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Jeffery A. Moore



Exercizing Leadership

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• I will maintain the highest standards in the field of management.

• I will always strive for perfection in the field of management, and will accept nothing less than excellence.

• My Mission is to provide staff with the tools necessary to, not only build skills, and improve performance, but also to become leaders.

• I will use cutting edge technology and proven training platforms to aid in educating our staff in the latest and most successful performance and

technical models.

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VISION• I aim to be the most proficient manager possible.

• I will provide a work place that is optimal and cohesive to ensure maximum productivity.

• I will keep employees motivated through utilization of motivational models with added rewards (intrinsic and extrinsic).

• I will use my management/leadership ability to reduce employees situational constraints and maximize job performance.

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VALUES GOALS • Providing staffing solutions that are above and beyond the

industries standard.

• Train a new generation of leaders intent on bringing the utmost


• Create a network of professionals' who embody support,

communication, and leadership to grow as a single entity.

• As a professional who values management as not only a position,

but as a living, breathing practice, I will continue to not only

evolve, but to flourish and thrive alongside management as it

continues to develop processes that define leadership as such,

that it is viewed more as an art form, rather than a skill.

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• What is the definition of management?

Answer: The definition of management is to use delegation as a means of accomplishing a task.

• What are the functions of management?

Answer: The functions of management are separated into for distinct areas. These areas are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.

• Planning: determining organizational goals and a means for achieving them.(Williams)

• Organizing: deciding where decisions will be made, who will do what jobs and tasks, and who will work for whom in the company.(Williams)

• Leading: inspiring and motivating workers to work hard to achieve organizational goals.(Williams)

• Controlling: monitoring progress toward goal achievement and taking corrective action when progress isn’t being made.(Williams)

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Leadership can be defined in many different ways. Chuck Williams author of Principles of Management

MGMT Student Edition 8 defines leadership as the process of influencing others to achieve group or organizational

goals. Although leadership is much more than a simple definition. Some may argue that leadership is like a virtue. A

natural born ability to have an influential impact on those around you. It is smart to look to those influential

individuals who have had the gift of leadership. They will help you to learn, not only the concepts associated with

great leadership but also personality traits like: drive, desire to lead, honesty/integrity, self-confidence, emotional

stability, cognitive ability and knowledge of the business.(Williams)

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• Leadership can be separated into four different leadership styles.

• The first style is Directive leadership.

• Directive leadership is all about specificity.

• Employees will be informed of exactly what expected of them, in terms of guidelines, tasks, scheduling, and regulations.

• Supportive leadership style will require a high level (EQ) Emotional Intelligence.

• Management using this leadership style will need to be friendly and approachable, as well as truly concerned for your employees well being.

• According to (Williams) this style often results in improved performance.

• Participative leadership deals with taking a proactive approach to consulting the other employees before making a decision.

• This style is most effective when goals are established and the way to accomplish them are transparent.

• And lastly we have Achievement-oriented leadership.

• Achievement-oriented leadership involves challenging your employees.

• Having high expectations and displaying confidence is an amazing way to get employees to assume responsibility and increase productivity.

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COMMUNICATION• Communication is undoubtedly one of the most important aspects of business.

• Whether the communicating is employee to employee, employee to customer, or customer feedback, communication must always be clear and easily decodable.

• One main issue with communication is perception. Perception allows for two people, given the same information, to reach different interpretations in meaning.

• The two most common perception issues are Selective perception, and closure.

• Selective perception allows individuals to take notice of information that is familiar with personal beliefs and values and ignore information that may be contrary to those values or beliefs.

• The best way to eliminate the problems of perception is through, precise, detailed communication.

• Explaining in detail will eliminate most but not all communication barriers.

• All communicating between employee and customer can now be more precise as the employees now have an exact definition of what should be communicated.

• I truly believe that without a functional formal communication channel, as well as upward, downward, and horizontal communication, a company cannot even hope to effectively communicate with customers.

• Be mindful of these facts and your communication between customers will be more easily translated throughout the feedback chain and hence more easily converted into action.

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MOTIVATION• Motivation is defined as the set of forces that initiates, directs, and makes people persist in their efforts to accomplish a goal.(Williams)

• Motivation though is so much more than a simple literary definition.

• Motivation in itself is a massive force and indispensable tool, that when used correctly will empower your staff and organization as a whole.

• Motivation can be divided into three categories; Initiation of effort, Direction of effort, and Persistence of effort.

• However, motivation is only one part of what is required for Job Performance.

• Motivation will be one of the core values that embody our organization.

• Motivation will be a pillar in our teachings as we strive to develop true leadership abilities.

• Motivation is frequently used by management to increase productivity and, in some cases, allow your work force to accomplish extraordinary goals which may ordinarily be an impossible task.

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TEAMWORKTeamwork: A collaboration between managers and non-managers, across business functions, and between companies, customers, and suppliers. (Williams)

• Teamwork is essential for any business.

• Teamwork when combined with customer focus and customer satisfaction is also known as Total Quality Management. (TQM)

• We will challenge our staff with exercises requiring teamwork.

• Challenges will be competitive in nature to increase inner team collaborations.

PLANNINGPlanning: Determining organizational goals and a means for achieving them. (Williams)

• Planning is an integral part of management.

• Planning is known as one of the Four Functions of Management.

• We will use all aspects of planning in the training of our staff.

• We will incorporate operational, practical, and strategic planning models.

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• According to Williams, “Social responsibility is defined as, a businesses obligation to pursue policies, make decisions, and take actions that benefit society.”

• Only 3% of top global executives admit that they do a sufficient job when it comes to social responsibility. (Williams)

• I intend on breaking the mold and defying the industry standard on social responsibility.

• All staff will be familiar with both shareholder and stakeholder models.

• All staff will be proficient in all aspects of social responsibility including; economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary.

• Social responsiveness will also be incorporated into the curriculum.

• Williams defines social responsiveness as, “A company’s strategy to respond to stakeholders economic, legal, ethical, or discretionary expectations concerning social responsibility.” (Williams)

• Trainees will be expected to build their own social responsiveness model for real world scenarios. Emphasis will be on utilizing the proactive strategy. Our staff will also be fully educated in Environmental accountability.

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Emotional IntelligenceAND


EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE• Emotional intelligence is an integral part of being a leader.

• Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize your emotions, understand what they’re telling you, and realize how your emotions affect people around you. (Mindtools)

• Daniel Goleman is the psychologist who developed the framework of five elements that define emotional intelligence as self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills.

• Staff will be familiar with the Goleman framework


• The Balanced Scorecard is a great way for management to increase performance.

• Williams defines the balanced score card as, “the measurement of organizational performance in four equally important areas: finances, customers, internal operations, and innovation and learning.” (Williams)

• Staff will be able to effectively apply the balanced score card method.

• Staff will also be able to detect areas of sub optimization.

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REFERENCES"Developing Strong People Skills." Emotional Intelligence. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Mar. 2016.

Williams, Chuck. Principles of Management. 8th ed. N.p.: Cengage Learning, 2015. Print