Download - Manage Xilinx ISE 14.5 licence for Windows 8 and 8.1


Manage Xilinx ISE 14.5 licence for Windows 8 and 8.1

STEP (1) Follow below path and find two .dll files.

STEP (2) Now, make a copy of “libportabilityNOSH.dll” file into same directory.

So there are three files

1) libportability.dll

2) libportabilityNOSH.dll

3) libportabilityNOSH_copy.dll

Rename “libportability.dll” as “libportability.dll.orig”.

Then rename “libportabilityNOSH_copy.dll” as “libportability.dll”.

STEP (3)

Copy “libportabilityNOSH.dll” file and paste below location.

So there are two files

1) libportability.dll

2) libportabilityNOSH.dll

Rename “libportability.dll” as “libportability.dll.orig”.

Then rename “libportabilityNOSH.dll” as “libportability.dll”.

STEP (4) Now Start Xilinx ISE 14.5

For Licence,

In Xilinx License Configuration Manager go to "Manage Xilinx Licenses"

Press "Copy License..."

Use "xilinx_ise.lic" from Crack Dir.