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Page 1: Making DPS

Double Page Spread16/01/14I placed a black box on both pages and turned the opacity down to 28%. Lowering the opacity allows me to have the text above it still be clear and readable whilst not making the box appear too harsh and obvious.I used the font “Dirty Headline” in a size 14 for my stand first. As for the text on my article, I used the font “Alte Haas Grotesk” in a size 8. I made the questions and the initials of the band members’ names bold to show the separation between them and the answers. Finally I made the font colour white because it contrasts against its darker background, making it clear and readable for the reader.

Page 2: Making DPS

17/01/14I finished writing out the complete interview and arranged the layout of the text accordingly so that it would all fit in the box.

Page 3: Making DPS

23/01/14I added a dropcap by increasing the font size of the first letter in the introduction paragraph. I also made this stand out by changing the font colour of it to red, along with other bits of information that I wanted to highlight, like the band’s name in the standfirst and the pull quote at the end of the article.

I added two black boxes above the article for the two lines of text that will be my headline. I changed the opacity of all the black boxes to be 30% so that it is a bit darker and can contrast with the text more. I used the font “Broken Detroit” for the headline.

Then I added the page number at the bottom right. Like in my Contents Page, I placed a white bar across the bottom and had the page number in red. Then I also added the magazine’s website to the right of the page number in the font “Dirty Headline” and highlighted the website name by making it red and the other parts of the text black.

Page 4: Making DPS

27/01/14I added the by-line at the bottom right corner of the article with the font “Alte Haas Grotesk” and made the name in it bold and the other text regular.

I also changed the pull quote and changed the accent colour of the page to a deeper red so that it stands out more.

Lastly, I changed the size of the band’s name in the standfirst to 14 so that it is the same size as the rest of the standfirst and just stands out through its colour rather than its size as well.

Page 5: Making DPS

27/01/14I moved the by-line to the bottom right of the first page and added a caption above the page number.

I lowered the opacity of the caption text to 70%. Because the text is in white and the bar below it is also in white, I wanted to somehow separate the two pieces of information. Lowering the opacity of the text allows me to separate the two pieces of information while prioritising the white bar, which has the page number and magazine website, rather than the image caption.

Page 6: Making DPS

30/01/14After printing out my double-page spread, I have decided to increase the size of the drop cap to 30. This left a big empty gap underneath the standfirst and introduction, so I’ve split up my introduction to two separate text boxes which allowed me to move the first text box, containing the first two lines, higher up to fill in the unnecessary empty space.

Also, I have made certain parts of the text italic such as band names and song titles that they mention in the interview.

Page 7: Making DPS

13/02/14For my final, finished, Double-Page Spread I removed the box behind the headline and applied a drop shadow on the text instead. I think this design feature not only looks better, but it also allows the text to stand out more as it looks like the dark shadow outlines the letters. I also applied a more subtle drop shadow on the pull quote to make it look like it has been outlined.

I had to shift everything slightly higher, because when I printed it out, it cut off part of the bottom of the page close to the bar with the page number. In addition to this, I also added the page number on the left-hand side of the double-page spread.

Because of the light background behind the by-line, I had to change the font colour to black to contrast its new background. I also slightly increased the opacity of the black boxes behind the article content to make the writing clearer and stand out more.