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  • 8/9/2019 Managing Change in Corporate Organizations





    This research is on managing organizational change, particularly in a traditional corporate

    environment. Specifically the study aims to understand and assess the critical success

    factors in driving organizational change, using the change programme in Union Bank of

    Nigeria Plc as a case study.

    The study examined the scope and o!ectives of the current change programme in Union

    Bank, identified the various risk factors" challenges on the programme and assessed the

    level of employee involvement and resistance. #t also assessed the effectiveness of the

    implementation strategies of the change programme to$ards the achievement of

    corporate o!ectives.

    The study used oth primary and secondary sources of data collection. Statistical tools as

    fre%uency distriution, tales, percentages, and chi&s%uare '()* $ere also used in the

    analysis of data and tests of hypotheses. Based on the findings and analyses, the

    follo$ing conclusions $ere made

    +rganizations should emrace the culture of encouraging team$ork among

    employees for desired o!ective in change management to e realized.

    #nade%uacy of resources $ill hinder the systematic process for implementing

    and managing change in an organization.

  • 8/9/2019 Managing Change in Corporate Organizations


    $areness campaign and enlightenment program should e estalished y

    organizations for their employees on the need for corporate change


    -egulatory control of the government and her agencies should e flexile to

    permit and improve on performance through change management.


  • 8/9/2019 Managing Change in Corporate Organizations




    change according to ari '/0001 )23* involves creating a ne$ strategy from an existing

    one on the use of resources. #n this case, resource inputs are carefully selected and

    processed for efficient and effective output. #n making any change in an organization,

    difficulty is encountered in the area of attitudinal changes $hich usually is extremely

    slo$. #n other $ords most changes planned for in a system could e delayed y people.

    This is the reason degite '/000.43* argued that for any successful turn round, there

    should e a turn around of the %uality of manpo$er and the level of training5 turning

    around the culture5 uilding a team spirit5 evolving a strategy for effective risk

    management5 managing technology and more importantly, offering effective leadership.

    #n her contriution 6zek$esili ')7731 /3* said that effecting a change in an organization

    leadership is supreme among other factors and is capale of transforming socio&economic

    fortunes. #n her argument, the change in Nigerian ministries and parastatals are inevitale

    for an improved living standard. #n this effect, the regulating activities 'e it controlling

    or assisting* are useful especially in policies or programmes formulation and execution.

    To Bro$n ')7731 /3*, corporate governance is needed in a corporate change and it

    involves managing affairs of a corporation $ith a vie$ to increasing shareholders value

    or meeting the expectations of all stakeholders. 8ere, a change re%uires putting in place

    the right systems to ensure that the affairs of the corporations are managed smoothly to

    achieve the stated corporate o!ectives. #t also emraces improving usiness performance


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    and competitiveness, making it a driver in the effort of ensuring ade%uate capital


    9hatever form corporate change may take 'reengineering, restructuring, reorganizing,

    privatization and commercialization, etc* it serves, according to :ohnson and Scholez

    '/0001 /0*, as tool for corporate profitaility. This is achieved through competition $hich

    introduces competence, excellence and varieties in goods and services. #n their analysis,

    corporate change is aout ho$ the present and future resources availale in an

    environment determine efficiency or improved performance and productivity. #n rief,

    corporate change checks and alances opportunities and threats availale in an

    environment for some predetermined organizations goals 'e.g. profits*. #n this $ay, errors

    and $astes are minimized and o!ectives maximized. ;oreso, it is a kno$n fact that

    changes in organizations enale $orkforce to develop or ac%uire ne$ skills capale of

    oosting production.

    Similarly, 9it and ;eyer ')77

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    6ffective management of change in an organization like Union Bank re%uires usiness

    and individual" people perspectives. ccording to the =- model, successful change

    happens only $hen the usiness and people dimensions occur simultaneously. The

    usiness dimension involves the typical pro!ect elements $hich most managers are fairly

    comfortale $ith& definition of usiness need and scope"o!ectives5 design and

    development of usiness solutions 'ne$ structure, processes, systems* and

    implementation of the solutions. 8o$ever, managing the people dimension of change is a

    high&critical success factor as prolems in this area are responsile for the failure of most

    change programmes. The =- model identifies 4 elements $hich can e used to plan

    change effectively or diagnose failure points in a change programme, as follo$s1 i*

    $areness ii* =esire iii* no$ledge iv* ility and v* -einforcement. This research $ill

    focus on all the five elements and their effects on the current change management process

    in Union Bank.


    >orporate change is an inevitale constant to ensuring that organizations are strategically

    positioned in performance and profit making, in vie$ of the competitive environment and

    the effect of scientific and technological advances on the contemporary usiness $orld.

    Successful corporate change in organizations could e achieved through participatory

    performance et$een leaders and their suordinates. 8o$ever, a closer look at activities

    in corporate change of organizations reveals certain dra$acks or failures to achieving

    lofty goals. Some of the setacks are caused y the follo$ing5


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    i. The psychological factors in human eings, $hich make them, ehave

    differently in different circumstances. #n other $ords team$ork for a change

    may not e easy due to individual resistance.

    ii. #nade%uate resources 'oth human and non&human* re%uired in initiating and

    adopting corporate changes.

    iii. 8igh level of illiteracy among users of a changed programme. #n fact some

    organization memers are not consulted on an intending change programme

    hence they are unale to decode related terms.

    iv. 8igh cost of installing and using technological devices needed in any change


    v. -igid regulatory controls of the government and her agencies affect corporate

    changes that could improve organizational performance.


    Basically, this research aims to examine the current change programme in Union Bank

    $ith a vie$ to assess the critical success factors in driving organizational change,

    particularly in a traditional corporate environment.

    The research $ill attempt to

    i. 6xamine the scope and o!ectives of the current change programme in Union

    Bank of Nigeria Plc

    ii. #dentify the various risk factors" challenges on the change programme in

    Union Bank of Nigeria Plc


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    iii. ssess the level of employee involvement"resistance and its impact on the

    change programme Union Bank of Nigeria Plc

    iv. ssess the effectiveness of the strategies in change programme to$ards the

    achievement of corporate o!ectives. Union Bank of Nigeria Plc.

    v. To evaluate the impact of rigid regulatory controls of the government and her

    agencies on corporate changes that improved organizational performance.


    Based on the statement of the prolem and o!ectives of the study, the follo$ing research

    %uestions are formed to guide the study5

    i. To $hat extent has the scope and o!ectives of the current change programme

    in Union Bank of Nigeria Plc affected service delivery?

    ii. =oes effective #>T and expertise accounts for ma!or risk factors" challenges

    on the change programme in Union Bank of Nigeria Plc?

    iii. =oes initiation and implementation of change programme in Union Bank of

    Nigeria Plc results into employee involvement"resistance in !o performance?

    iv. =oes effectiveness of the strategies in change programme result into the

    achievement of corporate o!ectives in Union Bank of Nigeria Plc?

    v. =oes a rigid regulatory control of the government and her agencies on

    corporate changes improve organizational performance?


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    #n line $ith the statement of prolem, the follo$ing hypotheses are formulated5

    H": The scope and o!ective of the current change programme in Union Bank of

    Nigeria Plc affect service delivery to customers.

    H1: The scope and o!ective of the current change programme in Union Bank of

    Nigeria Plc has not affected service delivery to customers.

    H": 6ffective #>T and expertise is a ma!or risk factor on the change programme in

    Union Bank of Nigeria Plc.

    H2: 6ffective #>T and expertise is a ma!or risk factor on the change programme in

    Union Bank of Nigeria Plc

    H": #nitiation and implementation of change programme in Union Bank of Nigeria Plc

    has not resulted into employee involvement"resistance.

    H3: #nitiation and implementation of change programme in Union Bank of Nigeria Plc

    has resulted into employee involvement"resistance.


    The significance of managing change in corporate organizations 'especially Union Banks

    of Nigeria Plc* is an important study, $hich $ill enefit many individuals and groups in


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    the society. The eneficiaries of this study include5 the government, practitioners,

    corporate organizations, stakeholders of an organization and the academia.

    To the government, this study $ill e of importance to her in managing and controlling

    activities of corporate organizations. #t $ill also assist government in resource planning,

    organizing and controlling, including revenue that could e harnessed from taxes for

    developmental purposes in the economy.

    To the practitioners, this study $ill immensely assist them to learn ne$ techni%ues in

    corporate changes for improved performance and profitaility. Thus, this study is

    important to practitioners to$ards serving their clients etter.

    To corporate organizations, this study $ill e eneficial to their resource allocation and

    utilization for predetermined goals.

    To stakeholders, this study $ill assist them in areas of investment and de&investments5 in

    other $ords, their stake in an organization is assessed to kno$ if their expected returns

    are feasile.

    To the academia, this study $ill e added to an existing one and serve as a reference


    To the general pulic, this study $ill enale them ac%uire kno$ledge and experience on

    costs"enefits relationship of managing changes for opportunities and setack in

    organizations and industries.



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    The conduct of this research may e limited y the follo$ing factors5

    Time, $hich may not e enough for the enormous facts and ideas the research study

    re%uired. dded to this is may e reluctance of the respondents to granting intervie$s or

    respond favouraly to %uestionnaire administered to them.

    @inance may e another area $here the study may encounter some setacks. ;ost

    materials needed for the research $ork might e %uite expensive and not $ithin the reach

    of the researcher.

    These shortcomings not&$ithstanding, ade%uate data $ill e collected and analyzed.


    The study $ill cover significance of managing changes in a corporate organization $ith

    emphasis on corporate head office of Union Banks of Nigeria Plc in Aagos. The

    respondents $ill e from the functional departments 'i.e. 8uman -esources, +perations,

    @inance Planning, #nspection, #T, ;arketing, Ceneral Services, Aegal etc* of Union

    Bank of Nigeria Plc.

    The research intends to reflect on all the managerial level 'top, middle and lo$* of the

    Bank of study. This is ecause no one particular department or managerial level is

    independent. The study $ill emphasize effectiveness in planning, productivity and

    implementation of change management for an enhanced employeeDs"organizations




  • 8/9/2019 Managing Change in Corporate Organizations


    Terms for definition include

    C'()'(*+, -*/0,This concerns the overall for$ard looking of an organization in

    utilization of its resources to$ards achievement of stated o!ective.

    O(0*/*+'/ +rganized ody that uses managerial functions of planning, organizing

    and controlling to achieving predetermined goals of an organization.

    R,'5(-, This concerns human and material inputs, $hich act in con!unction $ith one

    another to$ards the achievement of organizational o!ectives.

    P,(6'(7*/-,EThis is a measure of results and standards.

    P'8-9E#t is a plan employed y individuals and firms to guide their thinking and actions

    to$ards achievements.

    P('6+*8+9 Beneficial investment.

    I/685,/-, Po$er to effect or change character, elief or action through authority, choice

    and admiration.

    C'/+('8 Ferifying $hether everything is $orking in accordance $ith plan adopted.

    R, ,/0/,,(/0 ;This is rethinking, re&invention transformation and redesigning of

    usiness process to achieve a etter performance aimed at achieving corporate goals.

    R,+(5-+5(/0;This concern redesigning the corporate outlook of an organization y

    either do$n sizing or uilding resources through a revie$ to fall in line to expected



  • 8/9/2019 Managing Change in Corporate Organizations


    R,'(0*/*+'/ This concerns re&arranging an adopted procedure or policy of an

    organization to making it more effective or functional.

    P(hange at NigeriaDs ;inistry of solid minerals

    =evelopmentH, Business =ay, Tuesday, ;arch 0, P. /3.

    :ohnson, :. and Scholes, . '/000*, 6xploring >orporate Strategy5 Text and >ases,

    6ngland5 Pearson 6ducation Atd.

    ari, ;. '/000*, GNigeriaDs >orporate strategies, Aagos5 ;c=ee >ommunications


    9it, B. =. and ;eyer, -. ')77ontent, >ontext5 n #nternational

    Perspective, #taly5 >anale and >. Pulishers.


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    >hange from organizational perspective re%uires kno$ledge of t$o concepts E creativity

    and innovation. >reativity refers to the introduction of a ne$ idea $hile innovation is the

    modification of product, service, production process or technology.


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    +rganizational change is the restructuring of policies, practice or the modification of the

    attitudes and ehaviour of the $orkforce in order to improve performance. The process of

    change starts $ith creativity, $hich eventually leads to innovation. @or example,

    Cuttenerg started printing using the movale type and this later metamorphosed into an

    innovation, $hich altered the existing printing method. To adapt to the ne$ method

    re%uired retaining the skills of staff and the practice of pulishing firms.

    Ciles '/00/1IJ)* identifies three key variales, $hich are necessary efore change takes


    . I=,/+69/0 */= D,6//0 +, P('8,7:Kou cannot change something unless

    you have identified existing prolem $ith status %uo. #f you find out that a ne$ $ay

    of doing something $ill enhance productivity then you take the risk of going for it.

    team manager in Union Bank Nigeria for example, may encourage suordinates to

    emark on a service that is capale of enhancing efficiency y solving prolems

    encountered through asence of training and experience. #n other $ords, unidentified

    and unresolved prolems y a team manager through suordinates in anks especially

    Union Bank of Nigeria is capale of causing losses in performance and profits.

    . B58=/0 C'*8+'/: This is the second step in introducing change and

    getting other staff to support the change efforts. 9eer '/0J4* descries coalition

    uilding as a process that resemles a zigzag than a progression of chain of

    command. To uild coalitions one must first get the idea cleared or approved y an

    immediate oss.

    +nce the idea has een planted and accepted, negotiationegins. The innovator

    promises enefits from the pro!ect in exchange for their support. @or example. #n


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    achieving desired o!ectives of satisfying stakeholders of Banks, managers 'top level

    staff* ensures that various departments or units are consulted in a relationship that

    could captures directors"chairmanDs corporate plans. This is ecause

    directors"chairman are key players for any desiring change or innovation for the


    . P5++/0 */ =,* +' W'(>:t this stage the =irectors"chairman $ill solicit the

    support of the generality of employees, especially managers in the Bank 'Union Bank

    of Nigeria Plc*. #n this arrangement, managers are vital to %uick response of other

    employees $hose supports guarantees success of changes.

    #t is noted $orthy that change $ell transmitted to employees in Banks receives minimal

    o!ective, hence are accepted. +n the hand change not communicated y managers to

    employees are sure to fail.


    9hen managing change ecomes the culture of on organization, the employers in that

    organization are turned to striving to doing only the right things. '+gonna /001

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    an activity of product or service is, is institutionalized in managing change in

    organization, it $ould not expend its energy on useless activities that cannot move itsD

    usiness for$ard.

    dding to the concept of culture Smirrich '/02I1)7* said that after identifying the right

    thing to do, a structured process is used top ensure that all associated activities are

    correctly performed. This means that output 'product"service* meet the customer

    re%uirement first time every time. By first determining $hat is the right thing to do and

    doing it right time every time, the managing of change ensures that money, time and

    energy are not expended on correctly errors, scrapping output or ne$ $orks.

    #t is patently ovious, therefore, that organizations $here doing the right thing first time

    every time every time ecomes a culture, sustantial Ereduction in operating cost and the

    concomitant effect of higher profitaility are the re$ards. @aithful adherence and

    missionary commitment to managing a change is the secret of effective performance in a

    organization managing change in an organization is a process that enales a %uality

    organization to focus on customers, allo$ employees to take o$nership of $hat they do

    and to deliver products"services to standard agreed $ith the customer. #n addition, the

    organizationDs product" service must e reliale, e delivered on time all the time and

    give value for money.

    #n rief, culture revie$s suggests a complex and far reaching agenda for implementation

    of change management, encompassing management style, human resource policies, and

    the $ork environment generally.


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    -egardless of $hether the high managing strategy is a matter of choice or of necessity,

    suggestions are that change re%uires a particular approach to human resource strategy if it

    is to e implemented successfully.

    Savanna et al '/02

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    effective organization performance. This revie$ $ill help uild cooperation and team

    &ased performance, $hile assessing the managers and supervisors or y suordinates

    may help develop a more open positive management style. dditionally, approach ased

    on the setting and revie$ing of personal o!ectives, linked to a revie$ of the raining and

    development needs of the individual should e adopted. The emphasis occasionally need

    e on development and moving the !udgment the aspects of assessment and moving a$ay

    from the allocation of GlameH to$ards the development of the individual.

    ;ost scholars have regarded training and development as essential to the implementation

    of organizational change, example is $here an employee need training in the principles of

    continuous improvement, prolem solving techni%ue, and statistical process control

    managing change could involve organizations into training strategic planning market

    research, standardizing procedure, preventive maintenance %uality and process ench

    marketing, measurement and feedale system re$ard and recognition, programmes,

    productive meetings and punctuality $hile those that can e classified as cost of ad

    organizational employee turnover, excess marketing costs, excess services or product

    features lost customers and market share asenteeism, re&$ork overtime, la$ suits,

    $arranty costs, redesign, unproductive meetings and lateness.


    #n order to maximize the enefits from organizational change initiative, the follo$ing

    critical success factors should e kept in mind.


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    i. 6nsure that the company has the re%uired capailities5 firstly, senior management

    must e committed to lead the initiative.

    ii. 6mploy the appropriate skills and technology in the implementation of o!ectives

    iii. Be prepared to deal $ith resistance to change

    iv. 6stalish the standards for measuring results to ensure effective control.

    >ustomers are the ultimate eneficiaries of organizational change. Boynton and Fictor

    '/00)1)4* noted that as the overall efficiency of the organization improves5 customers

    receive etter and faster service. ;oreover, organizational change can motivate support

    and focus efforts to meet specific client needs& $ith the elimination of many extraneous

    or duplicate processes and the automation of routine processes. 6mployee responsiilities

    are likely to change and ehaviours $ill have to e transformed.

    Some employees may e given responsiility for a larger part of core processes. This

    re%uires a $ider range of skills ut can lead to greater !o challenge 'and cause

    satisfaction* as $ell as greater motivation ecause of the increased aility to re$ard

    individual or small group performance. Staff have less routine $ork to do any can e

    exposed to more earning opportunities.

    +n the other hand, as Baily and >hakraarti '/0221I4* confirmed, some other employees

    may e told that their service is no longer re%uired as a result of organizational change.

    6mployees, especially middle managers, often perceive process redesign to e a ruse to

    get them out of their !os


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    >hange efforts have constantly een faced $ith ostacles. ;any organizations have

    aandoned their change efforts after making significant investments. +thers have failed

    to achieve anticipated enefits. Barton '/00I1)2* has distinguished the follo$ing as

    critical prolems for successful change implementation.

    i. Understanding the rationale for organizational change

    ii. =eciding $hich internal processes should e redesigned

    iii. ccepting the enormous cost associated $ith the initiative

    Some resistance to change should e expected as people $ho are used to doing things in a

    certain $ay $ill e sceptical aout a ne$ mode of operation. Sufficient technical

    expertise or system must e internally availale or externally contracted in order to assure

    the smooth assimilation of advanced technologies. Socio&technical design principles

    highlight the need for concurrent management of technological and human change.

    lthough the organizational change process may give lot of enefits to the firm,

    sufficient communication must e provided to the staff efore implementation5 therefore,

    organization should make sure all staff understand the purpose of the transformation

    efore its implementation egins. 6valuation and re$ard structures should encourage

    support for any change. Training of staff on $orking $ith the ne$ process and

    technology not only reduce fears to change ut also increase their confidence5 thus,

    Barrett '/00

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    The presence of a transformational leader, to inspire and facilitate change, is also

    crucial. ;any organizational change failures can e traced to top management inade%uate

    understanding or leadership of the effort.


    =onnelly, et al '/02I1IJ* stated that resisting change is a human response, and that

    management needs to take steps to minimize such resistance. They $ent on to state that

    $hen resistance is minimized the time it takes for a change to e accepted or tolerated is

    reduced and the performance of employees reound more %uickly. They summarized

    certain approaches that had een used in minimizing resistance to change. These include5

    i. 6ducation and communication. 9hen people are $ell informed and educated

    prior to a change, they are likely to e more receptive and less resistant to the change

    ii. clear understanding of the nature of the change and the rationale ehind it.

    s communication is essential for proper change, lack of understanding reeds

    rumours and $hen not properly handled, this can increase the level of resistance to


    iii. Participation and involvement have impact on reducing resistance. 8aving

    the people contriute to the design and implementation of change helps increase their

    commitment to the change. #f individuals feel their ideas and attitudes are eing

    included in the change effort, they tend to ecome less resistant and more receptive.

    People tend to follo$ their o$n decision est5 thus, participation can e a po$erful

    force for change.


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    iv. @acilitation and support. ;anagers must help facilitate the change $hen fear

    and anxiety are at the heart of resistance. This involves sho$ing concern for

    suordinates and eing a good listener to their concerns $ith a vie$ to providing

    appropriate support.


    Union Bank of Nigeria, $ith history dating ack as far as /0/J, is perhaps the second

    oldest surviving ank in Nigeria. #ts corporate vision is GTo e the est of the est to ank

    onH $ith a complementary mission statement Gto e the foremost financial institution

    $ith the most satisfied customers.H #n the past 0I years, the ank had gro$n from its

    modest eginning into a financial supermarket $ith susidiaries and associate companies

    in insurance, capital market, trusteeship, mortgage finance, discount usiness and share

    registry. #n addition, its customer net$ork is one of the est in the country in terms of

    spread, penetration to rural areas and generational loyalty. To serve its numerous

    customers, the ank parades an array of products ranging from conventional to

    contemporary, customised and electronic. These include savings and current accounts,

    Union Aifetime ccount, Union Calaxy ccount, U&Trade, Union 6ver ccount,

    #mporters 6xpress, Union Teachers 6mpo$erment ccount, etc.

    The BankDs shareholding is spread over many stakeholders, $ith the $orkforce holding

    aout I4L of the e%uity, the largest holding of any $orkforce in any of the countryDs



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    #n the Nigerian anking terrain, Union Bank prides itself in having the largest

    concentration of %ualified, chartered ankers. ccording to The Stallion ')7/7*, No. 0J,

    harted #nstitute of Bankers

    of Nigeria '>#BN*

    Until recent past, the BankDs financial performance and indicators have een for the most,

    etter than the industrial average and among the top ten. #t $as the first Bank to record

    the one illion deposit mark in the country. Nonetheless, over the years, the Bank has

    remained perceptily old&fashioned $ith traditional system of anking. 8o$ever, as

    gloal competition increases and local living standards improve, people in Nigeria have

    come to expect progressively faster and higher %uality service particularly $ith the

    advent of Mne$&generationD anks.

    To achieve a competitive turnaround time for its services, the Bank emarked on a

    reengineering of its processes in /00< to upgrade its internal operations, in collaoration

    $ith rthur ndersen, an external consultant. ll ma!or processes $ere revie$ed,

    modelling the $ork flo$ and measuring the timelines. The process redesign ranged from

    minor modifications to ma!or overhauls5 particularly routine processes including alance

    en%uiry, che%ue ook issuance and passook updating $ere automated. +oh '/0001)7*

    noted that a post redesign survey indicated that employee !o satisfaction level increased

    y )7L $hile laour force utilization $as up aout /4L.

    =espite the process upgrade ho$ever, the ank $as still heavily ent to$ards the

    traditional mode of anking than the emerging contemporary mode of the ne$er anks.

    -ecruitment of experienced staff of other anks that could have challenged the system


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    $ith fresh ideas $as not encouraged. ;oreover, the staff remuneration package of the

    Bank $as elo$ industrial average and not attractive enough to attract young experienced


    part from operational issues, the ank also had critical prolems $ith its risk

    management frame$ork. These ranged from advancing loans to customers $ith

    incomplete documentation and inade%uate security collateral, or sometimes, $ithout any

    collateral at all. t times, loans $ere advanced to customers y ranch officers simply on

    trust or on a compassionate ground5 $hile in other cases, some management staff $ould

    fraudulently use some ody as a front to otain loan, against due processes. The effect of

    this slack monitoring of loans $as a mounting volume of un&reconciled items and non&

    performing loans, resulting inevitaly into ad det.


    #n recognition of the glaring fact that the Nigerian anking competitive space $as

    changing, Union Bank emarked on an enterprise&$ide transformation programme code&

    named Pro!ect C6- in )77J, in collaoration $ith ccenture, $orld reno$ned

    consultants. ccording to the Stallion ')77J*, Pro!ect C6- $ould enale the ank to

    address all the challenges posed y post&consolidation, gloalization and competition.

    The end&o!ective is to set fresh standards that $ould impact positively on the ottom&

    line and enale the ank regain its leadership position in the anking industry.

    numer of transformation su&pro!ects $ere set up, particularly in the areas of

    corporate strategy, information technology strategy, strategic usiness unit planning,


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    $orkforce transformation, enterprise performance management, and usiness process re&


    @ollo$ing completion of the design phase of the programme, the ankDs management

    identified the %uick $ins, sought practical and pragmatic solutions and engaged staff

    across different cadres to$ards the implementation of the desired changes. Particularly

    useful $ere the various conferences organised for all the Business =evelopment >entres

    'B=>s* and led y the Croup ;anaging =irector, Barth 6ong, to galvanise staff support

    and commitment. carefully selected team, called >hange >ouncil, $as also inaugurated

    to drive the change process and monitor the overall successful implementation of the

    programme. There is also a >hange ;anagement department $hich serves to implement

    decisions and ideas of the >ouncil, particularly in the area of instituting and

    communicating a ne$ leadership concept and $orkplace culture.

    By the end of the first phase of the programme, a ne$ corporate strategy has een

    developed for the Bank. Strategic Business Units 'SBUs* $ere focused as the primary

    operating unit of the Bank responsile for executing the corporate strategy. +n the

    usiness marketing front, the ank is to leverage on its core strengths to defend its hold in

    the corporate anking market segment in the short&term, $hilst developing the

    capailities re%uired to play effectively in the more risky middle and retail anking

    segments in the medium to long&term. dditional B=>s $ere created to ring the BankDs

    services closer to customers across the country, empo$er the managers and %uicken

    decision&making. @or effective support, a series of %uick measures to address existing #T

    issues and challenges $ere identified $hile a lueprint on #T development $as

    developed. #n addition, all the ma!or usiness processes of the Bank $ere revie$ed and


  • 8/9/2019 Managing Change in Corporate Organizations


    re&designed to increase operational efficiency and make them more customer&friendly.

    reas covered included ranch operations, treasury operations, international anking and

    finance services. The Bank had also created a performance&driven culture y instituting

    an integrated, o!ective and fair performance management system, $hile a ne$

    $orkforce model had een developed to align the $orkforce to the ne$ corporate

    strategy and encourage skills specialization. s part of this, a ne$ uality ssurance

    department $as estalished to monitor and enforce service standards, oth internal and

    external. To address customer service and satisfaction issues delierately, the ank

    launched the Foice of the >ustomer 'F+>* programme as a customer advocacy product

    aimed at complaints"feedack management and continuous rigorous revie$ of service

    %uality. The F+> >entre has the po$er to deal $ith service failures and find solutions to

    customerDs service challenges. t the head of the F+> programme is a >ustomer ction

    >ouncil headed y the Croup ;anaging =irector, therey ringing a high&level executive

    support and oard&level responsiility to ear on service issues.

    9hile the change programme $as ongoing, the ankDs financial position ecame

    negatively affected y the crash in the Nigerian stock market in )7/7, accentuating the

    already existing challenges of large non&performing loans and inade%uate capital. Barde

    ')7/7* noted that the BankDs shareholders, at an extraordinary general meeting '6C;* in

    Septemer )77J had approved plans for additional capital including placement from

    foreign investors $ith multinational ackground. >entral Bank of Nigeria ho$ever

    disapproved of the capital raising plans, particularly the foreign core investor



  • 8/9/2019 Managing Change in Corporate Organizations



    +n ugust /entral Bank of Nigeria in!ected one hundred and t$enty illion

    naira 'N/)7 illion* ne$ capital into Union Bank as part of ail&out package to some

    anks to prevent imminent financial crisis. The >entral BankDs intervention in the ank

    $as due to its failure in three key regulatory areas& capital ade%uacy, li%uidity and

    corporate governance& $hich ecame ovious follo$ing an extensive inspection audit on

    the ank for the year ended ;arch I/, )7/7. ccording to the >entral BankDs audit

    report, the li%uidity ratios of the ank dropped as lo$ as )JL & !ust a little aove the )4L

    statutory minimum.

    #n the area of corporate governance, the >entral Bank report also noted that the ank

    failed to keep a transparent record of all their accounts. #n addition, the ank $as housing

    a lot of un&reconciled items and non&performing loans recorded resulting in loan loss

    provision of eighty three illion naira 'N2I Billion* and eventual loss efore tax of sixty

    seven illion naira 'N3J Billion*.

    9ith the ne$ capital, the >entral Bank also replaced the old management team $ith a

    ne$ team led y @unke +siodu. @ollo$ing appraisal of the ongoing implementation of

    Pro!ect C6- and the ankDs position in relation to areas of regulatory concern& capital

    ade%uacy, li%uidity and corporate governance& the ne$ management decided to

    concentrate change efforts on three main areas1 -isk ;anagement >ontrol, ;arketing

    Business =evelopment and People">ulture ;anagement.

    ccording to +siodu, the Bank $ill focus on aggressive loan recovery using internal

    mechanisms and external la$ enforcement resources as $ell as monitoring and


  • 8/9/2019 Managing Change in Corporate Organizations


    reducing concentration risks of large ticket credits y ensuring even spread of its loan

    portfolio. The ne$ management $ill also ensure the integrity of the BankDs

    accounting and financial reporting system, and the institution of a corporate

    governance structure uilt around enhancing transparency and accountaility.

    ne$ operating model $as rolled out for ranches to give dedicated focus to marketing

    and relationship. The ne$ model, eing piloted in 44 flagship ranches across the

    country, is designed to reinvigorate ranch marketing and relationship management $ith

    the appointment of senior management staffs as Business =evelopment ;anagers

    'B=;s* in charge of ranch administration and usiness. Systematic redeployment of

    staff from 8ead and Oonal offices to ranches $ere undertaken to increase the ratio of

    market facing staff $hile emphasis is eing placed on rand management and upgrade of

    physical amience and $ork tools $ithin the amit of availale resources.

    s a $ay of pursuing a merit&ased, o!ective performance management system and

    enforcement of a customer service culture, the Bank introduced Cognos 8, a

    performance measurement soft$are that $ill capture individual staff performance in

    relation to pre&determined targets and key performance indicators. #n addition, to

    discourage $rong ehaviour, management introduced and pulished a sanctions grid

    $hich specified various conse%uences for various misdemeanours. ccording to The

    Stallion ')7/7*, retraining of staff using e&learning tools including compulsory training

    modules and assessment tests $ould assist staff in aggressive gro$th in their

    kno$ledge level and enhance capacity uilding. This $ould eventually enale staff to

    deliver on their set performance o!ectives.


  • 8/9/2019 Managing Change in Corporate Organizations



    dimora, >. '/00)* G-e&engineering PrinciplesH :ournal of total uality Nigerian

    #nstitute of ;anagement :une&ugust, p.2.

    lan, >. '/00. and Fictor, B '/00)*, G#nformation technology in the post&fordist regime and

    flexile responseH, #B; Systems :ournal, P. )J0.

    Bello$ #.'/002*, G;anaging change E /stBanker 'unpulished*H, The home :ournal of

    @BN PA>, :une, page /J.

    >hakraarli, '/022*, #nnovation and the Productivity >risis, 9aslinton =.>.1 Brookings


    6arh, ;. 6. '/00

  • 8/9/2019 Managing Change in Corporate Organizations


    =eming, 9.6 '/02)*, +ut of >risis, Ne$ Kork1 ;it Press

    =cavanna, . '/02

  • 8/9/2019 Managing Change in Corporate Organizations


    -upert 6ales '/00reating Cro$th form >hange,Aondon1 ;acgra$ 8ill Pulishing.

    Smirrich, # '/020*, Thro$ing on >hoas, Aondon1 Pan Books Aimited.

    The Stallion ')77J*, Union Bank of Nigeria Plc, :uly&Septemer, pages < and /hange, Ne$ Kork1 8arcourt Brace.

    Barde, @ ')7/7* Union Bank of Nigeria Plc Ceneral >ircular No. /22")7/7




    @or purpose of this study the research $ill e design to collect effective and relevant

    information from the staff of Union Bank Nigeria Plc y using %uestionnaires and

    personal intervie$er. survey method of research may e used and staff $ill e selected


  • 8/9/2019 Managing Change in Corporate Organizations


    from various units. The ma!or data collection instrument that $ill e used is the

    %uestionnaires containing three section 'a* research %uestions, '* hypotheses and 'c*

    personal data. The %uestionnaires $ill e used to make up for deficiencies of secondary



    This concerns the methods that the researcher $ill adopt in collecting and analyzing data.

    These includes5research design, selection of data, sample size determination, stratified

    sampling techni%ue, random sampling techni%ue, pilot or pre&test of instrument,

    reliaility and validity of results, administration of the instrument, procedure for data

    analysis, etc.


    To explore this, a set of %uestionnaire $ill e designed. The distriution $ill e for a

    sample of respondents of the anks under study.


    To ac%uire the secondary data, the enumerated sources $ill e consulted.

    a. Textooks, Ne$spapers, and unpulished papers

    . -esearch pro!ects related to the study

    c. ;aterials from liraries



  • 8/9/2019 Managing Change in Corporate Organizations


    ccording to Baridam ')777*, population is made up of all conceivale element, su!ect

    or oservation relating to a particular phenomenon of interest to the research su!ect. The

    population of this study $ill e staff memers of Union Bank Nigeria Plc $hose

    population is put at 3,777. The fact that an entire population $ill not e easily reach

    makes for sample to e taken from the organization of study. The study $ill intervie$ the

    top, middle and lo$ level staff. #t is ovious that not all the %uestionnaire $ill e

    responded to o$ing to individual perception.


    The sample size for this study $as otained from the population of the study using the

    formula elo$. Pilot programme may e used to determine the $illingness of the

    respondents to participate in this study. The effect may e that I out of every 4 persons

    may e $illing to respond to the %uestionnaire.

    The percentage of $orkers $illing to participate is I x /77 37L,4 /


  • 8/9/2019 Managing Change in Corporate Organizations


    Therefore Ns '/.7

  • 8/9/2019 Managing Change in Corporate Organizations


    9here1 + oserved fre%uencies, 6 expected fre%uencies and ( ) chi s%uare & the

    measure of differences et$een +, the oserved and 6, the expected fre%uencies,

    9ith assumed null hypothesis.

    '@>* #: '-+9#* '>+AU;N:*

    C-N= T+TA


    'fc*#: expected fre%uencies for ithro$ and !thcolumn.

    -o$ ith the total of the fre%uencies in ithro$

    >olumn !th the total of the fre%uencies in ! thcolumn, and

    Crand total the total of all the fre%uencies in the tale.


    This concerns constraints encountered on the conduct of this research. This includes5

    getting all the intended respondents at the same time to ans$er %uestionnaire. The

    methodology processes $ill e limited to the forms as to e used in the institution of the

    research. #n other $ords it $ill not e all the procedures in any statistical ook that $ill

    e used.


    sika, N. ')773* -esearch ;ethodology in the Bahavioural Sciences, Aagos5 Aongman

    Nigeria Plc.


  • 8/9/2019 Managing Change in Corporate Organizations


    Baridam, =.;.'/007*,-esearch ;ethod in dministrative Sciences, Port 8arcourt5 Belk



  • 8/9/2019 Managing Change in Corporate Organizations





    The study is on the significance of managing change in corporate organizations such as

    Union Bank of Nigeria Plc. >ross sections of the management staff of the ank of study

    $ere covered from different departments '$ith emphasis on effectiveness and efficiency

    of change management*. The study covered the top, middle and lo$ levels of the

    management staff of Union Bank of Nigeria Plc.

    s sho$n in the tale elo$, /77 %uestionnaires $ere administered to the respondents

    and J7 of this numer $ere ans$ered and returned.

    TABLE 4.1D+(5+'/ */= R,-,)+ '6 5,+'//*(,

    R,)'/=,/+ N'. '6


    @ N'. '6


    N'. '6


    @ N'. '6


    N'. '6

    5,+.N'+ R+(=.

    @ N'. '6

    5,+.N'+ R+(=.

    S; and aove /4 /4.77 I

  • 8/9/2019 Managing Change in Corporate Organizations


    s could e seen from the tale, 37L of %uestionnaires $ere administered to +fficer ###&

    Su ;anager. This is ecause they formed the ulk of the staff count in the ank and are

    the footmen in frontline and critical ack&end operations. @ollo$ing this group, is the

    middle level ssistant ;anager E ;anager cadre $hich serves as a link et$een the mass

    of !unior staff and senior management.


    TABLE 4.2 S, D+(5+'/ '6 R,)'/=,/+


  • 8/9/2019 Managing Change in Corporate Organizations


    )/&I7 years )4 I4.J/


  • 8/9/2019 Managing Change in Corporate Organizations


    T*8, 4.!E=5-*+'/*8 5*86-*+'/ '6 R,)'/=,/+

    R,)'/, /0 E),(,/-, '6 R,)'/=,/+


  • 8/9/2019 Managing Change in Corporate Organizations


    @rom tale

  • 8/9/2019 Managing Change in Corporate Organizations


    @rom tale

  • 8/9/2019 Managing Change in Corporate Organizations


    T*8, 4.& S'/0 ,+,( +,(, 0/6-*/+ (,8*+'/) ,+,,/ +, C*/0,

    )('0(*77, / U/'/ B*/> */= +*66 )('=5-+ '6 N0,(* P8-.

    R,)'/, R,)'/=,/+ @ '6 R,)'/=,/+

    gree 4J 2/. '6 N0,(* P8-


  • 8/9/2019 Managing Change in Corporate Organizations


    R,)'/, R,)'/=,/+ @ O6 R,)'/=,/+


  • 8/9/2019 Managing Change in Corporate Organizations


    R,)'/, R,)'/=,/+ @'6 R,)'/=,/+

    gree )3 IJ./ +, *))(')(*+, (,)'/,

    '/* The scope and o!ectives of the current change programme in Union Bank of Nigeria Plc

    affect service delivery

    'a* gree '* =isagree

    ')* There is a significant relationship et$een Union BankDs change programme and

    staff productivity?

    'a* gree '* =isagree

    'I* #nade%uate resources is affecting the implementation of strategic change in Union

    Bank of Nigeria Plc

    'a* gree '* =isagree


  • 8/9/2019 Managing Change in Corporate Organizations


    '4* 6ffective #>T and expertise is a ma!or risk factor to successful implementation of

    change programme in Union Bank

    'a* gree '* =isagree

    '3* 6mployees are significantly involved and carried along in the change programme

    in Union Bank

    'a* gree '* =isagree

    'J* #nitiation and implementation of change programme in Union Bank has resulted

    in employee resistance

    'a* gree '* =isagree

    '2* -egulatory control on the change programme in Union Bank is rigid and


    'a* gree '* =isagree

    '0* >urrent strategies for implementing change programme in Union Bank is


    'a* gree '* =isagree

    '/7* The change programme has resulted into some achievements of Union BankDs

    corporate o!ectives

    'a* gree '* =isagree


  • 8/9/2019 Managing Change in Corporate Organizations
