain, you remove it from the northwest, and

you put in the west area of your office so that next year wealth

will come. This is not long-term money, this is not investment

money, this is cash flow opportunities, checks in the mail. People

calling you and saying – in the next 30 days, this is what I want

you to do. You pay for something. “I want you to come and do

this for me and I pay you cash.” So this is the cash place. This

works for everyone. Just make sure that that area where you put

that fountain, there‟s no clutter because otherwise money will

come in, but it will be not really used for the right things because

the clutter will create chaos around the money.

So these are the several steps I really want to share with you. So

space clear, make sure that you‟re in a power position, make sure

you have the success direction right, that you have the right

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things there. Make also sure you put a fountain in the southeast,

and a fifth one, if you want more fast money, go for the

northwest this year.

So these are a few things I wanted to share because it‟s really

important that you align whatever you want within you for

wealth, also around you. Then a very important extra thing I

always share with people is, in order to create wealth, share your

wealth. Before you receive wealth, you need to share it too.

That‟s more an experience. Perhaps nothing to do with feng shui,

but it‟s really part of law of attraction is really sharing every day

something with someone who has less than you.

One of the things that I do, it‟s a very simple thing, the first

person I see who is homeless or begging for money, I always

give them money. I give them always my highest banknote or

cash that I have. Sometimes it‟s $1, sometimes it‟s $10,

sometimes it‟s $25 cent, or euro cent, depending what is cash in

my wallet, and I always give it because I believe if I give to the

first person then this is the universe for me. I don‟t care about

what this person is going to use that money for, drugs, this is

nothing to do with me. I‟m giving it out and I‟m turning it into

the universe. I will be the first one to receive too because I give

first to the first person that needs it. When I‟m the first that needs

it, the universe will bring it too. So this is like a little extra

spiritual experience that I always share with people.

Lance, I don‟t know if you have some other things you want to

go deeper into?

LANCE HOOD: I can tell you that when we got off the phone with our last

interview, I probably implemented more stuff that you told me

than most of the other interviews. I try to implement stuff from

everyone, but I did pretty much about everything you told me to

do and it was wonderful. It definitely helped clear things up.

MARIE DIAMOND: Oh, fabulous. Thank you for sharing that.

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LANCE HOOD: Yeah, I got off the phone, where we researched my birthday

thing and cleared out the files, and my desk couldn‟t move, so I

put a mirror up like you said. Yeah, I did all that stuff and I really

like what you teach. There‟s tremendous value in what you have

to say.

MARIE DIAMOND: Well, it‟s very practical. It is a very practical thing and the mind

reacts within three seconds. We have done tests with people and

brainwaves, and so when you do these things, within three

seconds your brainwaves are changing. They go mostly from

beta brainwaves into alpha brainwaves.

In alpha brainwaves you‟re more creative, you‟re more

concentrated, you‟re more happy, more joyful. What happens is

you‟re opening up also your mind because if you space clear

your environment, your mind opens up. If you put the right

direction out in your environment, your mind gets the right

direction. If you put yourself in a power position, your mind feels

powerful, so it all reflects back on your mind.

So many people, even people in The Secret that are clients of

mine, they were kind of stuck even in their business because they

tried always to work with their mind alone. When I shared that

with Rhonda she was, “Oh, my God. Nobody‟s sharing this

information that the mind is not enough.” And a lot of people are

getting stuck on that. They‟re focusing on that million dollars,

and they put that million dollar bill on their ceiling or something,

they do all these amazing goals, and they‟re doing massive

actions, and still things are not happening.

It is very gentle, it‟s actually very gentle adaptation, adapting

your environment to redirect yourself to the right flow of energy

for you. And then suddenly, all the things you‟ve been waiting

for are just happening, and happening and happening. I

remember when Rhonda said, “Things are not going forward

with the movie The Secret, and I just rearranged things and

suddenly, whew, things went really fantastic.”

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It‟s really interesting is that the flow of wealth needs to come to

you, but the flow we call that, it‟s “money flow”, but people

forget to create a money flow in their environment. So it‟s all

interconnected, and it‟s 33.3 percent of your luck that you‟re just

not using. You‟re thinking your mind is enough, and your mind

is not enough. Your environment is actually faster, creative, and

it works 24 hours a day. So even if I‟m asleep, the universe is

still working for me.

LANCE HOOD: I know that you gave out some tips on making space and the

direction and stuff. Say if someone has an area in their house, a

bedroom, that they‟re not really able to face their direction when

they sleep. If they have to choose between their direction or

facing the door, what would you suggest? What comes first?

MARIE DIAMOND: Well, I would say make sure when you wake up, as always when

you sleep, you wake up, you make sure you see the door. That

will definitely be the strongest one.

One of the things that happens when people are asleep even if

they‟re the wrong direction at night, it needs to be the right

direction towards with your crown chakra, the top of your head,

that actually automatically people turn themselves towards that

direction. You see that with children for example, even in the

crib, that you‟re like, “Oh, I put the baby this way, and they turn

around.” Why did they turn around? Because there‟s a little

antenna in our brains that actually know exactly where‟s the

angle of energy that works for you.

Parents are always surprised that once we are actually checking

out which direction is good for them to sleep, they‟re like, “Well,

that‟s the direction the head is always going to.” I say, “Of

course it is because it‟s our natural magnetic force that knows

exactly where are the good directions.

It‟s part of that vibrational energy. It‟s part of the quantum

physics that we are perhaps not understanding yet. So feng shui

is not about putting your whole home in a Chinese temple. It‟s

really just the quantum physic energy that you can use whatever

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"Manifest 33% more success, money, health, romance and wisdom in your life"

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you have for manifesting things. The law of attraction works,

like I said, 33.3 percent faster and more effortless, and the things

that happen in my life that have just for example, I‟m thinking,

“Okay, I want to go and speak in Russia.” I put it on my vision

board, not just on my vision board, but just I put it in a certain

way on the vision board, and then I put it in my success

direction. The great thing about it is, I don‟t do effort. I don‟t call

people for that. I just say, “Well, okay, I‟m going to Russia.” It‟s

there and I know the universe is working and I get the calls from

Russia. That‟s how it works for me. And it has been working all

the time for me.

When people say, “Marie, you have worked hard,” I say, “Yes, I

have worked hard, but you know, I did not work hard marketing,

on promotion.” The thing is, I believe the universe is promoting

for me. The universe is marketing for me, but my home is my

number one marketing tool.

LANCE HOOD: What about then, expanding bigger? Do you think that the

environment of the general geographic area that you‟re living in

would have an effect on things too?

MARIE DIAMOND: Yes, it does. For example, southwest is very important for me, so

one of the things I did when I came to America, I did choose to

come to the west coast, and I moved to first San Francisco

because that was where I knew people. Then I moved south,

more into the southwest. When I really hit the southwest, Los

Angeles, San Diego, that‟s actually when my recognition went

up tremendously. That‟s when The Secret really came out when I

lived in the southwest because that‟s for me very good.

You don‟t have to be in the southwest of a country somewhere

because then all the southwest people would live there, but you

could be in the southwest of a city, or southwest of a map where

you want to go. Or if you want to move somewhere in your area,

move towards your success direction. So if that‟s north and you

want to stay for example, in Chicago, then you go more north of

Chicago. It doesn‟t have to be that far north. It just can go that


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"Manifest 33% more success, money, health, romance and wisdom in your life"

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Now, there are three other directions that are important for you.

That is what we call a relationship direction, that‟s for romance,

a health direction, and a wisdom direction. So there are other

directions you can work with, but your success direction is

always the major one.

For example, when I speak and I have the opportunity to make

sure I‟m putting together the rooms that I‟m speaking in. So my

team goes in and makes sure that I‟m always facing my success

direction. Certain rooms, certain conference rooms are not taken

by my team if I cannot face my success direction. Because I‟ve

seen each time when that happens, that I face my success

direction, that my sales in the conference go really up

tremendously because I‟m more inspired. You are much stronger

if you face a good direction. It is really interesting. So many

people have shared with me that sometimes their sales go up

minimum by 25/35 percent when they‟re facing their success

direction, or activating this.

I had somebody that came to me and he was a real estate person.

Was ready to file bankruptcy and within a few months he was

doing 1100 percent more just by doing these few steps that I

shared with you. It‟s just everything was ready. His mind, he had

been trained so tremendously, everything was ready, it was just

his environment was not in the right wealth map I would say. I

would call it an environmental wealth map.

LANCE HOOD: Yeah, and that‟s what I like about what you teach is it‟s unique.

It‟s not as much mindset as it is, “Hey your environment‟s

important too.

What about colors? Is there anything to that?

MARIE DIAMOND: Yes, definitely. One of the things I share with people, there are

24 quantum colors that work for everyone, and I‟m going to give

you perhaps a great sixth step for wealth map is the color gold.

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"Manifest 33% more success, money, health, romance and wisdom in your life"

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We know if you look at wealth is that you have the golden touch,

or King Midas was touching everything and became gold. So

gold is really the color for abundance, for wealth.

I always suggest to people to bring in more golden items

especially when you come into your home, make sure there‟s

something gold immediately saying to whoever comes in, “We

have the golden standard here. We want wealth.” And the word

wealth, I just love so much, it‟s so beautiful. It‟s like “we-all-th”.

So it‟s like we can have it all exponentially. That‟s kind of what

wealth means to me because we can have it all, not just for our

self, but for everyone in the world, we can have it all

exponentially, but you have to share it with the universe.

Wearing golden things, even a golden watch, there is a reason

why if you have achieved something in a company, they gave

you a golden watch. “You have to come wealthy for us. You are

important to us.” So a golden watch, golden rings, golden

earrings. They don‟t have to be real gold, it can be fake gold,

that‟s fine too. It‟s stronger than silver to bring in that vibration.

Add golden items even in your couch if you can. Add a few

golden pillows or on your bedroom, so golden pillows, just a few

little gold. It doesn‟t have to be everything, but just some gold

looking material.

So your brain actually it‟s a quantum color, will start reacting to

that. So it‟s one of the colors I use a lot on stage actually. When

I‟m speaking for companies, I will more likely wear something

in gold, like a gold jacket or a golden pants or golden shoes,

something in gold because it does set a golden standard of

excellence and attracting wealth. And that works for everyone.

So it‟s possible you don‟t like gold so much, but there are

different tones of gold, so just play with that.

LANCE HOOD: So gold is one of the big colors that we should focus on. I‟m

asking because I‟m always curious, but I‟m also putting together

a new site. I know how you said it was important with Rhonda

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"Manifest 33% more success, money, health, romance and wisdom in your life"

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that she really picked out colors for what she was doing that

worked with her.

MARIE DIAMOND: Yes, then we actually need to go to a personal birth date, there

needs to be a consultation for that to really know what are your

colors personally because we need a little bit more information,

calculation because feng shui really, the rules are based on

mathematics. It‟s one of things what I love so much with feng

shui because it‟s really mathematics.

So for her, the colors were actually gold and red, and she could

use black too. So the book actually is a best seller. The movie has

done great. But for the book, after she re-chose these colors, it

really became very, very successful.

People like Jack Canfield have received other colors, and he has

used his colors in his website for example. So there are specific

tones that I would suggest to someone, but then of course, I need

a little bit more time with you to do that.

LANCE HOOD: That makes sense.

MARIE DIAMOND: We‟ll do that.

LANCE HOOD: I always look forward to spending time with you Marie. What

else would be something that would be really important that we

could throw out that‟s easy for people to understand before we

really get to the vision board?

MARIE DIAMOND: Yes, well, one of the things I definitely want to share with you is

that as I shared, the colors are important, but it‟s also not just

seeing your environment as a wealth map, I feel also your body

is a wealth map. So the way you look. I‟m from Europe so I have

a European culture, and I live in America for seven years and one

of the things that I believe is that people really need to – I have to

say it the it is, dress up more. It‟s really part of wealth is showing

your wealth. And don‟t hesitate in looking beautiful, and making

sure to show people I dress well, even if it‟s the only suit you

have, make sure you put that suit on when you are going to do

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"Manifest 33% more success, money, health, romance and wisdom in your life"

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connections with people. Because your body is an environment

to your soul and to your spirit. So make sure you are really

radiating what you‟re bringing forward.

I‟ve lived in LA for a while, so I really know how it is that some

people go a little bit in casual, but it‟s not okay, and they always

say, “Marie, you‟re overdressed.” It‟s not true. It‟s really

important about showing who you really are. Even you can work

with your success direction even on your website.

I don‟t know about your website Lance, but if you adapted that

for example, on my website, my picture is in the upper right

corner, and if you look at a page, a website, the top of your

website actually stands for the south. So the upper right corner

for me is southwest, so I put my picture there because Marie

Diamond, it‟s about me, so I need to be in the spotlight in the

right place.

For other people, the left would be better, and for others, even

the center would be better. So we actually can work with that.

Also whether you put certain buttons, right or left depending on

your feng shui. That is something you can go deeper in and

whatever you learn about a vision board, actually you can use the

same principles for a website.

Even on a little business card, if you have a little business card, I

actually make sure that upper right corner, that‟s where my name

is because that stands for the southwest. So if you hold your little

business card up, and then the top stands for the south, the upper

right stands for the southwest, and the upper left stands for the

southeast. We actually create a specific way how to setup a

business card and it‟s really powerful for people to start using

this over and over again all the time.

As I was speaking about space clearing, make sure for example

on your computer screen, all your major programs that you‟re

using, for example, Word is something I use all the time, or

QuickBooks for example, or anything that is to do with your

company that you use all the time, I put it my success direction,

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"Manifest 33% more success, money, health, romance and wisdom in your life"

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what is the upper right corner for me. But let‟s say it‟s north for

you, it would be in the bottom in the center.

Now, make sure that the rest of your screen is cleared. All the

things you don‟t need anymore, all the icons you don‟t need, just

delete them so that there‟s an open space for it.

It‟s not just in your environment. You can use all these tips

exactly again, for your computer screen, for your business card,

for your vision board. It‟s over and over and over again that you

can use the same principles.

LANCE HOOD: Something that just hit me as you were saying that, and that‟s

interesting that the computer screen is just in reverse, or

transposed the directions, but what hit me is, if the way a house

is laid out with the objects in the house, and what is being

portrayed to you metaphorically speaking by seeing that, or

having that around you, if that has such an impact on us, then

that‟s interesting to me to think that because we grow up in a

certain house, and maybe we take things from that house or

whatnot, that that actually could have a generational impact on

people‟s success because you have that big picture that is putting

out the wrong meanings or whatever, and you hang that now in

your wall, now it‟s in your house, and it just keeps continuing.

And it‟s interesting, even though it‟s a beautiful picture, is there

something to it.

MARIE DIAMOND: Yes, I have seen this, that certain pictures have been passed on

generations long, and I sometimes have to say, “Look, this has to

go. This will actually attract to the family this situation.” And

they‟re like, “Oh, my God. That‟s exactly what has been

happening.” I always say to people when we do feng shui, if it‟s

possible, “Make sure the home of your parents are having good

feng shui.”

My mom, her house has tremendous good feng shui. I really

made sure it was good, and it does impact my siblings even if

they don‟t have any idea I‟m doing this, and even if they don‟t

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believe in feng shui necessarily. You don‟t have to believe in it.

It will impact you.

I come in people‟s home and it‟s very interesting to see. I‟d walk

in a home, I walk in a office, and I‟m telling what‟s going on and

that‟s what they say in The Secret, “Are you clairvoyant?” Well,

perhaps I am, but I have to tell you that it‟s just a house speaking

to me. The office is speaking to me, and I would say, “This

person is having these problems. This person is this and this.”

And they‟re like, “How do you know?” “I‟m just reading the


As I‟m reading the home, their brains are reading the same thing.

That‟s a little bit the scary part of it, is that you have sometimes

being in that situation for ten years and you‟re like, “Why are

things not happening?”

I had this woman, a real estate person that I met because I was

looking for a place here in France, and she‟s “Marie, I sleep

badly, I‟m having no romantic life.” I said, “Okay, give me your

floor plan. Where‟s north?” I‟m asking her to turn around her

bed. She hadn‟t had a date for seven years. I mean, gorgeous

woman. I‟m like, “This is not okay. Hang this image there.” “I

don‟t have an image.” “Oh, you know here. Take this image,” I

always have an image with me for romance, “put it there. Tell

me in a week.” She calls and says, “Marie, I had three requests

for dates. Not that I‟m really interested in this man, but this is the

first time in seven years I‟m asked out.” I was so happy for her.

And she said, “I did not know what I doing wrong, but I‟ve been

sleeping for seven years in that bedroom, and I never put my bed

that way. It‟s actually more comfortable. I sleep much better. Is

that what it does?” I said, “That‟s what it does. That fast.”

LANCE HOOD: See, now that I talked to you, now it‟s like I have all these

questions coming to me that would take forever to answer. I

think about that because I‟ve discussed some of the things that

you teach with people. Most people are amazed, but every once

in a while someone‟s like, “I don‟t see how that would make a

difference.” I‟m, “Well think about this. If you had pictures of

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people that are terrified and you had them all around the house, is

that not going to put your mind in a different mood?” When you

make it that obviously blaring you‟re like, “Okay, that makes

total sense. I‟m just not seeing the subtleties that is around me,

but when someone makes it obvious it‟s like, “Yeah, that would

make a difference.”

MARIE DIAMOND: Well, it‟s one of the things I showed people, “Look, since 4,000

years the Chinese Emperors have always used this even after the

Chinese empire collapsed. Mao Tse Tung who was like the new

Emperor, in a way in a communistic sense used feng shui. All the

top people since the 16th, 17th Century in the Royal Families in

Europe, they use feng shui. The Palace of Versailles, the Palace

of Saint Petersburg, they all have been using these principles and

Louis XIV was one of the major kings in France, and I‟m

speaking about France as I‟m here, and his time was called, “the

Golden Age”, but you know how many fountains he put in the

right place in his gardens? Of course, the whole collective field

of the country was prosperous because he knew what he was


I would say to people, “Look, so many top people are using this,

and they‟re using it because they‟re smart because they know

how much impact that is.” People like for example, Donald

Trump, you come in his penthouse in Central Park, and I have to

be honest, it‟s all gold there. So it‟s pretty interesting and he of

course, at a certain moment he was almost bankrupt in the „90s,

and that‟s when he attracted feng shui in his life. Since then,

there is no building, no apartment building, no golf course that he

sets without the right feng shui.

So it‟s quite interesting if top people are using it, people like

Steven Spielberg, people like the Rolling Stones, people like

Richard Branson, Bill Gates. I don‟t know about him, but I can

imagine that perhaps he does that too. The others I know for

sure, for a fact. I‟m telling you, they do that because they want

the best and the most excellent, and they know, “I‟m otherwise

leaving 33 percent of wealth possibilities out of my range.” They

don‟t want that.

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A lot of top people in the world, and a lot of what people would

call “left brained people”, meaning very analytical people, they

just love when I share with them. I have this amazing compass

with all the formula, it‟s really mathematics. I say, “This degree,

and this is what it‟s doing,” and I start sharing with them when

they lost money, when they gained money. They‟re like, “How

do you know this?” This is all about cycles of flow and cycles of

energy. It‟s so beautiful to see and you can predict and you can

go back in the past and exactly say when you start having

problems in that home, when their relationship started going bad.

When that child had started being problems. What kind of

problems they are.

You don‟t have to believe it. After they had a session or a

consultation they‟re like, “Okay, you will be in my life for a

while.” And then they call back when they feel like, “Okay, I

have to go another home or another business,” they will call

back. I just got a call from a very big company in California and

they are very technical people. They‟re all engineers there and

they just changed something in their structure of their business

and they were calling, “Does this influence our feng shui because

we want to keep our feng shui going well.” I said, “Yes, it does.

You have to have change of colors in certain areas.” “Okay,

please come when you come to America because we really want

to make sure everything is fine.”

It‟s really interesting, and these are engineers that are working

the most advanced technologies and they have experienced how

much better productivity they had, how much more safety they

experienced, how much less problems there were with accidents

in their company. They saw the impact to how much more

wealth they made when they needed to have contracts going,

they were there. They were like, “Things have become easy and

effortless.” I would say, wealth can be that way, it really can.

These are practical things that in 30 days you can just do, and go

to the next level.

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LANCE HOOD: Okay, well, Marie, I don‟t want to take all your time. Did you

want to discuss the vision board?

MARIE DIAMOND: Yes. So I want to share with you, the vision board needs to be in

your success direction. Now, there‟s a specific way, with specific

colors and the way you do thing on your vision board. I know we

had this as a special product offer for everyone for the course

Lance. Can I share about that?

LANCE HOOD: Absolutely.

MARIE DIAMOND: I created a special audio seminar and coaching package where

people can listen to the audio, but what is most important is they

have a coaching session with one of my coaches that are trained

specifically in feng shui and also in releasing blockages because

one of the things is people are making vision boards and we can

give you all the details exactly how to set up your vision board.

You already know where to place it, that‟s at one point, but what

you do on your vision board exactly.

When people have made that and they send, for example, a

picture up to the coach, and the vision board coach, they are

trained to feel the energy of the vision board. They can actually

see if that‟s aligned, they can feel and check in with you if that‟s

aligned with your ultimate goal. It‟s possible you have goals set

up, but that your vision board is not representing what you really

want to do.

My coaches are trained energetically and we call it also

“telepathic energetically trained”, so they really are able to check

in what‟s going on and also help you to release if there‟s any

inner blockage that is going on with you because a lot of people

are like, “No, this is right what is on there. This is perfect what is

on that vision board.” We‟re like, “Yes, but it‟s not representing

what the universe really wants to hear. You want this in your life,

but you‟re telling this.”

I‟m going to give you an example. One of the people of The

Secret had a vision board up and she wanted romance. She like,

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"Manifest 33% more success, money, health, romance and wisdom in your life"

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Learn more about Marie‟s resource here.


“Yeah, I have this amazing man on there.” It was really

interesting, she put herself in the picture somewhere and then she

put this man somewhere else in the vision board, but she actually

put in the middle of that vision board a place she really wanted to

go and live, it was Hawaii, and she put this beautiful volcano

picture from Hawaii up. Can you image what is going on there if

you put a volcano between you and the one you love, or want to

have? So it is like they never will meet each other because you

can‟t find each other if there‟s a volcano between you and this

other person.

This person could not see it and it was because that person was

actually creating obstacles and it was a huge obstacle she was

creating. So she put an obstacle out and she actually in herself

she said she wanted to have the man of her life, but in her she

didn‟t want it because she put as an image out this. I‟ve seen

people using imagery to block themselves, but it gives us a

message what‟s going on, so we share with this person. She was,

“Oh, my God. I really put an obstacle, this huge volcano.”

So as we removed it, and we put that person with that possible

partner, it was not a person she really knew, but it was a guy she

really wanted to kind of have in the future. So she put that close,

and we made sure there were connection, they were together in a

heart for example. What happens then is what really romance

could come. There was no obstacle, there was a collaboration.

There are certain colors for success. There‟s certain colors for

relationships, there‟s certain colors for wisdom, spirituality, for

your connection with God. Certain colors for health that we‟re

actually using in your vision board. That‟s what they‟ll learn in

the audio seminar and then the vision board coaching, three 30

minute vision board coaching sessions. So it‟s not just one that

I‟m giving away. It‟s the three.

Actually, the normal cost for this is $594 and we‟re giving a

discount price, and we‟re giving $488. So three times, we‟re

going over in three aspects to each time make sure your vision

board is adapted again so that after the three sessions you have a

vision board that the universe really reacts to. I have trained my

Page 28: Manifest 33% more success, money, health, romance and call27 with Marie Dia… · I was already a motivational speaker in Europe and feng

"Manifest 33% more success, money, health, romance and wisdom in your life"

© 2009 Heartland Success LLC, All Rights Reserved

Learn more about Marie‟s resource here.


coaches very well in it to see where the blockages are on your

vision board, but also in yourself. That just opens up an

enormous flow of wealth for you.

LANCE HOOD: If you know me, or you listen to me on this call, I really believe

that what Marie does is very valuable. I probably have taken the

most action on what I‟ve learned from Marie immediately after I

get off a call with her. I think that what Marie does is very

valuable, and if you think it‟s for you, I‟ll give you that link I‟m excited to get more into

the colors and working forward on all that stuff too. I love

listening to you Marie.

MARIE DIAMOND: Thank you. Well, it‟s wonderful to share and I know you are part

of bringing me the possibility to give the message to 500 million

people and more, so I‟m very grateful for that.

LANCE HOOD: Was there anything else that you wanted to share before I let you


MARIE DIAMOND: Yes, I definitely want to ask you the moment you have started

implementing all these action points, that you share this with

people because we need to really make this world a better place

fast. We are on the fast track and I believe the information I‟m

giving you can really make it to the fast track, but we need to

hold the vision. I‟ve been holding the vision since I‟m 15 years

old, and I‟m 46 now, to really create a better place, an

enlightened place. I know that your environment is actually

going to influence that for 33 percent. So I would say share it

with people the steps you have been doing and knowing that

together we are going to make this world really fabulous.

LANCE HOOD: Well, thank you Marie. I appreciate you and I appreciate having

you on the call.

MARIE DIAMOND: You‟re welcome.

LANCE HOOD: All right everybody, take care.