Download - Managing Investment in Digital Assets

  • 1. Anton ManneringHelp people make money in the [email protected]: @primarypositionMe on Twitter @antonmannering

2. Investing in your digital futureUnderstanding web services, assets, marketing and value. 3. What am I buying? Services Maintenance Assets Branding Lead Generation Cost Reduction 4. Biggest challenge:Understanding vendor BusinessModels 5. BabelfishSo you can understand us 6. Opportunity Loss In a world of scarce resource,such as time and money, resources invested in a project involves an opportunity loss where it cannot be invested in another project. 7. Hosting Hosting in this context is allowing your web solution, be it a web site or web application to be accessible on the internet via a hosting company 8. Web design / Web development Web design used to be anumbrella term for both Many Agencies or developmentcompanies may refer to themseparately N.B. Some developmentcompanies provide high enddevelopment but no graphicdesign 9. Web Application Largely this means an application that operateslike a website, not an installed application (forexample Microsoft Word) Typically, this requires a user account and isdifferent from a website but is often accompaniedby one May also be an internal solution that is availableon the cloud/web for access by disparate teams,clients or suppliers 10. Application Tiers Design or Presentation Layer (The bit you see) Graphic Design Impact UI and UX Business logic and application function (The bit that does the work) Development Platform (Coldfusion, PHP, ASP) Database data storage (The place the info gets stored) MySQL, MS-SQL, Oracle 11. Why, Why notEnough of the definitions whats next? 12. Why Were not buying product, were buying services shrink-wrapped as a product Support Design Hosting Knowledge Technical Know-how Experience Problem solving 13. Biggest mistake: Acting like aconsumer When most companies buy a website, they tend to act like consumers Cannot or will not understand technical aspects Not interested in challenges presented by decisionforks, just want solutions Try to make new media concepts fit old worlddefinitions Hold steadfastly onto predetermined ideas andmyths 14. Relationship for the long term? Will you need your web designer after yourwebsite is built? Do you need to pick a company who is thecheapest or one that will still be alive? What happens when youre not adding to theirbottom line? 15. Understanding support In product terms, were used to the price ofsupport being built in to the product price A small number of incidents to a large bulk ofproduct sales Food: damaged packaging, inconsistent quality,freshness, pricing not matching labels Products: car warranty, recalls, built in safety andoversight/redundancyWhy service packaged as product idea is important 16. Differentiation between consumerand commercial approach Expect that every eventuality is catered for That a roll-back or replacement warranty isavailable for lifetime of product: 3/5 years That if a design or solution is not acceptable ordoesnt produce desired results, it somehow isthe designers fault solely That a customer can simply cancel or re-order aproduct until completely satisfied 17. Whats wrong with this thinking? It doesnt match the legal foundation of a contractlaw Consumer law offers protections that push risk tosupplier. Ignorance is a valid argument! Contracts are in place between two businesses consumer law doesnt apply Both sides should have an agreement thatdescribes deliverables and tests for measuringthose 18. What (unrealistic) expectations andpresumptions are in place? That the web designer will map out all possibleeventualities complete future proofing. That the client is qualified to make a decisionabout Design element That the clients emphasis on design will impactpositively on existing/prospective clients 19. What is a web developer oftenexpected to know Graphic Design/Logo Design Branding Development or Programming languages Development Plaftormsand Database Technology Internet Marketing (all) Future progression of internet technologies, trends, habits and surprises 20. Pricing Models (Wishfulthinking?) Typically fixed Price All Inclusive Based on What will I pay company A Did John pay less? Could I get it done over there for half? 21. Why do we care? If your web developer has put a cost ofdevelopment on a solution and based this on thereal cost, where is the cost for support? What will keep the business afloat for the next 12-60 months? 22. What often happens? Everything goes well Great But in 80% of our recent client survey (April 2011,100 people, by a London based company): Customer Vendor Relationship hits a wall Customer feels angry: time and money wasted Blames Supplier Supplier feels conned, wasted effort and opportunity loss blames client for lack of understanding 23. Whats the cost? Brand and reputation Leads Opportunity cost wasting time to market Malinvestment of time in developer relationship Lost product complete write off Start again 24. Back to basics 25. What are digital assets? Domain Value Brand and domain link Inherits brand value e.g. High demand, single or short words, SEO Value Consistent, high or valuable traffic generated from a search engine SEO Goodwill Age, wording, history, investment 26. Website Ability to generate enquiries Built-in special features or technology Brand Ambassador Content User Generated, Blog or insightfulcontent No? Then maybe it has no inherent value 27. Existing User Base Forums, Blogs and Chat Rooms Clients and Subscribers Web App users Account management system (acts as a link to another system doesnt provide functionality directly) 28. Business modelsBackground to valuing and appreciating internet assets 29. Online Retail Ebay Amazon Next Tesco 30. Internet Service iTunes Blacknight Godaddy Amazon S3 Microsoft Google Apps 31. Advertising Google Youtube Facebook Irish Times CNN Fortune 32. Affiliate Argos Car Rental Expedia 33. Marketing Us guys in the room 34. Contribution (Not for Profit) Wikipedia Many Open Source Coders 35. Anton ManneringHelp people make money in the [email protected]: @primarypositionMe on Twitter @antonmannering